HomeMy WebLinkAboutCERTIFICATE OF TITTLEIdentification Number I Year 'take W-L_BNP Wessel Regis, No, I LH SP41631974A 1 49991t.tERI 36, egmt red O«aer: Date of issue 01/23/ WY E BUILDING CORP -9000 S US MY 1 SITE 402 PT OT LUCIE FL 34952-233.8 SCANNED BY Mail To' � ` LudaPQ sty WYNNE BUILDING CORP SOOO S ' US HWY 1 STE 402 PT ST LUCIE FL 34952--2338 RECEIVED AUG 0 6 2018 ST, t,Usfo qot�nkyr� p�tY71)tting '11�.�II�II�'�l�l tl �7'IIL�IIIi'1�11�l11 /'�1�11�0 �flll[f[fl�l'Il� ber 1 !! 582 i Lien Release Interest in the described vehicle is hereby released sir Tdle Date UALPOBTAW WORMuloN 1. -When ownership of the vehicle described herein is transferred, the seller MUST complete in full the Transferof. Title by Sellersection at the bottom -of the certificate of title. 2. Upon sat. cf this vehicle, the serer must complete the notiM of sale on the reverse side of this form. 3 Remove your license plate from the vehicle. 4. See the web address below -for more information ant the appropriate forms required for the purchaser to title and register the vehicle, mobile home or vessel: hMp:/ wtvw.fthsmvgov/htmt/titlinf.htmi Ed PT Mail identification Number j Year ` ike *bP41631974B 11991ii f2T 4 Owner. - BUILDING CORP S US HWY 1 STE 4.02 LUCIE FL 34952-233.8 WYNNE BUILDING CORP 8000 S US HWY 1 STE 402 PIT ST LUCRE FL 34952-2338 - Wt l-8HP Vessel Regis. No. 36' Date o,E Issue 01./23/ ERECEIVED UG 0 6 ,18e County, Permitting �rw��tt�ir��a�>tn�s�ta>tft�rt�rf��r��rrr��t�u�tf�n.tte_%s��i�u� 2�3058i ` I J'� 4 Al lien Release interest in the described vehicle is hereby released Ely Date IMORTANT 32WWORi4i017 1. When ovmership of the.vehicle described herein is transferred, the seller -MUST complete in full the Transfer of Title by Seller section at the bottom of the certificate of title. 2. Upon sale of this vehiore, the seller must complete the notice of sale on the reverse side of this form. 3. Remove your license plate from the vehicle_ 4_ See the web address.belowfor more information.anc the appropriate forms required for the purchaser to title and regWerthe vehicle, mobile home or vessel: http.lfwwW.fthsmv.gov/htmiftitlinf.html 0 11 0 a