HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENTSCANNED BY st, Lude County PERMIT 0 ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMCNT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance DiAsiort Peay's Electrical (Company Namefledavidual Nam.) the Electrical tT}pe or Trade) For file project ideated at BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR A(,ltb:ENTENT Sub-conlriactor for D P, Horton Inc (Primary Cararictor) _a Cobblestone Dr. _ (Project Street Address or Proltcrn• I ax tD it) have agreed to be 11 is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above nientioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St, Lucie County will be advised pursuant to Ilse Cuing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. CUN 19t.1C70[i S9 . '—Wu rr9 Bnan W_ Davidson _ Pn I.NT NA bl E CRC 1327068 COUNTY CERTIFICATIONNUMBER state or Florida, Cawsq of Brevard The (or taainpin iruattntisarslrnrdbrrorroxttd1 L7 dot or July_ J to 18b). also it nrr.aaafh &noursk or 6ae produced o at i+lrnliricatioa 'Z. Si>enmur erNarory Puhiir � Print Nance of Notary Public 3t su Notary Putter She of f9or du $� Leone GG o20251 e� I,001101=020 11 ) . Ye k-, sUS- NTRaCTOR SKIN 1TURE (Qusllrcert' Christina Slate PnfNT NNNII: _ ER13014555J 30-01 COU\T—CERTIFICATION VUIIAFA'— State of Flnrlda, Count; or Brevard l fit tattooing Instrument u3s signed began use tills 117 day of July Iv 18b) pam.attt 4n— 41/1—ur hag produced a as Id Ilan. — m Amr �Se i� STAMP rlyotary Pub[ir Print Name orsoory Pubtir $,r►' ^r+a. Noma Public State of Florida Sandie LeCne Eplr08 xee,11=020 020251 'e * W �W 'COUNTY r�l O g 1 o P. cite PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division Benjamin Draw Plumbing (Company Name Iodnidual Name) Plumbing (Type orTmde) For the project located at BUILDING PERhIfT SUB-CONMUOR AGREDIERr have agreed to be Subcontractor for D R HORTON INC iPntnaryCoalrarttx) 1`6,{l-'� Cobblestone Dr. (Nccl Strcel Addressor PropenyTar to ) It is understood that, irthere is any change orstatus rcgarding our pariicipalion with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division orSI. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the riling or a Change orSub•contractor notice. cairn,\rrawslcfr \sunk: tOnnaaf Brian W. Davidson CRC132ne8 CaWri"ti mnUCff tox Rurn r;—, lute effArWJ,Geeq of Beevard 7>tet�repinsbnntetntre/rlinWMronenlW� 17pt�f July ,ta18r, wteehpeerarllt\awa�erinetenietWh...�.:_ ..�.,..-_...s L ul R ST."Ir 12..AAA faJ - rrleeMeeLeffYWrihrAle '— n r+d it 1&1016 ,ytJ Wtaryput4c,t.SleU1 torwa �`'; Sandra tccne +J c P My caf usr:704 GG 02025, �toind` EapGo•a Lce ,e2� aDnd `rrrplCTox5ICM\TIrRE1Ra11auP Benjamin Jimenez CfC1429456 COUtif0-R-iiFlCd Oliffl—A 0ER Sale erne►Ida,Ceeet) of The rwow"Idarlateettin slated herwe,neilia 17 hr f July .IN 1.% _ 0e1//erleala)heewa X ©rhlepeeiorltfe_, __.__ .� Jltdretla SLcaan el-3 ru r - - SLOW 5 tituh,,./-40 u �t ru NoW Pobrtte Snte at fyt,Ca ip �. c,,anttra Leos pIC251 IAY Comms�tan GG i1, �rµ,+J+ Eep'es Cttlttll:t120 - PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUI[.OM PERMIT SUB-CONTR.ICTOR AGREEMEN-r Florida Breeze have agreed to be (Company Nime/indivfdual Name) the HVAC/ MECHANICAL Sub:contractor for D R HORTON INC (TypeorTradc) (Primary Contractor) For the project located at Cobblestone Dr. (Project Street Address or Property �l It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St, Lucie County will be ads ised pursuant to the tiling of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. CONNTaACTOR SIGN,Ai UIPE (Quatirieri Brian W. Davidson PRINT RAME CRC1327068 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER state or Florida, county or Brevard The foregoing instrument was signed herare me this 17 da} of July .:418by who is Penaaally known X or has produced a as identiricatian. signature or Notary Public STAMP Of Prlar Name or tvoeary Pubdie ti3s °U Nafavy Pi:b��r 57sta o1 Fic::da L� saALITa L^ u+e it-vised t Is I fv.416 ; f:17 Cwnm:s'-ina GG a30'S t '? ! j ExFtdS cenv'-020 y� SUII•'ONI'RAC70RS1GV, REtQualirier) Kristen Kelly PRIh7 NAt11E 014C-1 Cot"MAb twt:Kl WICATION NUMBER state of Florida, Count) of The fare -ping instrument was signed before roe this 17 day or July '4�8 by who Is personally known (Zar has produced a as Identification. STAMP Signature of Notary Public Priat Name of Notary ye 2o,$I no4. No -my pc:tsi4^. Citale of Scuda slaltira Lena o M11y Comm,s: on GG 020251 rerfnt£ Exp:rati e'P1t: <<020 PERMITS I . I IMUE DATE PLANMG & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Dierision, BULK -DING PERKM SUB-CON11RACTOR AGREEMENT' Treasure COW Ftoftoing LLC (Cornpaay Name ttdividtml Namt) ' have agreed to be the Rooffng Sub, contractor for R.R.Horton (Type of Tiede) (Primary Contractor) For the project located at Cobblestone Dr. (Project Street Addrem or Proms It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our Participation with the above mentioned Project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. ca.TtiAAtsoR , iQ•aerl:.� sua eaNTaAcra 5 NAt erBtlerj Brain W. Davidson FR1NT NAME CRO1327066 cot HW ceRTJFfCAT1OY NId®BR StitearFtarida4Ceuatyar Breyard the fire{oiai I.itrn®mt rrat trjetd berofr toa thb 177 day ar July sag who Is paaoasay known X er has pradectd a asldntiaes�L d S►Qaaturt a "Outry"Ong STAMP al a L2ohe ......Vasre erNatary lahtic -- Brian Maloney PRMTNAME CCC1330653 COUNTY CERTiFICATIgY MiM>!ER State arnattdo, Couaty or„�,�� The loved" tutsuewpt WW OPed berm u. tut 17 darer July 18 by who b ptuansoy tmewn x or tw pradueed a a.tdaaUaagss. . x =` STAMP Slyahrt orheary Pahtle�� sv,d -a leohe ?#atpearNobq lnhtre P t Salta W Florida SAP" r Nefary PuNc Stele of Fkulda Rrritcd I r sv Notary utC Sandra Lec Sandra LeOrle 9 S �,� My commission GG 02023t MyCW^bi-onGG020251 yano fa arnd� Eapmloenam2o pgesOlUtOr2020