HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0448 448 "'- ~nANTY DUD I..... a_... 101.. U, 5.. L_ C_I'I n.riob. THIS lNDRNTURF~ Na<k IlIisd_ d"" .,. ._...~.Qlh.__._._.. _.__._.day of....... _.._....___Daa.~.~_._______.____A. D. IYl.. 6... bttwtftl ......_..._............_._....______.~...~.........---..--Jaa.,.ll..-Cr.oouI'1'--&!n81. ..-....-.--~.-~..--- -- -..-------.--.....----------... of !1It Coanty 01. ____.... Barna ta.ble .___......_...... _____and Slalt of... 'd""_"_'" ~88a.ohIlBO t 18 ,,,d ....~.__I>.\rtd~ _ of Iht iiul part. a'hl . Q._ . ~~.. H.9.b b. I.......... .. _.__...:. ._._n......._._.............. _._.. d.... _......,..____._.__......_....._n..n..... .. of I~ ,'""nly of . Ii e leon... .. an.l ~Ialr of .....d_.... .......... ICeD tllok1 .u....._. "'_'_. n .parl ....., of I~ we.>nd pall. ;] WITNF.S$I-:TII, IMI Ihr ...id pari ...y . 01 I~ lint pari. for sntl in torl<id.ution ..r I~ 'unl 01... One. Dollar. and..o ther 'n. ............ ... ._.____ ...... _..._.. va1uablc.. 0 OIlstd~.r~t1, onll___d .._ "_'__'~" I" him _ _.......In hand paid. I~ r.mpt .htrtOl is hmby a<It"".ltd"",. ha ... rrnnlrd. bargaintd. sold and lfa",ftrrt<!. and by I~~ prrunts do 88... lffanl. bartlsill, un and lun,f.r unlo I~ uid part ..7... of Ihe s<<ond part an<l hIe hfirs and a..~. fMntr. :all IMI nflain pa,cd 01 land lying and ~ing in tilt County of ,.,_ S\.. 1..110 10_,...... "'_._d" anti Slalr 01 .. FlorIda n'I,>r~ pa'li<ularly .ltsc<ibrol .. f"lIn.SO. ...... Lots One an1.~wo (1& .21otBloak EJ.gh.tJS.) 1n..Florlana Phrk.a._.....__._..n.. .... n__.... . . . .. SllbdI vis 10n In S(lO U oil. 9 ._TQwns.b1p_n3~.Jbu.t;h._M_ Range..n40dEa.S t~__._ ______.,,_ ...____.......____~_~... .~.tl~~.~_~~~.~~... ..'~:~?~~_~!'! __~~~~~ 1~ to P1a \ 0 t eaid Sllbdlv 1~ 10n.____....____.__._ ...f~.l~.d Jan\1ary ~.1. ~13.~d._r..!l_~~_~e~....!~}?1~~.~~!....?~u...P~~~_~._ reo ord~_...__ .._. .......___ of ~t. Lu018 County. (.2.50I.R.S~mp&} T(,)(;J:TIIER with all 1M tt'nf1r.f'n!c.. Mrrdir~l11fl,h .an<<l ap;tUil('11an<<". with en'ry 1'ri\il~~. ri~ht. tilt... ifltt'r~... ~tHl Ntatt'. .1...,,(r .;tlltl '1tr:1:1 ul tI.'''''tr. r(,'f'"i.ltl. r.main.S... "...1 rA..-mcnl 111..<1.. lod"nllinrr or in any.i.., al'P<,laini"ll: TO 11.\ \'E ...XII Tn 1101.11 I~ sa..... in f.. .implr fMnff. And Ihr ",i,1 I.art y ...f .hr fir.. pUI dnea . c,wffianl .ilh Ihr ",i.1 ",,'I ., "I Ill. _..n<l ""'I lha. he. is . ......funy .nltt! ..f ,h. .....;.1 prrmi,.s. thai Ihry arr Er.. Iwm all incun,l,rancr. an<lIMI...he .haa...._'=,..>d ri~hl an.lla.ful aUlrn"ilY I.. ..nl~ umr; an<llh. .aid pan .y fir,1 part ""e.s htrcby (uny w.rr"nl lhe lill. 10 ."i<l bn<l and .iII drfrnd Ih. ..r.or a~.in'l 1M lawful clai",> ,)f "II ""r ..~.,. .hom........r. of It.. I IN WtTXESS. WIIElU':OF. Ihr ",id pa't . ,... of lilt linl ",,'I b" ..... hucun'., s.:1 ...hie ,",,11<1 ~n.1 ~~1 . the d~)' and yt.1r ~tl(ll\f' ""rin~n. SiKRrd. srakJ and dtliHrtol in oor pruro<<: ? C. ':!eIner\ l Jas. H. ;rooker i~L\I.1 lI,Jrtle h~~p (~E\l.) STA tF. OF.. Florida COU~TY OF St. LucIe l i HEREBY CERTIfY. ThaI on Ihi. 318t; .by of. h_"__''''''_'_ P.QoQmQQr __....... ___......A. D. 192 5 .... btf.." rnr ____..!~.~..!!.!._~!:<>~ker. 8 ~n gt,_... drscribr-.t in and wh.. uroJltd Iht fORlfoing convt)'anc.. 10 . ... ...... __h_ B. 1.l.. lIo bba._......._ ___.._.. .__._._.' ptn<Wl&lIy al'pt&I<d .. to ~ known to "0It th~ Iltr"'" .. ...... _and ..,..ully acl",owltd~rd Ihr ".....'1;..0 Ihrrrof I,. I.r~ hi8 f... a.1 I 1'1 j and ~ for Iix- UK' and 5.uf1.)~. tMf('in I'DN'lli'''l<'t'1;~.-: th~ ..ift ",( thr laid_n._n. h _..-_ __ _ _ _ ... ... . __.__.._ __. no _ _ on a s~l~r,J,tt and prilal-: to<\.41miruti.)n lalten and madr toy and btfo,.., Int. and <rf'&Ultly aod aparl from htr ",id ha.band. di<l ~cltn..wlrdgr IMI shr mad. hrrsdf a party to thr uid Drrd of Cml\<y.n<r. for I~ pufJ'OW 01 ......anciRll:. rrlinqaishint: antI 'l'ntt);!'" all ~r rixh.. lide and ;,:,Irr.... .~Iher of d",.rr "! 01 S<f>&ralr proptrty. staluIOr)' ,?r rquitat.... 10 an.) to t~ bnds Ih<rtin drscTibrd. and tMI sht Utnll'" <aid drtd frftly and ..olunlanly ..nd "1"'''''1 any constumt. f.ar. apprthtn..on or com\>uhKJrl of ur fr..." h., ~ .......d__.. WITSESg my ,ignalurr and (&;al ....1 at . ..... ?O~~.X".~,,~. ... in the Count, crf St. Ll101e . . .If.p.3e~l,I~C''-;-'_'' ST.\Tt: OF F\.~:.-", J ) (".<","If of 51. ~ On 'bi.... .by ..f t~ .lay and yrar bst "i.....aid. an<! $Ialr 01. . . 1-.l~Ue Hlpp ... ...._... (gE!U.1 ...--=..o.=....Io..W ~_g.ub H.. . ~QR....tha=.S tat. -{}~l~~--"":' ILy oommission expIres Aprll 30. 1929. ,I I I I I IS WITSESS WHEkF.!>F. I ha..r btr.....to Kt my hand and a!Jix'" 1M sr:al of thr Circuit Court of thr n..h Jadicial Circuit of said Slak. in and Coanly. ./----......." (C'.C'..oa~ i , J .~.-----~ for Qid I Deo. ..\. D. IQ!6 . . al 11: 08"<1o<1t a.. .1f~ ,hi. instramrnl WI' lilt<! fol rKOrd. and bn". duly acko...lcd~..1 and pr..,en. I hart rKOrdrd 1~ .:llnt "" "&!Ir j,48. .... of l\coolt 67 . in thr (ouViI: rt'Cord. of ...id l'oanty. ,,\\\~\\ . ('\ .' ,.~" I'\_~' ("("\. ~ '" ~C. <l>~' <,l~:-' //P.-O:.."1Jtt.4......u--.-.. . .~ J)r..&.- f: ~_. . CIrri< .tJ. C . T'A/.:'.~' <p.;;;~[:;.;\:;':~j;';~(: -. ......