HomeMy WebLinkAboutNOCa SEPH E. SMITHe CLERK —OF THE CIRCUIT COURT — -SAINT.RC11IEE' COUNTY FII!LE # 4462066 OR BOOK �4160 PAGE 262.6, Recorded .Q7j2FFl. 7$ 01:97-423. PM SIT. LUGIE COUNTY . 1 THIS IS TO CERTiFY THAT THIS is A OF I BY TR ;..A D' CORRECT .COPY. TH _ ..- LUCIE) COWn'6/ PFRMI7N[lhf9> R: �:' J i Ihlvb"1 '' •tcidd, �' NOTICE` 4F CbNCF1VIENT-�cI18 'Oats. • ' , 4beva"joed hdreby given noiice,tbat improveraeat wi1ba made'la certain real property, and in accordance w1Ni'dhi ptat 7I3; Florida statutes the following. nforrnaaon is provided in the Notice -of commencement: vn � 1.Di;SGi2YPTTdA]OFP�t'f1?Eltt�'y.(L,egaldescnption-agdstreetaddressj�'AXFOISO`Ni1MBE]R.••1306 7T7-00p_1.-RpO%0. I SiJBDFVISIO�Wy't :gSI;bt`_'1!C TRACT' I.OT gLAG UNiT. _ (fls\S 2Qt� 6/7 34 3.9 al , that part lying northeast of 95 2 GENERAL DESCWTLON OF OVEMENT: -single family residence 3.O'WNE,ItRMRMATr0N a. Name y�., 3zQ $u ldinc},�orpiera-t on _ b.;Address 8000 S.. USl r. Suite 4.42 PSL, FL 34952 c. interest in property. d. Name And address of fee;simple titleholder (if,otherthan owner) 4. C0NTR,kCr0R1S NAME, ADDRESS AND PHOIgg. NLT1uIDER: Wynne. D e vel o pm en , 'Co r go r a t.i•o n a000 S. U.Sl.r Suite .9.02,._P9L.. Ft 3495•>7779-898 557.E 5. SURETY'S;NAME, ADDY2I~4S AND PHONE; NUMBi t AND$OND:AMOUNT:. 6. L• ENDERS NAME; ADDRESS: ANA P.UONE.NtMBEk.-, '7. Persons wiwn the;State'of Flonda designate! by.Ownerup6n v hdrb nodces oc. odwdocuments'may be served as provided by. Secpon 713.I3 (J)(a)M, Florida Statures::.�; NAM, ADDPIWAND PHONE UMH81t wPanish. Lakes. SIV . Ft. Piercer: `FL.: 201- 8 in adhition to liimutE or. herself; Owrier designates thCfo1lowingto rtccive a copy 'of ttie Lienoes Nadce as pib" ided:in Stzd ri 0 594 7i3.13.i(1)(b),Floride;Statotcs: ' / NAME,ADDR>3'$S`AND PHONE NUMSEIL 9 Expuatign dateof notice of eommencrmenf.(the expiration dace is Iye9r ftom.the date..of secorditig unlessa differtnt date is, : specified) r WARNXNG TOOWNER ANY FAYMFN fS#AI t8 BY 7Tt$ OWNE2 APrIsR'TI•iH EXF1R ATIOTI OF 7ii6 NOTICI�OF COM1v7 *^ Aug CONSIDERED rMEROPER PAYMEMM UNDER CBAnER'713"PART 7SEC17ON 713.13' MORMA t•r'An= AND CAN RESULT 1XYOURPAYINGTW MP0RlNtEtt] WrRN7 'T[1YOL)RPRnPPATV aNCMCEnF/`Qh jJ�MPNTjijj7STB 'SiP F�ytYfRUEDAND POTM ON THE B 'e DEMRA THE FauT 7NCPFr`TrON 1p)YOU ND TO': STAIN -FWMCW ONSU(Z VIM YOUR' LENDER QE AN AJMR—A RE CC 19mr- MK OR RECORDINY Mat hew Lyla Wynne,, Viden-t' Signatume of 0woer or i'rint Name ,and Pravide,Signatory's TitielOffice, Owner's Authorized Off cer/DirectorMartnedManager ,State of ttorida C9unty 0f S J7'., i 1) r,.1 e: The foaego ng:n;trumemwces aekaowledged before rtie jhis, l day of• 7V f:.•y 20 • �IBy Matthew LV'e Wynne as f1,,r_4 >ORcnl,ow--e (Narue ofpetson) s , ' V_ype:of autho6i y e:gj Owna, offeer,,trustee,;attorney in fact) il:orWynne Building Corporation (Naiae ofpatty oft behalf of whom ituirum6i6Vw ex6cUtwj Persondlty Knp%vb ✓ or produced the following type- of rp.. %'t Y DOROTHYMN BASKiN aje o ff' t = MY Wh1m1SSlON#dr.030145 (Printed Namb ofNotaryl?ublipj (Signature diary Public) ExF;RES October2,2020 ,, .t;,.:tloaOt+lTtwtroaryPUDlktlnacawete+s ndu Qenalties ofper}itsy: raclace that.I dive read tho foregoing:anddhatt d:Fatts lo- t are e W t e beSl of;my kno edge and ief (section 92.525, FWida Statotes). I . Signatures) of Owner(s).or Owaer(s)' Authorized OMar/Dlre.ctor/Partatr/Manager who signed;above: c. By gcILIA w mtatoc&6