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04-019 11:09 FROM- 7728787656 ! By fit. i_.:12de, °0, fiv, Ay Ron" .14`1' i'eeil But '.OF ,< Address: T-323 P0001 /0010 F-500 '�1�►9Sa f1 RECENED ppR' 0 4101% ,ka58 Permirt. Oepart"I"t St. Lucie county UNDERSIGNED HEREBY REQUEsT RELEASE of ELECTRICAL i'�70 Ti lE ABi]VE ©ESCi2I8® �PERTY, FOR A• PERIOD NOT'i�1 piEFTI-IIRTY�p} QAYS, FOR PURPOSE ()F TES7`Ei1if SYS CEM5 IwQUlPMENT in# PEPAtaTIp� FOR A F�I�At:.INSP1=%iz(N. IN CANSpERATtOIV Oi` APPR(1Vi4!_ OF THE !i�ES'l" WE �'f A i0�71i<LFD6E ACID A(�EE'� L�fl � I- Ttais tay4MrY power P00se Is. MquetWd Mr ale above meted pt3r • only, and ne i • ft be no QaWpancy of any type, oilier Than that P.0mitted by.M rctlon d ing this iirrib period. 2. As witness by our egMtur*s, we her*by-agree to abide by -all tents aarrrd conditions of MM agreemerk includifig Building t3ivis[on Pblio/, which is fnodrporabed hdrain l;,, raj r+eFtce. 3. All eoridMbns, and requirernenis fisihd' in ate attached docent enb�ed-Requhisment�s fbr 30 Day Power for Tasting --have beery fulfiiled end the premise is teady for compliance inspection. 4. All 'request; for -an a t nr ion beyond 30 days must be:made in MMgg do the Btaldng ofticlal stating the reason €orthe re gu.ez Power In*'bd remove -*ftm the site an ilbr•a stop Work. Order issued if t(te FInal Inspection has not been approved within 30 days. A fee oof $:LQ0.00, will be r gijfred to liit the Stop Work Order. I HERBY RE -EASE AND A EE TO HOLD HARMLESS ,sm LUCIE COEJi�i7 Y, AND THER, EMPLOYEES FROM A LTABTE_.tl'tES AND .CLAIMS -OF ANY TyP9, OF NATUAE VVWCH KAY ARISE NOW OR IN THE FMWE OUT OF i TRA t�AcaQN, �NCLi3DW ANY E7�N1A�:WH'16' MAY BE iNCU QUE TO THE I7 i C ION C31=1~LECTR AL P IN. THE E'�ii1i'�,OF WORT ON TH S AC,R l+ ', DATE DAM