HomeMy WebLinkAboutPRODUCT APPROVAL MODIFIED BITUMEN ROOF SYSTEMi 07 SCANNED -Business & Profes�ioqa) Regulation BY St. Lucie Cou", BCI9 kome (Log In i User "Istradon #tot Topics Submft Suniuroe ? stab f4 Facts PUblketims ! FaC Staff j SCIS Ste Ma{ ;tt�i3�:Yttibilt!tts®i' Product Aonro sl Menu a Product or apuliUNnn j%M%h > A rigUon U> 04011wuah Doug �l16027-02 � Application Type Revision Code Version 2017 Comments Archived L ,rL=ii inls}'G' pt'ddc�t�,A!ufBltt ,—: TPIOflox 70 . Rutftdwd,>W307070 :600) :Sifr1485 +iavid.ruiz®trtbuiltmg.com Authorized Signature David Rulz david.rulzOtribulltmg.com Technical Representative David Rutz Ad&es5/pi1 1 250:Routs 11 Norft Fast AuthedW, UY 07073- (201)842-2449 davtd.ruizLMtribuiitmaterialsgrcup.aom Quality Assurance Representative Address/Phone/Emall Compliance Method C Richard Schurman 9050 Louisiana Street Merrillville, IN 46410 Kdh4ChurrrtanLWHadbOHMsg. s Mor�ld�,�i�-{tt`t�en:Roo!'HSya�ln�.;� Evaluation Report from a Florida Registered Architect or i Professional Engineer '�' Eva�v+ation�.tiepott-.�cdcopX ltecelyed Florida Engineer or Architect Name who developed the Robert f leminen Evaluation Report Florida License PE-59166 Quality Assurance Entity UL LLC Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date i0/0.6/2018 Validated fay John W. Knezevich, PE :r ValidWon Checklist - flardcopy pAxm and Certificate of Independence Rdeenm[t 5tandbird arrd, Year, fal' Standard) ASTM D6163 200 ASTM D6164 201 ASTM D6222 201 FM 4470 201 FM 4474 201 Equivalence of. Product Standards �Certifield $y Sections from the Code Product Approval Method bate Submitted Date Validated Date Pending FBC Approval Date Approved Method 1. option D. og%i5/20V 09/30/2017 10/08/2017 12/12/2017 :t"E. Model, ',Wt>mber*rWame 'lDemApition 16027.1 TRI-BUILT Modified Bitumen Roof _ SBS and APP modified bitumen roof systems Systems Limits of Use Installation instructions Approved for use in HVHZ., No FL16027 R2 ,11 2017 09 FINAL Al gR Tfg Approved for use outside HVHZI Yes BUILT MOD31T FL16027-112.odf Impact Resistastitt N/A Verified 6y: Robert Nieminen PE-59166 Desigis Pressures +i4/A/-6&5 Created:bi Irfdepencierti'%l frd. P'drty Yes- der, i }.The Design-:Ptessure'11oCed In tttJsappllcati'onarefdrs Eaealuaf�i®rs:Reotiia` to one system: Refer t6 ER AppefiOW-for 4 system and; m4y- FL160,2?, R2, AE 2&7 6 EIf3!#i Ott TRI- design pressures. 2.) Refer to ER Section 5 for Limits of Use. BUILT MODBIT FL16027-R2.odf Created by Independent Third Party, Yes &w[4l 45ir.xi The State.4r+F19f+da ks'an AWW ernpt�Vr.5[aavrlaht 22E9-20.11"tate Of faarlaa, :;'va tvacv statement •��slblirlY�tetement :: Under Florida law, email addresses are public records. If you do not want your e-mail address released In response to a public -records request, mail to this entity. Instead, contact the office by phone or by traditional mail. If you have any questions, please contact 850.687.1395. *Pt. 455,275(i), Florida Statutes, effective October 1, 2012, licensee!: licensed under Chapter 455, F.9, must provide the Department with an emal one. The smalls provided may be used for official communication with the licensee. However email addresses are public record. If you do not vVe address, please provide the Department with an email address which can be made available to the public. To determine If you are a licensee un please click here . Praduet Approval Accepts: :E 0511003 0ER0 t�CJtI Cs Soft J-PJ"Ty ERD Table Deck Appttcation. Tw- V*riptlrsth POP 1A 1 Wood New br Reroof (Tear -OM A-2 Math :Attached Anchor Sheet, Bonded Insulation, Bonded Roof Cvve(. 4 1A-2 Wood New,,Retbof (fear -Of!) or Recover A-2 m2 Attached Anchor Sheet' Bonded Im ulation, Bonded Roof Cover 5 38 Wood New. Aeroof (fear Oft) or Recover B Mhst h.Aitkhed Base Insulation, Bipndedlop Insulation, Bonded: Roof Cdw 5 1C Wood, New, Reroof (fear-" or Recover ` C Mi0f.-Anedied Insulation, Bonded Roof Cover 6 i 10 Wood' New,.Reroof`(Tear-MorRecover D Pieiiml-At£adhedinsulation, Mesh AttachedBase Sheet'BondedgdofGaver 6 1E-1 Wood New_Oelierbo (Tear-Olfj E Non tnsdli2pd, Ukh. Attached Ba a Sheet, Bonded Roof Cover 7 1E-2 Wood New; :Rercbf (Fear -ON} or Recover c E N*Jnsulated, Mech. Attached Ba.1e Shut, Bonded Roof Cover g 1F Wood Newor Reroof (Tear Otfj F Nori It►suJ#ed Bonded Roof Cover g 2A Steel cP Strut;ural concrete New,,.Rerodf_(Tear-M or Recover B Melit 1ktl shed Base Insulation, BDnded'Tap Insulation, Bonded.Roaf tow 9 26 Steel or St 4ural concrete New. Rerdof (fear -Off) or Recover C Meth� Insulation, Bonded} Roof Cover 9 2C Steel or Sttus;ural concrete New, Reroiil (fear-t)M or Recover D PreW, AtWrhed Insulation, Melt. Attached Base Sheet Bonder Roof [aver p 10 3A Stru rat r.,pmrete New i:fr RerOf (Tear --Off) A-1 Bo_ifded lri3ulation, Bonded Roof Cover - 12-14 38 Stnutifraf w4crete New.br Reroof (Tear-011) G F NqI-InsulEW, Bonded Roof Cover - 14 4A LINK New fir Rerobf (Tear -Off) A-1 Bonded insulation, Bonded Roof Cover 15-16 4B LIC " = ` New rsr.Ref0f (Fear -Om A-2 McTh d Anchor Sheet, Bided Insulation, ceded Roof lover 16 4C LWIC New firRerebf (Tear -off) E NoA Irtsu6ated, Mech. Attached Bade Sheet, Bonded Roof Cover 17-19 SA CWF Newfir Reroof (Tear -Off) A-1 BoNO lq ulation, Bonded Roof Cover 20 58 CWF New after(iaf (fear Off} or Recover ` ' • A-2 Me#t Attachhed Anchor Sheet Borrded Iflirrlatrtm, Handed Roof ctSyer,..' 4..- Zl Sc CtlVF S" Hew; Aeraof{fear Ofl� or Recover- B Mir Attached Base Insulation, Bgnded`.Top lnsuWtion, Bonded.Jiodf Cover- s 22 5b CWF New, Reroof1fear-OM or Recover C M it Attached lrasuJatton, Bonde(DROtif Dover 22 SE CWF New, Rerob (fear --OM or Recover E NOi 41`'sa14ed Mech. Attached Baj.e Shed t, Bonded Roof Cover - ZZ 6A Gypst Newor!e f(Tear-om A-1 BogdedWulation,Bonded RoafiCgvgr i 23 66 Gypsum New Reroof'(Tear--off) or Recover A-2 mew. hAti detd Anchor Sheet, Bordded ItaSulation, Bonded Roof Cohier F 24 6C Gypsum- New, leroof jrear-Off} or Recover C MOK Afhidred Insulation, Bo ftof Cover 24 6D Gypsum+ New, lJerooll"r-Off) or Recover E Non-hisubied, MedL Attached Rafe Shea t, Bonded Roof Cover . .. 24 7A Various Recovery : A-1 BoddeJ Wulation, Bonded Roof O4,er 25-26 711 Vadoti RecaNer, ..... F Norl-lns6l f, Bonded Base Sheet 49nded Roof Cover 26 The fodoffiam notes aR Oo the systems oudineclhereiie: 1. The roof spsteln; vrouotron herein pertains W AoW-deck hoof componen", OW decks and structural rrWmbets shall be in accordancerAth; FAC requirements to the Wisfaitlon of the Authority Na.., N tgnsdiction. Load reshdstank a Oth0 roof deck shall be doWment ed through pmper cWftd andlor FBC Approval documentation. 2. Insulation / base Sheet fasteners shall be of sufficient length for the following der4.engagement: ➢ Wood: Minimum 0.754rkh penetration. D Steel: Minimum 0.754kh pert tration and engage the. tpp Ilpte of the steel deck. ➢ Structural. coirfrete: Minimum !-inch e-Mbed neat Into pilot hole in aFpordapce with fastener manufacch roes published installation lnstrwolons. 3 Unless otherwise. -no d, Insulation may be any arie Jager or combination p# pp.0socyamrratr, pnhrstyrerhe; vvaed fiberboard, pertite, gypsum based roof board or mineral wool roof board that dneets the Q/4 requirements gf F A4- Rule 61620-3 and is documermd as meeting FBC 1505.1 and, for foam plastic, FBC Chaplet 26. when installed With tb@ raga cover. r Exterior Research attd Res%% LLC- d/b/a TrintLy(f A6 Evaluatton Report A42970.10.12-R2;foF FE}60Z7-RZ CertiRcateofAuthorization @9503 OP EDITION 120171 FBC NON-FCUMEVALUATION ReviSiop 2, 09/25/2017 Prepared W. Rebert Nlerninen, PE-S9166 TRt-fdUXT ModMed Bitumen "tSv3Lems; (1100) SIS-1485 Appendb.;1, fpp i of 26 ,\",TpJNP YiERD 4. Minimum 20ppl, minimum 2-inchthkk lViti5ml0tinsulating concrate may basubstituted for rigid InWiep6il board for System Type P-j attached bash ie of RqP , 4.1 L� banded roco sheet tasWnwns are installed through the Wi6t6engage the structural stggl;qrw'ncreta dedL The sWidbral deck shall be of equal or-greptier configuration to the steel 'aridconmu deck listings. i3oli . f decks and structural members shall be in accordance With FOC requirements to the satisfaction of the Authority Mwing Jurisdiction. Load rmIsM=g!,q Fthe root deck shall be tkidindfited1throullh Proper coolftedand/or FBC Approval documentation. S. Prellminaryin ft Sheet j,'p (January 2016). ,Wl4tidn attachment for SysteM TvO 0: Unless otherwise not to Section (if W �bm Prevention Da G. Unless otheroftp.potecl, Insulation adhesive1pplibWon rates areas follows, ftib4on or b&-W Width Is atft fir6eWappkaflon, the vilitiqq/beads shall expand as note'd id the manufactureespublisW _Jps1ructions > HA (ift Full coverage at 2540 lbs/squariL A Dow V4.T4'PY Qulk Set insulation Adhes4va (D-0. Contlinupts,015 to 1-trich wide rIbbor*s,-1k-1fth oc. > Millennigrp.. Step Foamable AdhesWe (M-OSFA). CcmVnuWS.Q,?5 to 0.5-Inch wide nl*dW-, 41-46ch o.c. > 0MG 0IVEjoqd50b (08500): CCMtinuqLq.Q,?.5 to Iminch wide rihbons,1141iih o.c. (PaceCart or Spot " 0411ond Greer »icy6'� -wed whereOWW SOO rejqr"ced. .1yatL )0 olveondc-lassft JOB classic): Full coverage at I gaVsquare. ICP AdWive &Sealants at-20. ContImiqu5:44-3.5-Inch wide ribbons, 24h& o-c. > Note: When muft* layers(s) of fasuWm and/or coverboord are insWk.d in ribbon-Wffed adhesive, adhesive ribbons shad he skWgem#ftow kyer-W-Iayer a dstanceofone-haYthe ribbon spading, > Note. Itm madmum edge distance ftVA4,ft, cidhesIve ribbon to the e*jtq[the insulation hoord shalthEl, hdt Am than one-half the Ve*cd ribbons sparing. 7. Unless otherAdswri9ted, all Insulations are litit itbd or taper board of the iplin" thickness noted. Taffered pblyisocyanurate at the (piimvt mckness Rinitations wk* 66 substituted with the fo"tni maximum Design Pressm' MOP) limitations In no cJW shall them values be used to 'increase' the MOP listings to the rather if MOP listing elow meets or exceeds that hAed.ftir a particular system irr#T toles, then the thinner bqpjA,L1ged below may be used S*AAri for the equivalent phi;ker'material listed in the talk. > Minerinjurri.orps Step Foamable AdhesW (M-'OSFA): MOP 45-f5 psf (Min. 0.54m:h Oft) A0MG G��raSoo (OINSW).- MOP ,45,0 psf (Min. 0.54nch " Muld-Max FA-3) > 0MG OIVSW�ISW (06500): MOP psf (Min. A 0MG ft"trsoo (06500): MOP .335-0 psf (MIn.03-InchdvkkW9&3) > We 0"011-4 5W (08500Y MOP --487-5 psf (Min. 0.5-inch 04 Aitoam 11) > ICPA&*%jye&SealantsCR-20-. MOP -XA7?5 psf fMin. 1.04nch thI&I B. Bonded poll%9cyanllrate Insulation boards Aid6 maximum 4 x 4 ft- 9. For mechanicq)ly attached components or p4dak bonded i—dirlion, I dftWoftidiure determined In accaird the ma design pressure for thi �elected assembly shall nwetor�exceed the Zone qc a p with F8C Chapter 16, apdZimes 2 and 3 shall empW an attachment density des" by a qualified design prbfe!WdhW to resist the elevate pressure afteft Commardy used methods are AN51/SPR1- *pl, FM Loss t. Prevention 134p-S." 1-29, Roofing AppOfttlarl Standard RAS 117 and "PS Application Standard RM 137. Assemblies marked with . ,asterisk* carry the Ihnitationtoet forth In Section ;LZaQ4 qf FM Los Prevention Oaj,p*t� 1-2 9 (January 2016) W 76ne 213 enhancements. 10. For fullybonded asse blies, the maximum dWgn 'viressure for the selected assembly Mcal design pressure detenWri rational analvs!s-ls pemitted. shall meet or exasecticri qj!n accordance with FOC Chapt& 26, and no ra 11. For mechanic*mpachied components over existing decks, fasteners sha@ be tested in the existing deck fbr withdrawal resisuffite. A qualified design professloall Aill review the data for colnpefgan to the minimum reqkdrefr!ekits for the system. Testft abdanalvsIs shall be In accqi4 IFX-1 a resiiT i *with ANSIAPR rig Application Standard US !Q6. 12. For existing su4gtra" In a bonded recover or to-rddf installation, the existing ropf surface or exisfing roof deck AM be examined for compatibility and bond perfbrmaAVe*ft the selected. adhesive, and the existing roof system (for reo(,yer) shall be capable of-resistlitli project design presswes pri As own merit to the satisfaction of the Authority H"Jqr#cliction, as documented thiouth field uplift testing In -a ,=. r4ynce with AtQ/SPRI W1, AS'flM E907, FM Loss Prevetftribew Sheet 1-52 or Testing Applit4tim StandwdTAS 124. . 13. For Recover Appliqt- jons using System Type 0. the trisulaticin Is optional; however, the existing roof system shall be suitable for a recover oppkajticin. 14. L40vtweight I%VIatIrk,0 Concrete (LWQ shall be cast In accordance with F3C-!!�pct1qn 3917 to the satisfactl6n at the Authority Having JudscIlOaR. For system where spec fic iWC is referenced, refer-tq:qu L WC Product Apprqipl-N specific deck construardh 41id limitations. ForvAerripywhieraspedfial.WCisnotrek t4thernInImumdesignin qh -coat thi is 2-inches ix� ,oil be 3W psi, in all cafts, the�tnjnimum top dyiess FwLWC over Muctuial concrete, reference lioatitto MC Section 1917.4.1, PVY4 1. A� Werlar Research aqd,ftozn' UQ dNa Tfiratlilso - Evaluation Report A42970.10.12-RZfq- "�274kz Ciertificite of Autborizatloji #9503 EDITION (U17) FOC NMWM EVAIMATION Revision R. W/2512017 Prepared by: Robert "IeminenPE-59166 Tp"IA&T Modified Oftimen Ittief-tvU... (00) SI&IM Appendix I a% jf e2of26 "TYIERD 15. Unless otherwise noted, refer to the fclloiNihgliilerences for bonded base, plygr cap sheet applications. Ao ,aaM;tMA :,.:'Os A R Rffh"nm Law Mmdat Appacad" BP -AA Base Ply FHG,Approvd ASTM DWI, Type 11 (Base and Ply.shepts, Asphalt-Applim4 -NXat2G4Dlbs/square Ply' C�-W p V1 - ASTM 02178, tv,.,k,lv W SOS -AA (SBS, Asphalt -Applied) Cap Ply TliBuntsas Granular IJA at 2G 40lbs/square SBS-TA {SBS, Torch Applied) Cap Ply Topulit SBS Granular Tatth-Applied SOS -SA amply TOBul(tSASSS Owe (SBS, Self'skd4rins) IM-Adhering Cap Ply 'jlio6llt.SASBS Cap APP TA Base Ply or Ply Tlrauilt APP Smooth (APP, Tbrch-Apprjed) -Tdmh-Appllecl Cap Ply . 108ullfAPP Smooth, TriBuilt ular APP-SA (APP, -Self-Adhedi.W Cap Ply TriauiltSAAPPCav S&WAdherinig 16. Vapor barrier pptipros for use over structurA -coii6vto deck followed by at4heredirmlation carry the fallbu4nd-Maximurn Design PmwW (MQp) ftitatiom The le 0 us, M _AM ci tfi MW listings below pse In Table 31l applies: N option Sr Ensulatton Adhesive MDP Tvpe V8-1. iffTM D41 TriBUilt SA SBS!!as Self -Adhering Inta-Stilk or cl�-A i2-inch ex- VB-2. A 'TNM D41 TnBuilt SAIPS taii- Self-Adhering -75.0 VS-3. ASTM D41 I TrMuilt SA US Op self -Adhering Millennium Orm fteo Foamable Adlw-Mw, 124nch 6.r- .157.5 VO-4. 1157Nj D41 TNBMSA�t* Self -Adhering CR-20. 12-Inch Q'X, -270.0 VS-5. . ASTM 041 TriBuHtSAW . Saie Self Adhering Millennium OiL?L Step Fbamable Adhesk-- Miller6luln PG-2 Pump Grade Adhesive, Otflond 50.0 or CR-20,12-inch oc. -290A 17. Dens Deck shAl 4@ fleftrimed with P6100 prior to self -adhering membrape application. Refer to tables herein for other priming mquITfYW"l;. 18. "MDP" = Maximurn:.Pesign Pressure is the rdtulli oftes3ing for Wind toad nWistonpe based on allowable wthd1oa4s. Refer to FBC 1609 for-deterniInAon of design wind loa& • Exterior Research iMOU"iSnLLC-d/b/alrriniLVIERD INalUatJ115h Report A42970-10.12-fg for flf,16M.R2 Certificate ofAutharizatfqp 99503 EMTM (2017) FOC NON-WMZ EVALUATION Reuis!CA ?: 09PS12017 Prepared by: Robert ffteminen, PE-59166 TRIAtliff Modified Munn .Ro4Systems; (80O) SI5-148S Appen* U PW 3 of 26 NITY ERD. e '" � r „ `-.tA6LE�=SE-2'�WQODOEGKS.NEIIVGONSl'iIICTIQN:"}r`�rt"rKK['ROD<= eAq-OPF\l r � '��° ,,, *SYST MTYPI{� f�D MEC(#ANl ALLYATTJ�CH� BA N�,1T E ROQF V la;' , ;fIU$UtATED , �; ;;; System Base Sheet Roof Colter J*te 15) MI* No. Deck (Note i) (psfl Base Fasteners Attach Base Ply , . Cap Ply Min.15/32-inch 9-inch o:c: of 24nch lap and 18-inch o.c. in two- (Optional) BP -AA o`i SBS-AA, SBS-TA W-14 PIpWood at max. 24- Polyglass Elastobase Simplex MAXX Cap equally spaced, staggered center rows APP TA orAPP TA -45.0" Inca spans Min.15/32-inch 9-inch ox, at 24nch lap and 124nch o.c. in two, (Optional) BP-AXW SBS-AA, SBS-TA W-15 plywood at max. 24- Polyglass Elastobase Simplex MAXX Cap equally Spaced, staggered center rows APP TA or APP TA Inch spans Min.19/32-inch Polyglass Elastobase, Pol lass Elastobase � � (Optional) One di' 585-AA, E 1 piy`Wood at max. Poly, Polyglass G2 Base, rtainTeer� . �9 t s� 32 ga.,1-5/8 inch diameter tin caps 8 inch oC. in 4-inch lap and 8-inch o c, in three, more BP -AA or SBS- -60.0 61i base, irgstone me Base;1M'Per a- with 11 ga. annular rinshank nails equally spaced, staggered center rows. �A, APP-TA - 24=inch spans bly`28� Tamko Glass Base or GAFdW #�5 APP-TA Min.19/32-inch ... ` (Optional) One dr 98S-SA, APP- Polyglass Elastobase or Polyglass 32 ga., 1-5/8-inch diameter tin caps 8-inch 6.6 in 4-inch lap and 8-inch o.c., in three, W-17 plywood at max. ElastobasQ Poly with poly top surface with 11 ga. annular ring nails equally spaced, staggered center rows more SBS-SA or SA, SBS-TA or -60.0 24inch spans -shank APP TA (1PP TA MIR.15/32-inch 6-inch o:t. at 2-inch lap and 6-inch o.c. ip two, (Optional) BP -AA & SBS-AA, SBS-TA W-18 010ood at max. 24- Polygl:ass €lastobase Simplex MAXX Cap equally spaced; staggered center rows APP TA or APP TA -90.0 ' inch spans Min.19/32-inch Polyglass Elastobase or Polyglass 32 ga.,1-5/8-inch tliame er tin caps 4-inch o.f. Ir14-inch lap and 4 inch o.c, four, (Optional) One or SBS-SA, APP- W-19 plyWood at max. Elastobase Poly with poly top surface with 11 ga. annular ring.shank nails. - equally spaced, staggered center rows more SBS-SA or SA, SBS-TA or -97.5 74fnch spans APP-TA APP-TA Mid.1S/32-inch 6-inch o:t. at 2=Inch lap and 6-inch o.c. in three, (Optional) BP -AA or ' SBS-AA, SOS -TA W-20 plokood at max. 24- Polyglass Elastobase Simplex MAXX Cap equallyspacdci; staggered center rows APP-TA or APP-TA -105,0 indi spans Mifl.19/32-inch (Optional) One ar Polyglass Elastobase or Polyglass 32 ga., 1-5/8-inch dlarneter tin caps 6-inch ox. In 4-inch lap and 6-inch o.c.in tQUr, SBS-AA, SBS- W-21 piyWood at max. Elastobase Poly with 11 ga. annular ring.shank nails equally spaced, staggered center rows more BP -AA or TA, APP TA -112 5 24lnch spans APP-TA Min.19/32-inch 32 ga., 1-5/8-inch'djameper tin caps SBS-SA, APP- Polyglass Elastobase or Polyglass with 11 ga, annular ringfshank nails. 6-inch ox, In 4-inch lap and 6-Inch o.c.,ln foar (Optional) One or W-22 plyWood at max. Elas obasq Poly with poly top surface Note: Tin caps are,tn be primed with equally spaced, staggered center rows more APP-TA SA, SBS-TA or -112,5 244nch spans APP TA ASTM D41 primer.. Exterior Research and Design, I.I.C. d/b/a Trin#y(ERD Evaluation Report A42970.10.12-112 for F1.76027-Ra Certificate'Af Authorization #9503 6EDITION ($U17) FIX NON-HVHZ EVALUATION Revision 2: 09/25/201i Prepared by! Robert Nieminen, PE-59166 TRI-BUILT ModifiegAiturgen Roof Systems, (800)-516-1485 Appendix 1, Page 7 of 26 I