HomeMy WebLinkAboutCERTIFICATE OF TERMITE TREATMENTr 1•, WANNED Bul0ding &(bode P-04"°"2ment Services BY 2300 Vilro'Mr,: jupatioe� (Fort Pierce` s 9a Ave 34982 CERTU,�RCATp pE OF TE CONSTRUCTION TION 2 PER ;� IT #: I U%- C)b5-6 JOB ADD BUI 'DER/CONTRACTOR: I f 0 / We, Date site fee CONTROL CONTRACir0R: EVICT -A -BUG CONTROL LICENSE #: JB175775 undersigned, hereby certify that we have pretre nean termites in accordance with the standards feet if area treated: OCR) Sf of solution:.05% Tota 15t Treatment Re -Treat '15t Treatment Re -Treat - v 151 Treatment Re -Treat fiL-. `' 1 `rIltil�o L16�l1/�6#ITU�I EN Il / 0 �D d�-� & PEST CONTROL INC. :d the above described construction for the National Pest Control Association. Is used: DOMINION 2L —Tm I gallons used: of Treatment: Q `O 0 — ,"•Slab 15t Treatment :w Re -Treat 1st Treatment Re -Treat lerimetgr for Final Inspection .ure or tx>:erminator Date 77ent or re -treatment and this form muse be on the job Or the scheduled Inspection will fall and a re Inspection L04e2e6 Certiflcate of Protective Treatment for prevent; be provided to receive duplicate Treatment Certlficates 'ding a copy for the person the permit Is issued to and°n of termites A weatherres/stant jobslte posting board flcate shall provide the product used, Identity of the ap�as eachrequired protecilve treatment is completed, ed, chemical used, percent concentration and number mother copy for the bulid/ng permit files. 77,, Treatment , ve treatment if the soil chemical barrier method fh,llcator, t/me and date of the treatment, slte location, area 7mpleted prior to final bullding approval. (gallons useO,to establish a verifiable record of ucle County requires for the ffina0 inspection ;termite prevention Is used, final exteriortreatrnentshall electrical panel box cover, 00sting all the tre;: or CO, a IPsrmanent Sticker to be Placed on a 7/24/2014 - ment-s and dates of applications. There must be a completed form for each required be p/cked up by the Inspector at time of each inspe