HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0574 5'74 ....1.. ~~~~~~~ ~~~ ". ~ -- 0... a<<.... No. i1. St. 1._ <'.....:: n.ri<la =.-=-=--=-. ~.L.t. 11 llllIl -~ -' . -- - --- ...... &- --~ L ~ - ,-~: ~ .:. I: I I ,. t f ('1 THIS INOF.NTURF~ ...~ thls___._16\h..___...__-'-.~,..____.da,. of.._-'-.,.r~~r.u&rY._..__.____...__...~.".._A. D. 1916.._, brtwfC' ..._ ....... ...._.....:_..._..._~._____-_..):;~.z!.ton!_~! !.y._C_o~p.~L_a_..~o~{I. ()~.:~~! ~~.._~;!.~~t}~~!~:r:_!.l!~..!!'_w~~ the S tate .:! ~~~~~-l:U~.rilla~~..!.no~~~~.~~~~~auI!O~ta~~~~~.~.s.~- .~.~. .!~~... _ ... J'lC?ri~......_....... .....parl ~_....f th~ fi..1 part. .....1 .... ....._._ 000.._...... ......... .... ._.._ ~.~.~'. .~~e.... ...._........._ ....__... ......_. ...___.. n' ._....._.... ...... ....... ...._...... ......_..._...________._....00....... ...... .._...... ..f Ih~ ('DUllly of . Sa~nt .~~ ie_...._ ..... ". and ~,.t~ 01 Pl.C!~ !~.~... .. ... ..__ ..__.partl.... of 1M _.n.1 part. WITNF.g~F.Tll. thaI I"" '3;'1 I>&rt. Y . (.f t....Ii"II~rl. I..r 311<1 in ron.i.I~"lion ..I,ll.. s,,';' 01.10.00 and other.&oo.d.U1..vaJ.u.able. .....l)OnfiJdera tl ons . .. .... .. .. _._ _ ...__......... ..... .............. ..' _'''_ ~. tn i..~.......... ito hand (>aid, Ih~ rrai:'1 ..hereof is hmby ad,,,,.wledK<d. .,9:~.""""'"..'..J....r"....-I).c.-..;:a..'AIt,.~~ -.L:a.-.. ~ ~-...., c..~-....l. ~ ha S . Ifrarl..I. har(la;nrd. so,",^"'& I._..A ..I. and b)' lhe.. aK~~h 00 th. Kra:ll. LaJKai... ..r~.... .. I'W unto the said parl~..__ <0 Ih. S<<Ond .arl and ..._._" his . .. ...h.." and u.ilfn. f."n... all lhat <<rlain par<<1 of land l)'inK and heitoll in tM ('oun17 of.... Sall.lt !uale '_'__on ! ' and ~tal' 01 Florida. n.ou l>artKularly ~<<,;t...l a. 1..II..w<:. .........on ..... ._.._..no.....n... Lot T'Went1..tlve-(25). Bloolc ..C...in.Jlaravllla Height. Subdivision of Seotion h~B.~.~~w.P Z~.. SP\1t.~. ~~..!Q__~a.~~.La_~~~rdip.g .j;~...a pla~. of..s.a.~~ .~~_~~_v.18ion re oorded in p ~~ t . .l>.?~~._~!... a ~_p~e 1.!__ ot. S t ~.!no~.! _~.?~~.._~:~o~~.~~..._.._.__......_ . ..... .. ____ ,,0........0..0. .Su.bJ QO\... .tor~ e tr.1.o.:t ~9.Jlenof.. n..o...Ql'!l i._ Qub~o..t _~.Q....fl.JllQdgQgQ.....Qt.-ta2o.a..QO ...:0...__ .. out.~A..Oo~.ob~r.. 22 t 19~J)y.._~ ~_pe.!~}~_~p.lIl~nt_.Q~.!D.ll~_.~~._:f.!>!'..Lri.l!.~~.!~~_~'!_~~8t. _.~ Co~any . tUed Ootober 26. .1925.. _1n_.hQok.29....P84:e....21'l.....in....the..SL...lA1a.1JL.G.OUIlty...__.... . Reoords; aho subJ(!ot.to ta~es an.d,.. 8.~_~e!JB..me.!!~..!!-!~~__J,~_2.6_ _~~there.~.Je~!......__.. .._ ._._ 0." TOGF:TIlf.R -A-ith 3011 the' lC'nt'1r~f"nt". MrCtli:.1n-cnh and appurttu.1n(~s.. ..-ith f'yC'ry ;.ri"If"-..::"a.. rt-:hf. liti~. ir.tC'rr...r a.:.' t"~at('. . rrmai,"kr aoo .u.m."t Ihrr<!.. .......Il~ill.: or III an)"1...... 3Wtrtaininll:: TO '''\ \'F. ,\SU TO 1101.\) 1M same in It(' .impl. forn... 'JLt rnyr4.ton. An" Ih.. ~id 1~3 01 Ih.. r.r'l ,-art .1.. th ~ovtlUnl ...ilh 1M s.a~l raft Y r,l III~ <n:oml '''lit 1110.1 it is law full). cf'1It'f.I Itf tht '-3it! I ...i ";~1 ; . prrmiw<. that thco). 3ft frer from all inrumbnn.... &n.1 that . it has On' _ Kilo"" ri!lhl anol b"ful anlho,;I)' In ..111M -am..; and tll. '.lid I'an Y <,llht firsl pa't do_.~!l. br..by lalh' .arrant Ih. lil1. to said land. ;ond ...ill delm<l tht ."rr~ ..pin-I Iht "'"Iul r1~im' ,.{ all rrr",no .."'.mO'J("~a. . caused the presents to O~ signed in its name by its IN WITNESS WIIERF.OF. IM..,id rart. Y. ollhr lirst pari h..B._J_""-~~ ...___.._..ha..~__.,..j4..L._....Iw..!.)Ooao<l~__.at..-........ President. and its oorporate senl to he affixed. 6t~sted its Seoretary ~he day ana year above written. s~. staled and drli,trrd in our !'rrsrl><<: I ~ ._...,H.T. Et-,p~. J~. .... (orporate 2e 1) B. Ha1be Corp. Seal.; :. ~iK:eystone aealty~o~any. .Attes\: L.W. Halbe. Seoretary ._s., Paul G~ Enns,'Presidant.. 0 _ __'" _:'--o"7.~c-=-~--~--=--'t5...o~l.R.. ~St3.I@oa;tc.) ,~~.'T- ISE,\I.. . . STATF. OF F10rlda l COUXTY OF Saint Luoie I HERF.II\" CF.RTIFY. ThaI on this 16th <by ..i Febrv,8,fS. "__.._..._.". D. 19i> . .... brl..,. Ill(' pmonallpJIPC'&rrd .... l?l\Ul. Q. inns ..~Il.c!....b"'!.!..u~!l!~.. relpeo '.i veJs Pre.a1dent and Sedrc tarY...o:LKeyst one Realt:: Company. a oQrporation under the laws or the state or Florida to _ known 10 I>C' the ".....n 8 dr'Hihrd in and .ho ..tC'Ut..1 1M furfl:oing eonn~all('t t., . X.L. Pft1lle . .-..-.. -- .. ...an" ....~nlly ad.no..kol~rd 11>< ntC'Ut~~1 Ih.....i t.. I... ...their ~ o as sucll otf'lcers' ~ ;~.' _.. . ... ;ond 00'/1." Ihr nw. and I'U"."" ,hrrrin ...."Ii...,'"": an.l tt\fo'""1tr1 that they.. e.tf iXed....there to _the.ofrlc.1a1 se.al of said corporation and. the said instrument is the act and deed of said corporation ..L, 06. '''' taic! _ ,___._ _.-" _ _ ._.. .._ _. ___u_ _._ ._._.. _. .. _ .._ .. Nt a r:.)f~ .,.,.s prt~....- ..... mtin~Iis..)ll talaon.... "",'h '~=~t ~~~n,,"-~ ~ Iua>Wnd, "'iJ "~~'-~"l!;~ 1h..1 shr .""At b.r...1i &~)' I., Ik Ni<1.Il.'~"""~-"""""TC)"antt. :--*~( J~~ r.liRll1ill.:"5 .L") CVl'.'-~.UI" .It"tHT ~ '!tlt- a~rc~t. ~f or! 'q',r ...,. -<ft. 'c.~rty.. IU'ltv[J' M ..,..t~"k.~ t~ tat*. th<f!itl dncr~~~1It'...,..J ~.~I t!l-coFttl) .11'1 .U!~I.~.Utt.1...... .ilhmrt,tIlf"-w.luai"t. .....,.~'"I...u.:o;.,JI __('..~uh~ uf ~.., iJCAIL~r -"l.....d. fr('(' 3\'1 WITSF.SS my .iKnalllrr am offici;ol <coal al FOlluPierce in II.. C....Il!)...f '.int Lucie a",1 Slat. .,1 1M .10.)" and 1~;U IaSI ~'"rc...id. .. . __'.....' .. _ . ' _._..'. '.. -1l6tairv l>u~~O~r~~Stafeo:tFlcrla:8.-\!.) ------.at-.t.er~~ explre8.~ct. 22. 1929. On 1m' . day ..1 F6bruary ..... I). I?.?6 o al 8; 4~"d'lCk I'... 11, Ihis in..rume... wa. r. filed f..r rre<>rd, and br;ntr duly' .~"....'wkol.rd and l.r,'Hn. I han rreordrd th. .amr (fl pall" 574.... 01 Il<v>~~~t ._ in 1M puNie rrcord. ..I ....id ('OIIn17. 'X WITNF-SS WHf.RF.OF. I han herermlo set my hand and affi.ed th~ KaJ of 1M Circuit Court of the ~h Judiri.l Cireail 01 said Stak, in and for said Coun17. o. c '; -~. "'i\# ~ e~~ ~ ~O~o.. A ~d ~e; \.V \>do P.e.Eldred ,"l:~ ~ r5..M..-t.'\..v:-....'" . at"'. ,::C~,: ~j .y;~i~~?;; ;~~~.;};~1\