HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0606 . ''''.: .. ~~ , f _ ,~ \ . . :.; ; ~. ~. i ":~ .~, 6 WARaAWTY Deco 0.... R...... N... ... s. L<trio c-l7. I ! i THIS IN()F.NTURF~ :d&de Illl...__1-''1th_________daJ' of._fq.lU'UlU"3. _____.____.A, D. 1916...~ ~Wftn . . 1 , .- "t.. . .-..__~r.--1!211!n~J}rOU...M1..~.r,D.on...-.o.t.h~.istLkn.o.iYILaB.-&binson,-G .....An.dJu-SOJ1._.&Dd....R..,Q...Ande.r S~!l,:' &lau. lfilry ~~nora Andtrson, his wife i ~: or the C04Ul" 01..__. s..t.,..,JA101e,___.____.___.ud Stale of ._. .__..l'~o~ida,__....._..._ "_"...._._.,_~_ .-,~..pa'ti.8" of the: fiul pa'l, lUId \: .-. "_h_,_~,~.!..,_~OJ~ _Q Q.~ll,.ty...!il.:\~..~4,,_'!'Rml~... Q.9....,JL o.Qrll.9r a Uon._.e.xsls tln,;;..Ulld.el',... t.he.-l.ava-.ot....the. State. . of Florida. St. Luoie Florida "f Ih. Counly of _.".._........ ._._.. .........._. ... _.......m.. ......._......_._ and Stale or...___.. . ._.. . ..n......._........ ....." n.. . ..._ ..., . ,_ .... _..S--"" _.::/ _ of the I<<Oftd parI. . . WITNESSI-:TIl. llullhf> salol!,,"'t leD of I.... finll""rl. fur lUId in co.ui<kralion ..r Ib.. slim of. ... Two .Thouaandand..nollOO.. andnot.oor; , . ' i'.. valuable...,Qonsld.el'ationa n..."'.._.__.__.____..._____DQIIa... 10. 1;hem....,-..in band paid, 110.. rea1pl .he't'Of is he<<by a(koo.I~"" . i .' "aYli.... ennled, l>;orpincd, sold and lransf<n.-d. aod by lhese f.re...nts do..___. IranI. Lupin. sell and Iransf.r anlG lhe said part~_ of lhe ~d part and . i . ~ ' th.Q1or....l~6al. nj':'~~r~ ~;Jl~:t.~ Y~~er, all lhal certain parttl or land lying and llf'iaa: in the Coon" 01..._.._._.. St ~ Luo.'e _"_"'___'_' __~~ j}. t ~.~L . ~. . #It . t- . ~i. ':~< ~~~' . "~.;~ .it,~ - j;~~ il<l 4.' . .' ., ~ti.'...1 ...,. ~~.~.:1 ~~; :~:r"~~: .. . t-~ . - ':0" ....;... A.~... .Of J ......il . .~ ..~~.~. ~~ ~ .~ .. ~ .~ f~c,> .~ .; , _~c ,~,~ f~ ...~ . ,nd SUI~ ..I..h 1101' ida ... ..... ",ure I""rticub,JJ' d.scribN as follo.s: __ __, ,.....,........_........_.._......... . .. Lot Ii) ye,.. (5) . Qf _.C...J:...CahO.i'l.!.s_ S.u.b~d.l vlal04..of' h Lot, 2.3,4,5 ,... and.b-of.Blook ..'____ / -"'--'- ,.. One...(l).. of.. Buke.t fa's Re"'subdivis1on...~a_pap.t..-of-.1;he.. HIlt.. of'SEi-ot,-Sao.tlon IUna-- ,______J~lu'!',()~..~h~.P...~?_..~J>uth. . _~!!..ll&L!~~~. ...fJU:L.r.1er.c.e,....na..._aB._per.. plat. raCOlUled....1n- Book._ ...F.o~-..(4l.. page.. 27,-St... -.Luo.le..-Co.Wlt-y-~~rd.e. 311 h~t_t.Q. a mOl' ~g~ of .$65Qo..,OO,-o'f.- .______....:r~ QO;r.~... ,.. Alao.. t.htL \te at 1lalf_,~:t._ t.b.e...Eaat._ha If-of-t!l&-.~.oof-.1;-h&.. HE! (Alft~or.1bed.-_. ._ .... ...., ~.~ ,_\JtlS t hHa It . of I~~ e . Ua.nd..14...Qf.._a...sub""di vislon...o:t-aai4-l,(W.t.h-aa&t.-ftlla~.:- 01'..--. ....._...-.... Seotion.Four.j4),TownShip-.3o..~utb..Range_~...EQct t Sh-J.uM:(.-~"U!ttYt Flortda".';ex..----- . ,. . "_h___ Of: P Y r igh t of' :'i~. :tor, drain~a-4-itoh-et-'R&p 1;-h-he-Me-tl~d.-a-t1l'enty...five-..f'O'Dt;-1ftr'1~~-. __ . ,. ...- --..-, stl'!p for. r(}ad ri~IH' otway. at-&cttth-1!ide'. $.1J1:lJ~9J!_t.(L1.!.or.:.....:s.:::e"GL..ra.a.Ql~.d.___________ , .' r " i, . -.-.----------------.----..-..-.----- ;. .... ~. '!1 TOGETHER .-iih all th<<, Icnrmrnt,_ mrnJit~n~nt~ ilnd ~ppurtC(lantts. ..i!h ntt)" flrl"il("\,.~. .i5.:ht. titlC'. inl('Cr,t am! \.~tatC'. .'u"".tr .3.00 riJ(hl ,)f d,,)wrr. rc.".:-uint... rem;oindcr ",HI c~"mnll :he"I" bcl<>nl(ill)( 0' in anp.~ awert..ini",,: TO IL\ \'1-: ^~() TO \I0LD the ...me in f... .i,npk Corenr. ADd the ""id pari ie Sol the finl I""rt do _ ._,.. connanl with I"" ""i.1 pari y of .he ,,<<and 1""11 IIt..I. "t21e;:. are. "". ..._b..rully shl<d ,.f the <'lid premix.. \h;ol Iltq ue free Irom all innlmbunc:.. :and \h;ol they.. .l~va".--Kood ri!:hl alld b..lul "ulhority l., ..0 Ihf' UDlC:: and the .ut ",rtiea. . .. of Ih. IN WITXESS WHEREOF. the said parti.ea of the first I""rl ba.Y.iL. hernsnlu set the.ir. haod & and K:aI B. u,.. day :and )'Ur ab<we ..ritkn. 'I ~. I -; : '. ~ 1i '~. ~ .'" . f linl pa'1 dO._n_' hereby folly .arr~nl Ihe li:le 10 said bn<l. and .ill defmd Ihe "'...~ a.:ain'l Ihe bwfuJ cbi",s ..f all pcr<oau .....'D\S<'ner, Signed. ..-:akd and deli\ercd in 00' pru.r.a:: ....__..__,.~Ul1amd J...:;arren ,... _..... .. _.___n.._E;~ln. .P.adinsky J nobbson Gregg Andel'son.__ . ~rar:r. ;;lna=a And.er~n..- .._.. ... .CSF_\I.) So CSF_\I.) ,..: ,'f I t -..- -"----- . -._---, ---- ------- -------------_.-- .-- - --- ---- -- ----------- -.-- ~HTF. OL.FLO~Il)A . musTY OF. ST. WGrE , ~ ,i. ) I JlERf.8\' l'F.RTlI'\", Tb.1 "" this.... 17tb,____....._..._ . _day or.. Fehr~~~--_-_-- _.____A. D. 19l,.8,.., lIe{ore ..., ~Iy &PI><'&r.-d ......... ... .......-.-..~ob~on..-Cre.;~at'-aoni - o-theI"':'li~~- kn~ ~:i Rob~nsonGy-..AadePeen_tnd R.G. .\nderson and l.!arv Ello..,ol"A. J."~Pl"AI'>l1 hi.s '.\'i f'e ." 10 me Imo." In ... t~ pcr..'" 8 ... "'ksin~ll~ fiM'1-'lt<:frttff"tlloe rotqOililCcbn~e)'UKC I<i - ,. st ~-LUOi8-"'0. Ban~ and--'Prtrsi;".eO.;---- .. ....._ ____and KHraJly ackno.lnlged the u<<utioo, lher<"f I" bc.....t.J.eir.. :oDd rIced I..r ,he ases and pu"..,..,. therein lDn.t,omd: .and u,.. said '..,_._ ..____ k4';L.Elnora....J:n.:ier~ free act ,. :.1 j . iI "t I ~i~~Of.:.~e ~ ;ondi;f;:;e ..;.-~~O~~I~~~X;:;:rr;;,:n~~;:~o~.~~~ did ~~';kdI~'I~i~ ...;'~ ....;;~Ii. ;;'n; ~~I:"il' o:~n~ ~~= for the JIIlCPOI<<' of rcnuuncinJ(. rdiDqui.hing and conTCyln~ :all h<r ,illhl. titlt and iNercsl. .he.her of d".er or 01 sq>ar&l. pr~rl)'. .I.lllutory ?r equItable, an and 10 I.... bnds IlKrein described, :and tlul sbe uC\:utro uid dttd f,<<ly &r,d ,'oJDDluily ....of withoul &IlY conslrai"t, feu. app,.hellSloo or CDa>pul..on 01 Of from her Slid bolband. ... WITN/~~.and official oaJ al ._._.__.. For.t_Pi2rca, Fla. . ...in lhe c...uU) "I and SI"te ..~ '... .. FIO.c~ u ,. lhe day and year IUI arorrsaid. 7l1lli~_ J. 'Ja1:".'~n __ _~' nH'41.) ______ _ _1C...:g ._5. ea! notar~~l., l~irJ~:le Slate 0) -' lorlde. at Ie;r(;e. ---- ----- . - ------ ,-.. . ----;-'--0.. ne:':pir'es an. '22; 1930. ~ STAn: OF ~ORID..... l-' c.-.ly of St. l:1tMr-1 St. ..~c.ie " 0.. thi........ . ,_gZth ....) or FQllr\l~l;':r, .:\, II. I.,! '" . .. all: ::lOo'ck.ck F.._mM.. thi, instrUtnftlI was fibd fur recurd, and beina dul, ackuo.led8ed and (.r"ven. I ....n tftX)rdtd the same on page _6.__.... .._ of ~lst8--...... in the .public ,<<Oed. or ....;.1 Coull';. IN WITNESS WIIERF.oP. I ban bnnanlo Kt my haod and alIiud the Hal of the Circuit c-rt of the'RfrM1l11 Judicia! CilaJit of'saId Sta~ in and for said Col1Dly. ~ , c,\' ;::;.... ..:. C.' .~ fo.~'1t;'\.; /c,O ~ . \ LtC, ,,\ -\ ...: ~ \,'J ,\ .P a <:. .1dred..... ..... ...._... __..... __........_.__...._._.. __._Ckrl<. ,..-. .0 I ~'.--?J ....;:e;... A.J' ,,:-'H/'. __._.... --~"'. ~e-v-;-~'.'. . ..D. C. .. ; -\ ~ ~' ,., .,~ '.' I "/:'<~ ir.'r2;;,;'F/: rr;~i~' - ..' ~':->,'.i~:~:~'..:;PY: