HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0483 483 WAUA!fTY DIaD 0.... I...... N.. $7, SL .... ,'-17, non.Ia. ~I -.....~ ~. -- .....~ - ,~ ~ - - ~.......-.... ~''- ...... A.iIIiiI..lw TillS INDRNTURF... ).fade this..~_. ~1n~____._...._.__.d&7 0'.-__.___... J'anU&.17-________ .... ............____J...._.n._.SnMAlQ...J.JilLllIS._:1U..E...EIUiL...R.....3~~ARD.-.____ _..._ _.._____..__........_ _A. D. 19'1._L, bttWffn ~... i,. ~ uf the Cowlly of.___Sl'....LUOlE ....______-&nd Sule 01..... .._..__....... ..FLOIUDA .. ._... .. -..............-..-...put1e 80f th~ first roarl. aM --..-.. __......._..h__.._.__.__.___..___...3&TRlCK...D~l'nu.R._.{ ...8....ainClA._ W.(ZIUUl) . ....___...____.._...._ _ ._..___.___.___________ (,f lhe c.,unly ...r.. _........S'1'. _ WeI ~ .........__..____._ _....and Slal~ of _ _.___......_.. FLORI nA. . .puIY ... or tI.. wco.'l<I parI, \\'ll'X"S~t\TII. IMI Iht sai.l .o&rl lee ..f Iht linl N.I, r..r and in cumid~ulion "f I~ sum "f . ONE DOLLAR A:''lL O'IDER. ....._...__....._.._.. _'_._no,.._. ,...__.VAL.VABLE,.CWSIDKRb..nO.N........_._____......_.___...I~lo ~l)..~ . .in Mnd paid. I~ rruipt ...~r...f is htr~by ac"nowlcdl~d, M ...Yt Krallltd. barr.incd. sold and 1'.J"r...rtd. .nd by tht~ pr.stnls do....._._ cranl. barr.i... "II and Irand.. uolo thr said lart3-__ of the srcond rart and _!!.e..z:._._. .... _._. _ h.;rs and ."ips for""~r, all thai c~rtain par<<1 of bnd lying and btinc in Ih. Counly oL._._ .~I~_~9!~_____.____ and SI.lr of ..... FIDRIDl ............_._.... ....ort parlieularly drscribcd as follo...I:..___..._.__............... ._~!_3_ an..~__'!i. _~~.~~_~ BlO~_~_~...!~ >>1 ~tma.~.~~_~_~!..~!.C?.!l. t_o...~~~.!o.:"'.~.... ._~...__._______._._ ____.________.$~l;: ~J.C>!l_. .3_...~~._!.Q..__!~W!!.~]l..!R.~ SOU \h. Ra~K~. 40 K.~.f?! a. .e.1! ....{l!l!"__ Pl..llt_H:r~~c:I~~d_ ___.__..!.!!..~.!~!._~~~H.~.L_~ 161 st. Luo1e Uoun"l.l Fla. reoords, __.._~~!!..~eed 1~__~~~~.0__~..!.!"_~~!...!l_n__~rror 1n an f'onn~!: dee~_ mad~.l_t!le_.pa.rt1es of the .. _._.__ t1.r!J.~_p~.~.. .~~!'~_~.~_~..~~_~l..!\h!....!925 BE.'!.._ reo<? 1'!..~~....!En.~~.~_~....~2!_.~~ L__~.ag:.e 3-14, in _.._._!!1.~~ll.....~~~__..P_~!>~!:~_.~~.~:!!~rre~as.. n'?.~p~.~~~!.r~!.~_':'!~_~~~____.___..___._ __.__ .__..._____n_.._____.....__._ ________...._..__..______..._._...____ ___.._________.___________________ ____.______.___.___._..._.__h__._._______ TOGETHF..R .ilb all tbe ltnclDh1tc., h('rtditanwnh aad appurtcnanttt. .ilh t'v('ry I'ri\il~. r~h1. litlf'. inuc\t .Iud c~t.ltc. du\ur .:anti ri<<!I. uf l!.J'..-tr. rt'"trsioo. remainder and ""IO,nl Ih.rrlo brlcnginll or in any..i~ .pptrtainina: TO 11.-\ VF. .\Sn TO \lOI.n 1M u.... in f.. .implr f..rtHr ff H ~ r \l And L~ ....id part..l OS ..f I~ i.uI pari do .. _.. counanl .i.h 1M .....1 parI Y ..r Ihr _..ad .~r. Ih.1 they. aro _. b.ruliy ~ud of tht uid prrm;srs. that Ihty art free hum .11 incumhrancu aud thal.~~~'y.__ha!e .. _..1:0;01 right and b,,'ful .ulhori.,. I., srlllll.. '''''nt; ;ond I.... ..id l>UI lea.... of I~ fiul part 00_._ hrrrby fully warraul Iht till~ 1<> said I.nd. ....s will drfmd Ihr u.... again'l I~ I..illl cbims of .11 ptr""". "hom.......r. IN WIT~ESS WlIF.REOF, tht said parlle..a of Iht fiul part ha YB._ hrrnml.) srt their M".I 8 .041 ,,";01 8 . lhe day .nd )-r.. .bo.. wrilkn. Signrd. ....Ied ....s d.Ii\'~rtd in cur prtstnce: Roy Cadeven gd1\h W, Huaks l A. H. Steward ~l'.a R. Steward ....._.._......_ ,._. .__(SEAL) ...n"__ _(SEAl.) ~~~~~~~~.-~ STATE OF ~TiJ)R IDA I I {'O\lSTY OF S.'. wen: I lII:~EItY ("ERTIFY. TMI '"' Ihi. \>Cr><.o<uU,. W.-artd.. ...._._. A..!I. ..~T~A.llD..~~.~ EDI!!.J!..~ S Tz.;y~.I>.__(h!.8._~i(eL__....-:......__.___.___ 10 .... "no...-" 10 br thr pt~ooo 8 _ cln..ribtd in and who .~<<uled thr forrgoinc ccn..t)-a~ 10 __ 3~:~RI OS J)l~r.:JkR. --- 9th .....y..1 .. ..... ...._.._Ja:tlL........ A. D. 191_L. brfore mr . .. _ _ ... .... ....._. .__and .neran,. ac"I1O.ledgtd lhe r'tcul;.m t~re..f 10 br. ..... T;ii.;l.R...__. fr.r act ..nd ........1 f..r Ihr tile. .nd l'U'l"~Mrrin mnl.i..ntd; ....s Iht sa;.J. "_._. __.__.._~;'A....R.a_:1ISJA.RIL____.._____ Ihr wii.. of tile ....id .. _ '_" .J... . H. ;3l:1I."?l;,Rl)... . ...._.. ..._.. . ._.......... ...._ ._.... __.._ .... .....___._.... _ .._. .._..on a ~rale and priulr u.minalion ~\r..n and n:ad.. by ami kf...... Plr. anti "P.r.I"" ..nd .part ir..m hu ~ husband. did acl.:no..kdll" IMI s~ n..dt btrstll a parI,. 10 I~ said Dtrd of Conv~DCe. for I~ pu.~ of rtnoan<in". rcli!lqui,h,ng .nd conn";... all htr right, lill. and inlr1~sl. ..bttbr.. ~.f do.... o>r oi .tp.r.l.. l>roprrty. IUlutcr, or tqu,UbIe. 1ft ....s 10 tbt lands Ibrrein drscribttJ. and thai 'M urcultd .aid drrd rrttly aDd YOlunl.rily and without any ~or.str.in.. fur. .pprthtn.ion or comput.ion of or from h~r sa..1 husband. WITSF.SS mys~lur. ....s official ....1 aL _......... .... rom ..P.IA:RCS-_...- _._..in thr Counl,. of ST. ::.UC n; a and SI.I.. Ii i? IJ) aIDA Iht day ....s ,..ar last "for...id. f \ 1I.P.Seal. j ._ _.u. _ . H}iO~a.r'y ~~UO t'or""l.b~'St:~:a&- ?lOrlM''''A.t "'A.rg~.F..AI.) :~;y~f'~~'-C n - -.-..._. .... -l1joommlssI on ex~re01>8o. 6~ 1929"". . . On Il:i.. ...... _ 11 ,b,. of Jan...\. n. 192 .~_. a13; l~ .o.c1oclc...R...._M.. this instT1D1\ftlt was tiled f"r ...;<.ord. and brinK dul,. acl.:n...I..tx...1 .nd I.ro\no. f haYr rt'COrdrd !be same.m pac" . ~h"'_U"_ of Boo......~! _ _'_ in t~ public: rtCOl'ds of said Coaat)'. IX WITSI'-SS WHERF.OF. f M..r htrrunlo Kt my Iw1d and allilled thr seal of the Circuit Court of thr ~ Jodicial Circuil of said State. in ....s r~ said County. ! i ! - ! -..._- . <>~ "~,v1)j. . e~t1 ~ f r O~ IJ) 0(" 'J... -Q-e~l ' . \. P. C. Eldred _.Q-- CIa1c. ..__~{2~7Ji;-..-;;:;;t.ldJ!~._ ....___D. c. , , r . : Ct.Ct .See.!.' ..: ;:'.:<:l~~l:':'"~~~'~~~.J;r;f::~~:~~ J:;'?~~~':~ . I -. ...~.:::'~:~-~~_:_~'i!'~;~.~"~~ ~ . . '.' . ..... ">'.:'+" <:"~~~';;:::~:~".~I