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r-. L - St. BOARD OF "'a PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT COUNTY SERVICES DEPARTMENT COMMISSIONERS o , Building and Code Regulation Division CANNED GAS PIPING SCHEMATIC By ude ccuft [A2] [A4j [A6] [1.4] [1.8] [1_12] TANK L1 L3 L5 1.7 1.9 1.11 SIZE L2j [1.6] [1.10] FILECopy[A1] A3 [ ] [A5 ] TANK SIZE: GALS. APPLICANCE — TYPE/SIZE Al Gen�xA-ke� A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 PIPING LENGTH & SIZE 55: BTU BTU L1 /toy —FT. NCH DIA. LZ I FT. INCH DIA. L3 FT. INCH DIA. L4 FT. INCH DIA. L5 FT. INCH DIA. L6 FT. INCH DIA. L7 FT. INCH DIA. L8 FT. INCH DIA. L9 FT. INCH DIA. L10 FT. INCH DIA. L11 FT. INCH DIA. L12 FT. INCH DIA. BTU BTU BTU BTU Orr (PIPE SIZE WAS TAKEN FROM 6tv.Fdt4.f on THE 2644 FBC FUEL GAS CODE - TABLE 402.t_% ,) ST. LUCIE COUNTY BUI ING DIVISION REVIEWED Fal PLIANCE REVIEWED 8Y DATE / PLANS AND PERMIT MUST BE KEPT ON JOB OR NO INSPECTION WILL BE MADE. Website: www.stlucieco cov 2300 Virginia Avenue - Fort Pierce; FL. 34982-5652 Revised 7/22/14 Phone (772) 462-1553 FAX (772) 462-1578 17 1&le- qo r AnoO Q Las 4 SCALE: _-40_ FIRs8 I /PC= 1.9'E. 1.0' N. 90.0545'(P) 89.5021 TM) 89.54'15'(P) 90.08'28TA0 r V , PC o 1.2' E. OS' N. FIR 5/8' 1, 9.W. coKNIA PC=FENCE CORNER Jam-/_ WWT9 NOTE: CHICKEN WIRE FENCE DREND5 INTO 4 THROUGH EASTERLY 2a DE i 11E AS SHaWN. CHICKEN WIRE FENCE EXTENDS OVER NORTHERLY PROPERTY LINE AS 5HOWN. OR MORTGAGE TRANSACTIONS - LANDTECN NPaFAV At Iruno—, n�T.�.�,. �...... _, 00 r' �t > ? p G ; -),- LOT 8 BLOCK A 215.24' ME) r I LOT 7 BLOCK A Y t \50 F IS wATTx � i ruNr ' zzz g°C co SPA .B9 2 q n Or I ID 4.w 9 zzzr � N IN wnc PC - 17.G'E. 0.5. N. 89°54'I5'(P) 90° I5'2d'(M) I I I I I . I I I I I I I 90-05-45- 0 dsasnz•(na) \ I H 500.00(r) 500.27'.VJ LOT.9 FC o 15. 1' W. BLOCK A 1.G N. I . I ERTIFIC01TION(5) BELOW: - - ---- I'll N IMIN 10 ADD ANY LENDER CERTIFICATIONS THEY DEEM NECESSARY TO COMPLETE SAID TRANSAC :EGEND: .- .. -.. .L _PER LEGAL DFSCRIPRCH .. ' I. THIS SURVEYIS BASED UPON RECORD INFORMATION IMPORTANTNOTE: k k CHIO:EFI WREFENCE M - MEASUR✓O AS PROVIDED 6T CLIENT. NO SPECIRCSEARCII OF - _ VEY WOODEENCE ORC - OVER MAD CABLE INEI'UBUCED BY CLWAS BN$JMCIRCSEARcH OF UTIUS SKETCH OF SURVEY RA; BEEN PREPAR®FORIF1E WRpOBESOFA ORB - OFFICIAL RECORDS BOOK MORTGAGE IRANUCIION,DSLIMIfED iOTNE1NFORMNION REOUIPED A - ARC IB+GIH R - PER PUT 7. UNDERGROUND IMPROVEA@!{S HAVE NOT DEN LOCATED EXCEPT FOR THAT GAGE OUTENONEUO. 1 :A - CENIRALANG12 IL - PROPERTYIINE ASSPECAACMLY3710WN. FUTURE CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE BASED UPON THIS -. CEMERATE PC - POPROFOURVATURE S ELEVATIONS ARE BASED UPON NATIONAL GEODETIC VERTICAL LANDTECK SAID OVAL SHALLG BEE COoNFLRMEO TITAN ADATDINES RONALS CALCULATED FROM REIOMEASURE PCC - POINTOFCDMPOUNDCURVANRE F :R - G1lCUURO FROM RECOB7 DAU PR - PARKER KALON NAIL DANMIN.C.YD.191N UMF55 O11ERW'¢ESHOWN, SIGNED NOUIR7N:•LAFFDTEPNAFAOVAIFOk CONSRUG710N'LLS7(OW E :ATV - CAeIEN RSER FOB - POMOF BEGINNING �•f@tCE 0E5 ARETO COITFRLBaEOFFFNCE. THE REVISION BAR BELOW.IAa IDIECHH ASSUMESNO RFSFY)NSIBUTYFOR B L - CENTRAL ANGLE IDEITN POC - POUROFCOMMENCEMENT S,INSOME CASH. CRAf7BC REPRESFNTATgNS/UVEIEEN ERRORSRESULIING FROM FAWREC ADNFRETO THISSHOR THISCUUSE E TE - DRAINAGE 6lSEMB7f PR C - POINT OFREVERSECURVATIIRE ETAGGERATED iDMORE CLEVtIYalUSTRATEMEASURED OW- EASEMENT PT - POINTOFTANGe1CY RETAilOF6{BpS-DW8190NSSHALI NAVE PRECEDENCE OVER REVISIONS: OW - EDGEOFWATER RAW - RIGHT-OF-WAY SCARED PCUTIONS. F - FINISHED FLOOR SIR - BELLSOUIHRIS61 d. ALL DAAE+61ONS SHOWN ARE HELD MIASVRED AND CORRESPOND 5' T - FOUNDIRONPIPE UE - URUN EASEMENT TO RECORD INIORMAUONUNIF55 SPECIAGLLYNOTED OTHetWUE, UT - FOUND IRON ROD wM _ WRIER METER 7.CORNFRS SNUWNASSEI ARE IDENTIFIED WAIN A CAP MARKED LB A N - FOUND NAIL UP - URUYPOUE n �.. ...� _ A ANY OTHER ALTERATIONS SHALL VOID THIS SURVEY. PLEASE SIGN; DATE &ENTER ADDITIONAL )UNDARY .. .. . MRDS FOR SURVEYS. EYONS ANDAWPERS B�n D UPON LANDTECH 1v.P SURVEYING & INSPECTIONS NOHaew Land swemRTnxp¢Len semen m swn men. �- 8:50214b6 1500 NW 62,0 STREET -SURE 511 D MAPPER FORTLAUDERDALE. FLORIDA 33309 RlGW.SLRAtffD 19541776-6766 FAX: (9541776.4660 MAPPER LandTechSurvey.com cF Maximum Copaoity of PE Pipe in Thousands of BTU per Hour of Liquefied Petroleum Gas wNh a Gas Pressure of 11.0 in. WC and a Pressure Drop of 0.51n. WC (based on a 1.52 specific gravity gas) 1073 720 671 404 426 383 325 286 257 235 218 204 192 169 162- 1391 934 740 627 851 497 421 370 333 305 .283 264 249 219 197 1983 1331 1054 893 786 708 600 528 475 435 403 376 364 311 280 3563 2391 1894 ' 1605 1412 1272 1078 948 854 781 723 676 636 560 604 4724 3247 2608 2232 1978 1792 16U 1359 1232 1133 1054 989 934 828 750 10063 6766 6361' 4535 3989 3692 3044 2678 2411 2207 2044 1910 1797 1881 1424 ss 22 20 18 15 �s 13 12 • o 11 •e� 10 � 9 9 8 8 8 s� 7 �� 7 129 113 102 86 76 68 63 58 • 64 61 48 46 44 42 40 167 147 132 112 99 89 81 75 70 66 63 60 67 54 52 238 209 186 160 140 126 116 107 100 94 89 86 81 78 76 427 376 338 287 262 227 208 192 180 169 160 152 146 140 134 642 1207 669 616 441 391 364 326 303 285 269 255 244 233 224 216 1061 966 810 712 642 687 69 608 478 453 431 411 394 379 25165TU a1CFH Maximum Capootty of PE Pipe In Thousands of BTU per Hour of Liquefied Petroleum Gas With a Gas Pressure of 2,0 psi and a Pressure Drop of 1.O.psl .� (based on a 1,82 apacirta gravity gas) 11300 7886 6008 8092 4479 4033 3418 !3007 '3898 2707 2478 2296 2144 2018 1776 1699 14662 9835 7790 6602 6807 8229 4432 3510 3213 2978 2780 2617 2302 2073 20877 14014 11100 9408 8276 7451 6316 .5566 6002 4678 4239 3962 3729 3280 2953 37614 26183 19946 16905 14869 13389 11348 '9982 8988 8226 7618 7119 6700 5894 6307 43429 29848 23969 20516 18182 16474 14100 ;12496 11322 10417 9691 9092 8689 7612 6897 106963 71131 66339 47760 42000 37820 32064 128194 26388 23234 21617 20108 18926 16641 14990 1365 1767 1192 1073 910 800 720 659 611 571 537 608 484 462 443 426 2603 1646 2202 1391 1179 1097 934 865 792 740 696 659 1983 1680 1478 1331 �1128 627 699 574 661 4498 3986 1218 1064 992 939 9863 3019 2666 2391 2189 ;2027 1894 1783 1688 893 853 1633 818 . 786 6903 12703 6232 11178 4740 4057 3696 3268 2997 :2788 2616 2471 2347 1Q063 8529 76M .1606 2239 2144 1469 2060 1412 .1985 6755 6182 •6726 8360 8036 4767 4635 4331 4180 1 3988 Maximum Capacity of PE Pipe in Thousands.of BTU per Hour of LI uefied Petroleum with a Gas Pressure of 10.0 pal and a Pressure Drop 1.0 2616BT0 Gas 01CFH of psi (baaad on a 1.62 xpaaHlo aravlly can% 14234 18466 9855 12388 7668 6414 6642 5080 4306 4787 3410 321 280 27001 2542 2236 po 26296 17652 9812 13981 8316 11849 7315 10423 6587 9386 6583 �4910 '6997 4422 4047 3747 3602 3296 2899 2611 47262 31720 26123 21293 18729 16865 7954 14294 12872 6300 11821 6766 10361 6340 9596 4990 4697 4131 3720 63960 133476 37087 89601 29782 70967 26489 60148 22691 82905 20469 17519 16627 14068 12943 12041 8967 11297 844Q 10671 7423 9468 6686 $669, 47640 40376 36614 31980 7 27104 26329 23840 20970 18882 1707 1601 1362 1146 100E 907 830 -769 719 676 - i 36 2213 3163 1946 2779 1763 2497 1485 2116 1306 1176 1077 997 932 877 640 830 609 790 662 764 5 723 695 5665 4988 4487 3803 1862 3346 1676 3012 1634 767 1421 2853 1328 2386 1280 1163 1126 1075 1030 990 7334 16004 66M 8890 8041 4468 4048 3724 3466 3261 2246 3071 2126 291b 2022 2782 1931 1030 170 1779 1d077 12676 10743 9449 8609 7787 7212 6739 6343 6005 5712 2664 2861 6465 6227'I 8024 251681t1h iCFH' 1.800-662.0208 • MX: 615.326.9407 • Web: www.gaotlte.coni INt ktr r, f4 I`u kf r'l nsv "�r�y'17' 4•� 5' i t � ✓ E t 7r ! L r a r i' r r �'h uUrnL In i�lacic p1as9:ic or vvhih= yalvanizcd Steel, t 2 ' is-''l� � .` 1.•. �rieCurre?��r��rl�er'Oitir;al�leTo � '• C(.Ir]PG(f11d[ r an rA'bov+>?g��o rncl' ystcnt propr~ritesymt;lt.icl�-:. .. �lratectmp - - �1litrt'r and lnp�: oat '' • Dual selviee options for f�ov - Ol l C " Lllldhrgl'OLI£Ipl;)Ijf dtlprl ..r. ' 0f�tio,i 0"I: RenCI ady--lo-luny reel Oxide dw'able powder co +line. • polyethylene AGUG dornc` J tvil.h hlacic _ 'Option if?_: lUjovegrouncl option with steel 8" AGUG donle • All v;llves anc! flu 1l gelt.l es trc Fabric itecl to the laie5t cenlered under dome I�egisiered with the Nr. -Code "'-ctiun VIII, Division i ltional 13oard 1172 liquid level 0111NO •: Valve orifice reciucc s refueling olilissions V.:u;l.iunl prc•�-,urce I I d' fo ..w� •time, t none •(`"'; 1.`-3^,Grlf:r.'fl y and product nPI-ViCOble feder�lt, I s air=, orloral rcyulations masr rnntairl specific requirerncr,l<- r - protectivc o,ptlingsandcathodict,rolection.7iheplrrcltaserartctirt to/ler�725 � � � + • :. ;or corn lianr" ol ,that! federal, stall, local and NFI'A industry r'cyulrations• Cathodic responsible pfol( ejlon I5,1 GClllll'Cd and CoaGnq Itiu'zt be conlinuatic oriel Unirtlarrt,_ T .f comply wilh an local, slate or m nurtroncorle. P lc, l . rr ' Llnc=r'I[,h e)iu>y l'mnet � Sulzer rlurahlr TCfG•,��ulyE,tif .. " `�upel iol uur i;nt eon a`id rdg f 4tl�l7t p�nrlffy fiat mirla[nq, wtnnN.�1'illll)ICOI1Talllbl"S.COm Call loll Free: z8B-558-8265 WA 120 N 464.2 20 i 320 w '111.2 500 wo 18-- 92'6I 1000 we, 3785.0 L pO"".Jning p"1'woyd"s Energyw forms to General natal S eciflcatlons latest editlon of the ASM� code for fissure Vessels Section Vlll, Dlvis bA 58. lon 1. Com p(les with �d of 250 psi froth WOW to a tire( (14.720 !:, to r F, All tanks el Flnlsh: psi) vacuum, may he e o Coafed with epoxy red `° ; powder must be burledpoForer� ranks coated may be coated with TOICer. A' (Tanks Co use, Able federal state arlocsFl� ulaf requirements for profectly 9 oa nier areg9 nay contain Ion, The purchaser and cIvsInsac0atIn re 'no" with all federal, state or local d cathodic regulatf responsible for OUTSIDE HEAD DIAIyETER TYPEOVERALL LeNGTii 24" 609�^ 31.5" 31.5" 60, 0'�-1 mm 37.42° 950,5m:.. 40.86" 104p,4 mm EIIIp 6r-6 1671.3mm Hemi 7' - 2 1/2rr 2197.1 mm Henri 8'-1� 3/4~ 2736.9 mm Hem( 91.1011 '997.2 mm Hemi 15'-10 13/1B'r 4846.E mm OVERALL HEIGHT 3'-71/2" '104.9 mm 41.1 7/16" 1256.7 mm 244.6 mm �r FLoar G AU G EA ,�&ALVFRAWAL O ANODE coNNFcrtoN r � y, —� O ' i, VFALVE n�uinv�AivE i7 FITTINGS LAYOU NDER DOMi; LEG LE© WIDTH SpAcING WEIGHT ` QUANTITY ----_ 10 1/8° 7 26" , . ►nm 712 3/4'r 123.9 mm 723— 15" 38`1.0^m�m 16 114" 412,8 mm 3r . Qu 014.4 mm 2451bs. 111.1 � 3' 6° '066.8 mm 472 Ibs. 4' - 0 1/4° 214.1 k , 1225,6 mm 668 Ibs. 2ae,7kg. 61.011 '524.0 mm 871 Ibs. 395.1 kg '743.2 rn n 1729 Ibs. 86 12 63 9 45 8 30 6 18 5 RaV: Jan. 27, 201E VVIly IanksCorrado Underground steel betwee' the tank lank' corrode due to occurs�tlue to s and the Burro an electrochem►cal reactlo In the flow of DC current ro g solL The process of corrosion ge dflferences on the steal surface fl°ws fnPfi the ink Into the s in Oils a location to a r�CB that result the anode In a corrosion circuit:corrosion Hooter. Where current tank' nd co Where currentf , Thls loc the amount of can °C°uro� ws from 0n ►s cslted f The progress of corrosion !s date soli to the whetherltft flent flowing between the anode and the cathode Corrosio a locations of the anode/ hod ed by rates are general! Cathode remain con and conduct! ►iy °f the soli promo els he low of DC nvlron afoot over time, c(rcult ments since the arrant In the corrosion CCrroslo generally exhibits general ° itself on underground ntay result of rusting ormore tanks in elther a +ariatlonssuch a roc allurgica► conditions o f then as rocks s B silo°k Pit iocations oncentra[,ion, etc, ' a<ts, fertilizer, molstureCotee surfaceo r soil �gen coating inl the flow of 0, external coal no coating Is tiny defects,! Cathodic prof DC current 0 'athode, Appli ;0tr0slon front ystems are sP sad when the, ach as in and e more coma Mines. Elea d electrical �r eotivene8s, Preventing CorrosPon Protecting tanks from corroioUnderground eastiyachteved b of tuuo common by the use protection �aPPlled }.dernai coatin ethand' cathodic B and These two protection• are methods and should belementary con)unction used In other, With the gates the steel from the exte - An eftecVve Protective ,17•oslon Currentfrom the Soil to 8 ent, thus Preventing i'erlcan profe OVergq%ofthei Cathode. An effective j�en`eot; Dame a from Construction urtac area, Vh)ch may g However, y result in ess accelerated corrosion at the de 8 at.create action prevents corrosion at those defect om an extemal source, forcing the s by applying cation of sufficient DC currentto the tank to become occurring. The two general tank will prsVem any criticial and Impressed current of cathodic amount of current re Sacrificial 'Systems protection erground C required for the are only and fOa tasnks. p Protection is small, largestructures Such asuarge dymems Ica! isolation of the tank from ter ounds is critical for the cathodicepli piping stems Y em's rw 3acrlficil Cathodlo Protection Works 'criRcial Systems work by creating a galvanic connection between two 11 n different metals The most cam which when coupled to s mon anode t magnesium to the steel, feel results In DC material is magnesia -0.50 volts referenced el aThe o current flow from t Potential of copperesulfate Ielect od I of steel Is abc two metals to magnesium !s about .i,66Va. flow to the to k thaatht o srcomes Ce °f 7 ro �i'80V, BY The open clrci to i,2th 6Vvolts results In clurgren the tank With this corm the natural corrosion cells that exist nt avalfable to the tank, noon Magnesiu� this t or There occurs, Protection. tectio The two of anode a to and alloys sizes High P Potential, The primer ys are designedused for cathodic and has an open circuit alloy is as y-� for AZ63) and is wall suited for Produced from recycled Potential alloy is 99/ potential of approxJmatel _ magnnlum Protection of underground y i•55V, UP t. -1,8V, pure magnesium propane tanks, This alloy ohm -cm reslstlVIs lay should be used for's aan open c1rcult Potential0Hi Apllcatlons over i0,000 The two most common tanks are 9Ib, and i rib, anode sizes used for underground io, °f #12 TW lnsulatedThe size designation relates to t s then bac wire ►s Rropane kfe , in a mixture of attached to the Weight to lower the electrical resistance ofnm anodes. Anodes are towcosts , bentonite, and sodium sulfate back-allnonhazardous, electrically C���u�o to aQ II• The ts then packaged !n a cotton b mixture is a Asper bag Actual shl �9 end either alla The anode and lb. and 46 lb. PPing Weight of these anodes rdbcard box or With backl!►i !s 27 AppllsaQlon Recommendations Magnesium anodes can conditions. The H-7 ali an Protect underground tanks Providessizeandquant(reCoanerallyveryaffective In most sot[ on oonservative design $ mmendadons torvarlous size itanks Chart Lip to i0,000 ohm centime epdeslet! j, c Rart e covers d i0,000 ohm-nnmeter soil conditions of soil resistivity can be generally represent ve sisttvltles higher than for design recom Performed throw ry dry soils• higher then n i0,000 ohm -cm mendatlons in locations wh soil analysis. or if there is no effect!.- the a Soli resisf w esntact us The ro mal coating on the tank d Propane service line from the tank to the house considered In the cathodlc protection design, is plastic. All underground steel pipe should be t also must be a corrosion resistant mat-riaL The serviced b unless the service with Isolated at the house with an Insulating should y coated with !s less than 60 in length -should be electrlcaily g flfting or union. if service to protect both tank n 'the tank anodes will provide suff(clent current anode may be re and AIA-. For longer lengths of e y required Sufficient the house connections. P pet an additional If another metallic material such as co the pipe should he eleatttcalty tsotatpA Used e tla� r servt%Mice piping, per is connection. Copper and steel crestte agalvanyc sou l6 corrosion of the steel tank when directly connected oacopper Pipme Generally, copper piping does not require cathodic protection. P P g O ahLt►�"".m C g Cy .ymco rif d Cq m •. 3 � N� [11 -0 Ct a y OhoE C-- - =hC -L a +� -- CD Z o p �t''abo maN UP CS o CD o `dam o,q 2C=0am pSCbCmC�-'mmNC Ci JU lb 0 �� ZE 0 C co �cCD w oo3 co Ci CD o w ,^ w �l SSte' aka e7 mca Cb C* � n3CD � Np.CD cs p oCbm {L g S in co a$ m ti b a ca m � yy � � � Cb 1= CD p� �T3 �m o cd p as O c i c, `a o vaa o M-wm �C roc 3C=m Co�'� o,.n�a .i = — CA cocn q ca �-�camaAQ C:) U 9C,02 mom. n' av oQ o m w o o '� Q C. c o Z 0 a �co rsmajmm�o�.ya••�i a Cu -M CD -c 1 0. m om' 3 a co CA 0"o �- � ra ,i -- --- m s7 m p -p o � il m� tea- C w Cb CIA�C m _. � y�o0 3�0-M o�^o'�c�n' �c a o -t o o- a o o• .-, a. m CD �� m C c `�' am x�� no.`Q .gig �oc� �007° m eacoo moca m R3 r., o a 03 = C c cC�o.m o,,n,Cm m^"o.].ocoo t p camQ �cnc�a CL23 m COCD rL C:3 -3- 5 Im � � aCD � w cb � c ca°°io �va3 ao o�oa,= m 3 Q^C O j n3co m 0,0 C = CD C CD Ali O CD CD 'ti O CQ C CD Cn Cn 6 m — Q C.I.-. o oCD rn D � " m °�' - coca veat a r- ro�� D a co u0 mo Q jc �A 3 3 m = CowDo Co -n� _S m � a _5 CD `VI 0 � �W m Q-mmGo CD C m I CQ Ideal foil use as a first stage regulator on any domestic size ASME or DOT container in propane gas installations requiring up to 1,500,000'F BTU's per hour.. The regulator is factory set to reduce container , pressu�e to an intermediate pressure of approximately 10 PSIG. Ord, ring Information �Vy F.NPT I %° F.NPT +/,° 10 Over Outlet - PSIG � 00 1 500 000 LV3403TR flow based on inlet pressure 20 PSIG higher than the regulator setting and delivery pressure 20% lower than the regulator setting and deliver y pressure 20% lower than the setting. Provides accurate first stage regulation in two -stage bulk tank syste Ii Reduce tank pressure to an Intermediate pressure of 5 to 10 PSIG. i41so used to supply high pressure burners for applications like vu,� industrial furnaces or boilers. Also incorporated in multiple cylinder O installations. Ordeering Information ALV,4403TR4j1%'2" F. NPT 5 1-5 '/" F. NPT 10 5-10 +/,^5 1-5 F. POL 10 5-10 Yes 2,500,000 %"F.NPT 5 1-5 used for final stage pressure control, must either Incorporate integralreliefvalve or separate relief valve should be specified in accdrdance. With NFPA Pamphlet 58. " Maxi Ilinum flow based on Inlet pressure 20 PSIG higher than the regulator setting and delivery pressure 20% lower than the setting. Uesig ed.to reduce first stage pressure of 5 to 20 PSIG down to bui pressure, normally 11" W.c. Ideal for medium commercial instalUions, multiple cylinder installations and normal domestic loads II Ordering Inforltnation sac --� Y2„ 3846 Y2" F. NPT 346R' 11" W.C. #28 at 10 9" to 13" Over ,866 r W F. NPT Drill PSIG W.C. Inlet 166R' W F. NPT Inlet t design flow based on 10 PSIG inlet and 9" w.c. delivery pressure. 935,000 LV4403 Series LV4403B Series 0LZ'% n0 141 inn P n n. o- _.