HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENTj i 1 PERMIT # I I ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division - . BUILDING PERMIT SCANNED SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT BY St. Ludie On* RIDGEWAY PLUMBING (Co y Name/Individual Name) the Sub -contractor for (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) For th T, project located at 6 5 S z E q*�0yka, lc� I (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID #) have agreed to be It is u derstood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned projec , the Building and Code Regulation. Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing c if a Change of/-conVetor notice. COUNT' CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of orids, County of�ct�bv. `mil The fore ing instrument was signed before me this Al4t day of 20% bY?&�=� Sw►L�+..`�G� who is pe ronally known .%'w'..or has produced a as identifi� ation. STAMP natur0f Notary Public Print Na - of Notary Public NADIA K. LEFEVRE 5r: x MY COMMISSION fi FF 144415 a• ;g EXPIRES: Aupust 28, 2018 ' Bonded Thru Notary Public Undeniiriters Revised II i16/2016 SUB-CONTfIAC SIGNATURE (Qualifier) GARY KOZAN . PRINT NAME 17-6826 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of FLORIDA The foregoing instrument was signed before me this day of ,.20—, by GARY KOZAN who is personally known X or has produced a as identification. STAMP Signature of Notary Public Print Name of Notary Public •`, r n,, . iCATHLEEN M. HALL Notary Public - State of Florida , My Comm. Expires Jun 17. 2018 Commission ,y FF 133586 „ „` Sonded "1 nrougfi National Notary Assn. f PLANNING & DEVELGPMEN' T SERVICES Building & Code Compli2nee Division' I , BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT I P fiersenDean Roofing And Solar Systems Inc, have agreed to be (Company Name/Individual Name) th Roofing Sub -contractor for NV,R, INC. dba RYAN HOMES ('Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) For he project located atY�,�,, (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID #) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned proj ct, the Buildin Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filiny, of a Chi Sub-co—Aractor notice. SMITHWICK 28i617 l C01=i\I Y Ci RTIFIC:ATION N'I' IB1 R State of Florida, County of PALM BEACH The fo going instrument was signed before me this _e day of ,20_Z by RQBERT SMIT MJQ9_ Who is ersonally known _ or has produced a aside cation. _ Signatu e ER) I 41 Public STAMP EBRINI W11%, ERIKA LEBRINI of Florida-Notary,Public It tifNotary Publicmission # GG 084371 Commission Expires March 16, 2021 Reviser( 111116/2016 *0NTP,#C'1'OR SIC\:CfllltG (Qualifier) Byron Keith M_cStoots PRINT N. ME _ 29024 COUNTY C ER'C1FIC: 1'I'IO\ \L11REIt Spite of Florida, Cnunty of Palm Beach The foregoing instrument teas signed before me this 22 day of _februaryL _ �� 18 II y Byron Keith M_ cStoots who is personally known y or has produced a as identification. tii;.natnre of Notary Public S'I•AMP Beth Wagner Print Name of'Notary Public p;��gYFV 1 BETH WAGNER My COMMISSION# GG 081027 ">Qa EXPIRES: Aprg 13, 2021 Bonded Thtu NDiWy PU* Ur*rwri M PERMIT # ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division. BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT I Once Stop Cooling and Heating, LLC have agreed to be (Company Name/Individual Name) the Mechanical/HVAC Sub -contractor for NVR, INC. dba RYAN HOMES (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor)( For ihe project located at' gSSZ O aY%(0Yg_A LCA*%P C,i f (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID #) ' It is� understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our p rtibipation with the above mentioned proj ct,. the Buildin Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie Cot my , ill be.advised pursuant to the fil'tl}Ig of a C of Sub -co ractoi notice. (0 J ERT SMITH1=K NAME 7 COU TY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State L Florida, County of PALM BEACH The ri regoing instrument was signed before me this day of I 20_, by ROBERT SMITHINICK Who is personally known _or has produced if asi6,�1 eati on. STAMPCrp of AntarvR,hlir ERIM LEBRINI Print' ,lame of Notary P 11/16/2016 RIKA LEBRINI of Florida -Notary Publ mission # GG 084371 commission Expiros March 16, 2021 SUB-CONTRACTOMSIGNATURE (Qualifier) _,. KEVIN STIN_ E PRINT NAME 29939 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of ORANGE The foregoing instrument was signed before me this 23 . day of FEBRUAR:Y , iol, by .KE-VIN STINE avbo is personally known- or has produced a as identification. STAMP Signature of Notary Pu Print ain�5;1 ftpry Public 'KELLY WEBSTER ?; : '? Notary Public -State of Florida comrltlsslon # FF 978034 I ,iOF f��e My Comm.'Explres Apr 4, 2020. I4uu„o IIPERMIT # AC.' polity Electric (Company Name the e ctdcal J. ISSUE DATE PLANNING& DEVELOPMENT SERVICES• Building,& Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT sub -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT Name) (Type of Trade) For tb i pr6i e0t located at (Project have -agreed to be Sub -contractor for NVR, INC. dba RYAWHOMES (Prim-J-4'ry Contactor) :SS or Propel Tax ED #) It is tood ill -at,, if there is any• change of status' k e-garding our participation with the above mentioned project, the 'Build' ngd-Code Regulation Division of St; Lucie Cgunty will be advised pursuant to the ling A Sub/aptor notice. 28ql. POPF State of ly4qjs 8MITHWItik SUB-CONTRACj7OR SIGNATURE (Quiffldi) Gary R. Evans PRINT NAME iNuivitS.LIK COUNTY CERTIFICATIONNUMBER PALM BEACH -"d rift, Count Kof 'y Browar ag iustrument was-sigued bdorie M6 thii day of The I foregoing Jilistru 22 signed raj a % 0 4y jne!ktWas.sl1 nedbeforemethis d of ROBERTSMITHWICK F Gary R. Evans y Oprupry' 2�6 1q,4 Y.. finally known or has prod"aced a who is perillfia'11-y llmowyii, or has produced a don. as s identificition. 'A STAMP. C.- STAMP LIEBRINI Revised 1 *10/2016 9;9490ie of Notary YOblic ERIKA LEBRINI Laura C. Linden, mate of Flpric!6-Notary Public Titit Nzinie of NoUry Public Commission #,GG 084371. My Commi9 sion Expires March 16,2021 aW. FVp Laura C, Linden coiwwoh, whtsepte*r 26, 20,06 ill Bonded tfttu Aaron NOWY f PERMIT# ISSUE DATE VLANNNG: & DEVE, LOPMENT SERVICES Building BUILDING i'>CRNIFT SUB=CONTIZACTOk AGREti MENT . -1 agreed NEE INSULATION havqee k 0 b 11 (.Company N aim''i e 'd idual Name) INSULATION Sub -contractor for.NVR, INC db . a RYAN HOMES(Type of Trade) - - (Primary �Contragior) locatedt. ao (Project 51fidt A d�d '*4Y Tax �oj6 project locPe _rdWOr'Pr Tax ID idgkiwith rn�ftti -"&d On It i understood fthat,. if theme is airy change of 8ta u s -regarding 'our ' l- -a' h1he aboyd" on . .. proj oci the - B 11adin,, and Code Re g-'l- Ration Division ton o e, �. u* 1 0 bl f'gt.. ILUO16 Cbtlhf� will be advised pbfs U-a'ht to the 01 -tot notice, .Al.iMz,6faCbfivnf ofsi&vbbt�k Ice. Thi aslil ERT.SMITHWICK 7 X.o.u_nty V, 4f going 2016 by ROBERT SMITH WICK �e (id .�Sbjn-' Ily �nojvh Kai lie uked ji. STAMP eof N066flitilk 111.16/2016 ERI-KA LEBRINI State of Florida -Notary Publ Commission # GG 084371 My Commission Expires March 16, 2021 COUNTY CERTEFICATION. NUMBER Slag of T7oridn, Count}, oF�WLC(.ie. Thie. ro_r'e — Oingihitirumait whi ag niid bcfbri jjjj jljjs 2 dA ,6r 'Y MARCH 20111 PAUL W. HASH orhaisproduced a 69 identiflaifid H_: 0a STAMP' Siip-ml0ft 6 6 iYT is b I ic' Prifit Nplifie oFN6Wy Public ---- NotaryPublic State of Florida Commission g.GG1383 6 4ondedlhfouyhgalb lMoLuyAisa