HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0402 II I II 402 I o.~ R........ ....." 51. 111<Io (' I FIorid.a .. " THIS IN[)F.NTURF~ Wad< thIL._....... ._lllh__.___.___d.,. of...._. ...........-.Deo."b.~--._.--_._.___.A. n. lmi .._. brtw<<n ....__..___.____......_..__, ...... ~l VER._Cl~_ LIli~~~ .DRl'lER... hla..wi tfL__ ____.n__.____._.___..__.__.....___._....___ ! ; nf I~ Cnanty of..___.__.__....._S t .1.11.01.---.....-.......__...__.. and Sial. nf .' ..n........_ ......J!'lor 1da. . ..._... _...::....... ---.-...p.rt le. cf th. liul pari. .nd SUNRISE LAND CCUPANY'. a Fl,orlda.Co1."~~.t"9g,~.!.1n& U.Q.Pl'lno"pal. p1.a.oe.of.'_J~.~.~1I!e.881n ., 1M ('ounly of ...S t. . Luole " . and Sial. 01 . ... S'lorida .-.. pari. 7.. nf tM s<'C\>nd ~r1. TEll DOLLA.RS Al'iD. OTH::Jl '.' . . . J WITSESSF.TII. IMI 1M .:>.,1 t..rll\01 of 1M lir'l I,arl. f... .n.1 in can.i.l.nlion "f Ih.. lum of ... VJ..L~A!U$ .COt;Sl.P&RATI.QHS. ...... _______~ 10. tb~Ql .__.In Mnd p.)icJ. I~ .<<<ipI .~rtOf Is ~r..b)' .ekno....I....:...1. ha ..1:e.. Irnnltd, harg.lnrd. sold .nd Irandnrrd. .nd "y th.~ pr.senb do ......._ granl. ha'l'.iD. ..11 and Innsfu unto Iht uid part.Y.._ of Ihe _ODd i>&r1 .nd 1.ta 8Iloo.saora hJr. :lnd as.ilt'" for....., all that ttrl.ir. puttl nl land lyinJ( and ~iRll in Ih. ('ounly nL_..n '_n.__' ...._. S t ..LuG!.e and SI... of Florida 1110"'. loarlieubrly d.,,'ribtd ... fol~,wl: ...._._. THE SOOTH HAlF OF 'l'HE SOUTHWEST Q.UARTER OF ..... .. THE KOR1'HBAST_~.rJ..RTli:R '.J.l_ruE...llilHTH.W&S~_.~~1 TEIl7" ::i&C'nOBTRBTT-OJl:',. .~o:n;SHllL'i'Hmfi~n~ SOUTH; .Qf.. M~"Q~_lOR'.O~_M~.T..!_ ________ T~J.:TIII-:R .ilh an the- tcn~nt'n1:,. hcrltditatn('nh and apj)urt"-'~I"Io<<J. .ith t\t>r)' J'ri~.ir("..:'\.'", ri~ht. litl~. ir:I t'ff...t 3r..I t~t;ltr. tI..",c r ~n., rn:hl hi tt...-=-r. 'f'.c,...iOfl. rcnuic.k-r anti It~'(mcnt thUd.. tllt'lnl1~inlC C'lr in an)'.i~ aPVC'rta.ininJ[: Tn 11.-\\.": .\XU TO 1101.1> 1M !t.11m' in frt "in'tl.J~ forr'.",'. And I~ ...;..\ part! ea o( Ih~ 6,,1 Io&rl do .._. . rovmant ..i,1I Ih~ ui.1 l.or I 7 d ,II. .........d ~rl thai they ar e b..funy .,.;...! of Ih. u;.1 prrmi.... tMI Ihry .rt frrr from all incumbr.ncrs and tMl n they. have 'Co.-.I r.~bl ....1 b..ful aUlho"il)' lu ..11 tM u",..: .nd It,., ..id 1'.'" lea oi ,'" J fi,,1 rart do. . .. h.reby fully w.rr...' I~ hll. to sa;.1 bnd. and will dtfh:<1 lb. umr .lCai"'1 I~ 1...1:11 c1.im. oi .n \'<r...... ""',111>"'" v.. IN WITXESS WIfEREOf. Iht o.:>id part lee of Iht 6"J part M V8. hernml.. <<I Sigr....,;; '~.1l..'<I a"~ ,f,.li~~rM in our prtl-tnce: the 1r Mn.1 8 .r.d ....1. . I~ d.)' and )var .b",~ ",,1:<'11. Fred Fee ~ 11. .i.l. DrIver _..___ J.ngIlJ~ .. ~~or '''n /SI'.\'" Llnezee 1>river ':'1'.\", ..-(.tlO.QQ.-I..R.S~ ~. i- -- --------------- ___ ~--____________.u___.__ STATF. OF FLORIDA. . ST. ~UGIE conny OF f HERF.IlY ('ERTII'Y. Tlul ...... Ihis '. 11t.h wy or. .. . ..lieoaeber . ___un.... .._ ......._..___..1\. D. 192 5 . Niurr mr p...o...lIy .wrartd .' 11. . .K.~RlVER a.r:d...Ll1fEZEZ._.DRI VERt . his.. wi 1'8.. __.._...._. u..._ _n ...u__ ..__.. ......_ 10 mr Ic"",.n I., k Ih~ ,"'r<on .. .......rit.r.1 in aad .lui nrcultd lb. fOlrll.,ing conVt).nc.. t.} .. .. ','n .~UliRlSZ . LAHD C01ll'AHY. a... 0.01," por&. t ion. .... ._."" ....r.lly ackr.o..kdK..I the- "<nll~... Ih.rr..f In br ... the 1 r frcr .... :utd dtrd f... Iht ,..... and pu'l..... IlIurin rRHlli,....,d; .....1 I~ <aid . _ .......__. . I.IliEZEE.DRI lKIL_.___.__. u.n______..._ I~ .if. of Iht said. . ... _ . "if .ll. DRIVER ... .... .. ... .. ....... ......... __ . . _.. on . .....ul. .r.d jlrintc ..~minat~>>l I.lcm and mad. I.,. .ad kfor. mr. .nd 'ff:lr.lcly and .part hum htr salol hUiband. di<\ ackno..lt<1g. IMI .~ mad. hcr..U . party to Iht said Ilrrd of CUll")""'V. foe Ihc PUrpoK of ..''''a'", inK. rrl;..qui.hin;l .nd c......vt)iuJo: .n h.. ri.(bl. litl. and inl..ul. .htlher of do..c. fl1" of srparall proprrl,.. statutory '" C'iuiUI.!o-. m .n.1 10 tl1r bods Ih...in .Jr.cribtd. and th.1 .~ u<<ulro ...101 dttd frerly .nd volunlarily .nd ..ilhoul any ronotr.inl. irar. .PI'rrhmsioo or compals",u oi or fr..:n hor Jaidhashand. . WITNF.!:S my al Fort..f~eroe in the- ('....nt). ul . St. .LuQie .nd S,.t. ,.f .n~. l~da. \ __._..J~e'.B-.sOa _. ST ,\ TF. OF I".oRIfJA. c.-.un'y of 51 tack 16 Ik d.)' .ad )Tar Ia,t .f...csai.t. ~~:In~~~ke ISE.\I.; On tbis .I.y of Deo. .\. II. 19! 0 ..1 10: 07o'c~...k .~. M.. Ihis inslrumf'lll ... I , I filrd for 'KOrd. .nd bci,,;r <!aly .ek""..kdc...1 .nd 1''''''.... I haV., r<<ord..i It,., ..",.. ,>II raKe ._.4:02 .. of B.."k '. 67.... .....~ in I~ ""bli< rrcords of uid COIl"ly. ~(..t' IN YifTXF.SS WHERF.O"~htrnmto Kt my band ....s .lfixtd thr sraI of thr Circuit Courl of the ... Judicial Circait of said State. in ....s for said ~~ ./ ~ ~.." .....:.,) .: .,.!f\ . :tl.::;:. 7;;~~d;l7d;Z;{ (0,\0 ~ ~. ~(?, -Q.~' .CIrrlc. fl. C. .,/ .:-.G~~:-c::";J;~f;i~~'S{j~f? ... .' .' .: ,::: . ~. .'.~.:~t: ~r~:~:~Jj:~:~~,:~: