HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0150 .,., .. o.N R....r. Ii... 67, 51 ".. r..I1, .....i4a. I 150 l. - ~ ,c.&............. '"---"""~ ~_. .......-.-.- ._-.~- ---- ...- - - 0...;.-",-..... .........&.~.A. ...........Aa............. .........,.&&:1.1.1.....-...... f I f i \ J-. ~ ....... a_ TIII$ INot-:NTURF~ Ua.tt Ihis_. _..._aolh -..----_._........._day of Septtlmhsr__._.........._._____..._ .A. D. 1926._, btt..~n ..... P...... ..._....._ ....____...._... __.._~L~.. . UrbJ_an4 .!u..nte,liulh. A. ..x1r~ .....___ _..___..__ .._..__._....... ___..._.........._.. 01 1M ('...."I)' of ._...._..~~. Lu,ol....._._....... ____ _.___ .... and Slalt" of "'_ rlor1da... . ......... ..part 1.a of Ihc: foul parI, ....1 WIT:-;f.SSF.TII. Ih"l Ihc: ui.1 ",,1188 01 Ih.. fir'l ,..'I. f..r u.1 in nm.~k"'I;."" "f Ih.. 'um 01. ... . Ten Dollar. and ..other J .., Ihc: ('.\tIIlI)' of . I.. A. . TaJlor ...._..._.. ... ......_ 3&1nt Luol.... . and Slat. of . . .. .... ~lor 1da . ... ... part .,.....f Ih. 1<<'''''' ...rt. v~~uabll.oon8Idlratlon p' ........_...I..>llar' ".' 'him ... in h.nd paid. tM nttipI wbtrc:of it be:r.bf a.Ir",.",It<IK<<I. ha VI II:ranlc:d. l~'II:.inc:-.t.. sold and Ira,,,f..nc:d,, and by lhe:se: pr..~" do.. .... gr..nl. barJO(ain. sell ~d Innsfu unlo tM said ....,t ..:t ... of lhe: _"..d l'&rt aM hi. . hc:iu and assixno '."...r, all Ihal c:e:,tain ...r<<1 of la...t l~ifllC and ....inK in 1M Counly of ... Saint. Luo1e .... ar....1 ~Ialf' ..f l1or~da ......... (>articul..I)' dc:...riLc:d a. f"I~,..." . BeglnnlDS 210 toe' .ea\ ot theSQutheaat oorner_ot Government Lot 2,-380t100 10, '-" ..... ... 'rom.hlp 36. Sc>uth. .. ~o_.fee;> .~lJ_'.LtM!\'Q. ,rnP.lfQdh .lQ6.. t.,t i 'rhono'.r1m .z.,.~ .. .... ....._ ..______...~....-.U~t ttO' i.\heno.l .nn~.ouMl_.'o_..\htl..~Qulh. 1.1ne._o.:t..aalcLGov.emDlllIlt..Lo.t.2; ....thano....._._.. _ Wei:t .to :the point ot be81nnl~..8x.o.8pt1ng uthere~om.tha. publ1c...lraat..aa..no...-...-....__... laid ()u ~ aoross 8aid pr9pe:rt.i ......___.____.___,...____...._. _____......_____..__..._..__... __. 3xoept from thll3 Warrant.? ot.\h18..00nVOYaD..o._lIort&asQ.trolD..t..s. lUrb1.1iQ. JOBlPh ___.. W. Knowlee and V10la KQ Kpo~h'..bU.~t'. da~..4J~1.i_2e~b.l~.?J). an4..r.eoor4.d_ -z.? 1n Kortgego Boot "'. pase 56,31;_ Luo1e.Qounty reoorda.1n the lIIloun1iof .36.900.00. bearlng eight per oen, Inter~fI~,,11.Iol1t1lJ,4 1D9:r~gogtL 11 "'R,"4 'by tM.. f1!oQ,n4 perty hereto. TO~f..TtlEk .jlh all Iht' t<"f'.nr~l'~. h('rtl'i'a.mnll~ and 3.PI'urttlQnct" .ith C"Yfry :.ri"il~....~. r,...hl. til'''. Intrt....' ant' ':"alr. _I..wtr ':111(' ria:ht ui d.,,,tr. fY\u.w-.... rf"mJ.indt rand t"3'\cn1l:nt the-frIll Il(>lun~inJf ,.f in 3n)...i\.(' ~JIl<<'rt~inintC: TO 11.\\01-: .\XU TO tln!.u ti.. ~31IH' in ire ~jtl1i.k iorr\"l,'f And Ih. sai.1 (>arl 188..1 lhe: fi"l ,"'rt do. . c..,-nunl ."ith Ihc: said loOn 7 .,; .h. ......,.,.1 (>a,1 11"'1 they are .......~.,,'uny stind ,)1 Ih.. Q;.I I.rc:mi..... thaI I~ au fr<< lrom all incunlhr.mc.. and l!lal the7 have. ...,,-t ri.hl a",1 la.,,',,1 au,ho';ll I., sell lhe: ...",.,; and lhe: ...id ,oOrt 109 oi thc- .~ fir~l p;lrt .10. htnb). iull)l" W'ar:ant th(" ,.tlc- t.) uid bod. .:&.lHI .ill df'fmd thr 4:2m~. ~~in.' l),~ la..ful d.Ai1!u. t"lf ~ft pC'''''"S _1-"'1O,..)('\(r. IS WITSt-:~~ Wflf.kf.Ot-'. lhe: ui<t (>a,1 lee 01 lhe: f".1 (>arl ha va. bc:~unl') oct their ha",I8 .oJ ...al .. lhe: oU)' A:".d )~ar aho,~ \Orill'''. ~q.~. ,..I,d and dc:l;,.r..I in oor !'r....no:: :Freel :Fe. nhel 1. Taylor . .. - ..1 ~. S: l:1rb7 __(M-"jik.t '.. b. Dutil A.~rb7n_~__"_ ~ . , (:,E"II /:'E.\I.\ q.-\TF. OF l'lorlda . cm:XT\' OF Saln~Luol. f- ~ :~ I HEkEl'\' CERTIFY. ThaI on Ihi, 30th .. d~l 0' Jeptembar ____, prrY>N11y appc:arc:d_T. 3. Xlr~y _8J141i1.a_.w1!e. .uuth ..... .Kirby... tn mt' known tOo ~ tht f'tr"lln . ~rlkd in alWI ..b.l rx('cutf'.1 t~ f!\rqroinK c.....\"'~-ar.c~ t'"l _ .A. ..4.. .... _0\. O. 192 6 ... bc:1.,r. m. TB7lor u.and .....raliy ....It''''.Jc:.Igc:d lhe- nC'Colit.n Ih..r...,1 I.. be: 'OU \heir frH' a.:-t ;an.1 dc.-r-t {(Or 1m- U~~ 3"') 1.;Ui"'~~ thrn'in ~lIh-nt'd: ..an:.1 1M said . .....Ru ~h ALK1r'Q.....______..._...._..___. _....._____... . :/ , < 1 '1 1 i 1 the- ."if. 01 Ihc: ",id .... T. .8. X1r:bl. ._ ~.. '... a sc:paral~ and pri<ate: .uminalion I."..." and tr..ad. hr and :,.,I;,r. Mr. and '.."",ralrlf and apart fr..", h~r ..itl ha.hand. ditl .."no,..kd,re: lhal .tIC ",~dc: he:r..li a part)' I.) lhe: nid (~ of C,,,,,r)...no:.. for lhe: puf)>('St ..f rmouncinlt. r.linq,,;.hillll: and conH};nl{ all her r~~hl. lill. and inlernl. ..be:thc:r of tk..... <.r 01 sc:;>aralc: proP<'rt).. Sl~lulory or tqu:~Ir. in a!ld 10 lhe: lar-do Il~re:in dc:sc:ribc:d" and lhal .he ..xc:cutcd .aitl d.c:d Irul)' ~nd ..,lunta,;l,. an.1 wilhoul an)' c"nstraint. I..., .p~r..hr".ion or c:ompul.ion of or I,.,m h" .. id hu\lwld. .n.j <nl al :Fort P1aroCl . in 1M ("ounl)' ui Salnt LlJ.oll ...__. ~ i 1 lhe: .Ia)' an" rrar 10" ~ ',...~i,l. 1~2~ 3the1 ~. 'laylQ:r _Jlo~_t11)llo ISK\I.) On lhi, I J 6th .laf 01 .. OQWb,r ..\.1>. I'I! I) . '111:27 .....1<><" ....M~ Ihi. in.trumenl .".. ] filc:d f<.r r<<ord, and bring dul)' arknowkdxcd and I.r.".n. ( han rc:rurdc:d 1M .am<<: on loan .....1.W .. of 1Io.-~1';{ 67 . _ in lhe: public rrc:ords of said C'lUDly. . IS WITXESSWHl".l(t:OF. ( hue: :"rnmlo kl my haod and aftixc:d 1M seal of 1M ,'iTCUil Courl of the: ""'~ Judicql Circuil of ...id State:, in and for said Counl,.. ./ ! . 1'~ V' '<0'7, .f. Q. j$l4re'.. ..... . ~~~~ Clerk 1>. C. . -:r... ,/., '" f./ ~;.,:i~1~f~/,:~;il~~.:77i~{~;~{. .<:'. . "~' ..';.~. ~..~~~i~~f:!tr.:~-'.:~