HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT1 W� a3t ��V t C' 1i o� PERMIT# j 1 . ISSUE DATE PLANMG & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES n Building & Code Compliance Division SULMING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT Treasure Coast Roffoing LLC (Cotnpany Namelindividual Name) ' have agreed to be the Rooling (Type of Trade) Sub -contractor for D.R.Hortan (t?rinlary Contraaor) For the project located at 0' I Cobblestone Dr. ftld: i Sores Address r Prapersy Tax ID It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above intentioned project, the Budding and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. ea � ate svacoivTRAcro s rut aenne.) Braln W. Davidson PRWTHAME Bdan Maloney PRtATiVA14it: 'CRC1327068 cotwry CERT- acartes.tvuMarx StateorFlatid%couatyar Bravard` The r"014I0utramaat wst dred bdam tee that 177 dey ar July _,so1,8ey who bpasoaaSyknown X erMessprcdoeeds asIdeat9ks a. S1tt�fLrxarNate1yPa ae STAMP a Leoh ertet.Ya !'iAYotarypatm -- i it oil l tint p,gtsta of Flofida Sandra Leone • • My Commttiwn GG C2ti25t art►' Eepitas0611a12C2o CCC1330653 Goum CBrtIif7CAT(AY tMiihf>!):R State arFiortds, County or�,y� The f-Moing iestrnauat we Biped berate: am tats7 darer July 2018bi - Wbo b penonsay lotorrn �7 orMu pndnted a as ideattDrattaa. St�astn .lsMl_ STAAW samd -a Leme Yrtat Tema of Notary robuc a llotary PubbC State of FkrfdaSandra Leone MyCC*mmlaz EGGC2mj Ea AS ONNVOO PERMIT 01 ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compli3ace Dh7sion SUILDINC PM%IIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGIt UTIRNT Peay's Electrical have agreed to be (Company Nameflndtviduil Namt) the Electrical Sub-contrlctor for D R Horton Inc (Type orTmde) (ttnmary Contractor) For the project loca►ed at b-rde Cobblestone Dr. (Project Stract Address at Propern• f ae ID 91 It is ultderstood that, if there is arty change of status regarding our participation with Elie above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucia County will be advised pursuant to Ilse filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. i=u��+t le.tc�oti st . • i�u ` - . rn `" Brian W. Davidson Pn1.%T SAME CRC 1327068 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUAISE R State eI Floitda, Count) of Brevard The for rzoinpina,usitatnasslrncdbriarecot tbls 17dai of July Ili. Ny also Is persoaall► Mnoank ,or has produced a as Wrifirrcation Ay r1V__ Wit"Alar of Nalan Public Prinl Mme of Nalan Public Not Puppc state of Flocafa sor4la WOO ,am GG OZo251 IJ2.1.. L.42 SU8•CO.YMUCTOR SUUN %TURN (Quallricrl Christina Slate PFUNT NAM: ER13014555 3>7o13 Cot) NIV CERTIFICATION VUIIBFR~ Slate of Flnrida, count} or Brevard 1 he foregoing lositumrnt iraf signed berme pie rids 17 dal of July I018b) w lr. ie,panonetlt Lnw.ur hasProduceda { as ld tts pilea. 51 AMP ` STAMP Ijtsa rNofan Public Prior Name orsotary ruhilr Ed h 5ra Mp Comm:sabn GG020251 wn Expires 0011oi2620 PERWO ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES c ' Building &. Code Compliance Division BUILD1NC PERbIrr SU&COM UCTOR AGREDIENI' Ben(amin Draw Plumbing have agreed to be (Company Nome Individual NSme) Ilia Plumbing Subcontractor for D R NORTON INC (Type orTude) (pnoury C041=10r) For the project fouled at Cobblestone Dr. (Nctt S1rre1 Addresc or Propeny Ta% to 11 Is understood that, irthere is any change orstatus regarding our patlicipation with the above mentioned project, Ills Building and Code Regulation Division orSI. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing or it Change orSub•contracior notice. Z,0�� - CONrR•%CroASIGN %TUNEtQ0finer) b4U•C `RA.1Cf0AS1CN%TUAEII}rillaier 961111 W. Davidson OA Nf NAWIE CRO1327065 cnD1NT1 5trrtdrlN4y,C«wf of Urevard 7itrotpinttanruetntrur7tAalMrenautNr 17 p1 sr July .te18rf rler It prrmoun, ro+o �.a lw rtnllrtN r _ - r r �C sT.uur rrMl MW rtrf ufs R11ue Ikr.d 11 W3016 f °+y Notary Pu16c 91-1 a7 r�orr a 7• Sandra tcoaL rc Mycomm¢sca GG 020251 �oin� faoe•.Oti110r;020 t 8anjamin Jimenez CFC1429456 EdU ekirta Cd ON—W-A atx .irtlrQitoa'Wi,Crurt� of Tirrrrgda=fertrraatruelgrd4trntategb 17 far �f July Uketsperlr881131ot si orinrprofwrtlae. �_. _ __ _ srtJrala Syianl►e aruf In r SMAIP siiwirlOreN rruq 999D Snte of FtanC,a 020251on f,G1:020 PERMIT 9 I I ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division SUILUNG PEPOUT SUB-CONT&kM'OR AGREEMENT Florida Breeze (Company Narneltndividual (came} have agreed to be the HVAC/ MECHANICAL Sub -contractor for D k HORTON INC (T)P_C of Trade} � (Primary Contractor) For the: project located at %�'�� Cobblestone Dr. (Project Street Address or Pronerry Tax I !t is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned Project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County u ill be ad'. ised pursuant to the tiling of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. CONTaaCrOR SIGNATURE (Qualifier) - Brian W. Davidson PRI-a NA,M1IE CRC1327068 COu-" I CERTIFICATIOt• NUMBER State of Florida. County or Brev_ and The farcpIng instrument teas st=ned before me this 17 da} of July. :fi 3iv eho is personally known .or has produced s as identirteation. STAMP Syr °v Nat:ny Ptrd-rc Siva of Rawl." Sandra 1!= utte i 1! I fu3016 � • � p tdy Cotnara:6;a ?ciG� 03t3?51 t4ti' ExPires CriN:.a: d'v SUO•`OMI'RACTORSIG.F4 REtQualitiier)� Kristen Kelly PRIK'r NAMEOil U I CQU,'Vrl .CERT11 ICAT10iv NUM]i State of Rorlda; Count) of The farerain; instrument was signed before me ibis 17 day of July -- —_,. 20 8 by who Is Personally'Motvn 2 ar has produced u as [alentlneatioq• Signature of Notary Pubtte Print Name of notary Public opxt °v� No�ry P::bllz State Ot FL:tit:a Smidra t,QC00 o' Aty""Comms:OnG602425f p}rcinp E:xp:ray CRIV12020 %dv't�P .