HomeMy WebLinkAboutPRODUCT APPROVAL-EXTERIOR DOORS-P-rdes$ional ROulatlon,,.., �i �L.V .4 6t pits 'Submit Surtharge Stats.& Fa links Search Facts kbllcador�s* FBCSt"aff BCIS'Slteft� �CISHorne- I Log In UkrRegistration H TO Approval SCANNED Prodqqt BY U!ir:§L- Flublic Use'r "'t. • 0 tude Counti Product Ap Application Search > Apolicarion List > Application 66WI provai Menu > Product or AnalicaVi :FL # FL17338-k3 Application Type Revision co66 Version 2017 Application Status Approved Comments Aechived Product Manufacturer Custom Window Systems Inc AddresslPhonO/Emall 1960 SW 44th Avenue 061a, FL 34474 ,(352)368-6922 Ext 245 kpine@&Nss.cc Authorized Signature K,6v!n Pine Rp1hd@''CWS.CC 'rkhrilcO.1 Representative' Jay Lathrop Addres$/Ph6ne/Emaj1 1960 8w'44th Ave Ocaib; FL444A (352) txt. 2 9:L .jlat h ro W!k.c,c Quality -Assurance kepreis6ntative Arturo MbfitdVerde Address/Phone/Email .19WSW.44th Ave. - OcM6j FL-.34474 I I 3 2" 66�6922 Ext,221 ii '6d nonteVerd Categdry Exterior -Doors Subdat6pory $11d6a b&erlor-Door'Assembfies , t6mpliarice.Methad Evaluation Report from ai Florida Registered Architect or a Licensed Florida Orof6ssional tri'dineer, B Evb1t#ftioh.Rep'6rt -'Mardcbo.y Received Florida Engineer or Architect Name who developed the,;.Lucas A. Tumer, Evaluation`Report Florida License pt=56201 Quality Assurbhbe Entity kplystone.-Certificatlofis, Inc. QUality,p�SSUMnM!Conir�-E?(pir.a.Vop Date. 07/2Y?A2q Validated By Steven M. Prich, PE. i 5 Validation Checklist -'Ha.rdcopy Received Certificate of, indqpendence Referenced Standard-6nd!Yeat,(bf Stindaird) EqulV ' aildn'de:of Pi-odtictStandiirds 'Certified By FL17338.R3 COI BiblRdbort92813. d .:Standard Year. ',AAMA/WDMA/CSA-'10111.S;2tA440-08 2008 As-rm t:L996.,os/o 2609 O.Py. i Sections from the Code W-1 Product Approval Method Date Submitted Date Validated Date Pending FBC Approval Date Approved Summary of products Method 1 Option D 09/28/2017 09/29/29.17 10/04/2017 12/12/2017 FL # Model, Number or Name Description 17338.1 SGD-8900 SGD-8900 PVC Sliding Glass Door, 2 Track, 2 Panel, OX or'XO Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL17338 R3 II CWS-928B:pdf Approved for use outside, HVHZ: Yes Verified By: Lucas A: Turner PE-58201 Impact Resistant: Yes Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Design Pressure: +55/-55 Evaluation Reports Other: Large Missile Impact, Wind Zone 3, max. size 72" x FL17338 R3 AE EvalReport928B.pd 83", DP = 4-/- 55 psf., Configurations include XO and OX. Glass .Created by Independent Third Party: Yes complies with ASTM E1300-04. 17338.2 SGD-8900 SGD-8900 PVC Sliding Glass Door, 2 Track, 4 Panel, OXXO, OXO; OX or XO. Limits of Use Installation Instructions. Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL17338 .113 II CWS-1042A.pd Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Verified By: Lucas A. Turner PE-58201 Impact Resistant: Yes Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Design 'Pressure: +55/-55 Evaluation Reports .Other: Large Missile, Impact, Wind. Zone 3, Max. size 191-1/8" FL17338 R3 .AE EvalReport1042A.pdf x 84", DP = +/- 55 psf. Glass complies with ASTM E1300-04. Created by independent Third Party: Yes Back Next Contact Us :: 2601 Blair Stone Road llahassee FL,32399 Phone:.850-487-1824 The State of Florida Is an WEED employer., Coy_y�ight'2007-2013 State of Florida S:,Privacv Statement 5: Accesslbllity Statement :: Refund Statement Under Florida law, emailaddresses are public records. If, you do not.Want your e-mail address released In response to a, publlo-records request, do'not send electronic mail to this entity., Instead, contact the,,office'by,phone or traditional rnal6'If you have any questlons, please contact 850.487A395. -Pursuant to Section 455.M(!), Florida Statutes, effective oetober-1 2012, licensees.licensed under Chapter 455 F S:,must provide the Department with an email address if they have, one: The emalls onwided`may be:used for official bommunicia of ,vrith the;litensee. However email addresses are publicrecord:If you'" do not wish to . upply a personal address, please provide the Departrilent with im emaii address'which can be made avallabie to the publk. To determine Ifyou area licensee under Chapter 455, F.S., product Approval, Accepts:, Rim PORNIM— CarcE TABLE OF CONTENTS GENERAL NOTES & ELEVATIONS.......1 SECTION'VIEWSA GLAZING:..... :....2. EXTRUSIONS& 13.0.1k.......... :..............3 ANCHORSCHEDULE k NOTES ............ 4 INSTALLATIONS DETA[ 8.......................5. In A, 11.01-0111 GENERAL NOTES: 1. THE PRODUCTSHOWN HEREIN -IS DESIGNED AND MANUFACTURED °T'^'" vv a' TO COMPLY WITH THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODE'(FBC),:CURRENT 1 900SW 44TH AVE._ EDITION AND IS RATED FOR WIND ZONE 3 MISSILE LEVEL D IMPACT OCALA, FLORIDA 34474 USE AS DEFINED IN ASTM E 1996 PER THE FBC. WWW.CWS.CC THIS PRODUCT MAY NOT BE USED IN THE HIGH VELOCITY HURRICANE ZONE IHVHZI OR IN ASTM E 1996 WIND ZONE 4 AREAS 8900 PVC 2. GLAZING OPTIONS: (SEE SHEET 2) SLIDING GLASS 9. APPROVED CONFIGURATIONS: "XO", "OX". DOOR.- IMPACT 4. DESIGN PRESSURES -NEGATIVE DESIGN LOADS BASED'ON TESTED PRESSURE AND GLASS TABLES ASTM E-1300.04001/09. -POSITIVE DESIGN LOADS.BASED ON TESTED PRESSURE, WATER INFILTRATION TEST PRESSURE, AND GLASS TABLES ASTM E-1300-04e01/09. 5. ANCHORAGE: THE 33`1/3% STRESS INCREASEIHAS NOT BEEN USED IN THE DESIGN OF THIS PRODUCT., SEE SHEET 5 FOR INSTALLATION DETAIL. WIND LOAD DURATION_ FACTOR Od-1.6 WAS USED FOR WOOD ANCHOR CALCULATIONS. 6..PRODUCTS APPROVED FOR.IMPACT'RESISTANCE. SHUTTERS ARE' NOT REQUIRED. 7. ALL FRAMES AND VENTS ARE FULLY WELDED.. 8. SERIES/MODEL DESIGNATION SGD-8900. 9. THE. DESIGNATION X STANDS FORTHE FOLLOWING: X - OPERABLE SASH; 0 = FIXED SASH. 10. SECTION CALLOUTS APPLY -TO ALL ELEVATIONS IN A SIMILAR. LOCATION. 11. WEEP SLOTS = 1/4" x 1" LOCATED 8" FROM BOTH ENDS. 12- INSTALLATION WITH NO SILL RISER IS ALLOWED ONLY WHERE.WATER INFILTRATION RESISTANCE IS NOT REQUIRED. MAX. UNIT SIZE DESIGN PRESSURE. RATING . IMPACT RATING 72" k83" +/- 55 PSF LARGE MISSILE IMPACT Lucas Tumer 2017-08-30 17:09+20:00 a z w ? 0 V)w0 O who <0µ� ZOZ D: mt I o Z Z0:o:3:m Z-2�¢ W.Or •O U OF_OLj UyF-za j�• Z Q •OOVOj -,-w0'o~0 3 E7U b ZN I?ii .¢ OQ O— mo cnw a. zma U-12P CLXmVEi p :2w2,r=0- X� 8/29/1017 LUCAS A. TURNER; P.E. FL PE # 58201 1239 JABARA AVE. NORTH PORT, FL 34288 PH.941-380-1574 GENERAL NOTES AND ELEVATIONS AWN BY_ DATE: " EMK f)8%09/U VG C REV.: CWS-928 6= 'SHEET 1:20 A OF 5 ON SHEET 1 SECTION VIEW A=A SECTION VIEW B-B og 1' OVERALL 118" TEMPERED 9118" AIRSPACE 6/18" LAMI 118" ANNEALED = DUPONTPVBINTES 1B',ANNEALED 1. SIKAFLEX 552 OR PURFECT GLAZE'H" D13116' GLASS BITE Z 1900 SW 44TH AVE. OCALA, FLORIDA'34474 Www.CWs.cc 8900 PVC SLIDING GLASS DOOR -IMPACT Q pz aZ::'; 0. WJO a ZW a.w§>- 0 oo� W°j o�•m-z_S z �?U mc)0 `':z z^ tr 'OQW�owu0,w z5EL 0'02~ � a � ' Lu a No 58201 STATE OF 8/29/2017 LUCAS A. TURNER,_P:E. FL PE # 58201 1239 JABARA AVE. NORTH PORT,fG34288 PH. 941-380-1574 SET DESCRIPTION: SECTION VIEWS AND GLAZING DETAIL 'AWN BY: - DATE: EMK 08/01/14 VO iI: RE CWS-928 B :A SHEET 12 20F5 22 ,Au I jt.2LAzsz5 Ptt'.smtf2):;: 211/8" .080 . 2 1/6' '062 . ANTI-LIFTBLOCK-6039 ROLLER TRACK -1930 1 "16" 2'13116" 21/16" .050 100' " 5!6" 0116" � 21 1 1!6" 6 ALUM.'HIOHRISE-1737 FIXED PANEL SUPPORT -1722 .060 PVC SCREEN TRACK- 6041 'SEE. NOTE 12 ON: SHEET 1' NOTEi ALL ALUMINUN EXTRUSIONS ARE.6063-T6. E 100- j PVC OUTER FRAME-6042. PVC PANEL,INTERLOCK - 6033 PVC PANEL INTERLOCK -6060 ,080 7/16" 6• 1 z1v1 11/` 166 .oeo .100 PVC -GLAZING BEAD --6637 ALUM REIN RCGMENT-199' 314" 2.000 .056 _ 1 3/4• — — -PVC WELD'SUPPORT-6046 6• 2 3/16" :oso ' 2 PVC TRACK FILLER- 6040' v- L�av�uvuuu .WINDOW SYSTEMS 1900 SW 44TH AVE. OCALA, FLORIDA 34474' WWW.CWS,CC • S900 PVC SLIDING GLASS ALL CORNERS WELDED. DOOR.- IMPACT 1:10 <_ z Q o e" F W ❑ 111 O: p p ZOZ. C._Z� It to } 0:x. � m z �Tu2,�1�1-w22c 0�-oza� z o �Sv"= 39116" } P—Wmo'=0Z O"~z F¢ coo 0 ,wyOa'L=C O zun W'a.'0 . OaLL "wz a w v� PVC PANEL LOCKSTILE • 6059' 1 516"--I 3 :120 17/5, ALUM REINFORCEMENT -1775 112" Q ,075 `9 3116" 6 PVC INTERLOCK SNAP -6061 r--/— 8/29/2017 LUCAS A. TURNER, P.E. FL PE # 58201 1239 JABARA AVE. NORTH PORT, FL 34288 PH.,941-380-1574 1EET DESCRIPTION: BOM AND EXTRUSIONS RAWNBY: DATE: EMK 08/01/14 VVG#: REV.: CWS-928 B c e: SHEET 1:2 3-OF 5 511W MAX. (TYP.) � sva' MAX(TYP.) 21/a'. (TYP:) ANCHOR STAGGER PATTERNS' OCALA, FLORIDA 34474 www.cws.cc 1 3/4' (TYPJ 203/4'-(TyP•) HEAD AND SILL 8900 PVC i THRU FRAME FIXED 3' (TYP.) SLIDING GLASS 2M 1171 ' � PANELFASTENER. 27n6* (M.) DOOR - IMP ACT (TYP.) G- aZO QQ jm a�ow i Ira" (TYP.) F� --� s° (TYP.) s° (TYP') o a w 0 3 3 i �EW2z _ X O THRU PANEL FAM ENERD U U O~ o 2Wa,,: - I AT MIDPOINT 3" (TYP.) - Z O Z U 5 U JAMBS 2 7r16' (TYP.) a Z U F —,�-� O o w z 1�3(10� a O.a q)10, W_i - z;FD- I wo�W j .718" . (TYP.) - -23 518" .MAX O.C. (TYP. S. (TYP•)+-i a d, � Lu ANCHOR 1;20LAYOUT NOTES: 1. INSTALL ONE ANCHORAT EACH LOCATION (STAGGERED PATTERN) AS INDICATED ON THIS SHEET; SILL ANCHOR SPACING SAME AS HEAD 2: SHIM AS REQ'D AT EACH INSTALLATION ANCHOR USING LOAO BEARING SHIMS, MAX ALLOWABLE,SHIM STACK TO BE 14'. USE SHIMS WHERE SPACE GREATER THAN 111W IS PRESENT. LOAD BEARING SHIMS SHALL BEC69STRUCTED OF HIGH DENSITY • PLASTIC OR BETTER..WOOD SHIMS ARE NOT ALLOWED. 3.:ANCHOR.TYPE; SIZE; SPACING AND EMBEDMENT SHALL BEASSPECIFIED IN THESEIDRAWINGS,,SEE TABLE T, SHEETS. 8/29/2017 LUCAS A. TURNER, r.c: 4; ALL INSTALLATION ANCHORS'MUST BE MADE OF.OR PROTECTED WITH A CORROSION RESISTANT MATERIAL OR COATING. DISSIMILAR METALS OR MATERIALS IN CONTACT W ITH PRESSURE TREATED WOOD MUST BE PROTECTED TO PREVENT REACTION: 01 FL' A #BARA R JAVE.1239 A 5. INSTALLATION ANCHCRS.SHALLBEAN ACCORDANCE WITH,ANCHOR MANUFACTURERS INSTALLATION. INSTRUCTIONS, AND ANCHORS SHALL NOT BE USED IN SUBSTRATES WITH STRENGTHS LESS THAN THE MINIMUM NORTH PORT, FL 34288 SPECIFIEDIN TABLE ISHEET5. ' PH.941-380-1574 .6: ANCHOR'EMSEDMENTTO SUBSTRATE.SHALL BE BEYOND•WALL DRESSING OR:ST000O.-FOR CONCRETE/CMU OPENINGS, EMBEDMENT SHALL BE BEYOND_WOOD BUCKS; IF, USED, INTO SUBSTRATE. INSTALLATIONS -TO SOLID.CONCRETE OR GROUT -FILLED CMU MAY INCLUDE BUT DO NOT REQUIRElX WOOD BUCKS BETWEEN THE PRODUCT AND THE SUBSTRATE, ANCHOR "SCHEDULE AN INSTALLATIONSkTO HOLLOW CMU.REQUIRE THE USE OFAX BUCKS BETWEEN THE PRODUCT AND SUBSTRATE: NOTES TA MINIMUM CENTER -TO -CENTER -SPACING SHALL BE MAINTAINED BETWEEN ALL FASTENERS: 3" FOR MASONRY, 1" FOR WOOD AND METAL. DRAWN BY: DATE: B.-WOOD OR MASONRY-0PENING.S, BUCKS AND BUCK FASTENERS SHALL BE PROPERLY DESIGNED BYTHE ARCHITECT OR ENGINEER OF RECORD AND INSTALLED TO TRANSFER W IND LOADS TO. THE STRUCTURE. SUBSTRATES.SHALL NEET THE MINIMUM STRENGTH REQUIREMENTS AS SHOWN IN TABLE 1, SHEET 5. CONCRETE AND MASONRY SUBSTRATES MAY NOT BE CRACKED. EMK 08(01/14 oW13 N: , CWS-928 REV: . B 9. SEALING -AND ,FLASH[nG STRATEGIES FOR OVERALL WATER RESISTANCE OF INSTALLATION SHALL BE DONE BY'OTHERS FOLLOWING THE CURRENT VERSION OF THE REFERENCE DOCUMENTS: FMA/AAMA 100(FIN VIINDOW%, FMAIAAMA 200(FLANGE .WINDOWS), FMAIWOMA•250(BOXWINDOWS), FMAIAAMAMDMA 300(EXTERIOR DOORS) SCALESHEET 1:15' 4 SHEET SUBSTRATE BY SEE TABLE 1 -INSTALLATION SEE TABLE 1 PERIMETER SEALANT INSIDE AND OUT BY.INSTALLER DO' NOT: COVER WEEP HOLES SUBSTRATE BY'OTHEI SEE TABLE 1 SEALANT UNDER SCR HEAD BY INSTALLER x A VERTICAUSECTION 5 TYPICAL SILLANCHORAGE MIN. EDGE DIST. SEE.TABLE 1 MIN; EMBEOMEf SEE TABLE 1 /4" MAX:SHIM- INTERIOR ' SEALANT BETWEEN FRAMff AND SILL RISERBY INSTALLER SEE EDGE DIST. TABLE 1 TABLE 1: °APPROVED INSTALLATION FASTENERS' SUBSTRATETYPE ANCHORTYPE• MIN. EMBEDMENT MIN. EDGE:DIST. CONCRETE-(2.0 KSI,IdIN.)' , 3/16" ITW TAPCON 1-112" 1-116" HOLLOW:.ORiGROUT-FILLED CMU (117 PCF MIN.) 3/16" ITW TAPCON V 2" CONCRETE,(2.85 KSIMIR)_ 3/16° ELMULTRACON 1" 1" GROUT -FILLED CMU (ASTM G90) 3/16",ELCO ULTRACON 1-114' 2.1/2" 2XMIN. SOUTHERN PNE (G=0.55) 3/16",ITW TAPCON ORELCO:ULTRACON 1-3/8" 7/8" 2X.MIN:.SOUTHERN. PNE(G=0.55) #10'WOOD.SCREW 1-3/8'. 718" 16:GAUGE j0.060") MN. STEEL STUD (33' KSI YIHLD'MIN) #10.16 HILTI KWIK-FLEXORMW TEKS SELF+ORILLING SCREW FULL,THREAD THRU 0.060" 7/16" 1/8' ALUM.(606345 IAN.),OR 1/8" STEEL'(33'KSI MN,) #10 GRADE:5 SELF. -TAPPING / DRILLING SCREW FULL THREAD THRU Oi125" 7/16" INTERIOR INSTALLATION SEE TABLE I PERIMETEI BYINSTALI SUBSTRAT SEE TABLE 1 B HORIZONTAL:SECTION 5 TYPICALJAMBANCHORAGE WINDOW SYSTEMS_ Q—J 1906 SW 44TH AVE. OCALA, FLORIDA 34474 WWW.CWS.CC 8900 PVC" SLIDING 1GLASS DOOR - IMPACT ? cz �r ZQ pWZ Z.O z W Oa'_'z W. 0 co z' rzs:�7d'�^ wF v 0�,OFza!,­u" z o � -mu- Zooz oLo ¢�yo OEOZ K }- U Z�•� 2 OOOfN+oW�c1W Z W W O J N.F a .ra. a 8%29/2017 LUCAS A: TURN5&, FL PE # 58201 1239°JABARA AVF: NORTH PORT, FL 34288 'PH. 941-960-1674 ,IEET DESCRIPTION: INSTALLATION DETAILS PAWN BY: DATE: EMK 08/01/14 WG@v REVT CWS- 28 B CAE' .SHEET 1:2 5 OF 5 Florida Building Cqoq-Onlifieerr M-1 CANNEC3 PLOPPArSPAPTIMN'T CP Business & Professional Reg BYulation , BqS H,n,!e L6gjrj User Registration qqtTqplcs SubmitSurchargeStats & Facts Pdblications FBC Stak BC*._IS Site Mapf Links Search Fb'd' Mid uct Approval USER. lie User• Product uprbyal Menu > Product or Apprication Search > Appliotion Urt 5, Appikation Detail FL # F.1-20470-111 Application Type Revision Code Version 2017 Application Status Approved Comments Archived Product Mandfacturer Addr'ess/Phone/Email -Authorized Slgnaturi2 Technical Representative Addres's/Phone/Email Quality Ms6ranceRepeesentative Address/Phone/grhail' 'Category Subc6tegory Complla-ke,Method Florida Engineer or Architect Name who develope d the EValuitloh-Repilii Florida Lkense Quality Atsurance Entity QOfity Assurance C"&act Expiration Pate, Validated By Certificate of Independence . Referenced Stzindard'afid Year(of Standard) Th ' erma-TYb Corporation 118 Industrial Drive Edgertdhj OH -.43517 (419) 298440 riCkA&M.bldg6bnsultants.coM a Vivian Wright rickw6mbidgconsult6nits-1corn Swingingl Exterior Door Assemblies: Eyaluatton-, , Rei3ort to.r.6 a 'Adrida, Registered Airchitdct-br,a Licensed Florida Pr6fossidnal.E ifiee'r 0. �Evaluavloh kepori,- Ha0co0y Received .Lynd9n F Schmidt; P.E. P.g-43409 Natio6al AccreditatJoh and Management Institute Ryan 3. king, P.E. 9 Val , Jdation Chec'Ust.- Hardcopy,geceived Fi20470 Ri col (b)—Certific6te:,of'lhdep&rid6nce,pAf_ Standard ASTM -131:929 ASTM D2843. ASTM D635 ASTM.'POS ASTMMf360 ASTM , E84 �Fw Ft 74 ASTM G2*6 C4 "ASTM -G7 , TAS,201, 20220F• Year 1996 1999 20.03 1996 - A :-W' a Vrl4e"-, 1994 j Equivalence of Pioduct Standairds MMLG'dCkEkQO/.3d9K93d 1/5 • 5/912016 Certified By Florida Building 'Code Online Florida Licensed Profession gineeror Architect FL20476 Ri Ea luy Eoulvasency of Standards.Mf Sections from the Code Product Approval Method Date Submitted Method 1 Option D 12/20/2016 Date Validated 08/18/2017 Date Pending MC Approval 08/23/2017 Date Approved 10/10/2017 Summary of Products Go to"Page 0 0 Page 1/ 20 0 pe Model, Number or Name Description 2Q47o.1 a. Thermo Tru Fiber -Classic and Nominal 6'8 "Impact" Opaque Composite Edge Fiberglass i Smooth -Star Single Door (Inswing/Outswing; X configuration)' imits of Use Installation Instructions proved for use in HVHZ: Yes FL20470 R1 II (b) Iast 20470.1.p� Ap roved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Verified By: Lyndon F. Schmidt, P.E. 43469 impact Resistantc•Yes Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Design -Pressure: N/A Evaluation Reports Other: See INST 20470.1 for Design Pressure Ratings, any FL20470 RI AE .Ub Eval 20470.1.odf additional use limitations, installation instructions and product FL20470 R1. AE (b) PlPlastics.2.pdf particulars. Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 20470.2 b. Thermo Tru Fiber -Classic and Nominal 6 8 'Impact" opaque Composite Edge Fiberglass Smooth -Star Single Door with Sidelite(s) (Inswing/Outswing; XO, OX or OXO configurations)• Limits of Use Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: Yes Design Pressure: N/A Other: See. INST 26470.2 fob Design Pressure Ratings, any additional use limitations, installation instructions and product Installation Instructions FL20470 R1 'II (�) Inst 20470.2.pdf Verified By: Lyndon F.LSchmidt, P.E. 43409 Created by IndependentThird'Party: Yes Evaluation Report's Yes 20470.3 c. Thermo Tru Fiber -Classic and Nominal 6T "Impact' Opaque Composite Edge Fiberglass Smooth=Star Double Door with'CT without 5idelites (Inswing/Outswing;'XX or OXXO,_configufations) Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes FL20470 Ri II (b) Inst20470.3.pdf Approved for use.outside HVHZ: Yes. Verifed.By: Lyndon R'Schrnidt, P.E. 43409 Impact Resistant: Yes Created by'Independerit Third Party; Yes Design pressure: N/A Evaluation Reports Other: See INST 20470.3 for Design Pressure Ratings, any FL20470 'R1 AE (b) Eval 20470.3.odf additional use limitations; installation instructionsand_product FL20470 RI AE (¢) TT Plastics.2.pdf particulars. Created liy Independent Third Party: Yes 20470.4 d. Thermo Tru Fiber -Classic and' Smooth-Star:Single Nominal WO."Impact" Opaque Composite Edge Fiberglass Door (Inswing/Outswing; X configuration)) Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes 1FL20470 RS II fE Inst 20470.4.pdf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Verified By: Lyndon E Schmidt, P.E.43409 Impact Resistant: Yes Created by Independent'Third Party:'Yes Design Pressure: N/A Evaluation Reports Other: See INST 20470.4 for Design -Pressure Ratings, any FL20470 RI _ AE (o) Eval 20470.4.p additional use limitations; installation instructions arid, product FL20470 ';R1 :AE tb T. T'Plastics.2:pdf particulars. Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 20470,5 e. Thermo Tru Fiber. -Classic and Nominal 8 0 "Impact" Opaque Composite Edge:Fiberglass I Smooth -Star Single poor with Sidelite(s) (Inswingyoutswing; �X(; ox or OXO.'confgurations) Limits of Use Approved for use'in HVHZ: Yes Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistiirte Yes Design Pressure: N/A Evaluation, Reports Third dil.aspx?param=wGEVXQwtDgsJ9a49YAgXJuu9..%o2fp88zxka9rWOzxE1 e2Y1 MMLGdCkEKQ%3d%3d 215 Florida Building Code Online 5/912018 Other: See INST 264761.'Design Pressure Ratings, any FL20470 Ri A ) Eval 20470.5.Of additional use limitations, installation instructions and protluct FL20470 Ri An tg) TT Plastics.2.pd1 Created by Independent Third Patty: Yes particulars. 20470.6 f. Thermo Tru Fiber -Classic and Nominal 8'0 "Impact" Opaque Composite Edge Fiberglass Smooth -Star Double Door with or without Sidelites (Inswing/Outswing; XX or OXXO configurations) Limits of Use Installation Instiuctioris Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes FL20470 R1 II (b)Inst 20470.6.pdf Approved for use outside HVHZ:'Yes Verified By: Lyndon F. Schmidt, P.E. 43409 Impact Resistant: Yes Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Design Pressure: N/A Evaluation Reports other: See INST 20470.6 for Design Pressure Ratings, any FL20470 RI AE (b) Eval 20470.5.pdf additional use limitations, installation instructions and product FL20470 RI AE f la) TT Plastics.2.g_df• particulars. Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 20470.7 g. Thermo Tru Fiber -Classic and Nominal 6'8 "Impact" Glazed Composite. Edge Fiberglass Single Smooth -Star Door (Inswing/outswing; X configuration) Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes FL26470 R1 II (b) Inst20470.7.pdf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Verified By: Lyndon F Schmidt, P.E. A3409 Impact Resistant -Yes Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Design. Pressure: N/A Evaluation Reports other: See INST 20470.7 for Design Pressure Ratings, any FL20470 RI AE (b)-Eval 20470.7.pdf additional use limitations, installation instructions and product FL20470 R1 AE (b) TT Plastics.2.pdf particulars. I Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 20470.8 h. Thermo Tru Fiber -Classic and Smooth -Star Nominal 6'8 "Impact" Glazed Composite Edge Fiberglass Single Door with Sideiite(s) (Inswing/Outswing; XO, OX or OXO configurations) Limits of Use Installation Instructions FL20470 R1 II (b) Inst 20470.8.gdf Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Verified By:�Lyndon F. Schmidt, P.E. 4.3409 Impact Resistant: Yes Created, by Independent Third Party: Yes Design Pressure: N/A Other: See INST 20470.8 for Design.Pressure Ratings, any Evaluation Reports FL70470 R1 AE_ O1) Eval 20470.8.p additional use limitations, installation instructions and `product FL20470 RT 'AE '(W TTPlastics.2.p_cf- particulars. Created,by Independent Third Party: Yes 20470.9 1. Therma Tru Fiber -Classic and Smooth -Star Nominal 6'8 "Impact" Glazed Composite Edge Fiberglass Double Door with or without Sidelites (Inswing/Outswing; XX or OXXO configurations) Limits of Use Installation instructions Approved for use in HVHZ- Yes FL20470 R1 II (b} Inst 20470.9.g_df Approved for use -outside HVHZ: Yes Verified By-' Lyndon F. -Schmidt, P.E. 43409 Impact Resistaim.*Os Created by Independent Third Patty: Yes Design Pressure: N/A Other: See INST 20470.9 for Design Pressure Ratings, any Evaluation Reports FL20470 • Rl AE I" .Eval 20470.9.pdf additional use limitations, installation instructions and product FL20470.• RI At •( )"Tr Plastics.2.ndf particulars. Created by Independent Third Party: •Yes 20476.16 j. Therma; Tru Fiber -Classic and Smooth=Stat, Nominal 810 "ImpacY'-Glazed Composite, Edge Fiberglass Single Door (Inswing/Outswing; X configuration) Limits of Use Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes, Installation Instructions FL20470 RI II (b) Inst 20470.10.pg Approved. for use outside HVHZ: Yes Verified By: Lyndon F Schmidt, P E: 43409 Impact Resistant:. Yes Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Design Prgssure. N/A Other: See INST°20470:10for Design Pressure Ratings„any Evaluation Reports• FL20470 .RI 'AE (b)'Eval20470.10.pdf additional use limitations, installation instructions and. product- FL26470 'RS AE (¢) TT Plastics.2.pcl particulars: Created by.Independent Third Party: Yes 20470.11 k. Therma=Tru Fiber -Classic and Smooth -:Star Nominai 8`0 '"Impact" Glazed Composite Edge Fiberglass Single Door with Sidelites) (Ins_ wing/Outswing; XO,'OX or OXO configurations) Limits of Use .Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes Installation Instructions FL20470 Ri" II (b) Inst 20470 11.pdf. Appr..oved for use'outside HVHZ: Yes Verified By: Lyndon ,F..;SchMldt, P.E. 43409 .impact Resistant; Yes Created by Independent'Third Party: Yes Design Pressure: N/A Evaluation Reports Other: See INST•20470.11 for Design Pressure Ratings, any FLio470' Ri ae (b) Eval z0470.11.pdr additional use limitations,`Installation instructions'ani product FI20410 R1.AE jt TTPlastics.2.pdf particulars. 'Created ty4ndependent Ttiird Party: Yes M470.12 I. Therma TYu Fiber Classic and Nominal 8'0 "Impact" Glazed. Composite Edge Fiberglass Smooth -Star Double Door;with 6� without Sidelites (Inswing"/Outswing; XX or.OXXO configurations) _app_dtl:aspx?param=weEVXQwtDgsJ5a49YAgYJuuO6/g4.86zxka9rWOZXEl e2Y.1 MMLGdCkEKQ%o3d%$d 3/5 , 5/9/2018 II .Florida Building Code Online Limits of Use Installation Ii ctions Approved for use in H'Vr7G: Yes FL20470 R1 I'. uL Inst 20470.12.pdf Approved for use outside HVHZo-Yes Verified By: Lyndon F. Schmidt, P.E. 43409 Impact Resistant: Yes Created: by Independent Third Party: Yes Design Pressure: N/A Evaluation Reports Other: See INST 20470.12 for Design Pressure Ratings, any FL20470 R-1 AE fb) Eval 20470.12.pdf additional use limitations, installation instructions and product FL20470 Ri AE__(b) TT Plastics.2,Of particulars. I Created by Independent Third ,Party: Yes 20470.13 m. Therma Tru Fiber -Classic and Smooth -Star Nominal 618 "Impact" Opaque Composite Edge Fiberglass Single Door with "Non -Impact" Sidelites) (Inswing/Outswing; XO, OX or OX0 configurations) Limits of Use Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes Installation Instructions FL20476 RI II (lb) Inst 20470.13.,Ddf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Verified By: Lyndon F. Schmidt, P.E. 43409 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Impact Resistant: Yes design Pressure: N/A Evaluation Reports Other: See INST 20470.13 for Design Pressure Ratings, any FL20470 R1 AE (b) Eval 20470.13.pdf additional use limitations, installation instructions and product FL20470' RI AE_ (b) TT Plastics.2.pd particulars. (For Fiber -Classic and Smooth -Star Sidelites, this Created by Independent Third Party: Yes product approval requires the use of "J" part numbers for these Sidelites, which have been stained or painted within six months of installation.) 20470.14 n. Therma Tru Fiber -Classic and Smooth -Star Nominal 6'8 "Impact" Opaque Composite Edge Fiberglass Double Door with "Non -Impact". Sidelites (Inswing/Outswing; OXXO cohfiguration) Limits of Use Installation Instructions, Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes FL20470 '117 II (b)nst I20470.14.Qdf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Verified By: Lyndon F. Schmidt, P.E. 43409 Impact Resistant: Yes Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Design Pressure: N/A Evaluation Reports Other: See INST 20470.14 for Design Pressure Ratings, ;any FL20470 -R1 AE (b) Eval 20470.14.Rdf additional use limitations, installation instructions and product FL20470 RI AE (b) ZT Plastics.2.pdf particulars. (For Fiber -Classic and Smooth -Star Sidelites, this Created by"Independent Third Party: Yes product approval requires the use of " Y' part numbers For these Sidelites, which have been stained or painted within six months of installation.) 20470.15 6. Therma Tru Fiber -Classic and Nominal 8'0 "Impact" Opaque Composite Edge Fiberglass I Smooth -Star Single Door with Non -Impact" Sidelite(s) (Inswing/Outswing; XO,'OX or OXO cohfigurations) Limits of Use Installation. Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes , FL20470 Rl II (b) Inst20470.15.pdf Approved for use outside. HVHZ,: Yes Verified B.y: Lyndon_F. Schmidt, PE.43409 Impact Resistant: 'YesLL Created by-IndependentThird_ Party: Yes Design Pressure:.N/A Evaluation Reports Other: See INST 20470.15 for Design .Pressure Ratings, any FL20470- RI .AE (b) Eval 20470.15.pd additional use limitations, installation instructions and product FL20470 R1 AE :(b) 7T Plastics.2.f particulars, ,(For Fiber-Classic.and..Smooth-Star Sidelites, this Created_ ,by Independent Third Party: Yes product approval requires the use of ] pain numbers for these Sidelites, which have been,sta"ined or painted within_ six months of installation.) 20470:16 p. Therma-Tru Fiber -Classic and Nominal.•8'0 "impact'° Opaque Composite Edge Fiberglass Smooth -Star Double Door with "Non=Impact" Sidelites (Inswing/Outswing; OXXO configuration) Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes FL20476 Ri II .(6 Inst 20470.16.pdf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Verified'By: Lyndon F, Schmidt, P.E. 43409 ImpactResistant:.Yes Created byIndependentThird Party: Yes Design Pressure: N/A Evaluation Reports other: See INST20470.16 for Design Pressure Ratings, any FL20410. R1. AE (b} Eval 20470.16.jLf additional use limitations, installation instructions and product FL20'470 Ri -AE (b) TT Plastics.2.pdf particulais:'(For Fiber -Classic and Smooth,Star Sidelites, this Created by'Independent Third Party: Yes product approval requires fhe use of part numbers for these.Sidelites ,which fiave been stained or•painted within six months of installation.) 20470.11 g. Therma Tru Fiber -Classic and Nominal 6'8 "Non:Impact" Opaque Composite Edge Fiberglass Smooth -Star ;Single Door (Inswing/Outswing; X configuration) Limits of Use insttallatien inw"stiona Approved for use in-HVHZ.: Yes, �FL20470 Rl II (b) Inst'20470,17.pdf Approved. for use outside HVHZ: Yes Verified By: Lyndon F 561 midtf RE. 43409' Impact Resistant: No Created by Independent Third- Party; Yes Design'Pressure: N/A 'Evaluation Reports Others See INST 20470.17 for Design Pressure -Ratings, any FL20470 of AE (b)_Ev'al-20470.17.pd� additional -use limitation's, installation instructions.and product FL20470 _R1 AE -(W TT Plastics.2.pdf particulars. (For Fiber -Classic and Smooth -Star Sidelites, this Created by Independent "Third Party: Yes ng.org/prlpr app_dtl.aspx?ppram=wGEVXQwtDgsJ9a49YAgXJuu9%2fp88zxka9rWbzxEle2Y1MMLGdCkEKQ'/o3d%3d 4/5 5/9/2018 Florida Building Code Online product approval requir.4 ; use of "7" part numbers for these Sidelites, which hL: ..een stained or painted within six months of'installation.) 20470.18 r. Thermo Tru Fiber -Classic and Smooth Star Nominal 6'8 "Non -Impact" Opaque Composite Edge Fiberglass Single Door with Sidelite(s) (Inswing/Outswing; XO, OX or OXO configurations) Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes FL20470 ':Rl II W Inst.20470.18.pLf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Verified By: Lyndon F. Schmidt; P.E. 43409 Impact Resistant: No Created by Independent Third'Party:•Yes Design Pressure: N/A Evaluation Reports Other: See INST 20470.18 for Design Pressure Ratings, any, FL20470 RI AE (b) Eva[ 20470.18.pdf additional use limitations; Installation instructions and product FL20470 RI AE (j�) TT Plastics.2.Rdf particulars. (For Fiber -Classic and Smooth -Star Sidelites, this Created by Independent Third Party: Yes product approval requires the use of "I" part numbers for these Sidelites, which have been stained or painted within six months of installation.) 20470.19 I s. ThermaTru Fiber -Classic and I Ndminal.6% "Non -Impact" Opaque Composite Edge Fiberglass Smooth -Star Double Door with or without Sidelites (Inswing/Outsviing; XX or OXXO configurations) Limits of Use Installation Instruction's Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes FL20470 R1 II (b) Inst 20470.19.odf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Verified By: Lyndon F. Schmidt; P.E. 43409 Impact Resistant: No Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Design Pressure: N/A Evaluation Reports Other: See INST 20470.19 for Design Pressure Ratings, any FL20470 R1 AE (b) Eval 20470.19.pdf additional use limitations, installation instructions and.product FL20470 Ri AE (b) IT Plastics.2.pd particulars. (For Fiber -Classic and Smooth -Star Sidelites, this Created by Independent Third Party: Yes product approval requires the use of "3" part numbers for these Sidelites, which have been stained or painted within six months of installation.) 20470.20 t. Thermo Tru Fiber -Classic and Nominal 8'0 "Non -Impact" Opaque Composite Edge Fiberglass Smooth -Star Single Door (Inswing/Outswing; X configuration) Limits of Use Instaliation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ Yes FL20470 RI II '(b) Irtst 20470.20.pdf Approved. for use outside HVHZ: Yes Verified By:. Lyndon F. Schmidt, P.E. 43409 Impact Resistant: No Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Design Pressure: N/A Evaluation Reports Other: See INST 20470.20 for Design Pressure Ratings, any FL20470 R1 -AE (¢) Eva[ 20470.20.pd additional use'limitations, installation instructions and product FL20470 R1 AE. (¢}TT Plastics.2. particulars. (For Fiber -Classic -and Smooth -Star Sidelites; this. Created by. independent Third Party: Yes product approval requires the use of '7"-part numbers for these Sidelites,: which have been stained or -pain t6d within six months of installation.) Go to Page = e 4 9 Page 1/ 2 0 i0 Sack Pleat Contact Us :: 2661 Blair Stone Road' Tallahassee F132399 -Phone: 850-487-1924 The state Of Florida is,an AA/EEO employee ,C=opy�r'ghi 2067-7.013 State of Florida.:: Privacy Statement :: Accessibility Statement :: Refund Statement Under Florida law, email addresses are public records. If you do not want your e-mail address released in response to a public-recntds request, do not send electronic mail to this entity. Instead, contact.the office by phone or by traditional mail. If you have,any'questions, please contact 850.487.1395, '"Pursuant to Section 455.275(t), Florida' Statutes, effective October 1,•2012, flcensees licensed under,Chapter 45s, F.S.`musip oVide the bepartmentwith, an, email address if they have one. The emails provided maybe used for official communicationwiththe licensee. However email addresses are public record. if you do not wish to supply a,personal address, please provide the. Department with an'etbailaddress which can:be made available to the public: To determine if you are a licensee under Chapter 455; F.5 , please click h.— Product Approval Accepts: M® 99 M ,' 'aGrerl�t Gartl MMLGdC.kEKQ%3d%3d' 5/5 0 s THERIMAITRU" 000as Fiber -Classic..& Smooth -Star. COMPOSITE EDGE OPAQUE FIBERGLASS SINGLE DOOR INSWINOIOUTSWiNG '7MPA.CT` GENERAL NOTES 1, this product evaluation drawing has been developed In compflonce with the 61h Edition (2017) Florida Building Code (FBC) Including the "High Velocity Hunlcane Zone" (HVHZ). Z Product anchors shall be as listed and spaced as shown on details. Anchorembedmentto base material shall be beyond wall dressing or stucco. 3. When used in the:"HVHT'this product compiles with Section 1626 of the FBC and does not requae an impact .resistant covering. 4. When used In areas outside,ofthe "HVHZ" requiring wind borne debris protection, this product compiles with FBC Sections 1609.11 & R301 a.1land does not require an impact 7esistant.covering, ft product meets missile level "U andincludes:Wlnd Zone.4 as defined InASTM E 1996 and FBC Sections 1609.1.2.2`& R30121,2.1. 5.. For 2x stud framing construction,.anchoring of these units shall bathe same as that shown for 2x buck masonry conshucfion. Site conditlons that deviote from the details of this drawing require further engineering analysis by a licensed engineer or registered architect. 7. This product meals thewoter infiltration requirements for the "HM'. s. Outswing configurations using Coastal Sill (item #19) & Composite Sill (item#16) under active doors meet water Infiltmttonrequirementsfor'HVHZ"- Al other configurations do not meet the water Infiltration requirements for the "HVHP;and shall be Installed only innon-habitable areas or at habitable.locations protected by an overhang or canopy such that the angle between the edge of canopy or, overhang to sEtIs less than 45 degrees. TABLE OF CONTENTS RON Elevations, Design Pressures K General Noes SHEEN 7 vertical Cross sections resh ds panel t6ft 8 BuckB me Anchoring s 9 : Hardware Defogs a & e calCrossSecHons 2><Buc 10 Com onents o &Vert cal Cross Sections 1 Buck 1 I Bill of Materials a & enlca Cross sec ions D ct to Moson 37.75" MAX OA FFRAMEWIDTH El O- M.-°0 O, _. O: wW `_ x ty CONFIGURATION -LOCK HARDWARE DESIGN PRESSURE (PSI) INSWING DESIGN PRESSURE (PSP) :OIITSWiNG- POSlT1VE NEGATIVE POSITIVE NEGATIVE x Kwikset +75.0 -75.0 +80.0 " -800 x Schtage +75.0 -75.0. +75:0 .75.0 x Multipotnt' +55.0 -60.0 +55.0 -55.0 See Sheet 3 for Hardware Speciflcafions om P" rr! itlll 1 � �' N .,.. 0; ro : ui3A. o L xZ z m,� 1 9 ILL � E:08/0a/16 ._ s BY, X m' L BY. LFS. 3 LYING°NO.; F.L-20470.1 ox EXTERIOR 3.6" 000.00000 0.000000 00-000000 00.00000 r ?.. K r ;i, f a .sr `.•� 0000000 a.'' • .- h r. 4 .. 000000,0 t�E ;'a, - r 1 r' OD,O.00000 '�'r0 :C.r. rrr, ".. 0000000 00.000000 o' o 0 0 0 0 0. COMPOSITE 0:0 0 0 0 0 0 0 COMPOSITE STEEL REINFORCEMENT LOCK STILE CAP 0000000 CAP HINGESTILE (0,023"THK.) INTERIOR (ENGINEERED WOOD) 00000000 000 (ENGINEERED WOOD) 00p o 1. HORIZONTAL CROSS SECTION 000o 00.000 2 0.406" 0 0000000' �'--0.7" 00000000 ' JU 0.000000: 1100000000 O tiQJ,9 DEfAILA-A STEEL REINFORCEMENT PANEL REINFORCEMENT 28.86% OPEN (0.023"ThlckSteel) AREA MAX.- * #8 X 2S' PFH WS (TYP. C EACH DOOR CORNER) 36.0" MAX. DOOR PANEL WIDTH &-Cl ® 2 m u, x gWoo X -T I,� p 4O DOOR PANEL BOOK 35.813" MAX, DOOR PANEL WIDTH DOOR PANEL 41 Hybdd D.., COMPOSITE' CAP- HINGE STILE (ENGINEERED WOOD) BITMAX. DOOR PANEL WIDTH 4Z DOOR PANEL 1110. j Orr��LT Y 4— tiT,�.S'7l—T STEELREINFORCEMENT .INTERIOR LOCKSIILE 'CAP �0.023 -THK) (ENGINEERED WOOD) [�2 �HORIZONTAL CROSS SECTION 2 , STEEL 0 TOP RAIL )SITE/EdG' WOOD). ----FOAM CORE,-- J (POLYURETHANE- 1.9 PCF MIN.). INTERIOR EXTERIOR INTERIOR r - fY FIBERGLASS SKIN I I BOTTOMRAIL�/ (COMP.) F--1,71" EXTERIOR 0 VY o_ U N a O o, g Z in o in a co Z $a. 2 c L BY: JK- m L EY: L's 3 O � r:L-20470.1 .Yru p81"errW - F o,Ma Phut Appmvats\F . wan • fompasibelC- DrawbyslFL 21470 (26v)1Fi 26470.3-3.dw9, 3.1 ICI I��I �av es . Ili►li�►i cab.- --?I• Ililll®IIIIII Ililll�ll 11�111®)l FS' zo: o IS i- 0. P- by m m !•iji�` '' '::SSIf 1 j;e. ~ ffVo. 43469 7 y ma_ % PRODUCT: Documentn:PrepanW W %Q% .87AE0F ri P r7 THERMA-7RU. LY17aon F. Sohmlat �inr'otao► I_ N • - FIBER LASS DOOR P.E. No. !i34o9, �".. y Iv PART: OR ASSEMBLY: _ //J�� BUILDING CONSULTANT$, p R ,V1 1 •'7 14 17 UPDATE`TO 6M ED. 2017 F8C JK V V P.O. Box 230,. Voldco.:FL 33595 m NO .DATE •'• -BY. Phoge No - 813 659 91.97 . •REVISIONS ` Q�A710N$ pgpE cA .No. 9&13 ®21376 R.W. 9UILOINIi CONSULTANTS INC. - Prod+�AvP�'d�W.'--'-1VFiZ7T= etc- Dravdr9AM.20470(ZoSi)1iG79470.13.dwg,4.1, 11 ME I I�. 7s 0 z F19EWVSB DOOR i+ .y N PART OR ASSEMBLY: o y J 7 14 k7 MATE.TO 6TH ED. 2017 FBC ,JK of NO DATE gy HORIZONTAL &vm REVIs10N5 CROSS SEC -BONS 316 R.W. BUILDING OCNauiswNTe INC. 1-lle MIN. EMB, M?.) 7. 25/. j p'epona'B� Schnildt- 434OB -Rupm4ANMM-Flmmaftda #appovalst*?2o47o*maTr cemvosexc- om*sslR-zoom fminU ma7o-t-3.dm,s.i T T qn a- O z m -• � a 2 �z ,%tltlrLrrrr` Vc�isF•.. �' Na 434OR ;. . Ooeuments Propgred 9y: � E THERMA—TRU_ Lyndon' F. 5o Idt ����'`p'• ti +FIBERGLASS DOOR R.E No: 4340s R' ASSEM9LY: BUILDING I ' -ANTS WC7,(i:_ _ _...CONSULTCONS �If Q9- EMB. (Typ.) 1.5 ." MAX. EXTERIOR INTERIOR EXTERIOR �,"! INTERIOR VERTICAL CROSS SECTION 4 \VERTICAL CROSS.SEC'TION \,A-ll.q,vnM,e 11.0 Ma'" \,�'oh.,Ot=,Dg"O.c,d'y'044c"9011n'6yl..b DIRECT TO MASONRY�MAX.bESIGKPRESSURE. 0 t""Ingg� lla,9/IVj..b wl STANDARD STRIKE =-, i,55.PSF ,w/SECURITY STRIKE = :t6 5 FSF C INTERIOR INTERIOR IMMMINN" i lb- M MI-1-1/4-MIN. W E93. TIFJ 44 1 � EXTERIOR 17// 1 U_ 1_�IAVMIN. EMB. jTYfj KJS� HORIZONTAL CROSS SECTION K_2'� HORIZONTAL CROSS SECTION .�'3 HORIZONTAL CROSS SECTION \,.�.Shown Direct to Masonr s to Mcs Outswing only wl 0116 jamb oln,Vlamb '��6:�O',OW,."�,'I,'OW/M4T9olln6q], b outsvAngonly-w/4-W M MAX rKQ, A s t4 C4 0 5, -A 3 I ZR EXTERIOR I I E 1-1/4 MIN. EMB. ([YP.) 6 HORIZONTAL CROSS SECTION Shown Direct to Mosonr 0 X, utsvAng'.only wl 6-9116 jamb Notes: 1. SolItem #Is 17, 18; 19,3Z 34,35;.36,37,3B & 39 are attached to jambs wl (3) #6 X 21/2' ' pfh screws at each end. Sill Item #s 16A 33 are attached to jambs w/ (2) #8 X 2-112'pfh screws at each end. SIR Item # 15 Ii attached Joijambs utiUzlng. (2) # 10 X 21 pph.SMS.Pt each end: INTERIOR: EXTERIOR. SEE NOTE I rl-"VERTICAL CROSS SECTION EXTERIOR INTERIOR 16 17 .8 19 40 41 42 7 SEE NOTE I VERTICAL CROS SECTION e.0utvftSil (coostco SM Shown) E x SEE NOTE I 1� at"Pi RiZ VERTICAL CROISSECTIOU &l 7jInWng.SiII' EXTERIOR' INTERIOR, SEE NOTE I DAM 08/02/16 =AM- AT.S. 4 VERTICAL CROSS SECTION I;WCL - By, JK PUMP A.CCW SUI ;W ft TFS PERPNEMIA- Flodaa Pmdutt APP�ts�, „R1z- r-compmrixc- DmwkK F ma7D tz MTL-zoaP-1' a+�, NA-' - .00 PIZ to +' N •4 Si �.' "n r. .r I� is MAX If (rYP.) .I t-- o,c. (nP,) .A Q Zy7 � a o.c. (T P.) 4 s. fm rn L 7cG N p 14 MAX. � O.C. (1Y0.) . 6' (TYP.) H N ' No,'43409 n R THERMA-TRU , 17oeumente Prepared BY: BTATE ymdon F , Sehmtdt i RZOµ1D1 . FlBERGLASS.TOOR P.E No 43409` p x tq N BUILDING C ONSULTANTS; P o:, eox', 230. % Co• * 33595 EM PAW OR ASSBLY:, '1 7 14 17 UPDATE TO :M ED. 6ilGK-dC FRAME ANCHORINCa oai NO DATE ` 3Y rn Phone No.: 01.3.K59,9197 FBPE.CA No.•9813 REMSIONS Z016 R.W. BUILDING CDN6ULTANT6 INC. I 1 - R:\ I \ltiema TM PEaM:d'iEN.SY�-Fbcida Pmduct!� mvals\FL -' -,;; MTf-L6rtiC e1C-'brat+'1 s1R 7A410C !11R'2�470.1.3.dvr9, 5.1 I , 5m X� .Xm v X to O "I O ni U. to 0.5 c c xc0 n X <O � .�. Q- rn .c O n x vb it m a+ c � � n a � O •p y �- r b •p f/! �. 1 7 14' 17 UPOATE TO '6M ED. rn' NO DATEc :a N O O Rrti y ® .. 6 a �a z � b m m 21-2S ;(TYP.J 1125" FROM TOP BOOK DOOR OFJAMB 24.7S' (TYP.) 11.125' FROM TOP UJ MYBRIDDOOR � OFJAMB 452Z (t I S'J -- - { ' DOOYIfwf�O PIljwfad I THERMA-TRU.. Lyndon FC Schmidt RBERGLASS DOOR, P.e. N.. sae DING �,P.o,nObx =E1dB L9RDWARE DEALS .. .Phoe No ; No:43408 •t. I iT. • ' _ :flrid3 Pdud APPk1R'-_-�- 3 R:\U�e�nMTtCouyasfe\C- Dmw7nAM70(2017)\L-204701.dw9.104 _ 1.01° 1.88 m a a ° z 3 0 a 3 c0. . 3 E6 El 6 o� � 2: -1- 7 14 .17- UPDATE TD 6iH El NO ' OATF ' THERMA-TRO FO RGlASS DOOR H G 7 —:AND Q409 11n Pmpcled BYr i STIQEOF -F. Schmidt LI 43409. .1,_ FL 3359 97 2016•R.W. BUILDING CURGULTAN19 INC., BILL OF MATERIALS BILL OF MATERIALS I . TEM4— DESCRIPTION MATERIAL M # DESCRIPTION MATERIAL A -IX BUCK (SG >=0.42) WOOD 25 #8 x 2-112"PFH WOOUSCREW STEEL 29 BUCK(SG>= 0.42) WOOD 26 #8 X 5/6'PFH- WOOD SCREW' STEEL C 1/4", —SPACE 27 -LATCH STRIKE PLATE STEEL D 1/4"-X 2-3/4'PFH ELCO OR ITW CONCRETE SCREW STEEL 28 DEADBOLT STRIKE PLATE STEEL E MASONRY - 3,000 PSI MIN, CONCRETE CONFORMING TO ACI 301 OR HOLLOW BLOCK CONFORMING TO ASTM C90 CONCRETE 28A DEADBOLT SECURITY.SUB STRIKE PLATE STEEL -28B DEADBOLT--STRIKE PLATE -(SECURITY) STEEL G L 3/1 e X 3-114"ITW CONCRETE SCREW 17 X 3-3/4" PFH ELCO OR ITW` CONCRETE SCREW # 10 X 2-1 /Z'PFH W00L) 5(;Kt:vv 11. 1 S'MIN. EMBEDMENT) STEEL STEEL STEEL 29 30 31 4"X 4!"HINGE LATCH & DEADBOLT STRIKE PLATE (TONGUE SYSTEM) -MUILTIPOINT STRIKE PLATEJTONGUEISYSTEM) STEEL - ALUM/COMP ALUM/COMP M, N 3116, F2--114"ITW CONCRETE SCREW 3/1 6'X 2-3/4'ITW CONCRETE SCREW 'STEEL STEEL 32 33 INSWING THRESHOLD INSWING THRESHOLD ALUM/COMP ALUM/COMP I JAMB (FINGER JOINT WOOD 34 7TINSWINGTHRESHOLD- INSWING THRESHOLD ALUM/.COMP" 6 WF-A1tit:MINIP-(MEDIUM REACH) FOAM 35 ALUM/COMP 7 WEATHERSTRIP (LONG REACH)_ FOAM 36 INSWING THRESHOLD, ALUM/COMP — B --SWEEP V— VINYL 37 INSWING THRESHOLD- ALUM/COMP I 9 SWEEP (USE W1 MODERATE CLIMATE THRESHOLD) VINYL 38 INSWING THRESHOLD ALUM/COMP ',10 SWEEP (USE W/-PUBLIC ACCESS THRESHOLD) VINYL 39 INaWINGTHRESHOLD ALUMICOMP 15 PUBLIC ACCESS THRESHOLD ALUM 40 -DOOR RANEU(BOOK)', 16 OUTSWING THRESHOLD ALUM/COMP 41 I -DOOR -PANEL (HYBRID)- 417 OUTSWING THRESHOLD ALUM/COMP 42 1. DOOR PANEL (U1J 18 'OUTSWING THRESHOLD . ALUM/COMP 19 COASTAL OUTSWiNG THRESHOLD . . ALUM/WOOD 22 #8 x 314! PFH WOOD SCREW STEEL 23 fl 0 x —3/4" PFH WOOD SCREW STEEL 24 #10x I" PFH WOOD SCREW STEEL MR 19. -g CONCRETEANCHOR NOTES. vi 5 1. Concrete onchorldcations afth6 comers maybe adjusted to m6fritaln the min. (n Z edgedl;fahcq to Mortarlotht& i Concr6teanchorlocatloni noted as "MAX. ON CENTER" must be adjustedto. maintain the min. edge distance to mortorJoInts, additional concrete ,anchdrs. maybe requked'to ensure the "MAX ON CENTER'd1menslon ore not exceeded. 3. Concretpon ortab ch le. .. .... ... gs. ...... ....... ..... .......... .......... ITw TAPCON" IX I-Itc 2! 4" ELCO ULTRACON 1/4" 1414" 1. 4" ITW 311V 1AX ASSHOWN 1-im ' TAP I I I WOOD SCREW INSTALLATION d distance, & 1" O.C. satin of 14 Maintain a'mlnhvm 518" edge distance, V en wood screws topr6vent the splitting of wood. r n LFS WHO N04 , "FL-20470.1 2..� '' ' , . Z. >. h�PubliWtios CntR Us1 Un BCIS,Aome [LIn 1`userRegC11 I HotTopes;j SubmitSucage p.isatoks' Search �a SCANNED Prod SER; uct'Approva1 By rubGc user St. eels 1 Product Anbro4al Menu > Productar Application Search ,> application. List > Applkation Detail FL:# FU.823-" Application Type Revision Code Version 2017 Application Status Approved Comments Archived` Product.Manufactuhar� j Custom Window $ystemsinc. Address/Phone/Email 1900 SW 44th Avenue Ocala; FL34474 (352) 368-6922 Ext-245 kpine@cws.cc Authorized Signature Kevin Pine kpine@cws.cc r Technical. Representative 7ay'Lathrop Address/Phone/Email 1900 SW 44th Ave - Ocala,.FL 34474. (352)368-6922 Ext:291 jiathrop@cws.cc` Quality Assurance Representative Arturo Monteverde Address/Phone/Email, 1900:SW �44th Ave Qcala; FL'3.4474 (352) 36, 8 6422 Ext •2m1 ,amonteverde@I* cc ' . Windows' 'Cate gory w SubcorY ate " Sm le Hy rig g 'compiiance;Method; Evaluation Reportfrom a'Flonda Registered -Architect or-a,Llcensed Florida 'Professional En 'Weer 9!. Evalu Report:-"Hardcogy Received' Fiorida.Engineer or Architect, Name who developed the. Lucas A. Turner Evaluation Report 'Florida License pE=58201 Quality Assurance Entity' Keystone Certifications, Im Quality Assurance;Contract"Expiration` Date, A7/21/2020 ` ' Validated lay Steven M Urich; PE Z Validation Checklist - Hardcopy Received Certificate. of lndepen,enpe FL5823 •R8 C0I,EvaiRe6ort155U.pd Refergriced Standard and Year (of Standard) Standard Year AAMA%V1/DMA/C5A/lol/I S 2/A440-DS., 2605 ASTM E180,&02, 2002 ASTMss5 oS 2005 ASTM;.E1996':U2 ` 2002 ASTM;ET996 D5, 2_ 5 4 PA/TAS'301/202[203 C., i Equivalence`of Product Sty ds Certified By Sections from the Code Product Approval Method Date Submitted Date Validated Date'Pending FBC Approval Date .Approved Summary of Products. Method 1 Option D 09/28/2017 09/10/2017 1.0/02/2017 12/12/2017 FL # Model, Number or Name Description 5823.1 8100 Vinyl. Single Hung 8100 Vinyl,.Single Hung (Impact) Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes FLS823 R8 II CWS-155D pdf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Verified By: Lucas A. Turner 58201 impact Resistant: Yes Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Design Pressure: N/A Evaluation Reports other. Large Missile, see installation dwgs. for Max. size and FL5823 R8 AE EvalReiiort155D.od1 OP. Outer lite in I.G. must be safety glazed when used above Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 36 ft. in'.HVHZ. Glass complies to ASTM E1300=04. 5823.2 SH-8100 Cont.. Hd. & Sill SH-8100.Cont. Hd-. &.Sill (double Single Hung), Impact, 74 1/8" x 63". Limits of Use installation Instructions Approved for, use in HVHZ: Yes FL5823 R8 II` CWS-440C.rdfdf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Verified By: Lucas A. Ttimer 58201 impact Resistant: Yes Created by IndependeptThird Party: Yes Design Pressure. N/A Evaluation Reports other: Max. unit size 72-7/8" x 61z3/4'. Outer lite in I.G. FI_5R23 R8 AE EvalReoor"t440C.pdf must be safety glaze d.when used above 30 ft: in HVHZ._ Glass Created by Independent Third Parry: Yes corrlplies to ASTM E1300=04. Back Next Contact Us,:; 769t'.Blair Stone Rohde7allahaseee F132399 Phone: 850-487-1824 Th..Stat. n4 Ff rid. is an.Av7 w emniwer:..Capytlght 7007-2013'State 6t Fl rich •.D - ' .. n �c"v-Gt'atemerit; Qccesslbiiity Statement Fef0rid5+afQrttgnt MAX:,SASH WIDTH TABLE.OF CONTENTS GENERAL NOTES &ELEVATIONS 1- OWINGDETAILS..,:, ... 2 SECTIONNIEWS 8 ALT. FRAME.. $ EXTRUSIONSA B.O.M ..4 ANCHOR'SCHEDULEBNOTES .,.....5 INSTALLATION DETAILS ................6 R& —T GENERAL NOTES: - - - 1. THE PRODUCT SHOWN HEREIN IS DESIGNED AND MANUFACTURED sLE—Im TO COMPLY WITH THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODE (FBC), CURRENT EDITION INCLUDING THE HIGH VELOCITY HURRICANE ZONE (HVHZ) AND IS RATED FOR,WIND ZONE 4 MISSILE LEVEL D IMPACT USE AS DEFINED IN ASTM E 1996 PER THE FBC: 2. GLAZING OPTIONS: (SEE SHEET 2) 2LV.4_ 3. CONFIGURATIONS:'°O/X". OVERALL FLANGE WIDTH 4. DESIGN PRESSURE RATING: -NEGATIVE DESIGN LOADS BASED,ON, TESTED' PRESSURE AND 3 GLASS TABLES ASTM E-1300.0001/09. MAX UNIT WIDTH -POSITIVE DESIGN LOADS BASED ON, TESTED:PRESSURE, WATER INFILTRATION TEST.PRESSURE,AND GLASS TABLES 31 13/1 g" FGLASSOLO ASTM E-1300-04e01/09; A 5. ANCHORAGE: THE331/3% STRESS INCREASE HAS NOT BEEN USED- IN THE DESIGN OF THIS PRODUCT: SEESHEET 6 FOR ANCHOR DETAILS. W INDLOAD DURATION. FACTOR Cd=1`.6 WAS USED F,OR WOOD ANCHOR CALCULATIONS. j I j 6. PRODUCT. APPROVED FOR IMPACT RESISTANCE, THE IMPACT SWEEP LOCKS ARE INTENDED..TO BE LEFT UNLATCHED DURING NORMAL B' B GLASS OPERATION BUT MUST BE ENGAGED PRIOR TO EXPOSURE TO DLO HURRICANE WINDS AND FLYING DEBRIS:,. 7. ALL FRAMES AND VENTS FULLY WELDED. SMALL JOINT SEAM SEALANT T `' �. I USED AT FIXED MEETING RAIL AND JAMB. 8. SERIES / MODEL. DESIGNATION SH-8100. 5/16•. '-. 9.THE, DESIGNATION XAND'O;STAND FOR THEFOLLOWING UC X - OPERABLE SASH, 0 =: FIXED'SASH., SH }( iGHT 2Z GLASS 10. SECTION CALLOUTS APPLYTO ALL ELEVATIONS IN A SIMILAR 1 1' DLO LOCATION. 11. EXTERNAL.WEEP SLOT=1/4"x IIA14" LOCATED 4" FROM BOTH ENDS. -A, 12. SWEEP LOCKS.INSTALLED ON,WINDOWS OVER 36"'x 62". 28= GLASS'DL0 31..5/167. LucasTurne, MAXSASH WIDTH r 2017=09-22 1,1:38-04:00 LOCATION MAX. UNIT SIZE DESIGN PRESSURE IMPACT'RATING RATING NON=HVHZ ` 53;- 1`18" x-76" +/- 65 PSF LARGE MISSILE IMPACT HVHZ NON-HVHZ 36" x.62" +65 / -75 PSF = HVHZ +67.51-75; PSF WINDOW SYSTE.N 1900 SIN 44TH AVE: OCALA, FLORIDA,34474 W W W.CwS.CC 8100 PVC SINGLE HUNG IMPACT z Q 'ow0 Qw;p0 z. .wJO ow w zoz,a O ZF2�ws. c�S2 zd .. F—U..WOzOpz: w i2 a. .0 U) p w F- O Am :061 LUCAS A. TURNER, P.E: FL PE'# 68201 1239 JABARA AVE. NORTH PORT, FL',34288 PH. 941=360-1574 GENERAL NOTES AND ELEVATIONS dAWN.BY: DATE:. .ADE 06/10/08 NOif: REV4 CWS-155 D 3ALE' SHEET 1;1 1 OF 6 - — - - l8'-OVERAtLINSUL7dEDUUA - - � WINDOW SYSTEMS i/8" ANNEALED 1/8' ANNEALED 1900S4V 447H AvE.. 7116' AIRSPACE 7/16"'AIRSPACE OCALA, FLORIDA 34474. www.cws.cC 5N8" LAMINATED,GLASS• 5116" LAMINATEDGLASS 1/8' ANNEALED 118'-ANNEALED 8100 PVC .090",PVB'INTERLAYERBYDUPONT .090" PVBINTERLAYER.BYDUPONT -SINGLE HUNG 1/8' ANNEALED 118' ANNEALED IMPACT QUANEX DURASEAL QUANEX DURASEAL IG SPACER IG SPACER ? .+y 4 z 0. w I 'PURFECT'GLAZE''H" OR.SIKAFLEX.552 1 PURFECT'GLAZE "H' OR SIKAFCEX 552 ow I ¢ o,p 1 1/2' GLASS BITE 1/2" GLASS BITE O a cn Z} O,a 3 m "38 .:38 U '_Z Uto�Zai- z0 _U' Z?Uw Q -- � N �?UpOu o` �rOmo z Z_y N x Ir �'Oy�' .� a Lu GLASS TYPE A GLA$$ TYPE A SASH.LITE FIXED LITE .tiVCEN3FGNo, v :" Ne 58241' 7/8' OVERALL INSULATED GLASS' 716"=OVERALL INSULATED GLASS 1l9°.TEMPERED 118" TEMPERED Ofi j 7116" AIRSPACE 7/16"'AIRSPACE dtv��"' 5/1W LAMINATED GLASS 5116` LAMINATED GLASS: UB".ANNEALED 118" ANNEALED .090-YVISINTERLAVERBYDUPbNT 090" PVB'INTERLAYERBYDUPONT 1I8' 'ANNEALED 1/8° ANNEALED 1 QUANEX'DURASEAL• QUANEXDURASEAL _IG SPACER IG SPACER 9722/2017. 18 PURFECT GLAZE `H",OR SIKAFLEX 552 18 PURFECT GLAZE'H' ORSIKAFLEX 652. LUCAS A. TURNER,'$:E. FL PE # 58201 9 1/ LAG2 S_BiTE 1/2' GLASS BITE �'1239 JABARA AVE; NORTH PORT,: FL`34288 ° 38 �` 38 PH. 941.>360-1574 SHEET DESCRIPTION: •. GLAZING DETAILS 4 0 DRAWN BY: DATE ADE 06/10/08 DWG#: RE -- SETT NG BLOCKS PER.FBC 2411.3.3.1 GWS-155 D _ GLASS TYPE B cA�E: SHEET GLASS TYPE B. SASH LITE FIXED LITE 1;1' .2 OF 6 TERR7R WINDOWa�'TEMS 3: 21 19 10 39 11 1 1 15 3 1900'SW 44TH AVE: OCALA; FLOMDA 34474. W WW.CW S:CC 8100 PVC 41 a1 ` o SINOLE:HUNG IMPACT 46 O Y ,. 21 _ - 'Z 3: <z! 5 .12 20 12 20 26 O Z l - CIE Z_ ;z Qm3:co SECTION VIEW B=B p U p p d xW F' UmHI-.c;, NOTE:, SHOWS'FIXED SECTION VIEW, inz z Z O o '? F RIGHT SIDE SHOWS SASH SECTION VIEW. z v'z p U' -- u- W 30 o -, � �O}1-F' 12 LL1 OpF-Y 3'0u�1 LLmNO�tNi7!-: 38 per, ZF.S-a 0=0icn 29 ,, ., IX a 7r Wes._ rl z INTERIOR A , 8 ,�tNt>turrt�+r �� 32 ,,����pNDRBtM i J�Q+� ��GENSF4. ?-off 48 " � ' No -.56201 73.: *�' STATE OF �W 13 12` 14' &0. 9 4 9122/2017 LUCAS A. TURNER,,P.E. ao 1B FL PE k5820.1 1239 JABARA AVE. NORTH PORT, FL 34288. PH. 941-380.1574 ` 41 SHEET DESCRIPTION:. SECTION VIEW=C-C. SECTION VIEW A -A -ALTERNATE -FIN 'FRAME LOCK;REQUIRED SECTION VIEWSSWEEP NO"SWEEP LOCKS ALLOWED FOR SIZES OVER 36" x 62"... pRA BY: oq?E FOR-UNITS'36" x'62" AND UNDER. ADE 06/10/08 PWG . REV.: CW.S-155 ITEMS,NOT, SHOWN FOR CLARITY: 22, 27=2B; 33=37.43-4'5 scALE: 'SHEET A:2 3iOF 6 Ralf x1 112:_P; Washer — STEEL '35 P-3581 SereenCBth VINYL WIER 36. 'P-3033 I Screen SjrInq STEEL HURLEY 37. 4==3029% Screen Pdl,Tab STEEL HURLEY 38, P_=3352 SBt:•_Blk-85Dur.1/8"�x5/8"X2" RUBBER FRANKL'OWE -39 .P4768 #8 x5/8 Phil Pan Znc 21NC FASTENAL 40 P-4479 Wee cover .PLASTIC M&M 41 -P-3113- Screw S4 rt RUBBER- TEAM' 42 P-6025= Sash Stac L PVC MIKRON. M&M NOTE: ALL EXTRUSIONS ARE ALUMINUM 6063-T6 UNLESS•OTHERWISE NOTED: m'. PVC FRAME FLANGE-6031 3 PVC FRAME F&6048 15H 6• 4 1116' PVC'SASH'STOP =6025 314" 31161 11 1/16• REINF: S.B.RJS.S.R._ -1498 1 15118" 8 1 s/B• Lq ui6• PVC SASH BTM. RAIL•6028 13l�­ 1 21/8'10 16' q 1116 PVC SASH SIDE RAIL48004 112° III 1/16 PVC SCREEN CATCH - 6013 314' 9 1511� 1118" REINF.. BTM RAIL-1699 WINDOW SYSTEMS N:� 23116 1900 SW 44TH AVE. OCALA, FLORIDA 34474 www.cws,cc 1H8° CORNER WELO 8100 PVC (ALL SIDES) SINGLE HANG. 1`B IMPACT PVC SASH TOP RAIL-8027' ? �. a'ZO OWD Q OW W Z O.Z Z.� in:av1��0a�m Mw�zdr3.�,T 0 O F-00'ci FIXED MEETING RAIL o Z —co z ? , 4 SCREWED TOGETHER WITH Z O O:E3 ryj � V V OUTERFRAME a f- Z'U- W ZO 0 o:Z z 1lte° 1/1s• 1:8 � o�7 U) C) I Zylp—�O�.. o .u, L � FIXED RAIL �a n. It �' C, "(I� 1 5116° 2 I 045. r 1H6" PVC FIXED RAIL COVER -6063 PVC SCREEN SUPPORT -6014 1 L 1/16• REINF. TOP RAIL-1497 PVC GLAZING BEAD-6064 ,� a1 SCREW SUPPORT-3113 9/22/2617 LUCAS A. TURNER, P.E. FL PE # 58201 1239 JABARA AVE. NORTH PORT, FL 34288 PH. 941-380-1574 1EET DESCRIPTION: 130M AND EXTRUSIONS RA N : DATE: ADE 06/10/08 WG#: E .: CWS-155 D D : SHEET 1:2 4 OF 6 15' MI 6' MA 6a n�A :ANCHOR -LAYOUT - (FLANGE)' SIZES OVER 36" x6Z' MAX MAX MTG R ANCHOR LAYOUT - 'FINI SIZES OVER 36" x 62" ANCHOR AT MIDSPAN (TYP.) 6- MAX (TYP.) W MAX (TYP.) ri 1013116, MAX O.C. (TYP.) L 4" (TYP.Xi 4',MAX .(TYP.) 8 MAX O.C. (TYP.) t 8. I. O t MAX. D.C. Qr (TYP.) lL MT0 kL x x. ANCHOR LAYOUT - (FLANGE) SIZES 36" x 62" AND UNDER ANCHOR LAYOUT - (FIN) SIZES 36' X 6Z' AND UNDER NOTES: 1. INSTALL ONE ANCHOR AT,EACR INSTAL.LATIONLOCATION. SILL ANCHOR SPACING SAME'.AS HEAD. 2. SHIM AS REQ AT EACH INSTALLATION ANCHOR USING LOAD BEARING SHIMS: MAX. ALLOWABLE SHIM STACK TO BE 1W. USE SHIMS WHERE SPACE GREATER THAN 1116' IS PRESENT. LOADBEARING'SHIMS SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED OFHIGH DENSITY PLASTIC OR BETTER. WOOD SHIMS ARE NOT ALLOWED. 3. ANCHORTYPE; SIZE, SPACING AND EMBEDMENT SHALL BE'AS SPECIFIED.IN THESE DRAWINGS;, SEE TABLE 1, SHEET 6. 4. ALL-INSTALLATIONANCHORS MUST BE MADE OF OR PROTECTED WITH A CORROSION RESISTANT. MATERIAL OR COATING. DISSIMILAR METALS OR MATERIALS IN CONTACT WITH PRESSURE TREATED WOOD MUST BE PROTECTED TO PREVENT REACTION. 5. INSTALLATION ANCHORS SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH ANCHOR MANUFACTURERS INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS; AND ANCHORS SHALL NOT BE USED IN SUBSTRATES WITH STRENGTHS LESS THAN THE MINIMUM SPECIFIED IN TABLE 1, SHEET 6. 6. ANCHOR EMBEDMENT TO SUBSTRATE SHALL BE BEYOND WALL DRESSING,OR STUCCO. FOR CONCRETE/CMU OPENINGS, EMBEDMENT SHALL BE BEYOND WOOD BUCKS,, IF USED, INTO SUBSTRATE, INSTALLATIONS TO SOLID CONCRETE -OR GROUT -FILLED CMU.MAY INCLUDE BUT DO NOT REQUIRE 1X WOOD BUCKS BETWEEN THE PRODUCT AND THE SUBSTRATE. INSTALLATIONS TO HOLLOW CMU-REQUIRETHE USE OF 1X BUCKS BETWEEN THE PRODUCT AND SUBSTRATE. -7. A MINIMUM CENTER -TO -CENTER -SPACING SHALL BE MAINTAINED BETWEEN ALL FASTENERS:13 FOR MASONRY, 1" FOR WOOD AND METAL, S WOOD OR MASONRY OPENINGS,BUCKS'AND'BUCK FASTENERS'SHALL BE, PROPERLY':DESIGNEDBYTHE ARCHITECT.OR ENGINEER OF RECORD AND INSTALLED TO TRANSFER WIND LOADS TO THE STRUCTURE.. SUBSTRATES SHALL MEET. THE MINIMUM STRENGTH REQUIREMENTS AS SHOWN IN TABLEI,.SHEET 6i CONCRETE AND MASONRY SUBSTRATES MAY'NOT BE CRACKED. 9. SEALWG'AND'.FLASHING STRATEGIES FOR OVERALL WATER RESISTANCE OF INSTALLATION SHALL BE DONE BY OTHERS FOLLOWING THE CURRENT VERSION OF THE REFERENCE DOCUMENTS: FMA/AAMA100(FNWINDOWS),FMAJAAMA200(FLANGEWINDOWS), FMANVDMA-250(BOX•WINDOWS),FMAIAAMAIWDMA300(EXTERIORDOORS) WINDOW SYSTEMS L 1900 SW 44TH AVE. OCALA, FLORIDA 34474 W W W.CWS.CC 8100 PVG SINGLE HUNG :IMPACT Z QZ.�: D O ¢ W ZO W �z OZ yz00:�w 'ZT�¢rW�,= 0 0-ts Z__�Zal-o: ViN OZ. W ? = aa.. 0 wF-.O axH. LUCAS A. TURNER, rai FL PE # 58201 1239 JABARA AVE. NORTH PORT, FL 3428E PH. 941-380-1574 ANCHOR SCHEDULE NOTES ADE, 06/10/08 VG* R .. CWS-155 D %^L SHEET 1:25 5 OF 6 TYPICAL HEAD ANCHORAGE MIN. EDGE DIST,. SEE TABLE 1 <SUBSTRATE BY OTHERS SEETABLE I MIN. EMBEDMEI SEE TABLE 1 INSTALLATION SEE TABLE.1 SEALANT BEHIND, MAX. SHIM' FLANGE BY INSTALLER 1!4 INSTALLATION SEE TABLE 1 1/4" MAX. SHIM SEALANT -BEHIND 11I FLANGE BY INSTALLER 0 _L PERIMETER SEALANT MIN. EMBEDMEM BYINSTALLER' SEE TABLE -1 INSIDE AND OUT I SUBSTRATE BY OTHERS I f ' _ f -" -' SEETABLE.I MIN. EDGE DIST. SEE TABLE.1 A VERTICAL SECTION fi TYPICAL SILL ANCHORAGE MIN. EMBEDMENT SEETABLEI SUBSTRATE BY OTHERS 114" MAX SHIM SEE TABLE 1 MIN. EDGE DIST. SEE TABLE v--—PERIMETERSEALANT BYINSTALLER INSIDE AND OUT SEALANT BEHIND FLANGE BY INSTALLEI B -HORIZONTALSECTION 8 TYPICAL JAMB ANCHORAGE TABLE 1: APPROVED INSTALLATION FASTENERS FRAME;TYPE SUBSTRATE -TYPE ANCHOR'TYPE, MIN. EMBEDMENT MIN. EDGE DIST. FLANGE CONCRETE (2,0 KSI MIN:) 3116" RW'TAPCON' 1-112" 1.118, FLANGE: HOLLOH OR GROUT -FILLED CMU'(117 PCF MIN.) 3116" RW TAPCON 1" 2- FLANGE- CONGRETE'(2.85 KSI MIN:) 3116" ELCO'ULTRACON FLANGE GROUTFILLED CMU'(ASTM•C-90), 3(16" ELCO-ULTRA'CON 1-1/4" 2-1/2" FLANGE 2XMIN,.SOUTHERN PINE (G=0:55) 3116" ITINJAPCON OR:ELCO ULTRACON 13/8" 718" FLANGE: 2XMIN. SOUTHERN PINE-(G=0,55). #10 WOOD SCREW. 1-3/8" 718" FLANGE '. 16'GAU.E (0.060") MIN: STEELSTUD (33,KSIYIELD•MIN) #10.16 HILT] KWIK-FLEXOR IlW TEKS'SELF-DRIL-LING;SCREW FULLTHREAD 7HRLI0:080" 7116" FLANGE. 1/8, ALOM(6063,T5 MIN.) OR 9/8°•STEEL (33 KSI MIN.) #1D GRADE 5 SELF -TAPPING 1. DRIWNG SCREW FULL THREAD T1iRU 0.125" 7/16" FIN 12X MIN. SOUTHERN PINE ((3=0.55) #8 WOOD SCREW 1-1/2" 1 7116" WINDOW SYSTEMS LLB MIN. EDGE DIST.. SEE TABLE 1 SUBSTRATE BY OTHERS 1900 SW 44TH AVE. OCALA, FLORIDA 34474 114" MAX. SHIM SEE TABLE 1 WWW.CWS.CC 81.00. PVC SINGLEANG MIN. BEDMENT IMPACT SEE TABLE 1 J z Q O 0 PERIMETER SEALANT BYINSTALLER w w_j o ¢ CI w Z O z G: -.- I= INSIDE AND,OUT 0 a W O cc! m_ INSTALLATION ANCHOR SEE TABLE I O U O O w O F Lj SEALANT BEHIND FIN BY INSTALLER' p N Z_ fnz z = �_ O Z V-N C HORIZONTAL SECTION 8 FIN ANCHORAGE Q > I R zp D, U �,W O OZ TYPICAL HEAD AND SILL SIMILAR FOR FININSTALLATION Q }F U -Z uj o•0E-.Y.3�i0� ' Z a), N`O`.J tI> F- D = (L .w O m w1-0 n,= .>- It LUIL w�a� a 0/22/2017 LUCAS'A. TURNER', Pz. FL PE #.58201 PERIMETER SEALANT 1239 JABARA AVE. NORTH PORT, FL 34288 BYINSTALLER INSIDE AND OUT PH. 941-380-1574. . D HORIZONTALSECTIONSHEET DESCRIPTION: 8 - BOX FRAME INSTALLATION - - HEAD AND SILL SIMILAR FOR BOX INSTALLATION_ INSTALLATION DETAILS FLANGE; REMOVAL NOTE: PARTIALLY OR FULLY REMOVING THE FLANGE,_ DRAVYN BY: DATE: UP TO:AND INCLUDING A BOX -FRAME APPLICATION IS ACCEPTABLE PROVIDED: ADE 06110108, - MIN:1/4" FILLET OF CONSTRUCTION -GRADE ADHESIVE CAULK IS APPLIED owc : E a. INSIDE AND OUT, FULL PERIMETER, BY INSTALLER: CWS-155' D - PRODUCT ANCHORAGE 'IS IN ACCORDANCE WITH REQUIREMENTS AS g�A E; E SHEET SHOWN FOR FLANGE WINDOWS. 1:2 6 6