HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0659 59 WAn.ANTY DIlED 0..4 1.-.1 s.. U. SL brio ("-17, no.i4L -, &~ - . TillS INOF.NTURF~ Wa<le this._.._. ..___..h.l?_tb...___.____day of d___m.._.._...~!~~h.__.....__.__...__._.____A. D. 19l~_, tIn..em .........___....._. .... ........_3dwnI.ll..1l._.3m.UlL@d, ~!~rl.-E..!.~_'E!.~I. ..~..1.!...~...!!J. ______._____...........__.___...._ ____ of the ('QUIlty oL_._.._.___ St. .tuo1.t._.._.__.___.and Slate of . d'''d_''___'' 'l~.l~.!.d.~._......d__...._h_..__. . .:_..._._pa,ti~..~, 01 the lillt part, and "_''''._ ..__........md...._._ ....h.....__._.....m.._.~._____._.._......~~ tIn ~!... .Q.t!_!9_~Je:l._____... ....._. . . _. ......_......__._.. _._......__..._._.__._..._..___.__ "f ~ County of . . ..... ._3.t. ..~uo.! e.... ............ _.._.._...._...00 and State of ..00 ..._...hhnFlQrt~e 00 00"....1... of t~ sec....d pa,l. WlTl'l':;;~ETJf. lhat lhe ...;'1 rartlea ollloe linl patt. for and in c.....;.s~...ti.... ..f the '11m of Tan .Dollars _". ..... .... __,d", .......__...__ _.___...end a ther...vol\lDolo QODalderuUona.._._..._.__IlIlJIK... 1<1 them... in hand ",id.. the rtffip: .hertof i. berw)' aclmowlttlgcoi. an.) State 0 I. .. 00 Florida.... _ .. 00.. "")Ie particu~,I, de.cribe.s as followl:___..........._._ '.! .~ -~~ :~ ., ~ ~ .~ ha )'.. Kranted, I.,ul('intd.. sold and tr:anslerred. and b)' tbe.~ presents do) .....00... &r~11. toa"ain, srU :alld tran,le, unto the s:aid parl.Y..__ of the 1tt0lld part aDd _._...h.~.' . ........_..._1oeill and assigas fo,eve.., aU that c~rtain par<<1 of bnd lying and ~inll: in tM Count)' ..I . . ... 3t. Luoie ..___...________...._.._._ ".__.m __.... __"_'00 _'_'00__ L.O'_:)_e~Qn~~nn J.7.61_1nAlliadeuaJubdivlaion of Sec Uan ''''''_h''''."_,,_,_,,,__. _._____._._......._ ..______.';rh.~,. _ !9.Vil!!b_tp_~~_1lQ.~~ _Rs.\g.o.h40_..~.a.s\... 800 o~d1ng .. to _. ."__. ___00.___...______ _.___~g...!.._~~_.~f..l_ ~~~.~_dJ..!llJ.QP_..r~.Q.9..r~Jl~_..ln.1>l!i.t_~.\lo.k...,4..hat.h .page.. __.__._.....____._ ___?!.L.~_1:'.._:i..t.!_!_.ll~ 1 ~....2 a~_t}'..J~!~_r!.~~x~~_Q.~~..m.__._._____.__._..___ " ,~1.60..I.R.4~mp~. Q~nL. ... , ". ~ , .. " i ~ ~ t " .~ ~ , " "\ i 11 ! } .! __.___._.,.._ .._J..Tl!.~ _.~~~_E!,Pro.Ptlr':~.Y ..1"'8. __~:J,ct ."'_U.9J~o~. _w_Q.or ~ln. reatrlat Ions Q antal11 ad.__..._.___ _.____....... ..._~.!l_~_~~glllti 1 d~ed._~.o ~~\Ii!.!"_4_~_!t_'!.ml t]1...._.!'!at~h_ ..<lee4J,s ber~~3_madt) pad________. ____........ ._of __121.1s . 0'0I1veIaIl~~...~_d__~~.~~._~_~b..~..PQ17t.Yoftho . aeoolld part.) _ ..._...,.._______ IS WITNf.SS WIlf.RI-:OF, 1M ....id ,,>It l.tl8 of the first part ha_.V&. be,<untu ~t \helr hand. . an.1 .....al 8 . Ihc da~' .nd lnr abo,'e w,itltn. 1 i .1 1 J '" ... I -~ ~ .1 1 I ~ TOGF.:TIIER ...ith ~II the ltnnnnih. h('rrolt~mmt$ &lid appurt('~ncItJ. ."ith ~'~ry t~ri\ll('.((". rifc,ht. hl'('. IlltcU" ~,~.t ..4.!~t('. ,I,'~'::c.r ;tnc1 rich. IIf ,ttl1l.('r. rc\"c-uivn. 'e......i"'kr an.1 ruemr..t Ihereto b<-lonK;ng or in anywise :apprruining: TO IfAVf. .\:\11 TO 1101.1) tbe ~nle in iee .im;ole ior..nr. ~J And th~ ...iJ "artilHl 01 the lirst parI do..._u. wnn:ant wi,h the ...i.1 I~rt iI ..f ,h~ ..........114rt that tha;v8T8 .I...fully ",i.col 01 th~ s.>id prnaioes. that t~ >It Ir.,., from all inccmbrantti and thaI .thoy -.have ..-.K"'"j riJ(ht and b,.fal :all.ho,it)' to sell the "'me: an.1 the .aid rart. lae .. of the 6..1 put do_ _._... h<reb, lulJy .....nt the litl~ t'l ...id bn.1. :and will ddm" the ..nit aK~in.t .be I:a... 1,,1 cbirr.. ..I .11 p<",,"n< .. hom.......<<. Sigmd, scaled and delinrN in 00' pru~nc~: 3. L. Ham.bloton G. L. _ 3ulllV6Il 1 I 1d~&rd I.~. 3::11 fih Pea rl . J. ~mi th .(SF_\I.) "_'''_p' ._p_m_._u_(SF_\I.) -------------.--..---...--.-..--- --- - -------------~_._----- 1 .~ STATF. OF i'lorlda COV:':TY OF :it. Luoh f IIEI>EIIY Cf.RTfFY. That ..n this 29th _. .'. .._._.:}~!i~ <!. JJ... .~.U.b_.IU1d Fun rlA.L ._;>.cL1.th_._._____......_..___.. ....._ p .da)' of _P_P....u_._..1;t,tr.()11_______._____..A. D. 19&__ befo,e _ personall)' app.a'~ . 8 . ck..-ribe.s in and .ho urcuttd the fOl"qoing cornt)aact': to ____._n.uh__!-.~.~.~_inJJ...!_~J tol:J._~ . __ .'.._P._' _and searall, aclm.,wkd);ed the ....cution tbe.."".1 t,) ~. th a1 r :and ,,",I f.., t"~ U~i .1HII'urt..~, therein rft<"1lti...."'I; and I.......i.t u_h___:..:.....____f.a!i._~.!........~~ tn ~ kOQ....n loa be- Ih~ loCf4nn ... Ir.,.. :act tbe ..if. ..I 1M ...;d.. _. . ...1~ 'f.8.r d .1:.. ...~1.1;b.._..._.______. . . .. 00 . . on a separate and p,inte u..amia.ation takrn an.1 ,.>a,1t b,. .nd Id"" 1tN'. and '<1"".''''' and .pa,t from h<r uid baotoan;J. did ackno..kclKe that she _<Ie be'KIf a part)' to 1M said Deed of Con..cyaace, for 1M pDrpoK "f reaouncinK. relinqui.hlng .rod coo'"Q1Dlr .11 h.. righl. titk and interest. ..,,",tlltr of dower rw of upa,ate PU'Pt",. .tatotory or ,equluble, in .nd 10 tht laMS tht,~in rkKribed, and tl-.:at she eucuted .aid deed Irttl, and yoltmtaril)' and ..ithoot an)' constraint. fea" a~l'reMnsion (If compuhion of <II from b<r u:.Jhlnband. --, WITl'F.SS 01)' silfll.lture and official" ..al at. " .... hh6'ort-Pl_~ _____ _00'_'_ .__...in 1M Count)' of an" S"'c ..f -~f() 1d8 the d., and )'ur last alor~said. . _ ~ t fd)' uQ.1 8._...____.__0._ rw, li G. L. SulliV8l1 1:atn.ry Putllo. :Itnte o~iid8--- L!y '-oommI8B 10n 8Jqilraa "Oat. 2'd. 1927. . ..(SEAL) On Ihi, d.). of !:arah .\. n. I?! 6. . al 2; 28 o'ck.c:k 00 p.. 00 U. thi. inst,amtnt was I ! ! ) ! 4 1 ~ flied f.... ,rond. and borillJr duly ad.n....kdlC~" an.. "",nn. I han ,ttorded lhe ...not 'of1 p:age. _. .I).?. ..... of Bonk . g~ _00........ in the public ,<<old. 01 said Cocmt1. IN WITNESS WHPlF.4>>'_1 hue be,eu..to Id 01)' hand and ;o!lixe<I tbe KaI of tbe Circuit Court of 1M ~lt. Judicial Cil'nlil of said Stale, in and for said r_~_ i/JtoC:J.... ~~(~{ _CQ .ro~4r.L1$_;___-_a.n. O<'~\ '.~?:- .,.n ~ ~/.~.. ..._.1>. C d~Y <0, . -. ~'_ ~- ;~ l \... J I 1 :; ?:.;:~"'i?;'~:{;<f:~.:~?:.,j-~;J; . ~ ~~.'... >..~~:::.~~?;;~~j;~~~~;2:..