HomeMy WebLinkAboutPRODUCT APPROVALELITE ALUMINUM CORPORATION 4650 Lyons Technology Pkwy Coconut Creek, FL 33073 1-954-949-3200 SCANNED BY 3'(MIN.) x 0.032 x 2.0-L3 EPS PANEL (ALLOWABLE CLEAR SPAN CHARTS) MAX. ULTIMATE DESIGN MAX, ALLOWABLE SPAN (FT) PRESSURE' (PSF) L/80 L/120 •)IJ/-llG] 9A 9A P,,,..0 PSF Eoutsste S P, .117 PSP, P,,.ae Pss (DuusPaws P,,..n(a Pss 3.180 1 ELITE 1 HOUR FIRE RATED PANEL .090 D .032' ALUMINUM FACING 1/2' GYPPUM C 1'TONGUE GROOVE GYPPUM COREBOARD 1/2' GYPSUM 1'-2 lbs. EXPANDED POLYSTERENE .032' ALUMINUM FACING 3' ELITE H-MULL B ISOMETRIC ///---HEA➢ STRUCTURAL / ADHESIVE CAULKING / t-? W )� TE➢ SUBSTRATES )BSTRATE- [D)$U0 %"0x1j'ORalax2'LAG OOOO 000000 z SCREWS 2' FROM PANELS ) Q O Q Q Q Q O Q Q Q( a o ENDS L 6' U.C. PER PANEL CONCRETEOR CONC. BLOCK, %'X2Ye ELCO CRETE-FLEX BOTTUM FACINGS SS4 OR EQUAL 2' FROM INTERLOCKING CROSS SECTION PANELS ENDS L 6' O.C. PER PANEL BEAD STRUCTURAL 3' I (MN.) 0.032'x2.0p EPS ADHESIVE CAULKING ALUMINUM PANEL)SLOPE ��<ELITE MAX WIDTH INTERLOCKING NEL (1/4•/FT MIN SLOPE) W Z 0o O00000000 J EPS CORE 2.0 LB 0-000_0000 Qaw i4'0 THRUBOLTS (SIX REQ'm BAMHANNEL BASE CHANNEL 9.5' O.C. PER EACH 48' VIDE ROOF PANEL (6063 T-6 ALLOY) BASE(6005 (9' CLEAR SPA SITE SPECIFIC ENGINEER OF RECORD TO PROVIDE FOR ROOF CONNECTION L SUPPORTING Oi STRUCTURE DETAILS. DETAIL 2 O (4)-p14x3/4' SMS SCREWS (TYP. EACH SIDE) EPS PANEU SPAN DETAIL BASE CHANNEL 2.000 3.163 .055 'H' MULLON W0x5344' SCREW a 12' D.C. OR y'Ox7' SCREW 8 8' O.C. (BOTH W/ 1WOxO.031' PLATE WASHER L ...Is- NEOPRENE GASKET (TYP.) (4)-M14x3/4' SMS SCREWS (TYP. EACH SIDE) GENERAL NOTES I. Composite panels shall be constructed using type 3105-11I54 Cr 3003-1I I54 aluminum facings., 2 PCF ASTM C-578 Dyplast Produces LLC brand EPS adhere to aluminum facings with Ashland Chemical 2020D ISO grip. Fabrication to be by Elite panel products only in accordance with approved fabrication methods. 2. Elite roofpancls maintain a IIL 1715 (int) class'B' (cxt) rating and are NER-50I approved. 3. Elite 1 hour fire rated panel exceeds the structural and impact capacity of the standard 3"x0.032"x 1-lb EPS panel. Double I hour panel to achieve 2 hour fire rating wall. 4. This specification has been designed and shall be fabricated in accordance with the requirements ofthe Florida Building Code 6T" Edition (FBC), composite panels comply with Chapter 7 Section 720. Chapter 8 Section 803, Class A interior finish, and Chapter 26 Section 2603. All local building code amendments shall be adhered to as required. 5. The designer shall determine by accepted engineering practice the allowable loads for site specific load conditions (including load combinations) using the data from the allowable loads tables and spans in this approval. 6. Defection limits and allowable spans have been listed to meet FBC including the HVHT 7. Testing has been conducted in accordance to TAS 201-94, TAS 202-94 (including water), TAS 203-94, and ASTM E72. 8. Reference test report number 97-044 from Construction Testing Corporation, 13873 N.W. 19i1 Avenue, Miami, FL 33054. 9. In the HVHZ. all fasteners to be austenitic stainless steel or coated or plated carbon steel with a Rockwell hardness less than C35 in the load bearing portion of the shank. Screws shall be zinc coated per ASTM A123, A641, or 8633 or nickcl/chromium plated per ASTM B456, Type SC per Aluminum Design Manual -Part 1. 10. Panels with fan beams shall be considered equivalent to similar panels without fan beams. Design professionals may include the strength of the fan beam to exceed shown figures as part ofsitc-specific engineering. 11. Products meet the FBC deflection limits including the HVI IZ (U80 for spans < 12'-0" in IIVIiZ and U120 in non-HVIIZ per Chapter 16 Table 1604.3. 12. In IIVHZ regions, the U80 deflection limit is for use in Group R3 occupancies with roorprojection not exceeding 12 feet and where the structures are not to be considered living areas per FBC Section 1616.3.1 V. 13. Roofpancls may be interlocked to unlimited width within the limitations of the sitc-specific engineering. Walls panels shall be maximum 48" wide with "H" mullion between wall panels. 14. Wall and rool'pancls may be used in site -specific engineered sunroom systems utilizing glazed openings as allowed by the engineer ofrecord. Engineer of record may specify equivalent alternate connection details. 15. Concrete substrate shall be 3350 PSI minimum. Concrete block shall be 2070 PSI minimum. Wood shall have specific gravity, (G) of 0.36 minimum. OPTIONAL GUTTER OR DRIP CAP O O • (INCIDENTAL) 00"00000•I O.H.A rMAX IN FRONTL 25X ANEL WIDTH B SIDES MAX AT SI➢ES) a u 3' CM ) x0A32Ix2:ON PS F ELITE=A MINUM`PANE , D / BEAD STRUCTURAL y ADHESIVE CAULKING D BASE CHANNEL �(6063 7-6 ALLOY) WOO➢ SUBSTRATE, (2)-%@'Ox1}' OR N14x2' LAG SCREWS ON EACH SIDE OF 'H' MULLION (2)-I:'x2Y4' ELCO CRETE-FLEX SS4 OR EQUAL ON EACH SIDE OF 'H' MULLION V0x534' SCREW P I2' OL OR Y'Ox7' SCREW B 8' D.C. (0-014x3/4' SMS SCREWS iS'OxS;:• SCREW H 12' D.C. (BOTH W/ IWV.M031• PLATE (TYP. EACH SIDE) OR Y•0x7' SCREW B 8' U.C. WASHER L D079' NEOPRENE (BOTH V/ ltl'0xa031' PLATI GASKET (TYP') 3• COMPOSITE WISHER L 0.079' NEOPRENE SLOPE � ROOF PANEL GASKET (TYPO WALL PANEL V/ 'H' MULLION WALL PANEL k 000C)07 1000 0200 CHANNEL WALL PANEL I ,1 I VALL PANEL DO KIM 6 ASSOCIATES, LLC CONSULTING STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS PO BAL IDD39 Tampa, FL 33679 Tel: (813) 857-9955 RavlDat De9Cd tlon e ISSUEUFORPRODUCT tOt7 APPROVAL rn J O w X Z Z IL > Cl) a2Q ado ~�F O m M O 7 0 U �LL 0�a E 0 6 �Qw C `7 Lu fY (AU OZ� 7 CO 7 O ? H TC �7H¢ (D D O O J (A W m U LL Q O W O LL DETAIL 1 I m• KULLmN A l V DRAWN BY: DYK ELEVATION CHECKED BY: DYK SCALE AS SHOWN DATE W19109 WOOD SUBSTRATE, (2)-%"0x1h' OR 1i14x2' )`'y LAG SCREWS ON EACH SIDE 0. O: •yLCENSF,:;! OF 'H' MULLION CONC BLpCK,CONC BLOCK, :` - C�NCRETE�R (2)-y'x2ii' ELCU - 00 YEON KIM. P.E:',/t *:D REG. NUMBER4949* t CRETE-FLEX SS4 OR EQUAL i 'H' 'D "-" I I ON EACH SIDE OF 7 MULLION ; �%q KIM 8 A}ft�IATES;'L� 0-L14x3/4' SMS SCREVS "P. EACH SIDE) 'O '. Apt 7 G�� ''p".pb��3`� ` U)-p11x3//• SMS SCREWS CTYP. EACH {>) SIDE)�)(i 'H' MULLION Thnnem km decRonieegly Meet C 6Y Sig,utae 99 YIGm. PEonddadateusin9a Digital 'fed wpief o(NM daammterenot mndered EASE CHANNEL stld IO17.OA16 I9nNl end sealed andthepgneture fudmam/Hectro„ieeopia. 1<i:11 M'00' _+],- Drawing No. -o9o227-R4