HomeMy WebLinkAboutFILLED LAND AFFIDAVITSCANNED BY at. Lucie (G!'MAI IM Z -9UJI-b'Dize, & GRECEIVED A..' •Up- -U FORT pTERM PL 349 r56.52JUL 2 6 2018 7 'g 13 -- 2 72-46 -1553 ST: Lucie County, Permitting 1, the Waders-igned, am the owner of the following described property: rt of . 3414-50 Section 26, * Town-ahio 36s'&. Rang 40E (Tax MLegal description/Address) for which I have applied to St. Lucie County for a Final 'tIn accepting Development Permit, pn g this Final Development.Permit, BP Number . - . —:- I acknowledge that as. owner'of the above described property, and in accordance. with.Sectibn 7.04.01 (D), St. Lucie Codaty Land Development Cdde, I shall be responsible for assuring adequate drainage to that the immediate commu.nity WILL be adversejy affected. I further acknowledge that in graitting this Permit for the -deve ' l0p`rx1bnt.Oftbis--Pr0per-tY, St. Lucie County'js neither obliged .130rliabl-etopxo�vide'.f,or,or.-maizitainin any f6k. m--, adequate: drainage off -m-Y property which will not . adversely affect the immediate community. Matthew Lyle .-Wvnn Property Owner Name Property Owner Signi-ture Date STATE OF FWP,DA. COUNTY 6F—alt -- L U-b-i e ACKNOWLEIDG.'60 BEFopB Ut Turs DA-i OF J U' Y 2O—L4? By M . att'hew L—Vle Myn11a VMbiSPtkSQNA:L;LYKM6.WiTo,maoRWI40*-'HASPRODUCCO AS MENTPICA7701M. VO P-cpw Y A-AIN sz-,,) sYcNATdRi OF N91 R TYPE 'OR PRINT NAW'E' OF NOTARY NOTARY MUC -TITLE COMMISSION P, ON NUMBER (SEAL) R ROTIHIY ANN BASKIN N 30145 hi SION # GG 0 er 2 t 2020 October b o C"j hru N, 'Y Public Ude_, [Ex D I -IAy GohiNsISSION # GG o30145 EXPIRES: October 2,2020 sonctri Thru NOWY public Underw�tefs