HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0680 W~.~_ ~__ ~n~_ . _ _.....--- ...............1&1.... ~a.. ;~~- I I I i ~~ 80 ! , l~ WAUANT'Y DaaD 0...1 ........ No. AI, St. I..... (',..", FIo<i4&. ...-----...---~ - - ---.- +... - ~- ..~ -~. ~.- - ----, _.-........~A. ~. -:- TillS UmRNTURF.. UaJ~ Ibls__._.__~~.Q.9~~_..n._...._, ___daJ of __....__J~Il~~.!'L___._... A. D. 192~n_"" bnwem ._____..._______!JlaIll88 Roden ~~Jl!.~t.!.!.f~..J!!ud~_!!a_d..~____.._..._.______________. _...___ ____.n..__ ...1 :~ Coull.,. of...__.__..... ~ehl'..J.\!g.1~L.._ ~._.n__..and Slat~ of ._ ...._~:la rld.~. ...._... ... "n..'. _'_"_ ...._.... _... ._.. ..1'6ul.D. '.UIJe.H ..._.___.0.0.0. ____..... . _... of lbe Counl)' 01 .. :381l!...t Luoie ...;>lId Stal~ of Flor1c...' .....__._._.. ._.p:arl~!~ of t~ first pan. an,l pari 1.-. of the $<<,....1 pul. ) i t I I I I i . j I I I j . ; WITSE$l'F.TH. th;>1 t.... ",,;'1 "art 1e8..1 tl~ first losrl. I,,~ and in e,.."idcutiOl' ..I Ihe sum 0:' ._9!1~__DaXl.ll.l'..~-!._~ ~ ~~r__'~ 81.1!f:l.l!l!_()~~.!.I!!!!:r ~~..l~.~.~_.JIlIrDQ:lC. to th8Dl_.__in t..,nd raid. Ih~ ,cmpl whe'tOf is hmhy a..k11<,.kJI(<t1. ha. T.g.. II"DI~. bUlaincd. sold ~ transfen-~. and by tbese pr~ser(ls do.~'~._ (IranI. baC"llai... ull and \lansfe, unlo tbe uid parl_'3._ uf Ih~ S<<Oi>d part and .__._..._...l1.t~h_'_' ...heirs and a~s~ns forner, all thai e~'tain parul of bnd lying and t.<in. j" !"" County oL._~~1nt. Lualll.._._.n. .n.) Slat~ 01 _. 00 .' ?lorlda m<>lr f>;>,ti.-uhrly &suibed as foll...o: _._00..._._ '.' _.__...__.__..00_ . ._...00_ .... .. '.nh....._.h LQ\Slx (6) Blao.k .?artl':"~~Bh~..J~~) __()f. ~11t~~re PO!.t a~_pe~ >>lat. reoor4ed_... . . _.._. _ _._ lnPl~t ~()a~.4 L Pag~.. 62u~~~~!~~._~~...~.~~~uo!_e C"-1!.nt.~..!... ~!~.!ldo ~_._____.___ ._._ __un. _______._._!h18_.~!~~_!_~...~_d_~._~~~J~~!.. to. all ~~~ oondl t1o~~, reBt::-l~..!~_~~!._a..!l~ l1ml_tat10~1~__'__h ~.!....!eo.i t~.!..!~....o_~..!'ed _t..r~~~~_?.'_.!3ra9well to. Thomas Roden under date of 2nd .__ ____. ~d_O f.Oo t,. 19.26. Ba1 dd.Cl~.\L od.ngJ-'.Q.Q.rd~d...J,!L~ee.~_li~.Q~._.!'Q_.~.!n?A8 e 40' _...__._.____ --.---.-.--. reo.ordad of. 3 t. LUQ Ie ...Counti ._1'1or1dIL.a.n~.!Jholl_bo _.aQc_e.!l~ed ._@_QQ.!~non~..!!..l'Ul1l1t~8.__.__. .00._______. .. with. ss1 d ..land and b 0 . b 1nd1na .UP01LlliCl..1!a.!'.aQ.L!h~L~l!(}.QJ.1.~_M:r.t.L.hi 8 _.he i r~"'_n_......_.n_._._.... . n.r.preseu ta ti veaalld 8881g118. ___._...______.__n_____._.__-:;:--_.. '__"'h" '__._ . -.----..-.-.---.---.---.------.--------..-..----------.-. .--.- .--..--."-...------ - ".- ..._- ....-------------.----- -..---------------.- _. --._----_.---..-.-_. ..---.-..---..-..-.... - ._- ".. -.-------. ------- --_._._..._--_..._._---_._-_._.--~_... ---.".-.----.-----.-.... TOGETHER .ith all tht' Itntll'M"UI". btrMil.l.R1f'1lh and ~ppurt('lUnct's. with t\"r'f)' l.ri,-ik--~('. ri;-hl. titlt-.. iratC'r~1 and ('~t:.ll('. ,t"'Atr 3ftd ria:ht uf ,I-......tr. rf"\"...iolll. rrmair..Je, ~nd r,,>clDffit Ihcr~l.. bdun>tinll 0' in an".i~ "~rt.ininll: TO 11..\ V F. ,\~() TlJ 1I0l.U tho: "'_ in fce \lmple for.ur. And tbe s"i<I ra,t 1, e 9 "j Ih. fir$t ".lit do 0.___ c<.\~"",.t wilh the ",;'1 '""'t Y. oi Ih~ .........d part tlul the:; 8!eh_ _ .__lawfully .ri,ed ..f th.. ...id pr~.. thaI tMY ..~ Irtt from all incumLrancn and that. .the,._havd .._ -11:,.....1 ,iAhl nd b..lol .uloor;l)' to ..II 1M "'lilt': .nd tho: uid lo.>..rt lo.t) of 1M ] first put do._.. u h<lrbJ lull)' w.ur"nl Ih<: title 10 .aid land, "nd will drlcnd th~ ..m< :l$t"in.t 1M b..iul c1"im, hf ;>11 ....'~m' ..1><>10"""0.,. IN WITSE:::::: WIIEREOF, the ..,id ~rt ..L'!!Joi lbe fint ...." h.!_~._ ~rwnl.. ""t their ha...1 8 "nd .....1 8. . lho: d.y and l"'" "00,,, .. 1111, n. SiJraed. ...I<d .nd dcli,er~ in our pr....m.: . u....._ -..-.Roy.~&dwell hu___....u A. .H.3~eWfl:rd h.. '''00 . ~ . '.n ... ~ Thor::a8 ~odon :!oude Roden _u _ I SI-:.-\l.. (SI'_\l.1 --------.-- ------ ----.-- --.-.-... ------ - -------...-- --- ----- ._~_-~.~-~~~-;c:-.~ STATE OF. ?LO:U~A UDIT lU:;I3 (.l.W r. ~. sta.r:1P no t calloelHld) "OUSTY OF I HEREIl\. CERTIFY. That ,on thiL_. l' Jurtih..._...__.u. .<by 01....._ _ JOOJ.J.arL-___._..... pm_ally aflPm~ _.' . 00 ThQma8Rodtlll...and...~uU_~9_\\.t.D__ ..__ .___.__...:.__.._._ ._...___u_~. D. 191. 6 .... bef"r. me 10 In< Iroo"n to be th<: I...r..... 8 .Ie..ribe-I in "".1 "hJ> u<<ut.d the "-""1(0;"11 ennnY2nc~ to. ..Fa~l_.i). ..T.111!)t~ __,_._. .00."...1 '.....:aII}. ""know.....IJ(e.1 .he nunli"" 'h~l<..i t.. b. _.. tho ir i(('(' 2fl .nd dttd f..r lhe us", and purp"~s lberrin _nl~......I; ~ 1M ",,~I _. llauda Ro dev.._____n '__'_'''__'''_ __.__ __...n_.___... lbe ",ilt of 1M said. .._._......... ... .~110fllO~ Ro~e.l1 _"n.... .. ... _. . .._.___ ..._ ._..... . ._.... 0000 __. .. ..... a ........te "nd print< n..minal~.n talr.... and ....de b, "nd brio... mr. and ......r.tdy and :apart from h..r ..id husband. di<l ""k.....wle-fK~ IMI .... "",de bcrKIf " part). to the said Ond oi Cun,.t)-ance, for the parpc>H of rnPOllDCinrr. r~liaqui.hinll .nd ronsq;nl! .11 her right, titl~ and intern\. .h,"ther of do.er or 01 Up."lIt rroprrlY. sUtut<>ry or ...uil~!.k. in and to the Jan.h therein &Ktibe-t. and that she u<<atrd uid dttd fredy and voluntarily "u<! "ithout anJ ~onSlr.int. fear, "pJ-rrbensioa or eompuhioa ui <>r ir,~m be, s.id husband. WJl"SFSS "'y s.....ture and official .....1 .,.... ...i'ort ~1.r.oe .. .in Ih,. C our.ty ..f 3..'lm t LUQie i s 1 i 1 1 I ! ~'.. .he ....). and yrar la.1 ;>f".......i<l. .nd SI"lr ..I STATE OF F1.0RID. County of SI. I.uci<. .~~ _... --~-,- J - -. . - - -- ....i :.r()~.ry :publiO rorAthi.3UtlaE~ ~or146.ftt lnrlu~;" &.:~-oommr9Slo1~-8xPIte8 :)80.-19, 1920~-. . . -- 11\ WITliF.5S WHEREOF, I h....~ hereunto ad my hand and affixed the seal .)1 the Ci,euil Cou,t of the I-'iftcenth Judicial Circuit of said State. in and ~~ . ~ .!Z,0 (, ^ \. . C" Ii' ~<.~ ~\ ~~ . ~(>~i.)) ~\ for said I Or. I,," _ .. <by..f .lpr 11 .~. U. 1916. "t 9; 12 u',I'JCk... lJ., thi, i",IrwtK'n1 .", tiled f-,.. ,<<Ofd. and beinc duly ackn"wlcdJlc.J and ..ro\~ I han recur.!..d t.... "'.... on ~ _80.__. .. . of 11001,-... . (j(t_ ..... in t1~ public ,reo,'" of ..id l'OUDt,. n - ~ ..". '. _j>._.c.~u.r_.e..lt. 1;>~ a..\c...'Q .0.'" . I). C. ;/}~~;d; u?~:: :D.~;~~;'}';i:~ . 't ..,.. ~.~.~~i;}.~I~t~:;i]~:.~~7 . . -_0" _ --;. -" ~:-.!!. f,,. 4-