HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0521 521 W.'''''NTY DI&D 0...1 a_ N.. 67. SL J._ <'-11. Flori4&. THIS INOF.Ni'URF.. Walk Ibis_.... ... -. .1ath-..____.____.day 0' -..........--.J1lIl Wl.l..y__._.__....___-A. D. 1916.._~ btt.~ ~ .--...---.---.--.---...I.-..A..-.lloUellL 8.WLLou,i.aa..2a.r..rish,.UoHfltl,1....his. .wtt.8--_.___ 0' th~ Coun17 oL-.lt.._Lu.il1e.____ ___...and State 01.... -..-.-..- .... nOr 1da..n....-...._._._..._..__._part -.1.eSof the first part. and I ~.'.' ..~ r r~' , .-.-----------.-.---.-.-.--.T.hereaa.'...l. .-1U.1l1-a.-..... of the Ccunl,. of.-....--.--._.St. Luole........-----------...u'" Stat~ of._........._.._....rlOTlda .. ........_.__._._....._..._... part _y... of lhe _ond part. WlTl'OF.SSHTII, th~1 the uid I,art le9 01 ,,~ ,,,.1 parI. I..r an<I ill e"mid.nli.", <of tll~ sunt ul One .))() 1 ~JH'._.~~.!O Jl~__..__...__.. .-_.._o__Yal!.\abl.!LQQnslllerl.\tlona...........___..__....._____.~~Io. _ them..n in hand paid, 1M ~Pt .....reo' is her~by ..ck......lrdgtd. ha.Y_tII.. gnotrd. Nrg~ined. sold and lran<ferr~ and by the.e pres.nts do_....oo._ grant. Nrg~i... ..1\ and Iran.frr. unlo lbe said part.._~ of the srcond part laM -1l-er __.._........_... hrin and auieru 'orever, all that urlain pareel 0' bncJ lying alld being in th~ County oL.. _.....__.__.~!..!. _~ a l~oo .___ an.! State oL_._. ?lol'.1da "'_...0.''''_00..' .mor. particularly described as folio., :__......__ ................._ .........._._. ...._. ....__._.._..__.___....._..___ ----------. ....__......u___..______n_.____....._.._.___._____.._____'___'_'__'_"'___"0'_,,'_. . .....--....--- .-.... -- ___ .--uo___________._.un.________.__ ..---- -~.-.-.--._L!l-i.f,L..2..an:L.3...Qftil1t~~.;;tl~h#w9ft;g.a..m. J.>arlc_~ u~d~y 1 ~ ,"on .of.So.t,1 ~ h.::._.._..._.___ -.-___........._..._2!!_~_tJi.~r~_~~...9J~~.~H on_1~~LlO} 3.Q~.:~..!:!h.!p...'rh.l!'~:i~ tiv_~_..( :351..,s~u,,~_ .,________ Ra~tL.zO'.1:.~--{.:iOJ_~.G~~ _'___ --....-.. "'.''''--'_'_ ';bJ.~__!l~.~'l. giY.~Jl'HSJJ.~J~o_~ ..~Q__~~ll.~ l11K :r.~.~ tr1.o.tion of _.n~t. ~ as 9..j;~r:,- .......u...__.___~400~.! () 0.... ant!..~~"'(e ~~b. S e1.~en .!~_ .Y~~..! ~ ~~ '.._ _.__oo..._._._______._.___._._u__...____. -----.----.-----------. .----.--------..----..- .__.___.._._.__u..__...._._...._.._...._._...._____._._._._._____.__ .----.-.---.- --.---.-----.---.---.- -----.-.-. -__...___. _.....__....... _ _.___..._________.__h___.._______._ $5.50 I.H.3tt.m>>s 3Lon. ___.__._._....._ n." ..._______......__ _..___ ._._.__. ._.__._.____.____.___ ...... ----.------ .-. .. -.___._._.______U__h.._.. ._ __._.___...._ .._..___...______ . TOGETHER ,,'ith ~1I the tnKmfllh. h('rcditan~ts ;and appurtmanttJ." ,.ith t\(")' tori,iln..,. ri.O{hl. titlt'. il.!('rr~t ami u,l~tt. d..,u r .:an.1 ri~hl ui d"-'.C'f. rC".tuion. rrmairkkr and uocmmt ther(to belonging or ill an,-.ise ~PJ><rtainin&: TO lle\VF. ,\S\l TO 1I01.\l II... samr in ier .impl( I.>rrvcr. ~~~ ~ t:. l(.r iF If And the said parl..ie S..I the liht part do._......... euvellant wilh Ih. ...id 1."'1 Y ni lhr ......."d I~rt th~t they are . ..b.. lully sriud 01 th~ said premioe.. thaI they are Irtt horn all incumbranee, and thaltOO1_ haile._..._K'>ud ril<ht and Ia..-(ul aUlhority to ..II tb. ...me; and Ihr <aid prLl e!l._ of thr 6151 pan do.._.__. hrn:by lully warrant the lill. I" said bod. and will ddrnd th. lame "lfain'l thr la..flll c1a~m. of ~1I rcr>on. ......nu...v". IS WITS..:SS WHERF.OF, thr ~id parll.~..s. of the fint part ha..!~._ hercwll<> srt the 1 r hand a . ~nd ..0.1 S, thr cia)' and ,'.ar ahoye wrillen. Sigurd. ,rakd and d.:i>ertd in our pre~lltt: F. G..','lelnert :l.yrtle !lipp ... 'j -- J. f.. )Jcr.el11 . ..._(SEAI.) Lo:lla6 ?.a-rr1~h _:';..::;:eJJ.). ._.._...._..._(SEAI.) -. --. ----- - --_._----~-- -- STATE OF '. Florida. St. Luale (,OU~T\' OF I IIEkEII\. ('ERTIFY. ThaI on tlli, _'. ~9th ...._. _.. . 0.... d~y 01........_.._... _lam..ar.Y._.._________-^- O. 19L-Q~ before me lofrS(,Oall,. appeared... "_,"nom'_',_,m, ~_~_A~ ..J!g,l'.~_Q:L~n1,...Mul ~?(l..r~Li3!;l)Jgl;JllU _..._. .____._....____.._ to _ known I., br Ihr 1><..01l...5. described ill and ..ho UrcutM th. forqoiq eonv~n<< to _.___....:heraB&.... ..........:J1.1l1..a . .0....._ "'-'... ....- ....__ ..---.__._._aw1 ..".ully admowltdgtd th. .U'culion 110"...1 tv I.e ._ t.:..elr___.._ Irer act .1l1d .lre-I for thr ....... ar~1 1''''1..... thurin fOIffili,....-d; and the said..______..L2.u.lse Pa.rrls~ali.e.1~~. the wife of the said. no .-..- . . ..... .... J ..;,..._1J..;:lf~1.1l....... .._.0.._.__.__.._0..___... ..._.._. ""__" _. on a separate and pri~lr .untUulion laUn and ",,,,de by and brf.,..(" In<. and ~paratdy ani apart from hrr said hu>band. did acknowJrdce lhal .he ma& beuell a party to the said Deed of Conveyance. lor Ihr PUrpole of rmounc:mJr. relir.qui.hintr and eom1J1ng all hrr riehl. title <II..! intrreOl. whrthrr of do.er or 01 ,rparate p:oprrty. .tatulory or e<juiub\r. iu and (0 thr bod. thrr.in desc:ribrd. and that m. ~x<<uttd said deed ir<<l,. and volunlanl,. ar:d .itl>oul all,. roMtrai,,!. fur, apprrl:nulOll or eompul>ion 01 or IrOfD her said !JU>band. w: rXESS my signature and offic~l aM Slalp'oI~~'?1~!: 1d_a.__ ( \ If.P.Seal.\. .-:"~:-~-~:-f :-:-_--:---==-:=:==--===-----:-::-::-.--- -----.~ --._ ~I at.. .._.......Ft.. ...~ ie..!'.~~._..._________in the County 01 :? ~.. ~.c.l.4:l.___ I.... clay and ~~r last a1oruaid. ~~:.'" ".! i. " ST.-\ . 01' Fl.ORIDA./} c.-, . 01 51. L/ . 23 On !hi.... _.. '. ~~1. .?ui)uB~:l~h}1M.~tQ ~i3J.Qri~...it 1.i.i:.<;:^1.) My OO:!1.'Dlsslon wcplrea April 30t 1929. .lay 01 Jan. .-\. O. 1'12 ..~.__, at ~: ~~, . o'cluck ... ~_."~ this instrunomt .as I i ~ I J j I i . I , I fi~ '"r r<<ord. ~nd LriIlK dul,. ...-1"....1....(...1 ar.1 pro..n. I ,~. r<<or.W lhe sa_ on \'&&~ ~?1........__ of Book ........f>1_,.....~ io the public rreord, u' said Couaty. .. IN WITNF.5S WHEREOF. I han hrrMllllo set u~~ and alixtd the JUt uf the Cireuit Court 0' the ~~t Judit:ial Cimait o( said Sta~ iD aud for said ..."""1,.. .<..' . '" \ '- '- <\,~ . ..10.'" q,. . .' . . r 1< (\~ .., .':\.~... ~ ..., ""71..-~]?~....g.~--~.!.~!I~ -----~~--_CItrk. - ~<..L- ?Ih.t...~",k. .t&.t!_~. .. mO. C. .< " :, ;\; :;\:,:i~k.{?:{;;; .X:;:t ...