HomeMy WebLinkAboutFIELD DENSITY TESTOctal 11ineering estino, Inc. SCANNEDSt Ludeqcu* RFc�IF Alk � Phone: 954.784 2941 E-Fax: 954-784-7875 ,Ww.fed-eng.com ' Field Density Tests of Compacted: Soils Method D=6.93 Vt`l Proj 'pt: Proposed Residence Lot 50, Creekside Date:: June:28, 2019' Address: 8736 Cobblestone Drive, Fort• Pierce, F . Order #: 19DR505 Area Tested: Building Pad Permit Mate lial Type:. Pale Brown Sand Tech: RP Clien D:R. Horton, Inc,, Addr ss: 1430 Culver Drive, NE Compaction Req.: 95% Palm Bay, FL 32907 Proctor-Meihod: ASTM D-1557 Test # TEST LOCATION 'probe, Depth Elev. Moist, % Dry Density, PCF' Proctor Value PCF Optimum - Moisture 016 Compaction Pass 1 I E Corner of Building Pad 1.2" FL 10.1 107.0 107.5 '9.0 '99.5%ti Yes 2 SW Corner- of Buildin• Pad 12" FL . 0.4 106.6 10-7 5 9.0 99.2% Yes: 3 enter of Buildih Pad 12" FL 9.0 107.3 " 07.5 9.0 99 8% Yes 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13' 14 Legend PR = Pr SL = Sp SG = St BC = BE TOP =I As a mutt only. A do not without soil to ; Reverse side (Pane.2 of Information for )r Elevation: � :)froll 1,2,3 =1st, 2nd, 3rd Lift, Submitted by: /�4- ngline . FL =Final Lift Keith LeBlanc_�`.��(� igrade BG Below Grade Fedefal`Ehgin�erl 'A TeIYR1.hrISF ecourse BOF = Bottom,of Footing Florida Reg.-Ne,94 ,p,of Pipe FG = Finished, Grade, Certificate of Aut#�rl$ 'brig v protection to clients, the. 'public and ourselves, all, reports are submitted as the confidential property, of clients, and autiio pp��II or extr'acts'.from or regarding -our reports is reserved pending our written approval. A density test determines the degree of coma jbf'd rty does• not replace a soil bearing capacity determinatlon..These density tests do not.certify the -underlying soil materials below the blp{:� rde or guarantee that future settlement and cracking will not occur. A soil boring test is required to certify.that the underlying soils wilfsupp rment. If no soil borings.have been performed to verify the underlying solls,'.we recommend thatsoii borings'be`performed to eVeluate.the;s rtthe proposed structure. After laying.dormant fora perlod'of90 days orafter heavy raln/storm'§, retesting rh.bsf be,perfomied on'this work. .4 r S ' Vhke. The results proposed structure PAGE l' of 2