HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB-CONTRTACTOR AGREEMENTOCANNED d� at Luds Couniv PERMIT M ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMLNT SERVICES Building & Code Compli2ace DiAsion BUILDING PERMIT SUB-CORTRACT011 Ai,ItUNTENT Peay's Electrical have agreed to be (Company NamclindtOdual Namt) the Electrical Sub-conimclor for 0 R Horton Inc (Type or Trade) (Pnmary C:nntractor) For the project located at L1 I Cobblestone Dr.. (Project Sirc:1 Address or Prolicris Iax ID 11) If is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St, Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the riling of a Change of Sub:contractor notice. YO _ C(KI ItACTUR SI . ' ITU eel SUo•CO.YTRiCTOR SIGN %TURF (Quollrter) Brian W. Davidson Pn1NT SAME CRC 1327068 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State or Florida, Count) of Breva(d The forrtoinpinst,,leamtn■sArardbrhrrawe Olds 17 Jat or July m 18b1. also It ver.wallt Mnounk or has produced a Christina Slate PIUNT N,F,hlk ER13014555) 33013 COUNTI CERTIFICATION NUStfirl State of Florida, Countl or Brevard The forgoing Inurumtet uas ftned berate me tills 17 disk of July is 18b) -h. Is perroarilr La.,. X4ur bat produtrda -- At tdtnl(tGeatiaq as Id 91ti4: nVolt, 1 / Si;natnr q(-.ata 'Puhlie 51 A,IP SP.tAiP ry iEsu rNotary lluij Print Nameef Nutar) PnbNe� Print Name orNaor y Public ,yfs.o ptototy punbe State of Honda g 'yp, sandsa t e'tRime GG 020251 e bA'tta_MYrasoW tvw2a , i tr, NryPcacSaleofFlonda y csln GG 020251 Expire0tf1o020 PEWIr0 ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division Benjamin Draw Plumbing (Company Nome Individual Name) cite Plumbing (Type orTrade) For the project located at b Hq Cobblestone Dr. (Projrd Strzet Addretc or l'topcny 7a� (O j BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR 11GREEt IENT have agreed to be Sub•conlractor for D R HORTON INC Jim noury Conlmetor) It is understood that, if there is any change oratatus regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, Cite Building and Code Rcgutation Division orSi. Lucia County will be advised pursuant to the riling or a change orSub•contnictor notice. Z'�� MXTR 1CTt111 SIGN %TUNE tQ=[Wes) Brian W. Davidson raver P.U.iC CRO1327068 L'tlufrTl �1 CAT Y p Unflor ww'C«tnq ar Brevard :>ttArtglnshnrtmentr�srlanWMfenwlM� 17 July .m18rt UM h prmarni lawn X-4r hu pradurW a ai la s reml Hue "Nun Pdtas K'�1.ai 1110016 „ssrrr i 3n P amU1u:023 Notary PUN. Slstouf Flo�N s LCOW, m: aan GG 020251 LP4 stin.0 `rriWCrollslum�wux�cta-iiit Benf amin Jimenez CFC1429456 [O�NTYCEIt�tt7G1 QrllrtlA atJt SrstedrtNNlt.Cwttq raf lirhnt.tatlegnntntauslasWlr(rrceellls 17 fat sf July ,>n 1.Z P _ olNpprrusraf luawa j�, orlssspadnglfa„i,_,__ .� Si1R71tltf Msq !C r ` .••. •.•_ S%1AIP MAR Magear f4tsq rame•� dt n,� Maury PubUe State of Korth 5andta►eo"" GG070251 a MY Cemrn;s�ton EIPVCe CBilLLI:tYaY1 PERMIT 9ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUH-CONTR-kC:TOR AGREEMENT Florida Breeze (LOmpany Namellndividual Tramc) the HVAC/ MECHANICAL Sub -contractor for (T)T-e of Trade) For the project located at O 1� Cobblestone Dr. (Project Street Address or have agreed to be D R HORTON INC (Pfimary Contracior) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding ottr participation tivit}I the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be ad, ised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. WX IL C"rdRR SIGNATURE (Qualifier) Brian W. Davidson PRINT NAME CRC1327068 COUNTY CERTIFICAT10i\ N IHER State or Florida. County or Brevard The foregoing insrrumenl Was signed before me this 17 da) of July ,,Q3b`• — eha is Personally i.noWnX or has produced s as identifiestinn. �� STAMP Si."namre or Notary- Pubic rant Name of Notary PubBc if e ,�ti Ssas�; hola:y Pubnt St ifs o1 ,da $ %�Sandra l^ sne t tdy Cwnn,:c:Ina GG fl3�?'+1 Reslsed it 16_tllti Ex�resoent:.azu cr, . %r J SUP• 'oNi'RAC-TOR SIGN, ' RE (Qua)ifier) Kristen Kelly PRINT NAAT£rr COU.Yrb CERTIFICATIO v tiiFSIHER State or Florida. County of The (aregaint instrument was signed before me this 17 day or July s0�$by who Is personally;mown �_ar gas produced 2— As Identification. vilt, sTA.�rr signature or Notaq) Publle S�rds_r1 .�2ex,� Ptiat Name ar Notary Public aps*•^o4_ No3ryF::br4StaleofMfica. ? Y- Sandra Lena + Q, d hfy Comtr,c; an GG 02fl251 'y%eftM1c' Exp:taa C011"t.0i0 PERMITS I I ISSUE DATE PLANMG & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES i Building & Code Compliance Division BUt IN(; PERMrr StM-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT Treasure Coast Roffoing LLC V-OmPanY r4Nne tdividul Name) ' have agreed to be the Roofing. (Type ofTrado) Sub -contractor for D•R.Horton • (Pritaety Contractor) For the project located at ��, Cobblestone Dr. (Project Struei Addlbs or Prapaty Tex tD #) It is understood that if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned Project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. t:ati-'xAtzaR tQueluter) �"—'--�-'�- suaconrR,icra s xA oaHaar) Braln W. Davldson Brian Maloney PPMT NAME t'RlM1TiWM£ CRCt32706a CUIRR CIRTERATtox tVUB�ER State orFtotrd; County or Brgi_ Yard ` The fergofa=reetrntneal wu Oped bdom me thh 7day or July. _.2o18by who hpersoaeilyknown X erhuprodueed• uldeetlltee t Slaeeture ofPiatary tfobHe SfA1+fP d Gi Loon t'eiel.Wete I notary ratm C=330653 CdUN7Y CERIiFICATtO�Y rJUNMER Stale o lorldy county ef�-^� The Wigoing tutromeal wes slpted beret tue tua 17 decor July18 _, zoo by who Is pereeaelly Imewa %t orbae Andre as ideaffmiWI . STAAV Saft&a Leahe . Yrrott•ame of tYobry►oh-d - =ExOM2(W=WW1O. ta of Florida ��► I r, WOMY Pubbc State of Florida Sandra Leone11 Rerifod I � •S a rIA Commission GG 02023t �, 0201s t y 20 Ewa°� EapvasOtlltol2020