HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0493 4'}3 I WARRANTY Dau .. { 0...1 R....... 101... 6J. Sa. 1...... C....,. ""'.... f ~ TillS INOF.NTURF.. ).fade thi......m...._lliih_.______._da, of.__m._..TanIlGr7....1iZfL_____A. D. 192f>>...._, bttwem ............._......_n....._ n....llQ aker.+.. ~....xUa...BQ.o.ko.r......b.11Li'11 ttL.lIIlll.J....L.L .J.On.t.I._.t,lpgl~J _....______ of lhe Counly oL_.~..___Sl.._.L;J.~l'________.._and Stale 01-. ..____... .nQ~h14ah' '" h...._..h_........ _._......parti 8!1 of the first part. and h'''___ ......._.. ...h_......,.m...____.._._______....Ro hor..t,.J.t.o.At U...tlD~.K!I. ~.bQ.,rJm~._MQAt ,. 8 uf thr Counly of..._. m"_," St. Lao1.. ......... ."....._ ..........__......and SI.le of n... --_nOr 148. .. \\'ITSES~F.Tlf, IMI I~ <;aid ,o&rl 1 Q8 ..f lhe lint part. fur .nd in co>n.id~r.li"" .of Ih.. sun' ...f.. . . part ..... _ of tM srcund pari, P'i va btU)d,;r~d _.............._.......h__.U_...__ .....h.. ........_______......____.___..__,..___Oo>Il&n. 10 t~.!l~.. ... ..in Mnd paid. Ihr rr<<ipt w~rtof is "~r~by admowIMli:cd. ba ..Y... Kunttd, bargaintd. sold and lun.f.rrcd. and by thue prr.ents dol'_'h'" eranl, \.arrain, srll and Iranoftr unlo lhe said parl_l~~f the stCond part and ____ thelr.__._.htirs and auiam. forntr, all that cert.in par<<1 of bnd lyinr and bdnl in Ihr Counly oL..._$.~.~ J~~:1.!.__._________ and SI.I. oL..,..._....h.....Flor 1da._........more parli.:ubrly d~scribcd as follow,: ..___.______ ...n_.... ._..._......... ...._.. .____...m_._m______...,..._____ ........__......._ __._h.__~.~li.._~ JL ~.~.L.~!!~l O<?_~~~_..!~~~.l::_>.~.!.~lJ..~~.. N ~_t_\.~.I18h.~_.~ ~.~d~V: i ~~~.~__.. _._..._. __._ _______._._~..!~~~~~..~ivis~on of the South 42~ test of _~~~_.S~~!_...~.~__~__._ _____Q.t. S~_Q.t:._.~tt..l'~.~h ~..65 teet of the ~ ot the s~t~ SEt. of Sect10n 4 TownBh1p 35 South, Range 40 3ast. A plat of whioh i9 ____._..______.rQOQrd.eA._.llluJ?l~~...B.Q.Q.K_4...-.p~41.s.._S.~._~C!t~u.9.O'\ll1t1.._Re_o~.!.d8.... _~~..____ u_.._..u.____..__.___...__....___u_tt! ~_Q..l !.!!~ S tamps on .E.~ L___u_._.._u__.______...__.___. ~-_._----.--_.'-+------'------'_._-'-'._--"" ---------------.----_.._-- ---..-...---.... - ..-.....-.--.---...----.-----.-. ... TOGETHER with all lhf' tt'M"'n\tnt~. h('rroit~mttlts and ~ppurtC'nancts. .ith t'"rry ,.ri"ilnct-. rifi:ht. tI11f'. iU("f!!:~t and fstOltC'. d....tf .utll ritCht ...,j c).l,.Cf. rt"~uion. r<mai...lu .nd n...mtnl th...lo bdonKing or in anywi... '\>!>trtaining: TO I\.-\ Vt: ..\xn TO \tOI.D 1M ,a_ in I... .imp" foru<f. 'fr .J f. 1 r: 'V And I~ said "art .1eSof Ih. finl part doOS.. ce>YfIl.nl .ilh Ih. <Ai.1 ,..rl ..I .llr .....I~I.1 ...'1 th,1 they are balully shltd of th~ said prnnisn. thai Ihry u., fru from all incumbunct' ar.d thai th~'y. ha.y.e. .__Io:(~wl right .",IIa"lul .ulh..rily t.. stll I~ "'_; and Ihr ,.id parLu ...... ..._ of 1M firsl p.rt d08S_ hr..by fully ..rr.nt th. tillt to said I.nd. and will drlrnd Ih~ u_ .nin-I 1M ....Ir.' rt.;"" of ~!! ~".,'" ",!::..",=..-". IN WIT:-;ESS WIIF.REOF, tbt ...id part 1.88 01 tbt lirst part M..Y_8.. h.r~ulll,) set tre1r h.n,1 Band ,...1 8. I~ d.y and lur aoo.. ...rilkrL Sigctd. ,r..1rd ..1<1 d.li.rrrd in our prumc.: ~. H. RUBS08 Louis Miller J. L. Slay John A. He! ton l -.;: D. BOOM!" ~:". B~g~~ . .....c SEAl.) (Sea 1) . _(St:Al.) ST..\TE OF ?10r1da eOVNT\' 01-' St. lauch I nu,:EI:Y ,'ERTIF\'. Th.t HI Ihi, . . 15th . d.y of. ..._..... .... _..._....mm .Ia.ll\l8I'.:f..._..__-^. D. 191.D._ I1tfore rot ,.wollallr .Plocarrd. .......)> t .~oo::,.e:r__'!.IlA ..~j;.t_a 3ook~_!:~ m J..! .!>~__J ~!l~E:I._ll:iJ!lt>!~J_ ____ ..__ 10 mr \me.... 10 bt Ih~ l...r\Oll . G <<",ribcd in ....s who eucul.d the f"rqoina conYr}~'lCe to ..___R.Q.~.e:r.t....:J.~./Lre~nd. \:t. therine L!cAfee ........n ....... ___and srnnlly ac:lmowlrdJttd I~ ......Iion thrrcof 10 11t. _~~El.!.!_ n..fr.. act r;o."a Booker 4Iud .Ittd 'w l~ IUrS 40ud l'urpU'f:t tMttin rDnlti'AlN; ;and tht said ____ _ ~..: t~ wii~ of lhe <aid .. ......... . _ . ~... B.~oke1" . .. .... _. ... __...._.u....... .._..u.__ _............ ____.. __. ._.. on a srpar.l< and pri".k txaminatioo ta~ and m.d~ by ;lnd btf...~ ~. ar.d <rPU.lrly and apart irom h.r said hwband. did ackncwlrd&' ltul .ht made htn.,1f . party to thr said Dud 01 Conuyanc.. fer the purposr (of rcnouncinJt. nli"'lui.hinjt .nd con'r};ng .11 ha ri<<ht, till. and inlrrut, .belbtr of do...rr or 01 Itparat. propc:rty, statutor)' or <quit.bIt. in and to tbt Iancb therein dflc:rtbrd. and th.>t shr UfCutrd ,aid drrd fredy .nd yolnnl.ril,. and without &0)" constraint, fnr, appr.htnsion or compulsion of or from htr said husband. .~ \\'ITN? mY~~r., ....s oIIicial .w .1...... .._.....~()~~ Pl m:~~, Fla._._... _in thr Coanl,. oL....u_ .nd SI;oI. .~ ... .11.&\ I -"=-.-=~,1<.P'..~(t(\~'!) ~-"--'..c-- _m_. STATf. OFI:LOR1DA. l- Counl)" of SL .l.Qcjc....-' J St. Ll1aie lhe day ....s }Tar 1&11 afor.said. ....- bli ~uiSh1l1~~er"":r --"lurIda'tr.a<SEAI.) .==-~..Q.t_~ ..':11 ~.~:r: t e ~at8 0 .~ 0 ._8.. ....r~ My oo;nm1ss1cn expire::: Jan. 15, 1929. Os this..._ H" _. ..1.6 oIar of J..n. . .... I). 191. Q ~ a~ j 03 . .0'c1.xIc.....P_ If. Ihis instrUlDftlt w" ',1M for r<<ord. and f.nRlf duly ack",owW;(...1 and pr..nn. I tun r<<Grdrd tht sa_ on pag. _A93H...._. of Book .O!l..... _ ..._ in the public rtcords of said County. IN WITNESS WHF.I<F.OF. f Mye Mr<unto ... my Iund and aJIi"td thr sraI 01 thr Circuit Court of tht Fi.l.It1i Judicial CiICUit of aald S..1t. in ao4 foc aald Coanl,. . , I . let.o, .Seal. 1 , J _/ . ,.,(\ .;\,... . o ~ ?~'?( 0'\ (jJ ~C?c ~_ f, v ".71 :_u_.~!'Q!._~r~___~ CIak. .~ ~?hL...4-~..'(;!_~~_D. C. ..):{i;:~iUJ l5;:'{f;{::.~(; " A~~ .