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i CANNED ► BY st. ,1 � o C-05 l i 1808- P 130 fees needed please J Permitsi<Permits@stlucieco.org> To: Reb ',cca Dima <rebeccad@ghohomes.com> 17,2951.40 St. Lu "e County-BOCC Termi 'ng Tech Th:77 462-1557 Far• 77 -462-1578 Email i' graml@stlucieco.org How ar', we doing? Submit your feedback to Debra A mpetti, Supervisor. @ zampettid@stiucieco.org From: R ecca Dima [mailto:rebeccad@ghohomes.com] Sent: Fri ay, August 31, 201812:04 PM To: Permits <Perm its@stiucieco.org > Subject:�.e- 1808-0130 fees needed please [Quoted tex idden] i [Quoted text) idden] i Rebecca Dima <rebeccad@ghohomes.com> Fri, Aug 31, 2018 at 12:16 PM H - H Rebecca Dima <rebeccad@ghohomes.com> 1808-01 0 fees needed please 2 messages11 11 Rebecca Di a <rebeccad@ghohomes.com> Wed, Aug 29, 2018 at 12:33 PM To: Permits (permits@stlucieco.org> Hello, st us on line says "notified for pick up", however we have not received a fax or email. Will you please forward the fees and any missing dots details to us ASAP for ermit 1808-0130, 3300 Bent Pine Dr. I Thanks v I ry muchl Email ad' ess = rebeccad@gmail.com Fax e n r= 56172-8-0909 73-17 �I phone nu i ber = 772-873-1711 Ull Jl /v LT/5 Rebecca Dima Permitting Team I Gu rebeccad@ghohomes.com / Ad Phone: 772-873-1711 i - GHO HOMES I www.GHOHomes.com l O �^ 590 NW Mercantile Place Port St Lucie, FL 34986 /V 1 ©O®®© CONFIDENT TY NOTICE: This email together with any attachments Is confidential, Intended only for the recipient or recipients named above and may contain Information that Is privileged, confidential, attorney work product or exempt from disclosure nder applicable law. If you have received this email in error, or are not the named recipient(s), you are hereby nogried that any use, dissemination, distribution or duplication of this email or any of its attachments is strictly prohibited. Plea notify the sender Immediately and delete this email and any attachments from your computer. You should not retain, copy, use or distribute this email or any attachments for any purpose, or disclose all or any part of the contents to any �II''ersan. Although this e-mail and all attachments are believed to be free of any virus or other defect that might affect any computer system Into which It is received and opened, It is the responsibility of the recipient to ensure that it is vims-fr A and GHO Homes and Green Brick Partners and/or Its affiliates bear no responsibility for any loss or damage arising In any way from Its use. Permits <Perr��II?llits@stlucieco.org> Wed, Aug 29, 201 Bat 3:21 PM To: Rebecca D Fa( <rebeccad@ghohomes.com> 18/6/2018 Delete SENT TO ERD WITH VEG PERMIT. Delete ELECTRICAL SUB Delete PLUMBING SUB Delete MECHJHVAC SUB Delete ROOFING SUB Delete VEG PERMIT FILED UNDER (G) FOR GHO. $50.00 FEE POSTED Balance I i � 7 St. Lucie Caun Fevrnitting Tec Ph: 772-462- Fax 772-462- nielsenk 8/9/2018 1 8/6/2018 1 nielsenk 1 8/9/2018 1 givensd 8/6/2018 1 nielsenk 8/6/2018 nielsenk 8/6/2018 nielsenk 8/6/2018 nielsenk 8/9/2018 1 givensd Email, injLml@stiucieco.org Flow are edoing?Submityow-kedbackto Debra, a petti, Supervisor, @zampetfid@stlucieco.org From: Re gcca Dima [mailto:rebeccad@ghohomes.com] Sent: We I esday, August 29, 2018 12:33 PM To: Permi <Permits@stlucieco.org> Subject: 1 i108-0130 fees needed please [Quoted text I I den] Please Note: odda has very broad public records laws. Most written communications to or from County officials regarding County business are public records available to the public and media upon request It Is the policy of St. Lucie County that all Count II ecords shall be open for personal Inspection, examination and I or copying. Your e-mail communications will be subject to public disclosure unless an exemption applies to the communication. If you received this email In error, please notify tpe sender by reply e-mail and delete all materials from all computers.