HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0416 I; ,I 416 I' h- :::::~., I; J --=-~ DoH .....r. 1'1.. 67. 5L LMlo C_11, Fl<riot&. - ... '[7'~ -~.._- - - - -~~~" THIS lNDF.NTURl\. lb<te thls...._. .... Slh_.__.____...____day of.__. "_'_' .......hDeo_bep-.------- ._._...n. .__...___..___..._.__..!~__! .u!.:thA ..Nl!L.hlQ_.it1t.o...._J omU e. .L.h.Kellema.___.._____.._____ of I~ Coanty 01..____. ~.a.ill.~....~~.9.1Jt_n____.___..._.....s Stale of..h_.......Jl'lQrl.O"tL...............__.___..____.._.____Put1.OJ of Ihr lint pari, an.1 .n" ....__ .. .. _ ... .. ._.._.. ..1, ._~_,__.Ram.bo.._ Tr.IUL.\.o 1________ h_._.._______._ ...h_.....__.___.__.._..__......._....._..... '.. n ......._. .rlor 1da ...h...... "'___h h'". pari. 7.... of th~ .tc--t part. _h' T~q D() l1ar $ . Ml.~__O~.l'._.. .. ... .. . . h' .... D 192 l). _~ bttW'ff1 of Ih. e<>UDly or... Dade .. -"." a",1 glal. of ... ,..__ I \\'ITSt-:S~F.T.f. lrol 1M said part .iee.f 1M lirol rUI, fur an.1 in comi.I...alion ..f lh~ .um of valuable oonsideratlon h ... _"___'h' tttmIJt 10.. h Jihem .. in hand 1'&id. Ih~ rtttipl ..hertof is hu.by :acknr'...I..lllcd. ha ye mOlt<!. rorl(&irlM. 'I01d and Iran.f<<rN. and by t1..~ prclt.." do.... v Ilranl. barRai... StU and transfer unlo tM ~id part .Y._ of Ihe srrond part a"d h hie .h~,. ~d .uiKns f..rt,~" :all IMI urtain pared of la...1 lyirtR an.1 MinI( in Ih. Coonly 01... ......u._...... st. -J.u.o1e.n_. and SI.lr of Florida lI)i'r(" ~r.kul~rl). ,kkril..t't' a'\ full.,w\: .___ .._. ,; U1 of the liorth Halt llrtl'hot.. tb.o..lIorthwoat.Q!l8.r1ier.(BWi).of Soation_.._.. 14. hToWJls}11p 3 ~ ~oqt;)l,. ~...8.._""Qn~~-"...Q.QIlhta1.D.1n&.83_&Orl a. ..mo.rJLQr..lua'___h'_ "__h n..____u___. .._____._n_n____....__...~h._______._.__..~_____ _______.__._..._. _.____ '_4__. ...- ... .....-.-.--.. -.- ..------..---.----. .----------.-.----- ------.---.-- ----_.-~ --. -.--...-.-.--.. --.----------..----...- .._-------------_._._---_.-..-.-----.-._-~._. .. -.- h_____~_..._.__..____._.. .._.___.___.~._ .. _____.__._._____.__.4_____ _._ . __ . --.._----------_._-_._~---- _.__.-~.._-------_.-._--~_...--_. .-..-.-----. TOGETHER with an th~ tennllMltC. bf'rcrl,tanw1It" and 2ppurtt'n.anc('~. .ith f"W'''f)'' t.rhil~....~. "J...ht. litlf'. iutrf'if"<iot anel ...,!at(". ,1...-(,. :ant' richt f.f .t.uu". flt'\"f"r,jO!l. ~jnd("r ~nd 41-a"'f'J1'knt thrrrt., Iw:lunKin~ {If in u,'.i~ 3.ppIt'ruininK: TO 11:\\""': .\XU if) lIotll 1M J3.1nC' in i("('" <;"",'p!t iortyrr. . . And I.... ..id part 1 es of lh.. 6..1 I'3rt do . . ('oyrnanl ..i,h 1M Olio! I"'rl:i c,f Ih. ......,.,.1 ra'"' tlul they. ~ b..full)' snrrd of I:... <aid p~isr.. thaI Ihry arr frtt froll1 an incun,buC1ccs and 1M! they ~ ".,...t ri~hl amlla..ful aUlh..rily 10 ~nl~ sa....: and Ih. ..id I"'rl 108 01 the l /1..1 rart '00 .mn.. !K<<by fnlly w..rranl 1M tillc to ~iJ bnd. a"d "ill drfcnJ !hr ':an.., aJ:ain'l lhe la.. ful claim. 01 all ..u.....n. .......m..'nr.. IN WtTSESS WHEREOF. I~ said pari ..108.,j 1M fi..t part hL..Ye h.r....'!o. ""I their handS. and ....18 . I"" da)' and )tar al",.. ..rilt..". SiIrr.td. staltd and d"i,utd in oor I'rt"-n<<: I . '--"::'<190. OO~. R~.~~~Ill~~_~~!l~!.9 _ J. I. Kellems _._.__ .F. . 'f. . f.e~r:i .. ~.. L. Pa.yn" 1 SE.\'" Jennie .... ....... Kellems 9 ISI-'_\I,I , ,. ii I! Ii ~ I; 11 ST.\TF. OF . .10r1da. .. . Saint Luoh COtiXTY OF I HERF.RY CF.RTIF\'. Thai on lhi, .d. 8th. .day of . ... . . - -.- December. .u. .__.A. D. 1925 .... brforc mr ptr1CN Uy apptarr:d . .1. . 1.. Ael.l.ilm.a &wL.lenni'LE......Kellema 10 mt "no...... 10 M Ihr ptrCOrt. .trscribtd in aM ..I>.. u<<ulr') Ih.. for<JI:oing C'>Cly.,ancr 10 ....._._ J. G... !Sambo. _ Tr u.s.tae"h' _"h' ..~and ....rally aclmowltdgtd 1M .....ul~.n tl...r.~.f '" k _.. their. f rrt ail and dctd i; ,r Ik uon a...1 I'U'P'''C' Ibtr.in mtt'lio....I: and 1M ..iol .. _.; ennie . A.. .4e1.1ema.._ _._._ . '__h'h'_'_,__ _ __~. '! 1M ..if. of 1M said. ..h ... ..... . ... Jo. I. iColl &na .. .'.. ... ... .. _.. ~... _'. .. on a '<paule a".) pri..~I.. c,..miIUltcn lalcrn and madr tr, and btfon 1"-<. an.) ..(>&ul.-l)' aM :aloa.. I.,.... her ....id husband. did xlcno..kdr. IMI shr ",.-.dr heutlf a pari)' 101M ..id IJcrd of C"mt)"ncr. for Ih. purposr of rmor.untinll. r.-lit!qa;,hi"1l and c,onnyinl( aU ~r fight. lidr and inl.rc'l. whelhrr 01 .1".... or of uparal. prr>ptr'Y, ..alulDry or <quitahlt. in a...l '0 t~ Ian". lher.in drKribcd. ar.d thaI shr un:u:td said drtd frmy and yolWOlarily a"d wilhcAJt any connrainl, fr..., apl.rchrnsi.o" or compu"""" oj or from h.r nidboaband. ?ort Pleroe WITNESS MJ '~~I ...~I at .hh'" .____.._.. ~",.".I . (:~:: 14& \ ... .., .... ,.., b...I...... ~= .. __h' m'L7- lIoJ!4L~-._.- m_~~~. ~:;~:~~;~~n 1:.:~~!~~:a. STATio: OF FI.mUl), I ONnly of gl I.lICk. in thtC(tUfll) ni Saln t Luole 1 SE.\l,) On lhi. 19 day of Deo. .\. f). 19! 5 . at 11: 42 o',lorl,; A. . M . Ihi. instrumenl wa. I filrd f,,c rtcOnI. and brinlf oJ..I)' arknowkdll..1 and !.my.... I Myc ..corokd 1M .amr un J'o1J:r .4.16 . of fl..<~, .67.. _.. in I~ public rtcord, of ~id l'flUDly. c<.lhl1- IS WITSESS WHI-:~,.l ~n ht......lo Id my b&Ild a.nd affixtd t~ ICal of I...., Cmuil Courl of thr !JlJJai1III[Jarlicial Circuil of said SUI.. in a.nd (or said County. '. _ ..) . .':':\... " ~\~~. ~o. ~ . .0 . \.\ ~~~Q>Y" \ ~a.Ct.Oieal.f '. I -'.11/1- .P..e..Eldred.. .n_'_h"~___.'._. ~lrt.-d.. rYLL-;t,-<< ~ -.-~L . ... hCtrrk. U. t'. " ./ I I I I I I. i I ! I. ~;:;T::: : :':~':~l:<'X~~~'~\ .{~~~f~~::.~;Sf~i~{:l " . " . '. ~ . .:.<~~~ ; .;~~t~~:.~~;,~~~r\r.;:~~(.