HomeMy WebLinkAboutELEVATION CERTIFICATE(ANN o r ���- 00 OMB N-8 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECtI¢o:.1660_ Federal E '' Expiration Date:. November 30, 2018 ergency Management Agency . - .. .. National Food Insurance -Program. f.LEVAT•ION :CERTIFICATE Important: Follow the instructions on Pages 1- ll ., ',,:.ii 0.0 ',;f+hie Flnvntinn r'or .ifirn+a. nd nil n+tn'rtiman+c fnr I rrimmiinity nffirial 191incnranra aaant/rninnanv..and (31.huildine'nwner - SECTION A —PROPERTY INFORMATION FOR INSURANCE, COMPANY.USE .. A1..Buildidg Owners Name (NoteiNotValidto'usejoranyptherperson oren.6w.' " Policy Number: `STANDARD PACIFIC HOMES . = Al. Bu,ildi g Street Address (Including Apt:, _Unit,_Suite, and/or•Bldg, No: ormP.O:'Route and. Company NAIC.Number:,:.. Box N .. . . 3046 N RADCLIFFE WAY City i.. State' .. ZIP -Code PALM•CI . FL . .: 34990 . • . A3. 'Prop'hy Description (Lotand-Block Numbers; Tax.Parcel Nuniber,•Legal Description, etc.) = LOT 13; "I�IIVERBEND". (M.C:R. PB. 67-PG. 36 THROUGH 39) - A4. Buildi I�g Use ((I Residential, Non_Residential, Addition, Accessory; etc[) RESIDENTIAL.. A5...Latitul a/Longitude: Lat.27'13'22.92."N:. "Long:80°17'40.89"W Horizontal -Datum:-❑. NAP 1927. ® 'NAD 1983' . . A6., Attach at least.2 photographs of the- building if the Certificate is being used to'obfain flood insurance: ; ' • ' AT. Build�gDiagramNumber:l6. A8. ,Fora uildin with a crawls ace of enclosures a) Sol) , _ . °I a footage of,crawlspace or enclosure(s) N A sq. ft; .: b)'Numl er of permanent flood openings in. the crawlspace or enclosure(s) Within, 1.0 foot above adjacent'grade 0 . c Tot net area.of flood openings in A&b O. sq: in. -- d),Engi; eeredflood. openIngs? .❑ Yes Z No ' A9. •For a,, uilding with an attached: garage:. a) Squ `re footage•of attached garage 776 sq, ft... -- . b) Nu Ilber of.permarI flood openings in the attached garage -with 1 1.0 foct.above adjacent grade 0. c) Tot net area,-of.flood openings'iril 0 sq: in. - :.• 'I neeredkflaod openings?' .0 Yes .® :No " . r ...i C, ;.. i .. .SECTION B.— FLOODJNSURANCE RATE MAP (FIRM) INFORMATION.. ' 61: NFIP .. mmlAnity Mgme:&'.Community.Number': : B2.-County Name ,. BH State ' �' S1.1NFi IE, .. . OUNTY;1;2Q285 • ' ST. LUCIE'COUNTY . : FLORIDA. B4..Ma Panel %�•'.' 65". "Suffix. B6. firm Index- - 87: FIRM Panel .. - B8.' Flood. Zone(s) ' :'69. Base Flood.Elevation s Number ;" •'. .: Date _Effective/' (Zone AO,, use' Base. ,Revised' Date: FI.00d'Depth) 1211 C 0406. J. 02/11 12 LOMR-F 8/26/2014 : • '. - X •' .: N/,A B10. In late the_source.of the Base Flood Elevation.(BFE):data or base flood:depth entered in Item.69: ❑ :IS Profile FIRM ❑ Community Determined ®Other/Source: LOly1R-F Case #14-04=5434A :. ..B11.• Indi`late Elevation Datum Used for BFE in Item B9: ❑ -NGVD'1929.'..® NAVD 1988 .' .❑ Other/Source:. - B12: - Is t building located'in'a'CoastaI Barrier Resources System (CBRS) area'o:r Otherwise.Protected Area (OPA)? - . ❑ Yes . ®: No '.. . Des nation Date: N A ❑CBRS FT OPA - FEMA Form � 086-0-33 (7/15) I • i. Ilil. • ELEVATION CERTIFICATE i OMB No: 1660-008 Fvnirntinn Data N -• nvPmhar fin- 2018 IMPORTANT. In these space s,ecorrespondinginformation.fromSectioriA: .: " .'FOR INSURANCE."COMPANY. USE.. -Building Street"Address (Including Apt:, Unit; Suite; 'and/or Bldg.:No. or P.O. Route and Bois No. Policy Number: 3046 NW RADCLIFFE WAY City " State Zip Code" " .. Company NAIC Number: PALM CITY FL 34990: . SECTION C—BUILDING ELEVATION INFORMATION (SURVEY. REQUIRED) .. " Cl'. Building Elevations are Based on: `: - ❑-Construction: Drawings* .. S 'Building Under Construction*.. ❑ Finished Construction *-A new Elevation.Certificate will be, required when construction of the.building is complete. . G2. Elevations - Zones A1- A30, AE, AH; A.(with .BFE), VE V1.7 V30,.V .(with BFE), AR, AR/A, AR/AE, AR/Al — A30, AR/AH, AR/AO. Complete Items:C2:a-- h below,according to the Wilding'diagram specified in Item A7:.In Puerto Rico only, enter meters. Benchmark Utilized: TIDAL BM.ST'. LUCIE COUNTY:872.2334 TIDAL 4. EL= 2.60' Vertical Datum:NAVD '1988 Indicate elevation datum. used fort heelevations in"Items a)'through h). below: ❑. NGVD 1929 0. NAVD.1§88 '❑ Other/Source: Datum used for building elevationsmust be the same as that used for the BFE. Check the measurement used. a) Top of Bottom, -Floor (including basement, crawlspace, or enclosure floor) 10.11. Z feet; ❑meters b) Top.of Next Higher Floor . = N.A : 0 feet. - 0 I meters c) Bottom of the lowest: horizontal structural member (V Zones only) .' N.A ❑. feet 'meters d) Attached garage (top of slab) N.A .. ❑ Meet. ❑ 'meters- e) - Lowest elevatiori of machinery or equipment,servicing'the.building Describe type of equipment and location in. Comriients N.A ❑, feet .'❑ meters' (. ypu).: f), Lowest adjacent (fi.nished).grade next to building (LAG) 9.00 : feet:. ❑ meters g) Highest adjacent (finished) grade.nekt to building (HAG) 8.40Z, "feet , ❑ meters ) Lowest djacent grade at lowest elevation of deck or stairs; including ha .. structural -support N:A ❑ .feet:. ❑meters . -.."SECTION,D.—SURVEYOR,ENGINEER, ORARCHITECTCERTIF.ICATION.: ' Thistertification'is to be. signe.d,and.'sealed by a.land surveyor, engineer, ,or architect authorized.by law to certifyelei)ation.'inforriiation. l certify that the information on this'Certificate represents my.best efforts to interpret the delta available:' I.understand that any fdlae statement may be punishable'by fine or imprisonment.under 18-U.S...Code, Section 1001. Were latitude and longitude in Section A'Provided by a licensed land. surveyor? . Z ;Yes ❑ . No. ❑ . Check here if attachments: . Certifier's Name: - License Number: David:P. Lindley,. PLS .: : _ : I. S. 5005 a . Plac Title: - Professional Land:Surveyor.. 7,� Company Name: .David P::LinzileY. PLS - = Caulfield & Wheeler, Inc.. .. L.S.'5005,State of Florida Address: _ 07/17/2018 7900 Glades Road. -Suite 100 "Nc,t Valid without the signature and. . Flo City; :.: State:: `: .. Zip Codes . - .. PPerida Boca Raton. • . . FL : 33434 .. . thr•originul raised seat of a_ Licensed Surveyor & Md Signature:. bate: -• Telephone:. 07/ - - 17/.2618 :. 561 392 1991 Copy.all_'Pages of this Elevation Certificate and all. attachments for (1) community official, (2) insurance agent/company; and (3) building owner. Comments.(including type of equipment and Iocation,:per C2(e); if applicable: Item AS)' Latitude & Longitude obtained by Magel len GPS Blazer 12. FEMA Form 086 0-33 (7/15) Replaces all previous editions Page 2-of 6 FEMA Form 086 0-33 (7/15) Replaces all previous editions Page 2-of 6 OMB No:1660-008. ELEVATION CERTIFICATE Expiration Date:: November 30, 2018 IMPORTANT: In these spaces;copy the corresponding information.from.Section A: .'FOR INSURANCE. COMPANY'.USE Buildirig Street Address (Including.Apt:, Unit, Suite;•and/gr-Bldg. No. or P.O. Route and Box No: Policy Number: id4G'NWtADCLIFFE WAY City State _ Zip code .. Company NAIC Number: . :PALM CI II FL 34990.. . SECTION E - BUILDING ELEVATION. INFORMATION.(SURVEY NOT REQUIRED) FOR.ZONE.AOAND.ZONE A (WITROUT BFE) ; For.Zones A ' and A (Without BFE), complete Items E1=E5. If the Certificate is intended to.support a LOMA and or"LOMR-F request, complete Sections A, B, and C: For Items El-E4, Use natural grade, if available. Cheekthe measurement Used. -In Puerto Rico only,,'. I _ ente r mete E1. Provide, levation-information for the.following.and check the appropriate boxes to show whether the:elevation is above or below . the hig est adjacent grade (HAG) and the -lowest adjacent grade (LAG): a) -Top f bottom floor (including basement; p - N/A. ❑feet ❑meters ' ❑ •above or '❑ below the HAG ,I!pace, or. enclosure) is b .To f bottom floor including basement; craw ( N A: ❑feet : ❑. meters ❑above or: ❑.below the LAG craw space or enclosure) is ' E2. For BuilIIding:Diagrarris 6-9"with:peemanent flood operiings'provided in Section A Items 8_and/or9 (see pages 1-2. of instr'uctions); the next higher floor: (elevation C2.b in N �9 N/A.' ❑ feet ❑. meters . ❑ above or ❑ below.'the HAG the'diagrams) of the building is. .. . E3. ,Attached Garage.(top of slab) .: N A:.; ❑ feet-. ❑meters -:❑ above or ❑..below -the HAG E4. Top of. latform of machinery a.nd/or ., equipment; N A: ❑feet ❑- meters : ❑ .above or .❑;below the HAG service 'g the; building is :. flood only: If no'flood depth number is available; is the top of the floor elevated in accordance with the community s ' E5: ZoneP �in'management ordinance? ❑ .Yes ' ❑,No ❑. UnknoNrn., The'Iocal ofFicial must certify this information in Section G. u . SECTION F=,PROPERTY OWNER (OR OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE) CERTIFICATION' The grope ,owner or owner's authorized representative who completes Section's, A; B; and E.for Zone A (without a FEMA-issued or .. rt�v . . community?issued BEE) or.Zone A0 must sign here. The statements in Sections A, B; and E.are' correct to the best of my. knowledge. Property.0 ner or Owner's Authorized Representative's Name: Address City .. State' ' :Zip Code .. Signature j Date. Telephone Comments ❑ Check here if attachments' . FEMA•Form 0 6-0-33 (7/15) • . Replaces all previous editions -. Page 3.of 6 ELEVATION CERTIFICATE OMB No: 1660-008 Fxniratinn Dates NnvP'mhar3n- ?n1 R. IMPORTANT: In these spaces, copy the corresponding information from.Section A. FOR INSURANCE. COMPANY USE Building Street Address (Including Apt:, Unit, Suite;.and/or-Bldg.:No. or P.O. Route and Box No. Policy Number: 3646 NW RADCLIFFE WAY City aState:. Zip:Code. Company NAIC Number: PALM CITY FL 3499.0 SECTION:G -COMMUNITY INFORMATION (OPTIONAL).'.- - The local official who is authorized by-law or ordinanceto.administer the communiity's floodplain management ordinance can complete' Sections A, B, C (or E), and G'of this•Elevation Certificate. Complete the applicable_ item(s) and sign below. Check the. measurement used in Items G8 =G10. In Puerto Rico only, enter meters. G1. ❑ The information in Section C was taken. from other.'documentation 1hat. has been signed and sealed by,'a licensed surveyor, engineer, or architect who is authorized by law to certify elevation information. (Indicate.the_source and dateof the elevation. data in the:Comments area below). G2. ❑ A community official completed Section E for a building located in Zone A (without a FEMA-issued or community issued BFE) or Zone AO... G3. ❑ The following information (Items G4.— G10), is provided: for community floodplain management purposes. G_ 4. Permit Number G5. Date Permit Issued _ G6: Date Certificate of Complia nce/Occupa ncy•Issued G7. This Permit has.been.issued for: .. ❑ :New Construction ❑ Substantial Improvement G8. Eleva.tion,&as=built lowest.floor (including.basement)- feet El Meters batum of the building'0 69. BFE or.(Zone:AO) depth of flooding at the-building.site: .. -..❑ feet E- meters Datum G10. Community's design flood elevation: ❑ feet ❑meters ..batum The property owner or owner's authorized representative who..completes Sections A; B, and E for Zone A (without a FEMA-issued or community -issued BIT) or Zone AO must sign here. The statements in Sections A, B, and E are, correct to the best of my knowledge. . Local Official's Name. _ Title i Community Name :: -Telephone. Signature Date Comments . ❑ -Check here if attachments: FEMA Form 086-0-33 (7/15)' Replaces. all previous editions Page 4-of•6.