HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0302 302 Vt'.'all.\NTY DJ! D D.... 1.<<I..t ~.. ~7. SL L.... C......,. n.n.u. ~....,-..._..--..... I . - - ....._~- -~ ~- - ~- ~-.II.~- ~~ - ~. -- # - . - ~ - ~_...... ~"'.""."'.'&a.-.Ii .....- _.A-...-~ ' TtIIS INIlF.NTURF~ Uade lIus. ....._.ft.n t7...ninth___ __.day of. "'-'.' _. S.pt.mb.r_____.._......_..._._....________-\. D. 19l..6 _. b<1..~ ......_... ....._ ..._._.___.__._._...______.____Q!.._..!_P;Ul~l'_'~!Lb.!IL~U'1IAnM.._ &:.t. Killer ..__.._ ..___.__._____._ . _.. . _. . "f I~ c.'Utlly 01. .____SalntLuol...-.-.....___.... __.... .-_.._and Slal~ 01...._.. . 1'10r1d8 .. . J. .W. . rrilsQnand C... S ...1111.'.._.._............ 01 1M l'ounl~ of.. ... Saint tUC)le.~n'" $Ial~ oj . 110r1da ._parl 1.s oll~ liul put. :lnd . pa'l i. Sof 1M 0<<0...... I'll.L ~ WIT~F.$~ETII. lhal 1M <aiel pUll.o of the Iir<ll'llrl. I." ..nd in con.j,I~nlion uf 1M sum of On. Dollar and oth.r.. ....ya1uab1e conolderationIL..._ _._...__.~ 10 .thell.. in ha.... paid. 1M rtcdpl wMrtof is ....ub). ..d;n.....I"'II(<<1. ha Y'. 1t,.nl",l. barpin<d. sold and lransf<<r<d. and 1>)' I~ pr~<en" ....,.. -:r..nl. l>arxain. HII and Innd<< unlo the uid part 1 ~..,. of Ih~ s<<unc! I~rt .....1 tllelr . h~rs ...... ..uillns f..un" ..II Ihal ttrtain puttl .,f Ian'" I)-ing and btiOl( in lhe Count)' of... . Saint Lucie .....1 $Ial~ of. . rlor1da . 111t>r~ ,,"'Ii.-..brl). tkicri~1 a. 'ol\..w<:. ..__._ tQt 3 aDc\ 4. of 3look A..of C..A.X1l1usplat ot.th..xl.ot the wl ot tblS1P.-..--ot the ~ .._()t~eo.t1on .~... Town8hlp35)~outh._RaDgL40nl::l.lt.8alcLp1atf11.d ~or reoordl:aroh 16. 1924 ..___.and..rtaordtd.lll nP1at ..30ok .4a.t. Pa.g~.50.record8....o.tSt.. -Luoi. COUAt1y.~10-l'1c)a. _ '_n It 18 understood and 8Ilrttd ...nthatunl.8a_tha._C1t~.o:L.e'ort Pitre. .provld.a.nato~-.. ._.. BI.ere .to.tak. care I3fth. fl.ood .aternthat.a .two :toot ditob 18 to bl-left aor088 J.ot 4.hen !. ~ 18 1111edto tek' QtU" .ot tht_ flood 1t8ter.._ . .______. ($.50 1. n 3.Stampc8DCe1led) TOf~ETIIEk .i:h an thf' tnK"t"WIlIc.. h('r("'l'n~mn~h and ~ppu~('nal'KY~. .ith ':\(,f)" ."i\"iln..-w.-. rich'. tidf:'. m!('fe... al~f C'~fatt". ~""tr "Nt fl(ht c'.i I!t....e-r. :'"(...("!'....).1 rr~ilkkr .21:.1 t.t...tmtI11 th('rdl, hdrmJZin<< of in an)"WliC' .3.1apt'ru,ininl:: T(l 11_' "'I-: .\Sn TO HOI.D lnr UIn(' in fl't C.iml1k forC'\t'r. And I~ <3i.1 !'ul i. B"f t~ fin' (':lrt du .. emTf1.lnl ..ith the !Ui.1 ranl.8 of Ih~ ,""",I ('...1 lhal the, are b.lull): .nud "I the ....;.! I premiws. that Ihey are frtt frnnt ..n ir.eumhr.ancc< .an.1 Ih:>t th.,. haVI R()(J(I ri;chl amI b....fuJ authurit)" In ~Il tM s..Jmc ~ and flu- ,aiJ ll.2fl 188 ,-,j the tir't ~rt dtL hot-rehy fully ..arrant 1M litl~ h~ J"J,k! I~M. and .ill d('ftnd rhf' Qnlt' a~;lil!~r 1M la.iul cbimlo ,'Ii 3.11 l'C'r!rof~n~ _"'.tnSol'C,c:r. IS' \\'1TXE~~ WflEREOF. lhe s:>ioI p..rlies of lhe first pUt h..Ve. herrunt......-t their hand e .1II'I..-aI B. the da)' ..nd )"~ar ..In..- '" r :"". :::ig=l .ultd ..nd ddhdtd in oor (.re~ncc: l(aX7 ~. Ordway G. D. ~nell \ I I;. A. Y.lller I ~E.\Lj Annl =.. 1.:11ler I~E \Ll - ..... STATE OF. ii'lorida ('oeXT\' OF 3sint Luoie ~I\y aPf'Cartd I JlERF.n\' CERTlf\', ThaI 011 ,his T1Ient,-nlp~h . __orb)' of September. _. ..___.C.J. t .lCl:Uu_.e~ILh.1JJ. "lteADtlIJ:;. Klller ._ .-\. D. I?! 5 bri<l'r~ ttr." to _ Itno...... '0 .... the (>rr...... B .v..:rih<.d in ;and .ho u<<ulcd ""e lor~oiDK cOll~~a....~ I.. . J. :a. .1180D aDd C. ~.. Vlll, _an" <eHul\f ..d,,,,...kd!c.-d tho- n,...",,,.n tho-re..! 10 .... the 1r ir~f' ~..~ and .tn.1 I..r ..... uon ..nd I'u.....,.... lho-uin mnllw..cd: and the ....~I AODe :::.X111er.._ I"~ wif~ 01 tho- 'laid . .___ __.._._...__ C. A.. Xt11er . __ __. . _ ._ ..on :0 "1~r"le ..nd priute n.minA,;.>" I..It"" and mad.. by ar.d brf...e mr. and ~.aratd)"'.m" aparl fmut her ...id bU-Nnd. did >Ck.....~~ Ihal ..... ...~~. bcn~1I .. party I.' the ~id Ilttd ..j ('..". C)a""t. for tM ptlrpoH' oi ft'l1oUncU,tf. rf'linrJui-hi.tg ~r.d coo"f'};mr aU tltr flM;ht. titl~ and i,:,If'USI. _~rhtr of tk'.~r O! of W'f'-lratc pru~rt1_ \latul...,.,. ?r ~uiu,~'k~. :n ~r..l I" tlw bnds tho-r~in <kKriMd. and lhal ~ utcultd uid <ked fr<<lf ..nd yolanl..nl,. ~tl.1 WIthout an)" constraInt. fc~'. "\>prehn",v.. <or comp"hlOfl of (.r u..", h~r ...id husb:ond. WIT~F.SS 7,U;;;I~'~ ~ offici.al <cal..t .-.. i'ort 1i.rce. ""d S,..le vf _ .1'101'1 de '\ t.... my and )u, I.... af",uai.l. . ': , \{tl. P. S!!~__._____ __. STATE OF FI.ORh,.\., ..../ C..unl)' of :;1 I.uci~. - f-- On thiL.._ . ..'U'un 1 ~tb . .u . in tlw COUr-I). ni Salnt Lu01. 1.. If. st..ard .:,E.-\I.t .Botarz..Rub~lil~~~t~~~~l4e""l---l&~ U1 oonm1Balon '~lreB Deo. 29. 1928. .ur ~jd 'J rbf of !lonmbtr .A. II. 1')1 f) ,..t 2:47 o....~...k p.. lf~ thi. in"rum~.,t w.. filed io, rtcord. and 00'" duly ackno..ltdI{td antI pro\m, I hay~ rccordtd ~~ ~_ Oft J>lK~ 302 "I f!<.ok 67. , ? .'~~ IN WITNESS WHERF.OF, I hay., Iwretlnlo .... rtIJ" hand and alli"cd 1"\~'lf lhe l'ireait l'.,.,rt of 1M l'.fnffi1JI }OOK...I Clrcuil of \.lid SI..te. in and Coanl,.. ,_\\ /--~j o~~~6~{t P. C. Eldred ~eC -~I~ B.~ 0. ~. (Ct. .Ct. "e. ) '-- . in t.... public rcc."d. .,1 said C.- unl)". On" l- · "T n l , '.- .:;\:::~~~i~;:~;~ : ". f~~l~