HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUILDING PERMIT APPLICATIONALL IPPLICABLE INFO MUST BE COMPLETED FOR APPLICATION -TO BE ACCEPTED ' �s �^-Permit-Numbe . . Dat"1 lbANu��® BY JUL 2.6.-2098 .11(13 6 C0��� - ST.*Lucle C:©..W_nty_t%VttrR_B Building Permit Application PIG mg and Development Services - -Bull ing and Code Regulation- Division : 230}, Virginia Avenue, Fort Pierce FL 34982 . Phqne: (772) 462-1553� Fax:. (772) 462-1578:Commercial. ..-ReSidenti.dl X PE R IT APPLICATION FOR: u Bilding I PROPOSED' IMPROVEMENT LOCATION: 481 '-Add ess: 'S-CASITAS::. Lega Description:. EAST 1-/2.OF SECTION.1 -TOWNSHIP 34S - RANGE 39E Proplrty Tax ID #: 1301-111-0001 000-5 Lot No. Site Ian Name: COUNTRY -CLUB VILLAGE Block No. Proj ct Name: .. .. .. .... Set lacks Front:26 Back: Right Side: -15-Left Side: 14' DETAILED.DESCRIPTION 'OF -WORK: _ SI IGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE (replacement home) = �3 EDROOM = 2 BATH - 2 GARAGES i YE A' 6 X-:10"SLAB .WILL'BE BUILT OFF; REAR :OF HOME .... .. CONSTRUCTION INFORMATION: Additional.work. to . e e ormed under t. is permit.— c. ec :a apply:. HVAC Gas Tank Gas Piping Shutters Q Windows/Doors• d� ✓... ✓ Roof .. i Electric ' 0 PlumbingSprinklers Generator :Tot 1 Sq.,Ff of Construction: "<J S . Ft. of First Floo_r:: 2,324': ' ' _ :Cos of Construction:=$ 581000' -Utilities: Sewer LISeptic Building Height: OWNER/LESSEE: CONTRACTOR: . Na a WYNNE.BUILDING DEPARTMENT Name: MAT -THEW LYLE WYNNE :- ress: 8000 SOUTH US.HWY. 1 - SUITE 402 Ad Cit I: Company: WYNNE DEVELOPMENT: CORPORATION Address:.8000 SOUTH US HWY. 1 - SUITE 402 PORT ST. LUCIE -.. State: FL Zip Code:-.34952 :... Fax: i772) 878=7656:.. City: PORT.ST. LUCIE' :.. State: FL...- Ph-.ne-NO.772 E- II ():878-5513 ail; . Zip Code:,.34952 -Fax: (772) 87877656 Phone-No.:(772) 878- 5513 n.fee simple Title Holder on.next.page (if -different . -Fill E=Mail;. fro the Owner listed above) State or County Licenser 08898 . - If v lue of. construction is $2500 or more,.a RECORDED Notice of Commencement is required. .... .. .. SUkl EMENTAL'CONSTRUCTIO.N LIEN LAW 'INFORMATION:- DESI1dNER/ENGINEER: _ Not Applicable MORfGAGE.C6M0ANV0 Not Applicable .. ; . :Nam C: 58ADEN&BiDEN, - Name:' SS: 417 COCONUTAVE. ' Addr I Address: TUART State: FL city:. City:' State: Zip: 3 996'' Phone: (772)287-8258 Zip: Phone:: FEE:S�IIVIPLE TITLE HOLDER: : _ Not Applicable': BONDING COMPANY:"' _ _Not Applicable Name: Name: Addrg�ss:. Address: ; City City:: . Phone::-' Zip: Phone: Zip:..' . 1 certi that no work or. installation has commenced prior tothe issuance.of a permit.,: - St. Lucii County mak' s representation that is'granting a;p' ' it will authorize the permit'holder to build the sulijectstructure i Home Owners Association that-may•restrict which in conflict with any applicable rules, -bylaws or -and covenants or prohibit such - structu' e. Please. consult with your HomeOwnersAssociation, and review. your. deed for any restrictions.whlch may apply, In consl�deration.of the granting of this requested permit,_ I do hereby agree that l will; in. all respects, -perform the work in-acco dance with the'approved:plans,:the Florida Building Codes and'St: Lucie: County:Amendments. . The fol wing'building permit: applications are exempt from undergoing a: full concurrency review: room additions;. . access rystructures, swimming pools.;.fences, walls, signs: screen rooms and accessory uses to another.no.n=residential use. WAR ING TO -OWNER: Your failure. to Record a Notice of Commencement may result inyour :paying twice for : - impro' ements to your. property.A Notice.Of Commencement must be -recorded and posted on the jobSite befor the first;inspection. If.you intend to obtain financing, consult with lender or:an.attorn -y before. com encin work or eecordin : odt Notice of Commencement. . Signs ure of Owner/ Lessee/Agent Signature,of Cont ctor/License-Holder . . STATE OF FLORIDA : %ct STATE OF FLORIDA:. COUNTY OF :. i c . COU O.F.,—:.. Cc E .. ::jti:it c c. The fo going instrument was acknowledged before me -The forgoing instrument was acknowledged before.me . this day of �'Lr aY 20 Lby this ey ay of �u Ly 20 - by bf person acknowledging). (Name.of person.acknowledging) . . (Name (Signature of Nota ublic- State of Florida ) (Signatl ire of Nota ublic-State of Florida) Person all Known. .-OR-Produced Identification Personally Known OR Produced Identification Type of Identification o Type of Identification Produced .' Commi DOROTHYANNBASKIN'• sion No. szg'�� h1MISSIC(aea1030145 - DOROTHYAN It ASf IIN C.omrriission Noes'r4 bb�� htMISSION 0145 _ EXPIRES:October2,2020 9F,+ ;, Alp {a; EXPIRES:October2,2020 F •• o, . -d ThrvNota ' Public underwriters is „x, ,nderwritefs -Revi$led 07%15%2014.- i REVI S ; - - FRONT ' - ZONING .. SUPERVISOR PLANS -VEGETATION : � SEA TURTLE MANGROVE : - COUNTER-: REVIEW REVIEW: ...REVIEW.- REVIEW REVIEW. .*REVIEW.: DATE. COMP ETE INITIAL .' ;