HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENTthe For PERMIT # ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES /JJ Building I& Code. Compliance Division RECEIVED gm —DING PERMTr SUR-CONTRACTOR AGRIZEMENT A 0 0 0 6 2018 SCANNED ST. Luc[ County, Permitting StLudeQvOy omfort Control o'f St. .Lucie County, I4c. have agreed to'be (Company Name4nd IVAC (Type of Trade) project ldcated at Nance) Sub-COntmetorfor Wynne Development Corp. (Primary Contractor) (Project Street Address of ?rope* Tax ID W) It is derstood that, if there is any change of status. regarding our participation with the above mentibned,. pros ct, the Building and Code Replation Division of St. Lucie, -County will be advised pursuant. to the filin of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. Mathew Lyle Wynne 080,19 COtJ1yI State C tno The fo fI gof -_ 7 WAO i3 P erS4 I I as fde' ' tca SigoaT e 01 E—'FV = ItTMCATION N INMER COUNTY CERTMCATION NUMBER a, Coanty of LTV e+ \ Statelof Florida. County o as iestrument Was sieued before me this _^day of The foregoiuE instrument wa gf�aed before me this day of —,zo�by�MQ By known V or has produced a who sis persouaRy known ✓r has produced a ; n. as identification,44 a.'� ST'AW CJ STA?6 eta ablic Signature of Notary Publ' ,,pp .Nota 'Eahlic . Print Name of Notary Panne • ,�.e;>*.,,a.�.,�, DOROTHYANN BASKIN MY COMMISSION # GG 030145 :,2.;3�•.Yo��,; DOROTHYANN BASKIN EXPIRES: October 2, 2020 2 MY COMMISSION # GG 030145 Bonded Thtu.Notaiy PublicUnderwrilers i srFo`,: EXPIRES' October 2, 2020 Bonded ThruNotary.PublicUnderwiters Revis' I1110016 • • .• i L66 i d ZO00/Z000d tL0-i 999L8L8ZLL dJ O0 su i p l i ng auuAM -WOdA 9 L: Z L 9 L,-60-Z L ( .. P RMIT # .•.. , . ISSUE DATE' PLANNING &.DEGE OPAUNT:SERVICES �.' ''` � s ;'� �� � � : Building & Conde: Compliance Division, �• ... .. . I : RECEIVED: ;....: SUi<IDIING:)PERMIT SUB.r CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT AUG .0 6.2018 , ' ST; .Lucie COUntY,: P�hmitting Lazo! .:Electric, ' Inc.. hove agreed to'be . .. ' ' • Company Naine/Indiyidu�l Name) . ' . •.. .. � . ' � • the' E ctrician: Sub=contractor foryynne Bui.ldirig Corp;' Type of Trade)'. � � (PrimaryContractor) for the roleet located'at (Project Street Addressor property Tax'ID #) It is .uiil erstood thatt, if Hier ,.is'aiiy bhq igg of status. regarding our partioipatiori with aboue'mentioned . ro ect the Buildin and Code R • ' • �J.. g � ": �egulaiiori Diiiision of St -Lucie- County will be advised•pursuant-to•tlte - g a Change: of Sid=contractor notice. CONTRA TOR SIGNATURE S T SIGlq (Qua1itier). Matt :' w L� le W�•nne . James. ,.W.:.Law. PRINT N', PRINT NAME ' :..::.:.:.. 2098.. . COUNTY. ERTIFICATION'NUMBER COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER $fate of F1oirida,.Countyof o State of Florida, 'County of t auC.+L Tiinforego I g instrument was •signed' before me tlds�` day of" :The foregoing instrument wa's signed before'me tlds3_ da of i�, by:.��r�� �J` L'� . 2t, by '.,ci Y1 ,P°S . .who is pegs nally. Down �orHas.pradueed a. who is ersona Iniown i p Ry of hasp a u, ee8 a- • as ideAt c i on.. as identiticatio ST.A. - . STAMP Signature o o• 6lic : Signature of Notary Public 77. Print Nam j t`NotaiyPplilc.: Print Name of:. otat-Plilic': • . . ~*" DOROTHYANNBASKIN '�Y7 SUSAN�fAGEE' •HIY CONIMISSIOM #GG 030145 a%:. my �:,6m i{SSION a FF 187647' o, EXPIRES: October 2, 2020 P;= EXPIRIG; .r-brdary 23, 2U19 ' d °� •.pontlec ffiiglia.;Sr,:RgblicUndsnvriteis. .. � ?;?d..��:�,. B nde8�7ti�u.Not�ry.PublkUndenvtiters, . P„af+ : •.. ....:...... .. • Rezrised'11/ # I I ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVI Building & Code Compliance Divisi( Wvnie Build.inR Cornorati the For It is of Trade) BUILDING PERMIT. SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT RECEIVED AUG 0 6 2018 ST. Lucie County,. Permitting have agreed to.be Sub -contractor for Wynne, Building Corp . (Primary Contractor) project located at V ` 4j (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID #) erstood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above.mentioned the Building and Code Regulation Division of St: Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing Of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. W!M William D. Brantley PRINT ME 295I 4 COUNT CERTIFICATION NUMIBE�Rn State of lorida, County.of fore oing instrument was signed before me this day of .201�or illi.am D. Brantley who is p ally known has produced a .II N as identi cation. e, STAMP 19ighit t of Notary Public III�\ Print N: ' e of Notary Public State of Florida i ion GG 038942 /2020 Revised11/16/20lyK SUB -CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE (Qualifie William D. Brantley PRINT NAME 2952.4 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NPR� State of Florida, County of C l C Lu LLL- e ore oing ins.trumen as signed before me this-5 day of Uhl 20� byWilli-am D. Brantley who is.perso ly known t� or has produced w 'dentific tion. 1 STAMP S nf\tu1n\\ree �ofNotary Public V l 1 CLSS Print Name of Notary Public h Notary Public State of Florida �F Julie Ninassi `7y�•a My Commission GG 038942 dprpd" Expires 10/16/2020 .