HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0602 11 i 2 -----'~~"~....,,~.I.I.I:..ull'll'Al~~~~.I~....~~. .~ . ~ I ~ !. ., I .~"~~~ ~~,-- -. - -~~- - 'lCL.~'_'" ._ ., ~ - -... -- D...t R........ N.. '" $1, llOde c.....~. '=-.... _;. . ._- -~-._-~~-~ ._- ~.... .... _._~'_.._-(...'tt"'1} Tm~ fNIlt-:NTURR" }.lade Ihis...fw.nQ'.. ..Tenth __day 01. ___ .-...-.--OOWMlt-,---.--- __._______.A. D. \92 ...~ ~ t~twe>fn ....--.-. -.---.--------!.!J.t-JI4qOI"!!lt.O._..~_t......,..00U10...1W1....u..--.____..___.__.___.... ____ of doe COG"I}' oL__._-..3'....1tu01.,.._..__.._,_...and Sta'le of ._.. ,.--....-...1'101'1.4& _h ._.---n_.._..___.._...._part .U.of the: ~"II'Ut, :olio! of ..... CUlBOt). 01..... _.._. ..-.....'-,.,- ...... ...._m ...m_..,_.__C'QU..~Qr4..u&l\d Karp.re.t.. Ror4..h1e .1~e._.-___._.__........ '..._...... . S,. LQ.o1e.. ,- ....... .... ... -~",I St:ale of.............. 1'101'14&, .._... .m.., ......,... '_" .... part 11a of ..... _aN part. I \\'ITNE$SF.TH. .Iu. .he ui.1 parI ._l'lIr the finl I'&r" fn, and in Nn.i<knlion ..r .t~ 'UN of..... fen DOllara aad..olhar ..'.m.......... ...... ......--..---..........Yaluable..oODa14.raU01l8___.,...._..... ..__.Il."bn. '0.. thea. __..in haod paid" I.... ,<<eil'l ..Iv'to' is hc:r.t.)" ~cka"..Ie:dK<<I" .... "-t. Ilranlrd. ....rgained. sold and .ran.fc:r~J. &od b)' .....oe pr....enh do ~~,~ ~7""t. ha'llain. sell and Ir&nsf" anlo the ...id part 1.. oi the 1"":/'11<1 ~.t and .__,...1ih.e1r -.--, ..,~rs U\d usi<<n< fc',e....,. &11 1....1 <<rlain parttl or b...d tying an.t b.-ing in lhe County of... ....____..,S1;_!' ,~~9_~__...._... _.. _;, ,____ " -. ~..i.1 ~-~: '1:~ and SI"Ie: ,.1,., . _.. ..' norlda 1I...e I u:i<ubr!y d.<cri~1 as '"II.,..s: u" ,..... _..... ,'. I,~ 0--... ....-__........___..____.___........ __"uo_.. _. .._.___ _ h_ ._.____..._ ..:. ~. Lo'!JIen~...1x . (26) ..In. .raY1U.....SUb41.1alOla.OI ~otlOA 21, ..!0WIl-..-.. _,__, ,_,,,,_._ .____,....,_,.._____h_mllhlJ J~~.O'\lth.. .~~,_,,4tg..._.a, t-..M09rMQLU_lAI_Rlu. .of. .aUnIJl~..~.....,__u.._....._.___ cl!.!.!,J,~reC'Or4!.~...,lILlllJ,~, BClO~..z~-1iLrt.~ap_..Il1D'y"ip1i ( 681-____, o~ St.~Ol. ~O~~l..!l.e..!'o~_. / <, :l'~ ~~- ~ ~ .. ... -.--.---------------------------------------- -..-----. '. ., ,- Sll'b.1eo. to a U,I"OI. 'rl0.tlo__a....DaIl..O'_J..ILJuo.1&1n&1....~~~_._____.._____._.. Ken ton..a'al~7,OOlll>>&Q.. a._.G.OrpoA1i loJl,...ui..t1nc -u4ar...thI__.__,_____.. __,__u._ .__..... 1... o~ 1ihe B1iate ..~-l'1.orJ.da..,l1anDg lt8pr.lno1pal....plue..o:f-_.__...... ....__._..... builD.,.. 1n the... QOlmt7 o.t.~t.&._It:wll.. .Sb.te. o:t nQrJ.4a.'!.h_ .....__..__,.._.... p,emi..,.. th;ot they ue fr<< frum &11 incumbrance:. and tllUthel' hay.... .. -ro<>d rj~hl awl indu! aalboril~' 1<, ..II .he "'me:; &n<l .he: ..id l-art leg 01.1>< .~ ~ .. ; ., .:'t. .). ...., ~, ~ ~ ~ J ! l ~ i I t ., " ~: l' :~ 'k. ~ '- " .i ., '-i "1 ~ :~ ~ ,- _u_. ___....._ __u __________.____.___..__.____ "_.. .______.....__ _.______.__ __,_,_. ___ . -----..-- ------.--- -------------.--- --_.--,------- ..--.-_._---... --. TOOt-:TIlEH: .iih 311 th(' tmnurul\.. h..ft'1'til3rwnh and appurt{n~ncr~. .ith <t'Vr"f")' ,.';,;1""0(\, ri;::"!. tnl<t'. i,:t<t'u...t :\hfl c-,\t...tr"_ '!"'";I,(f :lml ri.lht .,f (I.O<<<-f, uu.rC;'ul. rC'nuilukr an-I ra~nlt.tl' th,-rd.. bC.I.,flJo:'inll tlr in ...nr_i1.t appc"fl.linifb::: TO II:\V'I-: .\Sf) TO IIOI.U IlK ~DW' in in: ..imptc- fortliU. And the said parI 1.. of the Ii... I",rl do I' tt>\'wu,1 ..ilh IIw ui.1 t"'rt lea ..f Ih~ -n-ond parI ltul th8J' ' 135iulb' ~~I ....i It,,. Q:tl firsl part 00___.., here:by full}' wuranl the li!le 10 said bnd. and will ddc:nd Ihe Qr.~ ap;"'1 .he 1&..- Iu! cr.im. 01 ail l",rv.n. _ "''''''''''>fr, IN WITNESS WIfEkEOF. the ""id I,,"r,l~ (.1 the lirst parI hLY', hertwil" oct tholr tun.t' "nd snI. . I"" It", ;ond ~... "",,\t ''H;He!L ,. Signed. sukd and ddhere-J iu O'~r p,e:<cn<e: ...._..._, .H'.' Kaun4,lr. "_ 15nop,'..Broa . . Ot. 't. 'OI'4n7 .._ ..._<!..,.._~d.~ SOD .~. ~ W. P. )(0001'1110 F. K. KoCODl1o ,SE.\I.1 ----------- -- ----- ISE.\I,) -. .------ -- ----- --- - ------------~---- -_______m_. _.___.__. _.____ ~_________._~_ STATE OF... ._~orl4a ('OUSTY OF .St. LWJ1e I HEREBY CERTIfY. Tha. on Ihi. .' 2.7 .d;o)" of_ "_.. .Q.O'to.~.J."_.._..__._....._____....__..A. D, 19Z 6._.. bc(..,.. _ p<<oonall}' &vrn.rrd - ,. i. .JlcComdGand...R.u.....Jfo.C01a10. . h1... wtZ.--..~.....-..,...- _" ..._ ...__....__...________ 10 melmown 10 he: lhe pcr....... .......'n...." in and ,,110 u",u'ecJ the '"r.-going e.......,a.K... I., .. . ..Ce.oU.l"0.r4..&Jll1...___. '_'___h___'_,_,,__,_,__,__, ... -.... . irarcare1i .01'4,. ___and ~.(..II)' adUlo"'!~ged I"" "'~<O:I~." I....r...ol Ir, hc:...-'h.lr ..free ~"l ..,.1 al_.... _ :rort ..Pleroa . _.___, ....__ ..in lit. ('".,nl)' .,f St. Lwau. U'''U'___'h'_''_ ..___ .and dt-t-cl f..... 1M UK'"S allfl t,urJ"'~s ttlf'ft'in q~..t~ioIl~l: .lr..1 1M !o41i.t W. P. MoC01'll1o Ihe "il. "f the said.. ........,... '. .. '. , . _ .._,.._,., _._..,. ___._, .._,.. ..... h""on a .epu'le and printe eQmina.ion ukc:n and mad... by aM ""I",. ...., aad "~r"lc:ly &00 apart f,om her ,&id hu,band. d.d uJrft<J"t...<!Jt.... I~I she made bcrsdf a \>:lily I" It< said Dttd or C.,nn:ya""", lor lbe pu~ 01 rcnc:ounc:inl{, rc:linquhh."K .nd eonnyinll aI! b.. ,~hr. lille a'ld inl....~1. ..hctb<r ". dower 0.' of K~ual. r-r~n,.. .u.utmy ~r eq~!!ablc~ to L....I 10 the bnd. Iherd.. dncnhe:d. and Ih:ol .he e"..,...lrd ~id deed I'u!)' and ,'olul<.ndJ &fI.t ''''lhoul ~n}' C6RSIr.ur.', I...r. appre:bnlSlOft 0' """'Vuh.,n 01 or 'rom ber ."id hmb>nd. ... ....,..__.....JL. .JloQoza1~ -.--..--.. -'_'_ '-_"_'__...h IS WITNESS WH":l:f.OP. I ban 1v'C'UDIo set my hand and aIfutcd the seal of the Circ~ Court of the ttile.t. Jad.dal Ci,eail of said Stale, in :and County. b. .~~ ~("l" ~~{? ~ h .>.... ~~(}o for Aid I Ii if f ...~ d;oy aDd }'ear Ian afore...id, On lhiL..... . 26 ~,. of . . ...., . .. . O. "6..0rQ~ ". ... .._..... ._.. . (SF,", I.) -~'~=:~rel~:.~r::.~Je~~i~ t;~~; ...h. lotary :fubl1o. Stat. O~ J'lorUa at Large. 118 OOlla1ssloD expiro. P'.b1'uAr71~, 192T. .. b .\. n. 19.? 6. . al j; 06 ..'dock L_ .11., this ilUl;amc:t;1 w~s f>led for eccord. and OOIllt del:r ack""wlcoJ,/ed a...1 I".~m, I tun r<<oCtkd I"" same nn ~ge ,,2 u ._. . .. . u of Book 68 ..._ .. . in the l"""ic ,<<ords 01 ....1 COUIlty. "a. . .' ~..a~. .w'.-.-.....- ..,...-.--..... - - --,.'. . . ~ .....-... .. . .Oert< ..n c i-~- " " ., '- " J j J { l ! ~":}:.,;.::+? ~tij~~/:;';;/'j: : ,,' .' ,::<~~~.~~~~i~~!,e..