HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0369 369 W.\IIIAPiTY DEaD f\o<.t ....... N... 67, SL I.... C..", noriiL ~:. ,. -.... t: c- TillS INUF.NTURF.. Mad~ .Ihis..__..._._... ..'th ---_____..____.cl.a7 of_._.. .-.....__Il.oeabal'.--.--..--.-.----A. D. 192....0_, bmrem . .. ._...... ... .. . OlUCR..L... RUSBtlJO MULWILLI JU.llU8Jl1IG....hIl'_hta bant .-------__...___. ----___ of Ih~ ('uUlIly "f., .__._.__.....__...._____..._._._.__.._..__._._.. and Stale of .-..- ___._.JJt1.1fOl'D11 ..-.-.-..-... '" ..--..--. ._.partl., o( .h~ fun parI, and ._._..____._._.. __.. .._. _.__.... .___.__.....___.......,.__ _P. ___IlO.OlClft._..tn 0_._ i ......L_a._. .1Ol1B8_____.___._._._.. -...____._...._.._._.__.._..._..____.___.________.______ of lhe County af ._ S\. Luai._..____..............___.and Slal~ of _.."__ ._._nor141 ....-....._... .. --- parti... of lite s<<und part. \\'ITSf.$$ETtI. lhal II.. sai.l....rt 1_ af I~ linl parI. I... 20<1 in c..rui<!.uli.-.... ..f II.~ ,um uf !Elf DOLLARS AlID. OmER .VALU.ABL:I ___._.. .COJSll.1UUOH~ .... _._...... .__ ... .._. . "__'___ .. .....-.....-.-aatWJJ I.. them in hand paid. Ih~ rtcdpl ..htrtof i. her~by acl<""..lfflll:td. ...-' ha.YI Iranlc.I, Nrg2i.'ltd. scold and tr..n".rrCtl and by lhe.~ pr~'~l1ts .h _._.___... Kr..nl. I...r~..in, ..II a'.d Iran.iu unlo lite said parI7--._ of 1M I<<und ....r. and _~..1.~__...___....._.._Miu and ..U;gIlS forn.., all lhal c~rlain parcel of bml l,illlC ..nd being in the Counly af .. . ~,. J.~l._. ___.._____.___ ..nd St.ale of .... n.O:r~~_~ . ._ _mor~ I'.arlicul.arly ckscribcd ... (0110..: .__.___.____._._.. - -. ...AU l'lPtrhn 1'1.8h1. 'O..~Q,..~V'_".tA... (14) .ot Bl oak One (1) .. per.Sllug' ...... _.__.__._..__... .. J(ap of 'Qr t..~h~~... _.n~r~.'" ~ _____..___._.__.__. ..___.. _.._.___. ........ _.. _. - ... _ _._.. . __ ...____.....________..___.. . ._....____..____..__ 1.t... b,l118 ..~t..l~_'.nt_lo."..o:t_\llta..~_t.tJ._lOOQAU7-..ulI'18h. \. .._UUtOl.1m_.~_4..._1J!.~__. ._._W..t.,'._..'h.\._th..'-..Jt.r.ll'-'...~.f__th.'__UfJ;.l_..P.~'-.lln.t...ilLtAL1.Q...!ttt ..rOV1'.t.D_.Qt_.1ll..Q~_ One 9.l.. _tht.._Ql'7 .Qf ..l~~l.I't.f.tq,...n qrU~__~ga'~_lltJ'~_U.h_~U-.l'IL.1'i&b~' .-'n~._Iu.bMlU..O.J. anD_I. _ (11.00. >>oauallD tar)?_ .s.t&ql.aAnollueal.... , .-~ TOGETHER ...-ith ...11 the t1f:tK'IDC'nt,,- h('rcdlt~n1('nts ;;and app.-rtt'nanctJ. .ith tytry t-ri,""I<<".. r~ht. tit!lt. '1,ltr,-..t auel c~t~tf'. d.h.t r .1.Ofl fil(hr ...,( do.C'r. rc,"e-uion. r<,maim!.. ,"",I ......l11nlt Ihuelo bel.,nging or in an)__i~ ..pptrt.aining: TO 11.-\ VI-: .\XI) TO IIOI.Il 1M UIW in r~ .imple lorn... IT Pi L And the sa~ 1"'" .1.. of Ihe linl pact 010_.._.... c..ycn..nt with the <.aid ....rl.S _ ..1 lh. ..c.,.,d p.UI llut the~ ar. _ ....fully .n.td 01 Ih~ uid pr.mixs, that they. are fru from 1.11 in<;uo,b:2oce. ..n.1 thalthQ.hn. ____1:.....1 ,i-:hl 2nd b,dul "ulhoril)' I., ull 1M "'m~; ..II.J the ...id par.1.I. _..... of lOt foul r..rt do..__. __. hereby loll)' .-arr....t Ihe lill. 10 said I..nd. and .ill def.noJ Ih. un>r ..It..in'l Ih~ I.....ful claims or ..11 ....r...... ..ho.m">CH'. IN WITl'<ESS WHEREOF, lhe ...id ('..rti.a. of lhe lint ....rl Iu..... h~rcunl" ....&h.ir b~ theIr ~t'orD" 1n 'aot. Sil!;cro. .....Itd ..nd d..i.ertd in our ('rescnce: Anaut 8u.ntr ..._ -.. 1141 th Jaoklon 1.31._ ..nd ,..,,1 . . lhe da)' 2ml }.ur "boye ,..ill.n. I Gr.oeL. Rl\8hln8....._.__._. ..._(SF--\I.l W1111am Ruh1ng ....____..._ __._____.______(SF..AI.) .1i~i~~\ior~~;~ln~-~:: ~c.-- n"( sKtL) .- .---=- --------~ay- STATE. OF llor14a. St. Luo1e.. ("OUXT\' OF I IIEHE!tY \'ERTIF\". Tho" on Ihi. 4\h .b7 (.f _n__ Dlc.emher_.....__.__. ___________ _n__--^. D. 19L.5_~ .....fore _ ~u()(,al!pwc..rcoJ _..__.__._ mULl_..&... nmL,n_a_UOZAQ..-1n-taa\!OI' ._.GraoeL. Bush.1ng_.&nd_IU1.1___B",htng_ to r:,~ lno'an tv bt lk person.-+ ~Knbcd in and who ~xcculed Ibc !orqoing COltY.,-a""~ to ______. D. -.Rooker- an4nJ.-.L.-~. f' . _ d__ __on ____and '~lCr.lI, admowkdgtd lhe ~..eul..~. ther<<.! t., M . ._tf..<d..--:;,l_ _. fru act '-_._~j 21.d dn"'tJ fllJ tlw: u"'"~ au.1 ItUrl..~s th('rtin mnltior,('d; n .ror'1'1C'aa_ .__ __ ___no_no '._.. .n_.in lhe County of .s t. Luo.1a___n_.__________ aud S.ale- ,.,f lhe .....y and 1<'''' b'l aforesaid. ( Coun ~~~__----=_-c"" '~=-_'~.::.........:~_~==.~.~_=.~~EAL) --~_.- ---_. ------- - - IT it U ST.-\TE OF Ff.ORH>A, , ("'''"11I)' of SI. f.ar:i~. J On lhi. &\h d..~ ..1 >>eoemb.r . _. A. D. 192 IL_, al9 : 4.30'eloclr..---A n V , this intlnuaent ..... r.led for r<c..rd. "nd ki1\lf dul)' &C"n...I~.IJ:..1 ..nd I.r...cn. I hn~ r<<orded the s.a_ on P.ll,,-': _ .~69n___.__ of Book_____ .67......__.~ in tbc publjc rCCOl'ds of said Coomty. Il'i WfTl'iF.5S WHf.kf.OF. I han J>eH~ 'd my b.aad and aftixtd the K.aJ of the Circuil C....rt of the Fiftttfltb Judicial Ci.....i! of said St.at~ in and foc said CounlY. . / "" ( I { 'I. ~ ,~'$i C<" ',.. ...'. ~." .- ..... " ' '-" -. .O~ .\> ,.\.J '\ ~\j , n ,,____. _. _~.~._Ji,~---.---- c;,~~ ,0( ~~l::~ ;/ am.. _ _ ,_____0. C. , ~j.~'. ~:;':!.::~~;:.~.;;:.'\:;;,:;4f - J . _. _ '. ~.-:~",~!-~. :-~#~-:..~~:~:.!I~..- ~~ ':._~" . -, ~ ~ . -: :. -' :. ~~\~:-::~;j.; ,:.... ::::.?~ .~~