HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0155 155 \\,AllUIITY Dill!) 0.... ....... II.. U, 51. I.torio ('ou\J', n.ri<Io. ____- J..........._ .._.___ - __Li- f t '(IIiS lNnF.NTURF~ ).fade: Ihi. no P"'__ ~@!\j _.._..____.......__.day of .___.... __. :ieplallller..__._......_.P..__ _..._______oA. D. I92A__.. bc:twc:c:n _ II ~... () .JQl'&Ona.np.and-AnnJ.a.Jl........Ior8enaen.,._ba.w.1D____._____ .~--'-_...._.._._. ___ __..____ of Ih~ C'lWIly of __...:.- .~, ....1.~oltt..._.._.__.___...._.___..and SlalC of. ..- .......llorl4a ......... ..--.. _.. P............_... ...part 1 as of the: fint ~rt,. and .P........O..P.IJ, .....hI!lo.d ___.....____........_._...____.._...___......_.__.__...'" ... 'P,' 'n" .._ _ ... _....... ...._.._......_.. ..........___..._..__.__....____ ~t. Luoie ... ...... . ." ..po. ~"d Slale: of ... l'lor ida .. . parI ., ... of lhe: s<<ond pa,I, ..f 1M ('oonly of \\'ITNt-:S."F.TII. tlUI 1M ui.1 parties 01 1M firsl ....rl, f..r :....1 in ......id...I;.... ..f 1M .um of Ono ])011&1' and other ....... n' _...._._._ \} 1 's 1 j ] 1 ! :, ___....!Il!ua\)18. 0~n.ld8ra\1QD......_._______.._._.P.......__.uau 1<' them.p in h:.nd paid. Ihe: rcuipt .hmof is Mrc:by acl",,,wk<fltc:d. ha Y... gTantc:d. harllainc:d.. iolel and lran.fe:rrc:d. aDd by lhe:sc: "r~sc:nts 00__..... 1Il"1Ilt. Nrlain. ~ and Innsf.. unto lITe ..id pa,t ..~_ of the: srcOll<t part and _.... !t.t~..... ... h~.. and usic'" lore:ftr, all that cUlain parc:c:1 of bn.1 I)inl( and btinG in 1M Counly of_. . ._... S.~. _IiQ.Q 11._.______.______ .nd SI:.I. "I.. . norlda .mnre: ~'IKulacty dc:scribc:.t u follo.s:.._._...._...._._.._..... .____.__...P.. Lo.t.~.~J,gbl JS)enf1l:\nl. hLofp.1UQ.Clk_.2.ol..~.per.Plat.of 1Ih1t~ 01t.., _de .b7......-...--.. ___ _.._._17~;U.Q...~.bOtD.o:f.. Aprl1..J..i.O.7_in .SeollOJ1-.4..Townablp~-Sout.h". R.ng. 40 Baat.--..-----____ r eo or de d .i~_.Rl~tJ~.o. Q~..1_.laae.._21_.il.e..ao.rda_JlL.s.t......LUCli.e_.C.oun ~ y...~~or-1da... ____.......... ......_....._._______.(M>~.1 ..B... .:ltampCano. l------.......... ...._ ... ., ., .< .; ~ t l ~ 1-; And ~ said lo1rt .1.08..1 lhe: firsl pari do..___.. c:oTCnar.1 ..ilh Ih~ ...~I ,""I '1 . ..llhe: '<<....d ,...rl :\>"1 . 'hoy are .. b.. f ull~' ..-iTc:d 0 I Ihe: said 'j ., !1 ~1 ;,~ ,'. L1 q TOGETHER _itb all th~ tmnnnlh. Iwrt'diurM11h and appurtm.&nus. ...ith t'l"('ry t.n~il<<'1:..'. rit.:ht. tlt!('. illt('u-.l ~n.1 c~bt('. .t....c r .1...1 ri;.:ht uf tlf...rr. r~\,tuion. r<mai",kr zlld ca\Cmc:n1 thcrtlO bc:\onj:inK or in anywise: appntaininK: TO 11.\ \'1-: .\X f) TO tlO1.l1 lhe: s.amc: i1l fc:c: .im"l. jNn". f \ prc:mi_ th.1 IMy arc: free: Irom all incun.bru.c:c:s and thaI. __ they. hal'e__l:.,.'" r;Khl and 1...",1 aulhorily I., .c:ll 1M ...me:; antI rhe: .aid ,.arti e8.. .... 01 the: fi"l poUI do.._.. h.re:by lally warranl Ih~ lille 10 uid land, ....d ..ill &Ic:nd Ihe: ...me: 'K.in'l lhe: I.wlul cuim. oj all pcr..,", "....m........cc. ~ :i IN \...IT~ESS WtlEREOF, the: said pUl1.ea 01 1M fiut pilrt haft. h.reulll...<I their Inn.! 8 >.nt\ ...,,1 B. lhe: da)' and ye:.. abo.-e .rille:n. ; ~ ~J ! ~ t4 Signc:d. sc:alc:d and de:linrc:d in our prtKDCC: H. B. Lus!1 . Barbflra ~eny l ~ ..; H. c. JOrgl)D8on _... ....__.._.. .._(SEAt.) Annie II. JOrgenS8Il.__. ______ ___(SEAl.) .' /. t.. I' I: p j.; !' STATE OF Florida 3t. Luolo (,O{l~TY OF I tlERt-:IlY CI-:RTlF\". ThaI.... Ihi. 220;1.. .. .. _day ..L..._. .__. ~~ptell!:ber ..__.__....___ -----^. D. Iql._~~ tltlor., me: pc......,aliy aw<-afM }1._9._~.0.~g~~~~!u!nd ~..)I,_.Jol"gftnQ.en. _hlBw!:!e u... ..._.__._.. :' 10 me: kno'.n, 10 he: Ihe: (>c:r....n. dc:.nibc:d in and ..ho e:xttUI.d the: forrgoinjr CCClYC)-anc:e: 10 _.______.._______.___ o. H. A\lill1liead '._.__ ...u_._ __ .____aDd K....Uy ackno..kdl\ct! lhe: e:.,<'Culi..n lhe:r....f 10 ~ .t h.1;Jl 1"._ fre:. act l~ :.nd ,1.....1 I..r lhe: ""s a,.1 r,url~'~' Ihc:re:in mt1il'....c:d; _I lhe: ~;.I .. __.._. Aml1.e._~..Ior&Ona8D.____.___. 1M ..itc: "f lhe: .aid 11. Q. J orgenBan ... _ ._.... .__u.___......___.__.____ _ ._._... _u._......."" a sq>a"lc and prinle: e:uminati.>n lahn anoJ n.ac:l(' ")' an.1 Id..r. 10... and 'e:pauldy aad apart I",m he:T said hasbancl. dsd ackno.kdce: th.tl sIw =dc: hc:rsc:lf a "art)' 10 the: uid Dttd 01 Con'-9-ancc:, fOT lb.: p"rpo~ of rtn....ocing. rc:li~.qui,hi,,1C .nd ct>nyC),n;t all hc:r rfllht. 1It1e: and inkrul. whc:the:r 01 dower or of separale: property. .taluwry or c:qu,ublc:. UI and 10 the: lands lhe:rtin dc:""ibo:4, and Ih.1 sh" u<<Ulc:d .aid :;c:c:d freely and yolunlarily and withOUI any c:or.suaint" fear, apprcMnsion or compul'K>n 01 OT irom he:r said hlUband. (/ .I . .... <tal at. _. u...._. ...flor.Qt... _.______ ,__._..in 1M Counly ul...... ..... ;U._ L.ucie..... ______._.___ ____ ~ i -- - --.-. - -... - - - - ------- r. c. ~ldr.4. -alerk _.__ l\zll.B. l.n.),. _1l_c.C.. .u . (SF.AI.) ;1 I, :0 a O' ~ 'I .l 1 ~ .. l! ::t J 1 n 'j ~l i ~ ~ ~ ~ 'I \\'lT~F.SS '_0.1 .!ignalore: and official and Slale: .>~lor1d... . I . ( OInk' 8 Se81. ~-----\- --.--:---- --. ~-:-~ .----------- --- STATl': UP~f.ORIDA. } COMly 01 No f.ucic:. '-- - lhe: clay and )..... IUI alore:said. Un llri. 8th da)' 01 Oo1iobor :\. Il. I?.:!J).. .. .19: 49. o'cloclr J.. M., lhi. inslrurmnl was filc:d fOT rc:c<.rd" and 1><;"11 cia')' ack......I..IKC<1 ....1 !,ronn. I ha.-~ rc:c:ordc:dlhc: saI'M on pa,;c. 166 . _.. of Boolr '. J?'l.._ ....1 in 1M (>ULIic: rc:cords "f said Com>ly. ~l"",~ IN WIT:-:,oss WHP.kF.OF. I ha.e: hc:re:unlo .... my hand and aJlillc:d the sc:aJ "f 1M Circuil CO'Jrt "I lIw.f'lffiiinh Jadic:ial urcait of said Stale:,. in and ror said Coanly. / , I "{t. P. c. ~Ct. Ct. _:00}.. "'~~- ~ ~. (.\ ..~lut.4..__.._______.___aulr. ~~ . ._.D. C. I I ! \.9.; ; :rA\;~~;~:?i~~:; g3:~i!fr5~: . ... ....~>..:.~:::~.:.~~~i:~;;.~~:~;;{~~1-~