HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0647 47 - W.UaANTY DIW 0..4 a....... No. U. SL Laric (""'07, norioIa. " ..I Ihe C.."nly ..f ,Po~ta,.ototQl"'_"""_"'''_'_h and Stale "01._ .._.. ...KDneOe . \>&;1 Y .. .. of doe 1<<<....1 part, TillS INJ)P.STURF~ },fa<Je Ihis.... ..__M.th._ ._________ds)' of ___..n_._.___._.O('-~~>-Q.tr_________A. D. 192.6_, bet.-em ... ._..______._.ll.._D.._L~lllIA tl .and_.a3.103.L~...hu.aband ..aad__l.fe. ._____ ___ of tbe CO\U'lt). of..__.__....._:;.t~..J.llQ t~_.._._.___.___.......and Stal~ of._......:~_ . .. '19.r.:l!la . "-_ __"_"'''_''''_h.....pa,tl~~.. of the lint part, an.) .... ._........m......u_......_ ._........___00.._.. _ ._....._u~..U.. .SOO'r-T ....___.._..._ _._....._... ... , \\Td.:t-:SSF.1"II, Ih.,t II... ...~I 1~~e.8 of ttoe lint parI, for &",1 in to....id~uli.'" ..f the 'UIlI of . ~~l POLURS.A.IIJ.__. _ OTH ~_ VALUp~3.9.0!I~p~Rr\~J~.I~.....__..___I~x.. 10. t~8.m... in hand paid, doe r-mpl ..~,tOf is hmby a<kDO..let1~~. ..."_41... granlt<!. ha'tl:ained. 1O!d and t...n'f~rred. and by lMu presents do.. ,0._'_ g,;ant, harKaia, ull and Iran. In unto tbe said parl."3._._ of th~ seeond part aDd " , his ... b~in and assigns fo,uu, all thaI tt:,tain raro:l of bnd Iyinl( and being in the Connty of . :3 t. ~\l()!. 8.__ _.__..____.0._ __ and Stat. oL... . Florida . mur. parti<:ul:arly d.sc,ibe.s as ,01......:. .___._...__...... ... The Northeast Quarter 0 f the .'arthw6st Quarter .. _.._._____.. ___.._.____ . ._..__ _.___________._.__.______..___.____.__..__ ._..._..u.____h___ (ult 01' Inrt) af 3eoUan Two. (2), TaYllshlp Thlrty- --..------...,.--.- '.- ....--------..--.----.-----------.-.----.--..-........... ....-.__..._-._.._..... five (36) South of nange ~hirty-nln8 (39) Jast, --..----.-.-....-----------.--.-----.-.------- o.ollt.ainlng }'orty (40) eores. more ar lass; lass 00 ... ._Ud_.._P.~!..~.~_...E.!~~'!!1.!_~_~..~~...!~~ h t_~ f .'i8~~!_ drfl.~_~_~~.~ o8lials. .-; .~ _._.._._....___ Thl, IL.Jl~dC) !QOnYay 8nQ"d:J,Qdg.~Y.~IL!H~.J..!tQ..\__~9. .8. roo r tgug e f a:r ._.__ 3,ix dTilO!.Uland. lKlllar1iJ.....llu:ifl Ql.IL\lL.JfJ.D.PQ ..J......Hel m. .whiob the_. grantee herein aS9umes and a8reds to pay. 1 ~ '. " .~ ~ ~ J ., :~ And the sai.:l ra,J..9 II . 01 the Iirst part do ..... h.. cnn.~nl with t~ ~i,1 l.art Y..f .he ..........1 rarl th~1 they 8 re .b..i"lIy ~....I 01 Ihr -.&i.1 i < ; ~ J ~ -~ . ~'t ~ ~ .i . 'i 'i i 1 t ! . TOGETHER 'Aith :aU I~ tr-nnnnlt". }w.rcdir.anxnh ..00 1pt)urtmanaJ. \lilh ttH'ry 1,!"inl~". .t,.:hl. tll!('. itlt('U"'1 .in:.! c'U.t('. rl4O.(1' 3n.1 I'I,ht ,.,i dt...tr. r~\"ersion. rtma;nole, ~".I <~tC'nmt tber.:u brioollinj; or in an)"'.i.., ar~rl~inin~: TO 11.-\ \'E .\:>;\1 TO 1101." the "me in i.~ .imple forc\Cr. premi5ts. thaI tbC")' ~re fr<< frora all ;r.<:u!cl>ran<<s and tb! ..' ~hI)Y. M.Ve.. <:",,! r'~!:! ~"'! h.. I,,! ~,,!br;!r b sell !he umr: and tb. ...id rart . 1 es _ 01 tbt 6nt part do.._ ,_. b~rcby fully ..arrant tbe \i.k t.> said be.t. and will delend th~ same ax..in't tl.~ la.dol <Iain.s of all ~r",". woom..otH'. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, 1M ...id part 1.e.& o! 1M lint pa,t ha _. va bern",l.. ><1 the lr 1...",1 S ~"d ,ul 8. tbe de)' znd )'U' aboTC wrill.n. Signed, ..aled and ddi..red in QU' ..restntt: . 3dlth JaOk90n AnguB 3umner l H. P. :r.ehr;;an :;race Lehman .. . ..(SF..AI.\ . ._. __._ _( S":'-\I.\ ST....n: OF t'LORIDA COUNT\" OF 3T.LUJI3 I IIEkE"\" n:RTIF\'. That.... thi. l~th .d.oy 01 --....._.._october__..___..__.hm____.... D. 19Z_.b...~ beiore tat 1'<T,onally apt..ar~ . .' . J~ ._;P, _ L.~~~K_~~_~RQ.C.J..~~Wta..hl1 ~b6n4- em d.wJiQ .__. ...__.__._._____ to me I<nown I" he tM p..oon S 00 cksuibe.s in and who el<<<ultd the krcgoiag t(\(\Tt)'anCt to _._'__' ..__._.i.~.~..Z;....~.5'.<:l.~~.. __00 ___._and '4:.erally acknowledge.! tbr u<<ol.... th......1 10 k.. theJ r __.._.. frt~ act . ~ ~ .\ .;:u:J ~ fur t~ u~.", .r..I l'U'1..t~5 tll('r~in ~(ltil~; anti tM said (;rooe Lehman 1 tbe wife 01 thr. sa;.1 .... 00.. H. D.lehrren .... "_ ... ._..._.__._n_..__.___.. .. __ _. on a ~,~t. an,) p,iut. .utnitulion t~l<m :and r.-.aok by .00 bel'.n _. and 'r:>~ntely and arart hom her said h\1~n.J. did arkno.kdg~ that she ....ade bendf ~ patty t" tbe said lXed of ConTryance. fo, tbe purpo'~ oi <<n"uncin". rdin'lui,hitlj( ~nd con.t},ftJ all Mr rig\;1. title and inlcnA. wbether 01 do..., ot 01 kparal. propt"rty. stalutory or ~uitable. in and to tbe bnd. the,.in lkK,ibed, ,"",) that she ~'<<Uled >:lid deed fr<<ly and rohmlan'y an.) without any ronstraint. far, apprtMnslOfl or compulsion 01 or from h~, said busbar.d. 1 ~ . WITSF.SS my ~t n....n-..iOl't Pl~64tu.---..._...-.....-..in th~ County of 3t. 1uo 1.~ ________ ar.d ~t~tc (tf .the day and )T'" I~sl af."tsaM. Angus JUIUller . --'-'-=-~~C._ ._~~~~-n=-~_~ 'CQurit.i...=!!i~~__~~~~~-==- .(SEAL) ST.-\TE (JF FI.OIiIllA, County .,f 51. Lucie. On thi. 20 "~)' 01 J.laroh .-\. n. 1')2 6., ~t 2 j 02 o'clock. P.u.U. this instrument was 47 ._.. . of DonI< .I~_._. .....~ in 1M public ,ecorda of salol Couaty. 1 i i t 1 1 't j , . f.1td for rt<<l,d. and lociac .tol} aclm"..I..I~~.1 ~",I I'r<>Urt. I ha,'" ,ecot"~ ttoe ..._ .... ,'0"" IN WITNESS WIIF.REOF, I han M,.onlo wt m)' hand and allix~ tbe suI "I t~ Circuit COfIrt of tbe Fil~.tJ...tirial Ci,cwl of said Stale. ift aDd for aid COUIlly. ".--_ / '.\ ./1 ... .nJ;:..-f~' 3:ld.red"ct-..-__.-. _.___Cluk. .<\C ~_ , /l( Ii f?) . ,! e{\' (}' .. "l.-tAN a....7--{~~(.,.,.'. .._.D. c. .o'{o ~ "0 ~e' ~\Y '" ...-- ----- ./::':_ ~~.:. ~\:~)~{:<~:..:~(~~~:~;:-~~~;~:z~~f..~ , ,- - . 'V . '. .~~ ....:..:~.~:~~~;~\ ~F~~'~;;.~