HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENTSCANNED I PERMIT 0 ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPKENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Dhision BUILDINC PERMIT SUB-CONTEL1CTOIi At;IIFE111EVT Peay's Electrical have agreed to be (Company Namef)ndividual Nast) Electrical Sub-conlraciar Nr 0 R Norton Inc (Type or Trade) (Primary Contmetor) (lie project located at � v Cobblestone Dr. _ (Project Street Address or Property I al ID 4) is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned ojcel, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to Ilic ling of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. WN I ItACTOR St . ' 1TU to SU6•CONTrtXTOH SIL,N %TUKh (Quallrterl'��� _ ~- Brian W CRC 1327068 t of Florida, Coutdi at Brevard (art {oincInItraOlen t—I%ICnr4Warr axtbt. 17 dal or July to 18 by — Is prr,oAally knonnO� or hat produrrd a Christina Slate rnINT NAAM ER13014555_) Ct7U�Tt CERTIFICATION YUitHFR - ��• State of Flnrhla, Calla i or Brevard l he foretoint Inttturatnt uos 71Roed Wafa rite this 17 daf of July to 1_8 tihs4 panaan11, L—. vY v r it.. praduerd a����__ -_ idtntificatma at Id llaa -�4FI LL to Z _ 57 Amr le STAMP 1021=4 of Notary Public suns NoUrf t'uUGr '�� - lal Nana of Natuy Public Print Nam ar Notary Puhiie ar, moldry Put>4o $Ute of Flat da 4t, stndf0 Leone 020251 r nutdO tm GG $—xi, MY asOnnaJ202e 21 �,rr' ��e Notary Pubk State or Fonda Sandra Lacne my CommaatonGG 020251 awn Explrt30e110+2020 PEIiM11 co u cvT>v ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUBCONTRACTOR AGREEMENT Benjamin Drew Plumbing have agreed to be (Cartmpany Name Indltiiduai Nance) the Plumbing Sub•conlractor for D R HORTON INC (Type of Trade) // (Pnnurycon1=10r) For the project located at VL 0 Cobblestone Dr. (Prgetl Street Addrrac or Propeny Tzi ID y It Is understood that, irthere is any chance orstatus rcgtlyding our participation with the above mentioned project, ilia Building and Code Regulation Division orSI. Lucie County will he advised pursuant to the fling ors change orSub•contractor notice. ez'4�� eoxrttgran SICK WUNL tQwHer) Brian W. Davidson rfif f to.Wf: CRC1327006 CnUN fUfi CAT n Ytmeaf flatkia.Ca,alf of Brevard Tkefireaalnthanmeatr•lrfanWMforeeuWr 17 a1 d July �w18b ■bhpeerYall•aaa�•rlwSralfatWa..___ ._. _ _ >q U1 s SUMP r r 7 y AA / teal rml fulle afflanrl neur R.."'Vi it )a9016 ,yr i NctaryPutt Slits 01 Pa�'a 5ardra Lccn 3t P rM1� My Comrsr:i+cn GG a20251 EtrOBe•. 08110�:02� aUu•c xTwtetottsientTuaettt.rua:;i Bef>jamin Jimenez 1`111"r It ONE CFC1420456 Ed-L—`ORTIFIC.\ Ottfrall a Soak of Roof" CrAdl of The fwead"Idereattat•ullurdfarformeThis 17 day •f July .Zn 1.% %she ttprruga) kaaaR �, orhrr ptadarada,_,_,__ +1tJ�arla Sll.al.re onr. r � - — srutr S_ 699.6 1.4eu rill"POMMWOMIJIM9M Put 10M 5e d MI'da sandla LeOno ssicn C'G CICzSt caltli!_C20 PERMIT # ISSUE DATE I Florida Breeze PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance DiVlsion o-umpany lvame/tn(ltviaual Name) HVAC/ MECHANICAL. (Type of Tradc) BUILDLNG PMMIT SUB-00.NTR-kCI'0R AGREEMEN-Ir have agreed to be Sub -contractor for D R HORTON INC // (Primary Contractor) the project located at Wiy Cobblestone Dr. (Project Street Address or Property Tar LD 1") understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned xt, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be ads iced pursuant to the ing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. Brian W. Davidson CRC1327068 or Florida, count,• or Breevard Th farcpaing inttrumenI was sl=ned herore me this 17 dal of July .2018by l is personally known X orhasproduceda enfirle2tiom STAMP e 'if nu holnsy puh�" 51 sto o1 Pc;-03 � js`t; 5andsa L^ ��aGG 0-0?5I Ctxna.•s i I I rv3016 �j 417 SUB•'ONI-RA CTORSIGN, ' Fi£tQu2hrier) Kristen Kelly PRINT NAAI£r u { l�l� COti;r1 V CERTIFICAT1O.N NUMBER State of Florida, Count) of The (ornoinx instrument w ss signed before me this 17 :in). of July 1018. by who Is personally known Xor liar produced u as ldendfiration. sT,aatr Signature orNatary Public Mot Name of Nolary rubric n,xi ry NoJry Pi:bUr. rsl]fe al FL-tida � Tt• Sandra Leone a My Comlrm-, on GG 02�251 tt':�f'9,s Exp:tcyCP.rt �.026 PERMIT# P I ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES n Building & Code Compliance Division • BUILDING PERFd1T SUB -CON RACYOR AGREEMENT Treasure Coast Roffoing LLC (Cwn. parry Narorli idividui! Name) ' �` --"` have agreed to be the Roofing (Type of Trade)) -',Sub-contra-tor for D•R.Horton (Primary Contractor) For the project located at, �5� Cobblestone Dr. (ProJecl Stmet Addrrss or ID is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned oject, the Budding and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the ing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. of Florida, County of gt8yard oreat Wo Optd before are this 177 daT or 2018 by Is PetMonoly known X ar bae'rodoced i ' ♦ ea NotaN PuCKt Stara W M"a Sandra Leone My CommNebn GG 020251 y'�a►n� Eaplrea0Q110r2070 suacorrrRAt:ry s NA4 a�xner� Brien Maloney BRtR-r —NAM CCC1330653 COUNTY CERrMcAnar Spate arRgrlda, County of�,_� The lorgarn taetmWat wu dbaed befit ate tklf 17 day or July 18 who Is personally knowa l7 or hu predated, as tdeatl8atbn. x STAbtP _ SkeebreofhearryraLilc "'— STAMF , SM06-a l.8oi18 Yana NeonorNotarylabuc Notary Pubk S1316 or Ptorlda Sandra Leone My Commtufon GO 020251 0a„t0 EZWBX QBIIW 020