HomeMy WebLinkAboutNOCY i JOSE E. SMITH, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT - SAINT LUCIE COUNTY FILE ;# 4485216 OR BOOTS 4185 PAGE 2070, Recorded 09/28/2018 09:23'02 AM R'scelveo OCT l 61018 SCANNED Permlttig9 Deed gnmtmnva nsrmelait BY St �u=I 'C941) ent AMU St. L1 uds Cou b/ _0��b pw&rN1D111jab__ I NOTICL OF.COBDONOIINIE�IT the tmdersigredhereby gives notice that impimemeot will be made to certain rcal property, and in accordance with Chapter 713. Florlda.Statutes,thefdlowingiofiormaticnisprovidedinthisNotioeofCommeaccment ' 1. DSSCAS1i0ttOFPRORSATi'(Legs[desmpti�oEthepmpoly&bUmtadd�ess,ifavmleble)Td%FOIJOD30.:,���'�'L��)_l. ll���l�Jl��..l 2, GHaiPJtALDESCBIPIION OFIDSPROVER7137't: 3. O W YF,R iNFO1NrATION 08 LESS IHI+OR� n.Nunasvd sddrcsry�, � � . 6. rntermtln taopab': � a Name sad addross ofiwdmpiatidebdder (�rd(ffuaat 4. a. COXMCrOATNANX: -V1Pf(•l1 J. SUMI(LieyyUwbfe,saapyot'tbopsymanl s. Dfxxa and admpG b.PMaaaumbrr, e, Amomt orboad; 6. a LENBSA'B NAME: v0* TAE Lenddsad&m: -b. Pbooe- 7. Persons w a. the State ofFlorida designatcd by Ownwvpon wbom noticrs or other doeummm maybe served as p rXdad by Section 713.13 (1) (a) 7.,Florida Statatos: b. Pbeoa aambrn dldadgasfad psnoa; 8. a. in addifionto himsolforhencK Owner designates of to receive a copy ofthe Manar's Notice rsprosided m Section 713.13 (1) (b), Flodda Stetatea, b. Pbouau=bwofpwwnoraaaty dadpperadby 0waer. 9. Egksfiod date ofnotice of oommencemeart (the exp6atioa datcwM be I yvarf umthe date ofrtcordmgtudess a diff4entdafo is spocifiad): 20_ n; �i G �Lr$AQdJc�r?R )6(fY (PriatName and PiovfdeSignatures 21delOftieo) f� State of Cotntty of ,., , Tho tnsa>�rnt wan ao wledged buff Ins this )f /�+ by _ as C �I IS C iV (Boma o person) (type ofautf mity,... e.g: oiHce , trusted, attameyin thot) for CwaMLWfoaedx=o ofNohuyFublio) Cu'. ,N�61