HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0194 ~4 ........ No. 61, SL 1._ ('_.". I'\on.a. 194 THIS fNOF.NTllRF~ Made: Ihi. .... ....... '_'" 7~b ___._..._....__..da1 oL.._____ OO~.Q lIfU'__..._.__.__.._......._____.._-^. D. 19Z.... PB, bttwfflI ..' ...._B.._..___. .............._...._......!~_1...~.1!._~.._. ~.~~_~~~!~... (Un~.!.!".!!~.L_.___..._..__.__ __..._____...._.._.... .........___. .....__".._......._...... 01 1M C....nly of. ......~E ....1u~1e...._. .....____....and SIal. of .. ......... llor Ida Qtto G. Ra~8~Un .. ._.....pa'l "f... of the: first part, and ..f Ih~ ('"unly uf Marion . . and Slal~ ..I . II~.d Jana .. pan Y..... of I~ sc:c:.>nd pa,t. J \\'ITNf.S:,F.TIl. lhal 1M <a;.1 ,oart Y ,,11M fi,,1 "a, I, lor and in C<'lI.i.l<falion ..1 1M .um 01 ~eu .... ............. ..................... _.... ......!}uJlar.. I... be r __. . in hand paid, I~ rtttil.1 .he:rcof is hc:rc:by a,'lrnowl..lllnl. ha 8 IlranlN, t.afllain.d, sold an.1 lran.fc:rrc:d. and by lhe:Se: pr.s~" 00 e e. IIranl. barltaill, kll an,l tran.f.r UNo tM oaid pan _.y... of lhe: scc:und part and hle Mi.. a.,.1 a"ign. lo..wr, all that c:e:rl.in 1'1<<<1 01 bnd 1);r.1I: ~~I hc:;"z in Ihe: ('aunl,. 01....... $t. ~ucie. _'''''_'' a...1 :'Ialc: ..I llJrlda .....r. r.articula,ly .k<cribtol a. foil....:. ... _. B...... . . lot 79 in .il tadella 3ubdi \' lslo11..Qf Section 3, .~O"U8t.lp 35 South. .__... ~il~e 40 Zae t.. a.(l~.'?r..~.lu..~_~?. ~. I2!~~ .?.! .e.~!..d... E3.\l~.~ !~. ~.s.~~.Il...I'~~."-:t:d.~~.__.... .11.1 platbook..4.,a~.. paE~._!~._?L.~~~~cle 3..?.~!.tJ.'....~~~.~!~_e_..... ..._............___......__ ... ... ....~.ul> J e~.t. t.~.~he...r:.~!!!!:~_~~_~.~.!~~!,!l ta 1.!~~....l:1 t he de e.~~~.7E.lle 16L_19 2 5. _____________ :.; 0 Zd 1 th q .J.!1tche U _(UJirr,arr iQ~L$u.pJ.~Qtt._t_QH...1ibfL~{.l)(C.~. J;6J,'aQl~_1n._11lZ6 L............_.. . (~~. 50 ... I~ .B... ~~f:l:C:p8.. c.~l1c~l ~~AL_.________._ TOC~F.TIIER .ith all thf- t('ttC"'nynt.... h.ur'llit..mt11t~ :ancl :'lJ1'llurtt'nall<<'~. .i.h ',"Cr)" ..ri,ilt...."'.... ft1:ht. tillf'" i~,t"("\.1 an" t..r&tr.. '!"\'\(f' and riotht f~f .t,a,,,,('r. rt'\..r..i,,,,". <<....ino\.r and ...,.IIIml Iher.t.. he:1on!:in" tor in an,._i... ..~rt.ininIC TO II.\\'E ..\XU Tn 1I11l.lltM "'_ in I..., .inlpl.. (orn... And Ih. said part y .... 01 the: fir.r part ,,",<<I., .. ....manl .ith t~ ..i.1 pan Y of Ih(" .....,OntI part Ihat. ahe la .. ._. b..rullr "';'N 01 th.. ""i.1 pr.misc:.. lh.tt lhey a.. fr.., Irom all ir.cumk..r.c<"O and that ahe . has . .....11:00<1 ,;;<ht ar.d b..hl autbu:ity 10 ..Uthe: u=: and 1M ...id Nrt Y. of tr.. f) iJ h.'t ,<art dO'Hea hereby fully warranl lhe: ,it'~ '" s.id bn.l. and .ill delm.1 th. .amc: alr.iml Ih(" 1"...lul clain.. ..1 "II pcr".n. ,.."'....~e..r IS WIYSES:' \\'IIERt-:OF, the: >.lid (o&rt :J... 01 lhe: fi..t part ha...Q... Mert'nl.. ..t her hand . and ...al .. tlw d~~. and )-c:ar a"-..n~ __,ilh. n. Sixr.c:d" sc:a'..J and d.liu'red in our I'r""'Iltt' ~1l'r~1I1ge.3. ~"iS ..~lJjh .0. 3uhley l ~dith H. ~ltchel1 HtSE:\l.1 1 :'1'.,,1.1 STATE 01' . Iudlanu l".ar 1:>0 ~ COtJXTY OF I 1lF.I<ERY ("F.RTln'. That on Ihi. 7th . . day ..I. Ootober __...._.... D. In... f> . bel...... me pc:r......ll,. appnrc:d . ... ~d 1~h....!.!._IliU~ell._jJ6Wlllrried). to Il1(' known to t~ lh<<- r-rr'~tn fko{,(-rit-c.-tt in aM ..h.:. rxC't"Utcd dw fOlTllo~ C~oft\'C)"2i'Ke- to . 0_ ___ _ Otto G. ~ae8Ir.nlln ___and '(',tr~Uy ac1ulO.JC"ff,ctd tbt ,.:..C"Cutio,n tbru'.,( tft tIC" ___' her fr("(' a-:t ..nd <In,1 I.-r th(" u.... am' '''''1'''''' th("rcI.. mrn'''.....<I: ~J(}(5X.x;'ll thf' .i;; W" ttw- said 0... mn. _ -_ . . _ _ _.. .. _"_" ___.. ... '1C1 ~ J(~uatt' and pth-att" t'~mifUtiofl 1.J.:m an..' ~.d(" 1.)" """ bc:1..rc 1M. an,l ....:&ratdy all~ apart lrom hrr <aid ho.har.r1. .1._.(..... ,.k,llt~ thaI .he: .....de: 1>.:....11 ,. part)" I" ~. id Oc:cd "I l'....n)."""c. for tJ...( P\l~ of rmoancir.ii~. rdinquj,hinc and conl'f'~C an Iwr ri~ht. lirl~ 30M inttu. .hctMf of t!r.)wcr or of Kparatt prvpcrt)"o 'It of}' or f"'tIU,hhk. In arlit to the: lan.h:thc:r.in clncri!d. and lhat W u..,ut..1 "'1; dc:ffl I<ttl,' ar.d ....Iuntarily ar..tx"'lh..u1 any c:"oSlrainl. f...r. appc~.i:)O or C, I>ulsion of or Irom ber ...id hu.b.nrl. X ..-al al . . IndlaOJH9:l.1~ in Ih(" ('....nl)" .,f l.:&\r 1 on .. Zle1e 1:. Ralher~ n6tu-.-!'Y rub n6 ..(SE.U) J;:y 'coma.rssl~n e:xprre~s lJOh. '13~ '1927. ., . 'i ~ I I , 111. da)' and yt"ar '''sl "f.,,.ui.l. On lhi. 19~11 .b)' 01 Ootober A. II. IQ! n. al 9 : 4 7 ,,'rlod< 4..!oI. Ihi. in..trumc:nl ...... " i, filffl for rc:c:<,rrI. and bring duly aclrno.lC:dltc:d awl pro...". 1 haec rc:c..rdc:.IIM ....mc on pa,:c:1.94.. . of n..,k ~ 7..... in lhe: public rc:c:nrds 01 uid l'ounly. I~ WfTSESS WHF.RF.oP. I han Mrnall<> If't my hand and afliud 1M sui of lhe: <:iruit Court of lhe ~ Judicial Circuit of said Sial., in and lor nid ("00"11. b .-S-' .~ q., t, ::I.,... ..\' 'e aO ~ 8~-~ () . . '- p. t -t .ull. C. > P. c.. E l<lrt.!1.._....h_ . .. n ....Oe:rl.: ~l l ':;:~\~:.:;{iXX~~t;J~~A0:'iJ3;ii .' . ".:: ,/li:',i.::;';,~:t1: