HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENTSCANNED BY St. Lucia County PERMIT N ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELGPMGNT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Dh ision .o BUILDING PER IT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGItF:t:t1IGVT Peay's Electrical (Company Namefindtsidual Nam.l the Electrical (Type of Trade) Sub -contractor for D R Horton Inc (11nmary Conrractor) have agreed to be the project located at vd Cobblestone Dr. (Project erect Address or Ptopcm I a-i ID x) i is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mcmioned lrojcct, the Building and Code Regulation Division or St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to tee ihng of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. Brian W. CRC 1327068 c o(Florids, Count,of Brevard rorrftoia�lmtruarrntnasornedbrrorrvselUl+ 17 da) of July - 2a 18by Is Pemmslh knou4 or has produetd a r i , tdrnrrzat�n c HIV. T - s1 Amr � Pow State of Ftando Sa Leone 020251 MY Co'11�iSD.a��aio 0 SUB•COYTR;CTOR SILK %TUn1: (Qualifier) Christina Slate PIUvT NAME ER13014555 33V 63 COt1%T1-CERTIFICATION NU►tAFR State or Flnrlda, Count; or Brevard 1 he fineao:ay leauumsnr Bras ylRned before nu: dais �? dot al July :a18b, wM. 4 penonatll LA.,.ZY (jefr'-' fp,�'�Dian Public print manse orNatari rumic Md ,, Public Stato W Florida Safltlra Leone x o My C=mwfan GG 020251 wn expire70a1IM020 .r PERT # COUNTY ISSUE alE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division Benjamin Draw Plumbing Kdmpaay Name Individual Name) the Plumbing (Type arTrade) For the project located at (i�' l(ec:7 Cobblestone Dr. (Ptgcet Strcet Addretc or Propeny Tat '10 ) BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT have agreed to be Subcontractor for D R NORTON INC IPnaury 47001=ttx) II is understoad thot, irtht:re is any change orstatus regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Resulmion Division orS1. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the riling or a change orsub•contractor notice, Z,4�� co2frRSCM11SIGIN %TUn! tOnnrtgt Brian W. Davidson MI TNArtIE CRC1327065 Cn WM1 ea II AT Wr i %tatof rkl dl,C..a1).r Brevard 71itA rtWrehnnsuru�.ttfMrdMfanatfldt 17 pt er July .>o18b •k.hpterWy Lawa�,.ringniattde ..�_ s >q ia R - r t 6", sT:>nry stm n1®e.lftwq tietll ik+t.d it 1N016 =SarldraLcorm, Pubic 51ata of Flotda neronGG020:511:02, suu>CeICVOA'SICM�WUR�EIQ..iIf a f Bar f amin Jimenez CFC1429456 ?dLW CERW Qrr11ni1 aElt smieariretwC1wlr or The iwasieetavrom"ion gindbdwe1ne111t 17 h,,r July , .yn 1A 0011APttu2411IJ k+ttwax ahatytalettltt„m _ _ _ atrd►a11rt Siff Pa t •�" StilAtP S ., 11O1trG a teeK trig �t su Ncury Put>tic Fa es: EYt�Cae,ti7.a astSaa d 11W3F nW,�GOIC251ga 6 eatwrao:o ywµyr -' PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Wz= Building & Code Compliance Dhision Florida Breeze tt.ompany rUrreltndividual Name) the HVAC/ MECHANICAL (T)'pc oi'Tradc) BUILEIM PEPWIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT have agreed to be Sub -contractor for D R HORTON INC (Primary Contractor) the project located at 8116 Cobblestone Dr. (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID 9) t is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned roject, the Building; and Code Regulation Division or St. Lucie County will be ad%,ised pursuant to the iling; of Change of Sub -contractor notice. O.`lTR4CTOR SIGNATURE (Quatitierl 011-ON'1'RACrOR StG^4 RE (Qualifier) Brian W. Davidson Kristen Kelly RINT N"OVIE PRIN-r NA.hi£ CRC1327068 (IMN A14 DUNTYCERTIFICATI TN U,*.1i3ER COUNTI CERTiricATIONSUISIBER atc of Florida, County or ere_ yard state of Florida, Count} of 'c foreping instrument was signed berare me this 17 day of The foregoing instrument N as signed before toe this L 7 day or July ,a 18by July ,o18by to is Personally known or has produced a who is Personally known X—ot Iwa produced a identirieatioo. as Identification. /, {nature of Notary Pu tl STAMP 11/.ee�/ SfA-M!, �s Signature ofNatar}' ubtie lot Name of Notary Public A Print Name of Notary Public T �Y�7M ss pv Nataty Pb;rc Stito of Fonda "Syrv, , !orty p.:brw State a1 Ftctida ? 4 ondra Loma i y 5a Comn s Kt GG 02025 t e' y Comer c: an Gt; 02d251Iscdilslb_016 n ,xPteuCP.1t,"t2020 ' ''to#t.`� Exrtesctrsu Pmmrr# IMUE DATE PLANK] BuilddG & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES e lug & Code Compliance Division aun.ntN(; PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT Treasure Coact Roffc4v LLC iCOmpany Mamt!lTttdividud Name) ' have agreed to be the RtioAng . (Type ofTrrtde) Sub -contractor for D•R•liortnn {i'rimary Contractor) For the project located at _� _ Cobblestone Dr. (Nrolact Stmet Address or Prapeny Tex ID It is understood that, if there IS any change of status regarding our Participation' with the above mentioned Project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub-cootractor notice. tQwatler) SUB,C� 0 S NA aalifltr� `— Brain W. Davidson PPM NAME Brian Maloney PR1t1TNAllg CRC132706e. C13LWN CERTffiGTrav M EA S1MtoefFter14Cen11gror Brsvard The fore;otaj brtrumeal ea aped bdora me al. 7 de, or July zo y who b l>crsoaaUrtiaowa X er bas predoeed a CCC1330853 COUNTY CSRIffICATIOeY NU-1—ZR Stile erFlortda, Coeay of_�� The f-ttalm tutroaunt ea dined ber$' = tilt 17 der or July 218y srtro b pcesoae0r tnresm x or bat pr�dneed • atldeotlaatlaa. - utorHettrr)rabNi -- STAMP - 51tee1srreefNeorrylalaite-"`�'�^°� -� STAMP skmyi-a Leong taeeofNataryAakle � Petatt►imeerNoterylobtk tf:= tate e>t Floridallotary Nue St.9te e! Florida Saredra Leone GGOZ0251e- .� MyCammissheGGOZ0257 20 �arri° fepetrtsOSltW2020