HomeMy WebLinkAboutPERMIT WORKSHEETan . C) LU 00 o N t Ill W 13 CID C 01 Q V J -PERMIT NUMBER r a , Acfciiess cf home \Aef t osa Ume being: htst�llec� - - S Nlatzufaclttrel' ' ��,.�t� f:.englP,xwJditt ��� �� Nom- 'lf home is a aide wide fill out one half of the blocking plan if hagie is a frlple ar quad Wde sketch In I'emalnder of home 1 understand Lateral Atm Systems cannot be used on any horse (new or used) where the sJdewall ties w=ad 5lt 4 in: Installer's " " Typical pier spa -v k4i cing and Lateral Systmns PERMIT WORKSHEET p� of 2 New Home . used Home Home installed to the IVlamtsfacturer's Installation Maival _ Home Is installed in aocordanca wfth Rule 15-G Single wide tnd Zone lI Wind RZ ilI �] Double Wide �nslalkNonDecal4 Tdplerouad Ej Seriat j r,—�iASG I ''A1 PIEF-i SPACING TABLE FOOL USED HOMES Lnzd F°ow 76'Xt6' 18Y12 X181t2` 2o'X2A' 22x22' 24X24' 2WX2V I,wft stmt t { ! ems)• , �ly ist � low F51 s as F s s s s a s s s000 S s Inrerpo�area Isom i tuts 7Si : 7 p[er s wo�a PIER PAD SIZES 5 I-beam pier pact size Perimeler pier pad size 01herplerpad dies (required by the mtg.) Draw the approArnate locations of manM5 wall openings 4 toot or greater Use this symbol toshow the piers. list aU marriage y+ratt openings greater than 41c of - -and-iheir pier pad srzies tietow. . Opent-W Pier pad• -size -nEDowM COMPDXefM Longliudlrtal Stable ManLtfactenrer Stab1Ay pg a5D) P tAR P D 5 ESQ FRA ll5 T E-. wHhin 2' of end of hor ed spacat 6 4' oo PERMIT NUMB> A POLRU=1 Ft:NhTHOMETM TES The pocket penetrometertests era rotand wn to psf - archeek hate to dedare 1 DOa lb. so$ w faoUii tu-e—T ng. . + X X X POCKET PaMMOMMER TESTING, MEMOD 1. Test the Perimeter of the home at 6 iocaiionr, - 2- Take the reading at the depth of the footer. fj4mg Sm lb. frm mem-% take the lowest . madhV and round down to that increment X X _ _X Q E BE TEST The results of the torque probe test is _ inch pounds or check here it you are declaring 5' anchors wahoiA t6S*iq - A test . showing 275 indb pognds or joss will require 5 foot anchors: Note; A state approved lateral arm systern is bdTng used and 4 IL anchors are allowed atlhe sidewatl loc-.allons i midessiand 5 It ztndrots are Mulred at all rentEdine tie pomfs where the torque test reading is 275.or less and where the mobile I' Pmemanu'acturermay anchors requires with ldinA lY- -.: 'itisiallee. Pt ttals ALL TESTS MUST 13E PERFF013 ED BY A L C 4SED INSTALLI=RR Installer -Name - _ ._. CW _ tonneot electrical conductors between multi -wide udiis; but not to the main power outae. ThiwkTludesthe bonding wire between mult-wide ul ts. Pa - t;mUin4 finned all sewer drains to tus eDdsling sewer tap orseplk tank. Pg: unned.all potable water supply piping to an eDdsturg water meter, water tap. orother ;dependent water supply systems, Pg r Site Pmphratron Debris and organic Material refloved Waterdjalnage: Natural V Shale pad C*ler Fastenin a+uiti wide t2a}Ls Floor. Type Fastener, pac,lng; i}15 5 Walls Type Fastener; L�f _ b Roof Type Fastener. Lenggfh-_ Fnr used homes a ' So gauge. a' wrde, mahzntzedWill be centered bver the peak of the•raof and fastened Qh gaIv. roofing naffs at 0 on center on both sides of the centerrme, l understand a Property installed gasket is recorernent of ail newand used homes and that condensation, mold, meldew and buc3ded mattlage wails are a result of a pDorl y installed or no gasW bsbng installed. 1 understand a ship of tape will not serve as a gasket. • "�]i}el.'s 3ti$ials_x. � � . Typegasket VOOc14P1 Installed: Pg. Between Floors Yes ✓ Between Walls Yes Bottom of ridgebeam yes _ The bottomboard will be aePairedandJortapeci: Yes Siding on Units is kstalled to manufacturer's sPecff7oaf(orm. Yes Fireplace chlrmeY Installed so as not to allow intrusions of rain water. Yes�Zx. Sklttirta to be installed. Yes No Dryerve nt ih-Aded outside at skktkig. Y& W F3arrge downtlow vent installed outside of ski U. N/A - Dmin fines supported at 4 fobi ion-, Elecblcal ==we= protected Yes other; - - 3 aid mlorrnatjon given With 'thJs P-E 9s ac=rats and trite based •o;t the tiis3.ailer Slgnaiun-e it a