HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENTPERMIT 0 ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPNLGNT SERVICES Building & Cone Compliance DiVlsion BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGRF:EDICyT Aeay's Electrical (Company Namel{ndividuil Nam.) the Electrical Sub•contrinciur for 1Type of Trade) 0 R Norton Inc (1'nrmry Contractor) have agreed to be For file project located at �D�0_ Cobblestone Dr. _ (Project Street Address ut Praperi Iae ID fl) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucia County will be advised pursuant to Ilse riling of a Change of Sub -contractor notice, CNIRtCU5I . 'RT Brian W. Davidson PAINT NAME - CRC 1327068 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER — Slate or Florida, Count) of Breyard Tbrfort[oinslntboaamt tons slrnedWort air Ibis 17 da} or July 20 8by flbo It orr.aaally 4nou4 or has produced o II Idenl(lreAl[Ln Iisnatur of salad PuMie rlalNamealNotary Public ory Pubes state of FWr"11% rP t: Sggdia Leo" GG 020251 SUBCONTRACTOR SIUN 1TURE IQuatlrceri Christina Slate PRINT NAML ER13014555 30U13 COU Yff CEFIT I FFiCATION vuitBFR Statc of Flnrlata, Ceuntl or B(eyard l he fortiloiaL Iastrumtnt nas 319ned btrosr me this 17 d3j, of July , I018b) ,.h. it perrondl! kri. s. yr bar prodvetd a / STAMP Si�taa _ fNolary d'ub6t "—'_ Print Name or Notary public . Notary Public Slate of Florida Sand�020251 t' y� c , ' C')mit E-Apir PtcWAiTlI Tssuelmlm �E�ii,161�= PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division benjamin Draw Plumbing (Company Name Individual Name) the Plumbing (Type orTrade) For the project located at BUILDING PER&)IT SUB-CONMCTOR AGREt:t\LENT have agreed to be Subcontractor for D R HORTON INC (Pallury Coalraetor) Cobblestone Dr. (F *Cl Streel Address or Propcny `ra\ IU ) It is understood that. if there is any change orstatus regarding our participation with the above mentioned ptuiecl, ilia Building and Code Reaulation Division orSI. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the riling or it Change orSub•contrscior notice. MWIt 1CTQlt sign \TUR! toaalalee) Brian W_Davidson rRIPTNA►1£ CRO1327066 CnWrrEWt !iCAT r A %laterfutio reaalf of Brevard Taerernambanategtwas lined MfrremalAle 17 pl of July .W1&r Wim h peeraertr tar+a �er Ina pniueed a ..� ter � sc r i'AxA�1ir_ � ♦,.� re�1 if.e. unwh neue "� M+t.d It IV3016 f e Nolary Pui\e Buts of F)61 eta Xor%% Sandra Lccnc-AyColmrr:swnGGo20251 EcpGe•.9 10"D27 suns Yrw�cTou slcfr \' s Benjamin Jimenez CFC1429456 i01lfT\'CiEi►TIFIG\ oltllW aEx Sulerf Fbslde.Crulgj d The fwrtelaltlastrnarel teas slated Aefese 1ac1111 17 at rf July . .fo 1,44_ vUalspnu�sptlurws�, Orhrryettuertte-.---.__ „_„._._ .1fd�ollrt Slaaatate rtrearu r _. _ 5mair rtrel IruaaNeratsq rdk ,trut. Ncory PueUc 5gte of MIW3 tp ffi Sandra LeO+w GG 02C251 Commsfta' ErpreSCBlrtl12020 PERMIT # ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILALNG PERMIT SUB-CONT&-kc I'OR AGREEMENT Florida Breeze (t:ompany Name/individual Dame) the HVAC/ MECHANICAL Sub -contractor for (Type of Tradc) the project located at Cobblestone Dr. treet Addre,s or have agreed to be D R HORTON INC (Pfimary"Contractor) Tax ID`) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation will) the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division orSi. Lucie County will be ad% ised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. r CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE (Qualifier) Brian W. Davidson PRINTN, NIE CRC1327068 COU,NW CERTIFICATION NU&IBER smic of Florida, count,, or Breyard The foregoing instrument seas sitned before me this 17 do) of July ; 24 18by who i3 Persona[$• known X or has produced a as identification. STANIP Sipaturt cr Notary Public Print Name of Notary Publle -- tiSf pc Natasy ps�n;�� .0 of FIC0.1 Sandra 0 ule tsfsed IIiIFv2016 �; t.", m:o:iraGU 020?51 `57C�t SUB• 'ONTPACTOR SIGN, ' RE (Qualirer) Kristen Kelly FRIA7 NA•%I£ .( Cc�,�_____ COUNT\' CERTIFICAT)0!v NUAIHER State of Florida, county or The farraittx instrument was signed before me Ibis 17 day of July s0lsby who Is personally known X or has produced a as Identification. SA srA�Ir Signature of Notary Public Print Name of Notary Public osxf ^v� Notary P.:bll.; Stare of Fi.:rw'a Se:ffdrA I._Rn0 s , o' tap Comm c; on GG 026261 ZP i�f�q�r1 expacu cP/ t2020 PERMIT# I I ISSUE DATE P111,404MG & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division • BU=ING PERHM SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT Treasure Coast Rofloing LLC (Cornpaay NftmaftdividkW Name) ' have agreed to be the Rooling . Sub -contractor for D•R•Horton (Type of Trade) iPiima+y Canftetnr) For the project located at�.c Cobblestone Dr. (Project Street Addrps or PraPftw axT "i It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned Project, the Building and Code Regulation Division ofSt. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. C64TOR SQualltln) — -- SUSCONrRACrO S NA wfiner) Brain W. Davidson Brian Maloney PRLYr NAME rRtrfT NAM CRC1327068 t:ourrry CERr Wrb.070,1 bnn�ER Sate of Florida, Coroe r of Btrlyard The fiMobe= lertrnoteal war dptd before we this 7 day or July 201br wbo Of pe soaellyhnowo a er bat ptodoced s as idesQaea�1�� 51IIatluetarAlahrtrhsae """" STADtP �Sahc�a l.�oh2 rrietPlaae ortYa@ary ral7k CCC1330653 COUNTY "ng"4CAI A`f MiMiIER State orFlortde, County of ,yam The form tatuoewal wm O feed btron tan M 7 der or Jul--- y 20� by whe It pettioesny bonW0 %t orhu pndoad w �a IdeallBee!leo.. STAMP SkehlnteotNeraryPaLr1` e"�"" . "`• &406-a Leone Prbat Nan or Notary roblk PctGCC We 01 Fiorlda bL °4 Notary Pue Stale of Swida so ('lately Sandra Leone ttcrital I ; Sandra Leone ; C N �,� My conum"loe GG 020253 s MyeanmkeionGG020251 0o,ne Ee,-uetOtUt012020 of»� jpjMjo8jjUW20