HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENTISSUE DATE PLAN?UNG & DEVELOPAoNT smvwn Enffling & Code Compliance Division "U'ILDING PERMIT 8L CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT SCANNED BY Lude CCU* tT pay imme/individual Name) the lec- r , -y / (Type of Trade) For the roject located at It is project, filing ,C- have agreed to be Sub -contractor for 6<2 V A a -e c e, er /0,10^ e,,-2, TC'a s/� (Prim Contractor) Street Address or Property Tax ID #) 'ood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned Building and.Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the Change of Sub -contractor notice. State ofFlori a, County I The forego' iustrument was signed before me this day of who is person 'I known —Kor has produced a as identificati I . Signature of R atam Pnhlle STAMP U- 41tA.TOPK- SIGNAT (Qualifier) PRINT. COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of fb' Vf- The foregoing instrument was signed before mthise da of ( byA�ll�ld F ll`CO V �71 who is personally known -V--or has produced a as identification. STAMP Signature ofNotary Public Print Name ofNotsryPublic ) P isa ' "" LAU " Ft: t:U�6EQtiE gig "'n FF 97E543 rRevised 11110 16 20?e y � ExPires:Ot:tober21, 2020 %H,�, eo>t�enwrroyFemuau;rsaoauitols w ! F r Aw . YOVIONOW-Plurbbing Oervi , Inge su-OOMmmi ' rev. Wynn@ VouelopMe t' ....,..................................................... :m �'� 1> �� with tb.@ abow I! *wrw . CIDAAt>i' s I IuaM Nwo_..: . ROOM UOp"' d At �BFI��+ i91HA AB St. Luld� t/ Rwm# )b@fRFBW!& fbj6 \O ' 4 of . F #&9 �FAl1!►R6 !_ __ l9 �3,�&Fa4914A� own yr -9� �3 p8odW40 =� WAM uuu, DOROTHYANN BASKIN Vs,+s MY GOMMISSI.ON # GG 030145 ,� ' ' EXPIRES: bctober2, 2020 Bonded td6tery Public Undalwliters UAW Rhoda. Uffft.: . �f4At�@A9S9�?$9dAF;�'7�A�1I1lC .�. _ I 046A; ,FF r't PERMIT# ISSUE DATE PLA NIN•G ;& DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division )3UX-DYNG`PE9Mrr SMI-C'ONTRA&OR AGREEMENT omfort Control. oT St. Lucie; County, In-c. have agreed to'be (Company NamelIadividuai. Name) HVA,C Sub=contractorfbr W .nne Development Corp. (Type of Trade) 2 (may Contractor) to project located at '(Project Street Address or i<v;p-i ty Tax #) It is understood that, if there is any change of status. regarding our participation with the above mentibned . proff '�ct, the wilding and Code.Regalationt Division of St. Lucie -County vAll be advised pursulant, to the film of a Charge of Sub -contractor notice. 1 b b $tate Thet who is asides Lvle W i RTMCATI[ON Ni<7MPA COU114l" Y' CERT]W ATION NUMBER a, Coltu of +��� t`�. tY. � state±of Florida, Cotittty of,�,_ , IAStram.ilat`��iWAS sthed before me this stay of The fifaregoing instrument was signed before me thit�.y of �200�b/y Illy known V or has produced a who is personally known has prodaeed A as identification, STAlV>p• STAMR r abbe Signature ofNotary Pnbl TN ��-Y nld 46-49KIrJ iloRoTtl y �NA/�ia Vote ';Y'�ibYit Print Name of Notary`Pubffc DOROTHYANN BASKIN 5 MY COMMISSION#GG030145 DOROTHYANNBASKIN EXPIRES: October 2, 2020 ? ; MY COMMISSION # GG 030145 Bonded Thru:Notary Public Underwriters � EXPIRES: October 2, 2020 �•,' FCor' .Bonded Thru Notary.Pubiic Underwriters • Revtaed nyfe/2016 III L66-dJ�000/Z000d tLO-1 999L8L8ZLL dA00 8uiplin8 auuAM -Wodd 9L:ZL 9L 64-ZL rold ihie Obove.. ec se f.pursawt...... "ofe d' lo f Dif -�-j �siw L mo EXPIRES: Odtober 2,2020 ",',13orded-Thrukot4q.publicqr4Mdm DOROTHYANN IAIKIN -0 GG 030145 MY COMMISSION A., C-1j;j SrAW DOROTHYANN BASKIN MYCOMMISSION#GGi 130145 EXPIRES: October 2,2020 "ryPub'io--U*mmm-