HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0170 170 0.... ..<,>rd S,,- U, SL I,oorio ('-'I, FloriJ.. _ a - - --~ - ~~~_...... -.- ~.___.~""-_. ~_ "'-...~_. .._ w ~ ~ TillS INOF.STlllUo:' )hde Ihis._...__._..__8ilh__..___._. .day of..__..__. SepteJabu-.-----._..___. ~. D. 192 ~ ._. bn<<tftl .... -...... ..... ..........._..__..._______'-.tJT~._L_.laun4.r...an4._llu.th...~.....3aunu~... -h1... w1.f...--.----.-........-..--..---.. or tM C(oanly 01.._...___...3&1nt .J,UQ1. ...._....._..___.... ___ ,... and Slale: of ... ...._,._. Ilor1u.... .. ... ..............._____.._....parl 1.'1 uf IlIt Gut patl. ~nd '..J.~lrk oo~poraUoD.. a oorporaUoll..X1at1Dg. undar..\he lau of the Stal. of.. 1'101'14&, -and hav1D8 1 'a ,r~nl~;~~IY ~~~O!aY!t b!:t~y:a.. In...~~~. and SI.lc: 01 ... ..'101'14&.... .... '''_'' ............. pln7. _ of 1M _..nd ",'I. WITSF.$~ETIf. 1h:l1 Ilw ..id partie. ..I Ilw fir't part. rnr And in con.;.I~nli,V\ "f Ih. lum 01.. .... ten DollarD and other 80l)d ~~....!al.uab~. . oonal cl,ra ttOQI._....._....... ..____..._ ___ DDJt ti.. th8DL..in hand paid. 1M rc:tti1'1 .lwrtof is hmby aclrno..k.lg...l. J ha 'fa. lrunlt<J. barpincd. sold and transr.rrt<J. and by IMS", pre:...." do... ....... !lran.. bar~ain. sell and Iransf~r unlo 1M SAid par~.___ 01 Ihe: sc:c:"..d rart and 1 tll...8~".~.~1J...0.r.~ t 2p an,J a..;xn. f..rc:nr, all lhal <<rlain parcd of hnd Iyinll an,llwinll in 1M CounlY nl.... . .....~a.1n~.. l,1;1,.o.l'............ .",1 Sial. ..f . '10r14a ,...... '''1flicularl)' tkscril...1 as r"I~,.s:._.._...._.... ...... '_".m .. ..........._... B081Dnlng 160 fld hat 0:tth8~outh.e.' oorner of Lot 571n lIar.villa SubdlvleloD . ot SIQUOD21. !ownahlp 36 aoulh9..Bango.,O....,....aooord1D8to a.p.l.'.ot-aa1d.8Ub- .._ ,_.. .....dl~,1lJloD :r'oor.cl.... 1~ .pl,.~...~OO~......P'-8, ..~J~.....0_1_..tb..e_...~~~.t... L!-l.QIQ.Coun.ty_ :r;e.9.~!."!... 'being .._______.. ....po ~\...Mlere_ 'h...~\l~h.b.2.g,p~I.Q..t-"~_1.9L~p.. te.r,@.o.l'_~M_.!~'~....lt9~~ 0 ~_ ..l~.__ .. ___ ..n fooi .~;l'7 i... thenoe Ko r:\hg~.1...e.~ i_..~~~().~....lI.'.~. ..~ ~L1e.'~i._~l:1eI.1.()~~9J!.~lL~5 _1~~.t; _... ~henoe ..~~...t. 2.0.. f,et to plaoe _ ofb,glpnlng~.___._..___.._._____. ...._.___. ......_.______................_n. . hoe;.Ung :trOll ~J118. oonve1'o.Jloe . .\118.. r"&M. o.~. ~.1'...o1_D~cl.l._~1QQ'. ~l"'..7.i__tJ._~c:t_.fI\\b.Je..o.~.... to Uen8 and enoumbranoes of ~e~orcl.__.__._...... _._..._..._........_._..._..__..._.__.............___.... , , ! i i I I i , t ~ ; j AllO ImbJ80\. to li25 genera1... Bpeo1a1. an4dralnaao.1iaxeBL..m... TOGETHER .irh all lh~ ltr.("r11('nt.... hrrl'diu.l1lfllt~ an.) alllpUrtrnancr".. .ilh f'\'rr~' ,,",iJt-:.!:... ri:."ht. lidf'. ihtC'1'if" 3.1111 t.'fatC'. d....ur .:and fa.:ht "f (J..''A"tr. f('mail"k, :and ..a.~n1('1I1 "h"rd.. td~la(illJ( ur in ~nl.iqo ~rt~inin~: TO It__\\"": _-\~u T() IIOLU tM ~a.1Dt' in fN' "im..lf' fort\"tf. r('~-c.-rC!~""_ i , , . < ...1 I I And th.. saj,t ~rtleB", Ih. firsl 1...1 do C'Ow.",nt ,..ith Ih.- '1;..1 ,00rt1' (.r Ih~ ....ond I...t Ih.1 they are ...b,..fully ...;..d or lh~ ...;,1 1 prc:mi..... lhat IMy u. rroc: fr"m a\l il><"umhuncc:. an.t lhat. ... ~hQhave _ ",>u<l ri"hl ,,,,,I b.d." "uthurilY In ..II Ih. ,1m<<:: an.1 th. .aid ,.an le8 "i ll.~ fir'il part do.___. hereby full)- warrant l~ h!!l' t.) ui.J bod. and will dt'frnd tht" s.an'i(' aK~i1'~1 the 1.a..il1) cbim~ (,f .:all ~ry)fl~ \l"bt,.n'O("tr. IN WITNESS WHEWEOF. th.- said part 188 of Ih.- firel pan h.V....._ h.-r....nl,' ""I 'hell' h.."d 8 "nd ",,"I. . tlw <by alld )'ur abo~e: ,.. r ;".... s~.....l. .."Ic:d "nd dc:lhc:n<l in oor I.r..ma:: ~rl. ~!,-'1aher B.. C. POJ-ter. I Rerl'7 !. Saunders Ruth W. Saunders I~I-:.-\I.I I SE.\f.1 \ ., -; '. ., ., ; -~----- ------..----.. - --~ ---------- - --------- - - ------- --------- -..- ---- STATE m' . .. J'10r1a.. ("OUNTY of.Salnt Luo1tf v "1 ~ f HERERY CF.RTlFY. That on thi. _ <by "I S,phllllor.... .._p________A. D. 19! 6._. bc:ror~ me: I'<'r....ally appnrc:d . . PeTT1.!. . iiaunder....a.n4..~uth..I.. Saunderll.. hi. . wi fe "d,,,_p_.. .._. ._P____ 10 I1\<' knnwn 1<> lw th. 1'<'...." a ......riOCd in aM ..h" u~cul<>J Ih.. forfllQing .on".,yaIKe: t" . p...... _..r.. J .:Dirk .CorpOra\lOD....._.. . .. ..and .......\ly aclmowkdJl:t<f 1M ~",culi.", I....rcuf I" t... .. th 01 l' frff' art .n.1 d<<d fur 1M u<<. and ""'I........ IMr~in mc:nh....ot<l: .and 1M ...;'1 .. ... Hui b ..W. JJaun4ar8 .....____.._p... '_'. .......___.. "__'_'___ . th. wH. (.r I"': ",,, ........ '.P .. p'err'1 .!. Saunder, ..._._.._..... . _..... ...... . . . on " ........1. and p:iUlc cu,ninaliu,. I.~n "nd """d<' tor :o::.! hd...., mc:. al'd ~,.tc:ly and a,.:arl Ir"m h.. ..id hulband. diof :OClrfK'W~e: th.1 ,he: mad<' herself a parly In Ih.- oaid Dud "f t."nn)"ncc. for tM purpow 01 r.n""",;;..:. rclinqu;,hino: and w!\n)'n[o! "II..... riltht. titl. :ODd int.r..t. .hc:thc:r of d<,.... or 01 scv:o,al.. ,,,'.ny, ,,>tutory or cqu::a!>l~. i" an<I to th.. land. t....r.in &saiLed. and I~t sM .uculc:d ...id dttd {<<<I)" ~n" ,'oluIlI...il)' and ..ithotol an)' constraint. f..a,. apl>,.he:nsion or c:uml>uhioo of <:r fr..... h<r ",id husband. WITIoiF.SS my s~Iur. and olT",..1 <MIl 2t . J'or\R1Iro.._... in Ih.- ("....nl)" ..f saint :Luo ie,....._. :ond SIal. ,,( ~~.~ B.P. S8 - - - ---------- --- _.- - 1M .hy and ynr la" "f..r<<ai.t. .' . ~ L. Te44er . _u ..u _.. I ~F."r.) -~--=-==-1!o ~m_ t.h. ~~ot _'lor13-.' Large. UJ Coaml.eloD Izplre. Sept. 13. 1929. ST.-\TI-: OF F"ORI.D^. Counly of SI. '-i.IXI<. / On Ihit._ ."'~ ~ day...r Ootober .\. I) If I! 6 . al 9: 66 ....ctor".... M, Ihi. inSlr.:",..,.t w~, tilc:d for ruord. and bcina duly arlrn....k<!ltc:d and I,r"""ft>. I haTe: rc:c:ordc:d the "",.,.. r... paj(C:. } "': 17001 800k67. ,.. _ _.. in th.- ,...!.lie r<<ords of ..id Counly. - '-. :U.4t IS WITSESS WJn'.RF.oF. I~n Iwr.nnto Id my hand and ~rd the: oc:al of lhe Circuit Cuurt of lhe,. WaMMh Joo....1 Grcuil of said Sta~. in and {<>r said COiIfIly. . . \ . \ \ I O:~. Ct. ~eal; / ~,' l' t'r:,. <<01(, ., <..t P.O.iQ~.I.. ......_..,_... ~~~ . Cl~rk. J. I .: j ! ~ :1 , ~(~(. V#'q .u. c. ::: ::;:.~:;/~q;;,~,:;~};'~;,~%t.;~ '(