HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0171 171 'l\'A.UNTY DIU) DoN 11-.1 N", ". 51. 1._ ('-I:r. n>ti.la. , ! , , THIS IN[)Jo:NTURF~ Made: Ihit..__...._ _..~jlL.______._day of ._____...__.8ap.tftllbe1'--__.._._..____.__A. D. 192._.IL, btt.c:c:n .... .........._.. ..._.1'...'!L~~lu...Jl4,Jl1._w1t.. ..-1..J1Q_1luUu--__..~___.. ._..._ '__ ____.___._ 01 lhe: Coonl)' of ...__J!.iJl~.J!"Ql0___.___.____....and Slale: oL..._.....-'lorl4a._..._..._..... ___... .,........____....rJ!Hi!. of the: first ~rt. and ... ..._................. ... . ...Sl'Ph.en..l.... ..~.a4.o.....__._... _....._.....__.....__.___._____.__....... . .... ...__... _._____....._ ...._._...__.__....._...________ ..f Ib ('onnt). ..1 ... 5a1D.' J.uole ..........-....-... ....._ "_'.._'. and Slale: cf ....... ...... .._...'lQr14a. """_" _._... ...... parll... of Ihc: sc:c:..nJ parI. I; '. WITSES:;I:TII. lhal II... ..;.) ,.ar1 IG8 of 1M first (>"1. ror anti in c:on.idc:r'lion ..r Ihc: .unl of. . 'fon})Qllara. and o1ihBr.___.___.. _...__..._~~luabl._9.0~.1,4'r...t 1,QD......._._...____________.......... 10.. him-.. in hand paid. 1M rtc:e:ipt wMrc:of ;S Mr.by acknowlc:dlc:<l. haYe .. gTanlc:d. har!lainc:d. soM .nd Inml.rrc:d. aoJ by lhose: p'...nts do .B. _ granl, t..rpin" s.tl and Iran.l.r unto 1M said pa,t~. __ of Ihe: srcond part and 111.,_ .. ....hc:i.. an.i assign. lorty~r, aU lh.tl c'rl~in ",r<<1 or bnd lying and bc:inK in Ihf u;unly I.f. . _ ... '. st. .Luo.1a_.. ___._._____.._....._ aoJ SUIe: or .. ..~19~1.4~ .morf parliculul)' d~tc,;bc:d a. fol:ow.:__.__...___ ..... ...._._ . ..---........:.....- ...LO.\..''- 1D. >>u.kaU' B.r8~.8U.bd1.Y.ia1on ..o.L..Bloolt..2, ...PortPleroe... Ilorlda. .aD abo1lD.._ ..___ _____.........._.~y.~h.pla~_..:?~ _~~..i!,_~!~.!I..~_c!J._! i8~on_Q..~..x~9.~:r:.~..J._~L~h~ .9ff.1,o~ ..of.. t~e_ gJe..~~_o...L__ ._ th e Og~_~.i.!3~.Q.~_t..Q.f._~m'.J~o.1..LQ2.1lID.~..._llor_1.D...-1Il.})~D.t_..b.Oo.k....a.a-_llD~. . __.__..!t? ..QQ_I.L,R.!._~.\fl!!UL~_fWQ !L._ .:......_....... ~, TOGETHER ..ith all th(" ttM'mtut~. h(rcdit~mmh and .appurttn&nCC'J. .'ith (".....1'). pr:\]f'YC". ri~h!. titlt'. intcu...t ;and ('sutc. dn-~ur :tn.1 right ..i do.,lI('r. rt\trsion. rtnuindc:r ~rJd c:as~mml lhor<IO ~inK or in anr"isc: ~ppc:ruininx: TO H.\VE ASH TO 1l0l.fl II~ .~_ in Irt .impl~ l"r~Hr. u And Ih. ..id part lea of Ih. fi"l ~rt d"........... ronn~nl wi,h IIw- ..i.\ pari y . ", Ih. ......"'t! 1'.,1 lJuI ~heJ' are... .l..lully ~~ 01 1Iw uid pn:mi..,.. lhal lIwy are: frc:c: from ~Il incumbranc~. and lh.tl . .the,. ha'Ye -_.l('>Od ri~hl .nd 1....lul authorilY to ..Illl~ '"me:; ~nd Ih~ sai.) pard.e.. ..._ 01 IIlC' first part do.___. Mrc:by rally warranl the: litle: 10 said l.nd. and win ddttld Ih. ;:ome: altai"'1 Ih. I:1..rul cl..irm of all ""rso'" _"'.m....,...r . . IN WITNESS WHERF.Of, 1Iw ..,id ;>"ll.1l8. of the: f,rst parI h.t.VJl.... h.r~unl" .<1. their l..ml8 .uwl ,...~I 8, IIlC' d3)' ~",I )'.ar aoo"e: wrillc:n. Signc:d. sc:alc:d and dc:linrc:d in DOIr prtKr.ce:: Walter Il.. aogera B. 1\. "allaee. l Pa11l ll.w.ler JOJ1Il1. Ku.l1er. ...._(SEAI.) .__(SEA!.) ~--:--~~. ----:-:.::::-----~~-------~---==--:.-=-:---~-:--==-=-:-- STAT!': Of .' florid. Sain' LU.Jie ".l ('OFxn' OF 1 HEkUl\" n:I<Tff\'. ThaI"" In;. 6\h . _. .'. ..... . .chy o!. .._._..._:l.'P.\QIil~QJ' __.....___,__.A.. 1>. 192..!~ bc:fore: me: ""r<oc,ally aprwc:d _" ,,_,,_.._. ... ." ..iaul_llullm:_auA...h1.a.....Jr1.fe..... J81mJ'...lll1lle:t____.__._._. ____. ".._.. ,,, ..... known I" be: tM J>f:rY>n 8 dc:ocribc:d in and who e:uc:uttd the: for~oini C:OOY~-ance: 10 _. .____..~~.p~.~.p..l.l._Ru~.t.. .. .._.._....._...... ..___......__and .f:\..lIly ackoo...lc:dgc:d Ihe: fx~liun thu...,r 10 bc: .. .. theIr .........fr.e: act ~nd <1<<<1 r.... lhe: u... and I'url'''~' IllC'r.in me:nli..nw; and Ibc:..a!L..:_."-olaDnJ VUlll111l'.__._____.____.______ ,7.t hi!. or lbe: said Paul. Ilull er '. ..._.._ ........_ ........____. _...,.. ,..... . ._...... on a sq.,uat. and priule: .umination ukm and "",I\e ''Y a,,,t l",f,)rr mc:. and ~ralc:ly ~nd a~rt Iro:n h.. said husband. did aclrnowJc:dee: to".t .M made: bc:utll a party to the: said Dc:td of Cof'i"~ for the pUr,><>of: 01 rc:r.,......iflll. r~lir.qai.hirilt and c:onTc:yiflll all IlC'r r;,bt. tit!e: and inl....t. ..hc:thc:r of dow.. or or K(>a'at~ propc:T1y, sUlult>ry or equluble:. In and 10 1M bods Ihc:r~in dc:..:ribc:d. and thaI she: uc:cutc:d said dc:c:d lrcc:ly and .olunl~ril)" and withoul any constraint. r..., al'pnbc:usion or c:ompulsion of or from he:r $,lid hu.bar.d. .nd S'al. ..f. offici~1 ~~I al ._.....port..fl~_Q.'.._.___.__.in IIlC' Counly (Or ..._....:;\&It:l~.LuQla .'_"___'_ 1M .by ~rJd y.ar last afor.said. ._.. ..Wal terll. Rogu. ............_,_ .....__ . (SE.\L) .1(oar,-~l1o fir.. .:ltate ~1H-!lla at. Large. Cl Co.-ieeion ~ire8 ~ugU8t 12s 1927. n~ t . ~ On .hi. l3'b <by 01 Ootober. .\. n. 192 {l ... all: 53 ..o'r1oclr ...f. _ 1'.. Ihio instr""'~t wu :~ 6lc:d ror rKt'rd. and bc:ing daly ac"n..wlc:dlt~d and pro,en. I ban r<<orckd lhe: same: ,.... _. . _.171.._.. of Hoolr .._...67.._ ...~ in lhe: public: ....ords of said Cocmty. ;y.,t IS WfTl\}i5S \\'}JP.kf.OF. r havr bc:rftlllto sc:t my band and .sEed thc: sc:aI of the: Circuit Coar1 01 1M F,iu...d. MiciaJ Circuit of said Slate:, in and for said Counly. / ~. / ,~ ( \ <b ,Ct. Ct., 5 ~q j \ I-~ fr:o '. -- '..~. ('Oq ....n.P..n.~~~..tt~...~~.. .1//. 7 .. ......... - Clerk. ....1}. c. t ~ ):;j~1r:::~~,~'t:{r;~~~:i~!t;sl . '. . /.:.~." .: ~', ~ ..:.;.:~:l~~:~~i~~.~~~:~::i,