HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENTMIT # .. . ..... ... PLANNING &DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance BUTiJUNIQ PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREENIENT �-�� I-� % Tom' K Yl�rn�w5 have agreed to be the Sub -,contractor for P&C Construction of the Treasure Coast, LLC fj (Type of Trade) (Primary - Contractor) Forth, projedt located at W2 Killarney Avenue (Project Street Address Or r9p ,It is UO I ove mentioned Perstood that, if-there.is any change of status regarding.our participation with the ab project the Building and Code Regulation, Division of St.- Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing, fa Change of Sub-contractor.notice. CONT gCTOR SPGNATVV,�"Tiineri SUP-CONT, R T(A�NATURE (Quatillier) C 1AJac quin PRINT AME NAIN GY,G 056649 L 'C50RTY cKiff MR COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER ER" Stateo lorida, County of _St Lucie State of Florida, County of 5UUme_ 4 Y) Th or going instrument wa sigpgd before me this 2-4-1 The signed before me this 24 y of claypi, -IT h ry " L 20-1?, 20\b, by,� �IA n_W 6( 4 by OLCO I A I V-) who Is personally known 1/_Or has produced is- who is personally known I/ or has produced a as Iden, ificatiqn. Idendfication. STAMP STAMP gia;n­at;re of Notary Nblic' !c e_ i 2o1d`Y Pose Notary Public State of Florida Notary Public State of Florida 0 Alyssa Modine % My Commission FF 208475 Icof f�--OCommission Expires 04/1412019 Revise 11/16 f'Gl3:tfitT � s tite Baal- & oche-00gPI'aAV r� �I��isa��. Nye dljrL'C ('lCt 12 5ub•c4rttrat for czar. 'P&Ciinstrtic r'Tasura CoasC.,LLC. (rrii:�af:;+±CntYtrgctte� ). 54,32 Killarrs ul: �..... .~-• ,Fat'the Pr*ct loc itediax t Q ..; Sfrc t ,� +qt;w> a pi' tO'r s YrY':, ' 3 it is iasaat'stQod, tks1;; iF them i� any ct3at��e:oz sturu3 red ardsn¢ �::r �artici��tt�rn wtts th4 above �.ientianed' p�oj�Y t, the: T3uild'tng"and Ccsdc 32'n i+}arson i� v st4rf of"5t ttci c4mliy will ire%, t►s zi'pstrsuant to.the. lir.9 of a :ehariga o Sub -.conga col aleti4 • CE).°.T1:1Cf S)emq'n s fQuol t7cr) Gheryl,A:lacgiiin` CMi K : a; iB CA.TIOI �a)tlffLk' Stvtaof Fiariq'i, Wu*gl af, St Lucie a'µI 'rhefaregoinbtnslrupxrat�iKts;f;oo�7firfnnnsrit�f.,H,,! !taXoF who isPelaO 1lt•iiatv#iy�prlizs;pradus�da ,. :sldrntlfi�aticn. {wY'Atufc!If. pWf,�`, t':iSlt.-.1,.!_klZf. , �. �.�,.•.�,. a,APY °oe,^ Notary Public State of Florida Alyssa Modine �a My Commission FF 208475 �Aq,..,F plres 04/14/2019 5 'z .fiI 0 St(, tiA7GRE L r� "TRO t 1OISTyCEi:'ilE Grlfi(?�'vL�tt3eit';. •-- tiluof Flgvlda; Bounty a; /e d T6 ;};»gr t�sp'lausumeni n'es ci npt± t eturr cri.f4is4_ j5.day of urn,rc peru#w1:y��Ka s�p�sre.ltks prrodtirrY# s ,�,,,,,;.,__.._;.. Ye,n# fr ni u! ti. t ty ut+ll@. St15ANMONTENEGRO MY COM ssJON Pr G4 08"M z .a EXPIRES ApfU M tFD'.Yj'pwl%u*"i Xs , # I I ISSUE DATE the '1 0<A_ �J (Type of Trade) For It is proj States as project located at PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division name) BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT loC- have agreed to be Sub -contractor for O-J/" CdI�S Dx) dr,# www- CQTctc (Primary Contractor) S�iZ �l��uhQ,v� (Project Set;A1ddresor . Tax ID #) that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. clC _ _ Osbce_" Y CERTIFICATION NUBE Florida, County of :going instrument was signed before me this sl>7day of 20�by i %A, (r)' e ovally known _or has produced a AMP 11/16/2016 ,,pit "y AUDREY B. HUMPHREY MY COMMISSION # FF 174772 ..,:a EXPIRES: March 6, 2019 Bonded Thru Notary Public Underwriters Jif,:laa`'` SLdB �WXTRACT IGNATURE`(Qualifier) xl; PRINT NA E 0—Cc— o • (o (03 Z1. COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of The foregoing instrument was signed before me thisp;�_,_ day of CDLvAq 206, by. rs personally knowd" or has produced a as identification. N O A�2� Z. ST Signature of Notary VC Print Name of Notary PUPlie `, rm Pig, *. a: Q* AUDREYB, HUMPHREY EXP MMISSION # FF 772 EXPIRES.March 2019 Bonded 6, ru Notary Public Underwriters the For project located at. ISSUE DATE RUO)IN, f* PERMIT SUB -CON . TRAC . TO&AGkEEMENT have agreed to be Sub,contwtor f .or P&C Construction of the Treasure Coast, LLC or It is:.'nd tood that, if there- is any change of status reg4rdirig our partici' at' n with the above mentioned ers P, to- proill I t" the Building and Cod.6 Re Division of St. County will be,ad*0 pursuant to the. as 0 of a Change of'Stib-contmetor notice. FA of St Lucie t was signed before we this af�!Iay of a20.tsy. Nh-�-rjj I known or has 4 �W (f C 14 Z-7D State G!"FloAdg, County of The foregoing i.natrurneat wus signed before me thlsd,y or ev J J J who is personally known rhea prod Ueed a as identification, STAW Sig" tlwv� of I qtary Public b & Notary Public State of Florida A A Notary Modlone Iyssa Modine '11/1 &2016 41 4 My om C missi n FF 208475 x , a 0 11 1 019 My commission FF 208475 Expires 0=411412019 STAMP SUZANNE COLLINS tss 9 9 MY COMMISSION #FF1 6 45 EXPIRES: FEB 24, 2019 Bonded through let State Insurance PLANNING & DEVE L0,P1 NT SERVICES DEPARTMENT Building.& Code Regulations Divisiola 23,00 VIRGINIA AVENUE. ron Pl RCR, FL 349$2.5652 (7723162.1555 FILLED LAND AFFIDAVIT 1, the undersigned, am the: owner of the 1'ollowu�g described properly, 1301-614.-0013-OOQ-6 5412 Klllarne Avenue (,Parcel Ici#f/Legat dscra1JEton1 ddre4s)' for which I have applied to St. Lucie Cow,ity for a� Final .Development Permit, In .accepting this Final Development Permit, BP Number 1-acknowledge that as ounaer of the above described property, and in .accordance with. Section 7;04.01(D), St. Lucie Count y Lars l}eveloprgent Code, I shall beyesponsible for assuring adequate drainage so that "the immediate com unity WH,,i NOT be adversely affected. I further, acknowledge that in granting this pertrnit for the development of this property,. ;St. Lucie County.is, neither obliged tior liable to provide for, or maintain in any form, adequate✓ ciraibage off my., property which will not adversely affect the immediate .community. P&C Construction of the Treasure Coast, LLC PropertyOwnerName _(Please' Print) 7/23/2018 Properly Owner Sf e Date STATE OF FLORIDA, COUNTY Of Lucie ACKNOWLEDO D'BEFORI?METHIS r d.AYOF Jvet 20 13Y I IIOT$ PERSONALLY 1`.NO\YIw Lb ME (ff.) 01t WHO HAS; IPRQI)UCEP -AS IDENTIFICATION. SIGNATURt.OF NOTARY PUBLIC 'COty mjss10N Nu.N BcR SLCIPOSD Revised 04/11120.11. TYPE OR I:CNT NOTARY P 'AL) 40-0119s, f, Notary Public State of Florida Alyssa Modine c My Commission FF 208475 y� of F,o4� Expires 04114/2019