HomeMy WebLinkAboutNONCOMFORMING USESt. Lu'ie County, FL Land De-Pt^pment Code Page 1 of 3 10.00.Q2. - Nonconforming Uses. A. Authority to Continue. Nonconforming uses of land and nonconforming uses of structures may continue in accordance with the provisions of this Section. B. OrdinaryRepairand Maintenance. Normal maintenance and repair of nonconforming uses may be performed. C. Expansions. Nonconforming uses shall not be expanded. This prohibition shall be construed so as to prevent the: 1. Enlargement of nonconforming uses by additions to the structure in which such nonconforming uses are located, including enlargement of a conforming structure in which a nonconforming use is located, or 2. Occupancy of additional land, unless the provisions of this Code are met. D. Relocation. The structure housing a nonconforming use may not be moved unless the use shall thereafter conform to the limitations of the zoning district into which it is moved. E. Change in Use. A nonconforming use shall not be changed to any other use unless such use conforms to the provisions of this Code, except in accordance with the procedure set forth in this paragraph. A change to another nonconforming use shall be permitted if and only if the proposed nonconforming use would not result in a requirement for additional parking over that required for existing q nonconforming use, and in addition, the Board of County Commissioners: 1. Determines that the proposed nonconforming use is equally or more appropriate to the district and the specific property involved than the existing nonconforming use; 2 Determines that an adverse effect of the proposed nonconforming use upon • Y p p g p neighboring properties and residents will not be greater than that created by the existing nonconforming use; and 3. Requires that the applicant meet appropriate conditions, limitations, and requirements as are necessary to prevent or minimize adverse effects on neighboring properties and residents. F. Termination. 1. about:b ank 8/8/2018 St. L ie County, FL Land De-y�!--•pment Code Page 2 of 3 Ab 'ndonmentorDiscontinuance. When a nonconforming use is discontinued or bandoned for twelve (12) months, then the nonconforming use may not be estored, unless the nonuse is due to circumstances beyond the property owners' s control. 2. Damage or Destruction. If a structure housing a nonconforming use is damaged or destroyed by fifty percent (50%) or more of the assessed value of the structure, then the nonconforming use of the structure may not be restored. 10.00. 3. - Nonconforming Structures. A. Authority to Continue. A nonconforming structure devoted to a use permitted in the zoning district in which it is located may be continued in accordance with the provisions of this Code. B. OrdinalY Repair air and Maintenance. Normal maintenance and repair of p nonconforming structures may be performed. C. Expansions. Any expansion of a nonconforming structure shall be in conformance with the provisions of this Code. This shall not prevent expansion as long as the nonconformity is not increased. In the event that a structure is nonconforming due to the fact that there is encroachment into a required minimum yard, as defined in Section 7.04.00, expansion of the structure shall be allowed into that minimum yard. However, no such expansion shall be allowed if it results in a greater dimensional nonconformitythan that which previously existed. P Y D. Relocation. A nonconforming structure that is moved shall thereafter conform to the regulations of the zoning district in which it is located after such move. E. Termination Upon Damage or Destruction. 1. Any part of a nonconforming structure that is damaged or destroyed to the extent of fifty percent (50%) or more of the assessed value of said structure shall not be restored unless that part conforms to the provisions of this Code. 2. If St. Lucie County or a portion thereof is declared a disaster area by the Governor of the State of Florida or the President of the United States, as a result of a hurricane, tornado, flood, or other similar act of God, then the provisions of Section 10.00.03 shall be hereby modified to allow within the declared disaster area the replacement or reconstruction of structures on or in the location of the original foundation, except that the any replacement about:bl' 8/8/2018 St. Lug ie County, FL Land De, ,pment Code Page 3 of 3 cohijstruction must comply with the applicable provisions of Section 6.05.00 anq Section 13.00.00 of this Code, provided, this modification to county lations to allow the replacement or reconstruction of nonconforming ctures shall not effect the application and enforcement of state or federal lawj and agency regulations regarding replacement or reconstruction of no nforming structures. about:bll'ank 8/8/2018 6199 6149 C (s / co (Y) 6290 6194 6285 ,5ej J i Ce N1lj-) Description or 8082: Home Health C� Services I Occupational Safety and Hr '-+`� Administration D �ARTMENT OF LABOR Page 1 of 1 OSHA English I Spanish j Find it in OS !A I A TO Z INDEX ABOUT OSHA WORKERS EMPLOYERS - REGULATIONS ENFORCEMENT TOPICS - NEWS & PUBLICATIONS DATA TRAINING i Description for 8082: Home Health Care Services Division I: Servi s I Major Group 80: Health Services Industry Group 1 08: Home Health Care Services 8082 Home Health Care Services Establishments nmarily engaged in providing skilled nursing or medical care in the home, under supervision of a physician. Establishments of registered or practical nurses ngaged in the independent practice of their profession are classified in Industry 8049, and nurses'registries are classified in Industry 7361. Establishments pimarily engaged in selling health care products for personal or household consumption are classified in Retail Trade and those engaged in renting or leasing produ for health care are classified in Industry 7352. ■ Home healt care services ■ Visiting nurs associations SIC Search Division Structure Major Group Structure U ITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF LABOR Occupational Saf 200 Constitution Washington, DC 800-321-6742 TTy www.OSHA.gov FEDERAL GOVEI White House Disaster Recovery USA.gov No Fear Act Data U.S. Office of Spey I and Health Administration NW MENT iI Counsel OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH Frequently Asked Questions A - Z Index Freedom of Information Act Read the OSHA Newsletter Subscribe to the OSHA Newsletter OSHA Publications Office of Inspector General ABOUT THE SITE Freedom of Information Act Privacy & Security Statement Disclaimers Important Website Notices Plug -Ins Used by DOL Accessibility Statement https://www.os�a.gov/pls/imis/sic manual. display?id=28 1 &tab=description 8/22/2018 t_ Page 1 of 1 -97 P11"y iG �Ou BUILDING & CODE SYSTEM You are logged in SnUCIEgall as: Version 31. IMES I WP+Ze ej dlt0°ermlt I Search Perm¢ I Review I Inspection I Permit Fee/Pay I Misc Fee I Contractor I Reports I Maint I Fiscal I Flood Log I Front Count I eRD I Green Cent I Energy Calc I N View, Edit, OR Add Parcel Alerts ery Print PROPERTY ALERTS:,, Enter Parcel Id: (Press ENTERI 114053200003000& PROPERTY INFORMATION Parcel#: 1405-320-0003-000/0 ° k Jurisdiction:SAINT_LUCIE,OOONTY — — Zoning: Address: IP285 OLD PIXIE HWY ) FORTPIERCE _„_ f FL i 34946,'_ PROPERTY ALERTS Add Alert Message I Alert Severity _ .....__.............. _ Alert Status 1 Alert Type Alert Descripiton - I................. ......._. ��_� Closed By I Date Closed r Last Ch ..__...._._.i..__..— ......__ .._.—._j__._...........E_.RED_....._............. Delete Edit ( SWO DOUBLE I / __..._......__.._...DE_..._._..._._...__I._.......... EMOACONCRETESTRU -..____...... .___..._-'----.._...... CO D CTURE W/OUT PERMIT. DOUBLE FEE. ACTIVE OFFICER: DANA ! dilrano - 06/2! i i FEE ENFORCEMENT i ! ! i 1 :.........�...................... ....................................................z.........._............._..................................................._.......--"--_................................_i..........................................._...................._-...................................................................................................................._-.............t._..........................i........................ ORIGINALLY THIS PRPOERTY WAS ONE PARCEL AND COMBINED WITH 140641100040009. THE PARENT PARCEL OF THE 2 LOTS WAS 1I Delete Edit ;RED --SEVERE 140641100020005. THERE IS NO RECORD OF A LEGAL LOT SPLIT. ACTIVE I ZONING THEREFORE THE HOUSE CAN BE REPAIRED BUT NO ADDMONS OR I saunde 107 - SEE NOTES I STRUCTURES CAN BE ADDED. IF THE HOUSE IS 1 / 3/ I ACCESSORY I DESTROYED IT CANNOT BE REPLACED AS A RESIDENCE AND THE ...., I I .PROPERTY WOULD REQUIRE A COMMERCIAL USE. .......................................... ............... j ..............1 �Delete ; Edil j SWO/DOUBLE RENOVATION INCLUDING PLUMBING ETC DOUBLE FEE CODE CASE ACTIVE ; I barrios 107/24/ ' 1 FEE ,CONTRACTOR LICENSING MVB I http://c�e/(S(epuggjnga3rbxhma3Os0i4eq))/AlertMaintenance.aspx 8/8/2018 i Detail by Entity Name ,.M Page 2 of 2 tail by Entity Name da Limited Liability Company IOR OUR MILITARY SERVICEMEN LLC ment Number L18000081316 ,IN Number NONE Filed 04/02/2018 FL s ACTIVE 5 POLO SQUARE ZO BEACH, FL 32968 POLO SQUARE ) BEACH, FL 32968 LES, PHILLIP J 05 POLO SQUARE :RO BEACH, FL 32968 ime & Address tle AMBR ILES, PHILLIP J i05 POLO SQUARE =RO BEACH, FL 32968 tle AMBR ARNER, MICHAEL i15 E TRINDLE RD ECHANICSBURG, PA 17050 Annual Reports Filed -- Florida Limited Liability I View image in PDF format F4000 Dnpnrtment of Stita, Divislon of Coy por fl—, http://s��rch. sunbiz.org/Inquiry/CorporationSearch/SearchResultDetail?inquirytype=Entity... 8/8/2018