HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENTSCANNED o� SIR, LLi�!�9�' PERMIT 0 ISSUE DATE :- ft OFT 1t D;,n PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Complizince DiAsion BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AMMENICNT Peay's Electrical have agreed to be (Cornpany NarnetlndiOduil Name) the Electrical Sub-conlrtrctor for D R Norton Inc tT}pe or Trade) For the project located at Wnnary conincror) a r Cobblestone Dr. (Project Street Address or Propcm l aN ID it) It is undersioud that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Cade Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the riling of a Change .of Sub -contractor notice. CUNIItACTORSI.'I7U cri Brian W. Davidson PnlS'i NAME CRC 1327068 COUNTY CERTIFICATION MAIGE R Slate of Floras, gaunt, of Brevard Thefor r[oinpinsbuarcntoat ilrnrdbrraIre ate l6B 17 dal nr July 20' Ny oho it prrwaallw hans-4 ,or has pralluctd o SUB•COMM%CTOR SIGN 1TURE (Qualirtcrl_ Christina Slate rniNT NA,NIE ER 13014555 L-307C)1_3 COU\T CERTIFICATION NDSfi ff State or Florida, Count, or $reward 1 ht fortgoinp lestrumtnt gas aitntd bcrotc me tlils 1? dak or July Io 188/bs �h.lt prraonttll Lnrs.yt __Yr ilat pr9dYttd 0 as idtnlificatiaa ("jas Id I�llan, s'1Amr 57.uitP Siltenatnr of?olar) PUNIC tmi rNotarl I'nlb6t Print Name of ►Your) Public re Hotel Pus>� 5'ate Hotel:::] Mode Siin,,,l,,u GGo2ozst y1- pp+ MY o ooltalV2o e. trfllf,�_ 4' Print Naaw or Votary Peh1$ LVIZd; NotMPub&e State of Fonda Sandra LooseMy Cotpm:sa{onGG020251 Euplrta 0011CM20 PEFUT R COIrNT,Y the ISSUE OAIE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division Benjamin Draw Plumbing (Company Name Indtvidusi Name) Plumbing (Type orTmde) For the project localed at V< Cobblestone Dr. (Ftojar Street Addrarc or Propeny Tar to ) BUILDING PERbIrr SUB.CONTBACTOR AGREEMENT have agreed to be Sub•conlractor for D R NORTON INC (Pnoury C"fractorl 11 Is understood that, irthere is any change orstatus rcgordins our pa111cipalion with the above memioncd project, the Building and Code Regulation Division orSL Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the riling ore Change orSub•contractor notice. Z"� COM \Crousium %TURf. fgwfiner) Brian W. Davidson CRO1327066 CnW t M CAT fr A Ituref f,uwta,Rrly ar efevard T>ItfansdasBneunnurartlanedMfanatom, 17 pr of July •ta18b wbhparraWtt taara�aAuAnintrda ..-- a STAMP r rful Mane afdanry Rtlb Rand It 1B1016 �'frktory Puttc Blom of r af-e3 Sandra Lcene p Myco+nffi:$MnGO020251 sUa.CeICTOM51CM�tTui�IE10-iw-F Benjamin Jimenez CFC1429456 [D�Irr1'CElt�lilGt efr ATO R 5atarf frnhy.Cw+uf of The twoatatitleyrra+atruYae/dhtfntlnelNe 17 do.f July .rn 1%, l+lla4prwaaf4aawlt]�, erhagradutada„=,�,__ .r as Wralln 5laaatart awry Pu a --�`� - -^ SMAIP ad96A z4oxc M61ff W*F 9TIMS nMC �tru� 1p ,. • � T �y0i1•� Netary NMI St?le of rl0143 Odra :,GIG LeO� 020251 Me Cemmrns� ErP�"etiCBf11S(:Oitl PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance DiNrision BUILDING PERMIT SUB-0O3NTR-kC T0R AGREEMENT Florida Breeze have agreed to be (Company Namelindividual name) the HVAC/ MECHANICAL Sub -contractor I'nr n R HnPTnhl tt.rr^ (T)T.e of Trade) For the project located at --b in-) Cobblestone Dr. (Project Street Address or Pronerm Tax I (Primary Contractor) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be adv ised pursuant to the tiling of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. t CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE IQuatinerl Brian W. Davidson PRINT MWE CRC1327068 COUNTY CERTIFICATION ttiURIBER State of Florida, county or Breyafd The foregoing instrument was signed before me this 17 do)of July .,a 18by who is personally known Xor has produced s as identirintion. Q (1\y\ �( � v"q—�, SI..nafure or Notary Public ST,1Dti' Prlat Name of Notary PuhOe Is R:vlsed Ili 1 &2016 ` rdy Comrm,,: 0 fnExMWNW- SNRCRSIGN,0RE tQualirier) Kristen Kelly PRINT IYAAIEI ClIc' COUNT! CERTIFICATION NUNIEER State of Florida, Count of The forgoing instrument it as signed before me this 17 day of July ,p18 by Who is personally known Xar has produced a as Wemlllation. STAMP Signature or NotaryPubilee J Print Name of Katar?• Public F Notnry P::biL^ State of Sc6da Satidra Leent7 Commc.; on GG 020251 � Fxp:rcy CP,r7. r2020 PERMrr# I ! JWUE DATE PLANMG & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMrr SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEtNENTr treasure Coast Roltoing LLC (Company Nan►eJltldividlttI Nemc) ' have agreed to be the Roofing (Type ofTrado)---------» Sub -contractor for D•R•Horton • (Primary Cantractnr) For the project located at Cobblestone Dr. (Protect Stm dAes�dnw or jE - It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participadon with the above mentioned project, the Budding and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the Sling of a Change of Sub-cootractor notice. C it sua CONTitACT0 5 NA azrdle Braan W. Davidson Brian Maloney PPJW NAME PRa1T NAME CRO1327068 COUNTY CERTIFBGTIGY NUWER Stet, of Floidd,, County or Brevard The faresolsi lartrunxal Was Optc! berore me this 7 d,y or July .20 8 by who Is p-Ily known x or has pn4aced s u Idn1E!{ts�iF1 � Siasatun orNotar7 bHc STOO, &akdl-fi I-OnHo. ...... o ofNabryrawx CCC1330653 COUNTY CWnMCA-r1G,r NUMDEA state armada, county Of The foreptoj lash ameal WU arped berem m, thts 17 dar or July 2018 who b persoa,ay known %{ °r h,s pfaduted • as ldeotlaviJ„ Y Sljgftf laeSle STAM7 Sandra [eohe Print Nann or NoRry !®Lire P swto 01 Fiorlde RE State of Florida tau Notary u Leone ne Rcrirod I Sandra Leone lonGG02023t Comntlsslon GG 020251 of>`Esplros0l110r2020 Or2020