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I I VIIA SCANNED uct Approval rdiePlank® La.p Siding For use inside HVHZ:. o HardiePlank Lap. Siding fastener types, fastening schedule; and. installation shall ,be in accordance with the Miami -Dade County Florida NOA 17- 0406.06. Consult the HardiePlank product installation instructions on1he follow pages for all other installation requirements. For use outside of HVHZ, o HardiePlank Lap Siding fastener types, fastening schedule, and installation, shall be in .accordance with Engineering Evaluation Reports RIO-2683=17, RIO-2687-17, or RIO-2688-17. Consult the HardiePlank: product installation .instructions on the follow pages for all other installation requirements. FILE COPY CONCEALED FASTENERS OR ATTACHMENTS ARE THE RESPONSIBIUTY OF THE . CONTRACTOR OR RECORD THESE PLANS AND ALL PROPOSED WORK ARE SUBJECT TO ANY CORRECTIONS REQUIRED BY FIELD INSPECTORS THAT COMAY PLNECESSARY WITH ALgpp ORDER TO E CODES. ST. LUCIE COUNTY BUILDING DIVXAON REVIEWED FOR COMPLIANCE 4� ,1 4 /i D DATE U PLANS AND PERMIT MUST BE KEPT JOB SITE OR NO INSPECTION(S). WILL E MADE H a rd i e Plankc Lap Sid ing il 'Wvie \EAPRL2018 lm-n -01 map-, Uq' aq IM13,RXECT'll co�wtyvvra-i'r�r!' i(YU 1- ERJ -';M'qySg�j 17 JWM,�-r . , ':' i�c q- - jj t-; , WeAFR— FP ZD IPYVV -rIA1 ruTli w M_ IT IN F—�X�L Ijtj,,:yIll u w Y*QJ.�I9-�%llf-"'I)��i�T HL'Ryl FR'a.or 1"6FXWID2SP4-!iI'N1:r �MCRIAM Qs' NG CUrDOCRS . INDUM .ftellail: arxidweredpal installation 1. Fts timad sL-,Vcn so ti airnam bta-6 dust ap,- user and, 'jfr=ft C te s n 0A n g am a , Z OLA W DDMXgdrd or ct� Y& a pmer ��m kd=s.,Qjt usir -c,r d6nfi�-) cr the s03-6 ad6rei) n-atil nOt fe=nTMiQ f&Ptik& &"(!�thl install sidirg vgt or saturated MEV m9crecill --fdlcv.irg ni 7116h, reWt in dTirftge bwjdntg:.canypjaon !'d*", Fi anibriers frorTj hedog- arBast' '(1-lar—e_WPPW.VftaH3deaaW_�atlaa:b and --lizidied %Qx= dO cd1ecUon bysieI (171 W-10C cr cletic),ney dsqbe w4, Do qXdiyqUp dMt -UM %,t dust &Ippressicri & %=Lfffi t3 6116d da jamesAT 6 is, "efiord'arrall; byi st �—'PCIIISI , . pca not --niended ki pukjc[s'thc;6�r fl�l 7116 I b. Batter 'QIW.T sl4ecripped, Wth a dus(PUIPCOOdleabixe ll rrodrl di m1cl Jmias 11-kd;e mdoi� Wng #Li.-Besr,culfirg irg oll (eakMfSwardaHgdeSakwwb(.dJ Fbr best perfarnarim.wtpri c&ng vi.t-h a cirmix -brde m=mnent wN, Jarest 14. C. Gicif O-JIT—eqdppEdvLioaHadeSadesavtiacL--- idng IIrd -ell , Fbro=rudUcnsaes CSMJJ that oArrj fiber gent rreadbduErs indnxb= rEI I ev=m bell theCIEFA Fill Egmn I P4 for resprAe olystMimsilic,, WkIlAftnEed krachlicnal r-Or-ftyproteci Ii ae =Are abotA howtomn-0ywth Cr"Asgimdd reqUE&m. cMWtaqtdifjed indLishid trygiedstcr-edelly p, 1-farde tecill sles repieserl El Icing 6 can ber'sWled over-bzceI or steel studs, 209buW(33rril�)ryirin=tol6gMW(54i-dls)nBdnuA spaced.amedrrmof24in,o.c.,or.deecay:to ml 71 n thck CS3 sheathing. See General FWevng FbquIrements. Irregularifies: in.fral-ling and sll>eat ng can mi through i ftflnis .. . imftffim Ciffm i licati appcin-,(bTect ffegulcirities A Ordlarnation4r6iit](ingJanes FWeprod ctswe- ro-,nii&evj)strates (ec gW%M foarRetc.) can belocated in JI-1-feldh[ ielinl9al v"wjamelwdie.com E]A=-resI-ct 113@11iier is recOried inaccordmolaWthlocal building code requirements. lb-swater-resistive barriermust: beapproprialtelyimtAledWth penetration ardjuncticniflashng in coordar"Ifflocal building code,reqdremel James FlarCi MSI- no reSPOMIJ for VGler lhfiltr2ficn. James Fi3rcfe does martfacture FlairddW W21har Barna, a ral-MMM perfil housawag, which coaplies Will Widirg code requirements: Offleniristalli "Jme-FbdeprodoseJldPwmlcE�deWlsin�gs-3-14mz4befdlmrad. DableVO F;q.LLTe'jr Jacaltfitisg-ade , s,lq)eavayfromth--bd.ldng.inaamrft=Wth local 94eMl 1nust -buIlding Codes - typically a mininun construction Corawdion let -in li Ebanbt,of 6 in =�OeRarv% lap sidingiriRisda or Min applicallorm . - Ill 24 in. ota rw I LJD) not install JDHarcrieRarm ElDonxill ElFbirlargerpro signIffmint in I mcistureal Cha-cdeisfic OwwHardie heig!'11 of 85 fe MTPLLAF Qie'cr a of more reWredby _ y AJoint Hasthin- , o R-adildnVT 1 krWcrRus and Q2orR ffierell J ' di don6t:cadkAl Colicti'lus. ca "Fr .jointer Wa.11 'Fbr.'ad0o�W 1 JAYAWU Tress Hardie products, such MAhey may remain in contact Will standing.water, or ng siding may be installed on flat vertical wall applications any. R.cillalkyd base paint, or ponder coating on James Flarcl Froducts. z, Including commercial and irriulti-family,prqeds, Maethespandthe%dl Is gh the designer and/or archtects!'Wdtake into consideration the coeffiderl of ftmal spardon aid art dtheproduct intheirdesign. Thesevaluescan befcund inthe'-fechinicall BUIetin"Sipansion James Fbddl ScUrg Roducts:' at iMmv.jarreshardie.00m. Ift Raducts provides instaillatiorMind load infaTriationfor- bOldingsi-vith a rirwimurn mean roof Fbr iniaTnation on insWiaticns above li feet, pleass'iontad JH technical vAVw. N' JCINTTF;FAIMENT 2 fdlowngjoint treatment options are r. refierenced 20.09 ll FU03.10-2) Slid BiTies: Flardle reocimmel lrxj Is not recommended Miter aestiAc reasons as the Wdrij barrier rest " 11 wean ie same reason, rU line (f nEg be is nI tielutiesr 314 irl I in km top C! Oak) M V8 in. fnxn edi cr Oank, Legs aWqxiale gap bE(VAM Ill I in garft—rd birn. tw cailk*� modelideoxii el'buti aW Pockim a sNm ckffewx* when Ompa� to ft field ' pari lted PkirI 'Pder (o QdWrg section in'ftw instri d:6WaP(D Vteffia 2xner, ==R , James I-hrde at 1-8W411mde or\wA0wd!miap.ccrri es Jill IIIIIIIIIIII11111111ppil III 0 Q 0 is . III Ill ,"212=rl- Ifisil a i 1/4 ITi stater ship to —tFqaCOrdStUgpark -rge most recent version. 1-01119 PIN '04118 CLEA,RANC AWD FLASF1(C3 i;EQUIR MIIEtNITCR Figure.3 Figure 4 ;irv%tot/.ral!' iori?citital Flashing Deck to Figure 12 DUp Edge FASTENER Rigid Nailing is tie used in eonji Finish nails.ar into min.. 3/8ir BLIND NA1LI Nails -Wood Siding nail (0 a 11 ga. roofut� Figure 8 Gi'oilnd to Sidina 6 In. Finure 1 ,foOk t QUIREM,ENfS " i.'f in. not caulk Figure 5 Figure 6 Kitkbut Ff sfift Sfabs, Path. { As required by IROcode min4 rn. x4.in r Figure 9 Figure i0 Cilti:er to, Sicling 811Oftered Area3- �vn Z-Flashing. s n 4[4t, Min. n. l� in. Figure 14 I?: Vzilley+/Shingle Extension �iin. Ya in.. U9 nofcaulk 12 V1 in. i MardieWlank3i' Lap,,Siding to-SWill L-Flashing A in: �e preferred riethod•of installation "for HardiePlank'-• lap siding produr..ts, l ace Bailing should'onl t lie used where rerliiired h)t codeJorhigh nand areas aiid mast nol �etion with Blind nailirig (Please see JH lech bulletin 17 for exemption Linen doing a repair). Pin -backed comers maybe donefor aesthetic,.purposes.Only. 'recommended for pin -backs.. Headed siding nails are allowed. Place pin -backs no closer than t in. from plank ends & 3/4iri-froin plank edge .wood sfructural�panel, Pin-backs:are not a substitute for blind or face Bailing VG FACE NAILING raming Nails -Wood Framing . J9 in. shank x 0:221 in. HD x 2 in. long). ° 6t1(0.11:3 in. shank it 0.267 in. fiD:x 2 in. long) nail (OA 2.1 in. shank x 0.371 in. laD x. 1.25 in, long) Siding•nail (0.09" shank x0.221 " HD r 2 `4or g) Screws Ste 'I Framing. Rib hPri 4Vafe' head or equivalent (No. 8 x 1 1/4 in- long x, QScrews.must penetrate 3 threads into metal framing: Nails - Steel FT & F:pani Nails inust pE OSB minima �11 qa. roaf it Bibbed Wafi Men tace na Nsiteee tern nails or equivalent (0.10 in. shank x 0.313 in. HD x :1-1/2_:in. long} minimum 114 in.:into metal framing. 1 7/16 in. nail (0.121 in. shank x 0.371 in. HD x 1.75 in. long) -head or equivalent (No. 8 x 1 5/8 in. long x 0,375 in. HD). Screws - Steel Framing o Ribber) bugle head or equivalent (hio..8 18 x 1-5/8 in. long 0.323 in. HD) Screvis musi penetrate 3 thrP.ads-into metal framing. Nails - Steei Framing FT & F pin or equi silent (DA 0 in. shann.x, 0.25-41. k1D x 1-1/2 in. long). Nails nlust.perTetrate miliimunl 114 in. into rneral framing. OSB minimum 7/16:in. a Siding nail (0.09 in. shank x:0.221 in. III) x 1-112,in. Iona)` vto i l S,. PFanhl Inost he no greater than is 9 114in. wide 3nil iasix?ners gnus be 12 nl: Ol c. or !AOrs, E a taniny Requ renlentc, and :rt:+;rl.cansfd *into al:erraGv:3 f isteniny:opf.4n., re;er to J ivies Hardia's T hrccai 5ultei:n l 17 - F,t t cling Tics to Hiirrl ePla.nk tap Ming. NS111.19 PV4 04M } ry. FA TE9i E A - 0-UN Ei»StAEN T s tel nfl ntt�''`d lgcte tti F",gi1rc $1 Stud ,C Omax Minimum overlap _— for Both Face and Blind Nailing Nail'Unef Blind Nail min. 1 1/4 ire. overlap 201 I 'J Water Resistive 1114 min. / Banter .Hatd16P1ank0 Lap Siding 24' --ii Stu{ O.C. max lr Joint Flashing 1 1/4° min. Overlap Face Nail Wa et rResistiv© /' Barrier Laminate sheet to be removed immediately after. installation -of each course for ColorPlus°products. EN psli' ► SZTENN NG REQUIROtfEar'N F,S Fasteners must a corrosion resistant galvanized; or stainless steel. Electro-galvanized are .. . tabie_ ut may exhibit premature corrosion. James'Hardie recommends the use of quality, Itt-dipped galvanized. nails. James Hardie is not responsible for the corrosion'resis rice offasteners. Stainless steel fasteners'are recommended when Iristailing Jam lHardib".. products near the ocean, large bodies ofwater, or in very VanufacturerlEm"'pro'dudis. ACQ and. -CA preservative -treated wood recommend spacer materials or other physiarriers to-preVent direct contact of ACQ or CApreservative-treated fasteners used to attach HardieTrim Tabs to preserva five -treated Wid shall be of hot dipped zinc -coated galvanized stee['.or stainless steel and, in accordapce.to 2009 IRG R317,3 or 2009 IBC 2304.9.5 Consult app Cable product -evaluation or listing for correct fasteners type and placement 1 achieve specitied'design wind loads. 0 . NOTE,Publi ed wind loads may not be applicable Wall areaswhere°Local Building Codes have pecificjtiristliction:: Consult James -Hardie Technical Services if you are unsure of a plicable compliance -documentation. a, Drnre'fasten rs perpendicular to siding and framing. m Fastener he' ds should fit'snug against siding (qo air space). o NOTE: When ver a,structurai member is present, HardiePlank should be fastened with even spad to the structural. member. The tables allowing direct to OSi3 or plywood should oniyl a used when traditional -framing Is not available. Caulk, paint'or prime all field cut edges. James Hardie touch-up kits are required to touch-up Co101;'Ius products. For best resul I use an'Elastomeric JointSeaiant complying with ASTUI C920 Grade NS, Class 25'orhi er ora1atex Joint Sealant complying with ASTM 0834. Caulking/Sealant, must be appll in accordance with the caulking/seaiant.manufactumrs t•,rritten instructions.. Note: some c uiking manufacturers..do not allow "tooling". James Hardie products can be hand nailed or fastened with a pneumatic tool. Pneumatic fastening is highly recommended.. Set-* pressure so that,the fastener is driven snug,with the surface of the siding. A,lush mount, attachment on the pneumatic tool is recommended. This villl help control the depth the,nail. is`driven. if setting the nail'depth• proves'difficult, choose a setting:thatunder drives " the nail (Driye'under driven nails snug with a smooth faced hammer, -:,Does not:apply for SNUG FLUSH installation. to steel4aming); 00 NOT UNDER DRIVE IF, THEN, .WOOD FRAME HAMMER FLUSH STEEL ,FRAME REMOVE&: REPLACE DO NOT IG S, OVER :SLANT DRIVE IF, THEN ADDITIONAL11AIL FACE NAIL COUNYRSWK & RLL DO NOT USE ALUPAINUM FASTENERS CLIPPED :HEAD -NAILS STAPLES. DO NOT use s m,.ol/alkyd base paint, or powder.coating on JamesHaniiO Products. Factory -primed James Hardie products must be.painted,within 180.day6'oflinstallation, 100% acrylic pcoats are recommended. Do not paint when wet: For application rates refer to paint manufacturers specificafions. Back rolling is taco. mmenrJed if thesiding: ,Is sprayed. HS74119rP3/4 •04/18 HardlePlank" Lap Siding GtJtLOOPl USr TEO'HHOLOGY taAULK 1G, `i"GURCEs-UP &'iLA IMIJE * Caretshould'be akenwhenhandling and cutting James Hardie9 ColorPlus*`products.,.During installation use a.wet soft cloth or soft` brush,to:gentiy.wipe off.any residue.or cons ction dust left on the product; then rinse-ivith a garden Bose. Touch up nicks 1 crapes,andnail heads usingAhe ColorPlus-DTechnology touch-up:applicator.Touch-up.should be used sparingly. if large areas r uire touch-up, replace -the damaged area.with neva HardiePlank�' lap siding with,ColorPluSP Technology. Laminate shee, must be removed immediately, after installation of`each course: Terminate non- actory cut.edges'intoltrim vahere possible, and caulk. Color matched caulks are available-from.your ColorPlusP-productdealer. ctTreat all,other on -factory cut edges using the ColorPlus Technoiogy'edge coaters, avallable from your ColorPlus.product dealer.. Note: James H.arieAdes notwarrant the usage of third party touch-up or paints used as touch=up on,James Hardie 0616&i6s.protlucts. When repaintin b1sure'the sl Repriming.is '01100% acrylic • D0•NOT use * Appiy finish c i- DO'NOT caul This coverag ordedrig,ofp L`OGE'iit. Fi p 1=uat it tiL� r. ,r n!f,C(U�st .YARiJ!1,MG ,9�Ctt0r72it0;1:1n F l.t r� {f:• a r" ad 1 ira�zi'eat�ti>Fitrx. ce or, performance arising from use of third -party touch-up paints or paints used as touch-up that are not,James Hardie_touch up ti,dill-not be covered ColorPlus Limited Finish Warranty. . ,z"'EARDIEG 0-INGi AND S P M4 PRODUCTS ODUC S VV4 4 i�B G0 J.0,f$- '�YS fl t i..I.fL fN 0 C_Oa B, is,products, James Hardie.recommends the.following.regarding,surface preparation and topcoat application: aean,:dry, and free of any dust,.dirt, or mildew not necessary t, oil/alkyd base paint; or powder coating on JameS:Hardie¢'Products. in accordance with paint manufacturers written instructions regarding coverage, application methods, and' application'temperature it heads when using ColorPlus products, refer,to the:ColorPlus touch=up section not include waste LESS %¢KINGS (Is4=aoosq.a) (exposure) 5114, 4 s.&RDiEP;W1 1p,,/2SIDIN%WIDTH 5 6 6114 63/4 8114, 7 91/4 8 91/2 81/4 12 10314 1 25 20 17 1.6 15 14 13. 13 9 2 56 40 33 32 30 29 25 25 19 3 75' 60 50 48 44 43 38 38 28 4 '100 80 67' 64 ;59 51 50• 50 37 5 125 100 83 0 74 71 63 63 47 6 150 120 100 95 89 86: 75 75 56 7 175 140 117 112 104 100, 8 a:88 65 8 200, 160 133 128 119 114, 100 190 74 9 225' 180 150 144 133 f29. 113 113 84 10 250 '200 167 160 148 143 125 .125 93 93 11 275 220 183 176 163 157' 138 .138 102 12 300. 240 200 192 178 171 150 150 112 13 325 '260 217 208 193 186 163 163 121, 14: 350 280 233 224• 207 .200 175 175 136 15 375 300 250 240 222 214: 188 188' 146 16 '400 32.0 167 256 237 .229 200- 200 •149 17 425. 340 -283 272 252 243 213 213 158 18 450 360 306, 288 267 257- 225, 225 167 19 415 '380 317 304 281 271 239 238 177 20 500 460 339 320 996 :286 250 -25Q 186 meantas a. guide..Actual usage is subject to variables such as -building design. James-lardie does not. assume responsibility for over. -or under HS11119 P414 04118 r ! r,,xri dit,tri n,piCducf sa.ha! d C� :r a -t stt iraspf".tltysystean'?(trbys', nfirredirlep�,c j1uPaiau >z du iian'p!�u kc(€;-tltietwrortpfc:n ,� ecrf+a'..1s e..tv,,.ac,e M atell1 `jl?# LLef temcf$ of i from Cry"iaiiir il,r r f ri. i fit,- 2 }n. J a i„ c`'dies el!tt(J,,iWbli, 741,,LIt i, del Illi1 l .1VU6rq, sm inu, Gft..+i!P i:r pi m - of r8',r, ftLV ,C;Its A,.},#,, )f Of "1 R_ t� the tiLSi _t,t�, r t N! 7 r, i { BS .'"rr !ta: jr; i )• t.•le,uCS Vca mist, � 1) "Vmriy tit, t:?' �j$'f�r s!.,2'1 ;1 ft! !r 1 d r:,? a nricr fi}iit i!^k.l a'e a:.,. , u??r..�_7t'b t �i� ;: sf?7nSj r<d !m^m.4+ice e,�e d� c is) ,tef r t is ,lec f .., is Fzr'n1 hNc+ist { i rhslt .?, s,fsiu tIll cr E :o Edc! ;n{:c+li,+,a nKuc.sarcn:adu 3cm. r is r a r r u .f nta. ku. r :tt:.aLn v r .t �e s,atUSH se s er,:e is t rl w 35 au'sl;u:.::k Dulig'k t p, Inc, , e,t.,.3ti .�il7 c :, �et> n Cmd tee• n pii7pa e ,.r capnllq,� f:r._ ur., ,r:i. s ! dial of u;n. -n ve, lily J ;np. oassci can exc+Tse you+! is Ovat.cals (nCi ztfinFJ rE�l i 2Cle etg ZlSiine siiisa, Rtict7 iri kaowa to L4e Sale of alftemi tncHu,i a ;a:t. Fir min,n inform aftn go to"Lij a.nay r ar .P If h v t 5 �J 1!, ticj .r1 rat? EtJ i�;; t! �i 2<) twj., 111j 1a rf r;a 2 TC9 , $' 51+, k}e Micrni tP fi , t ti SP ifa,! ,it:4ii ?,5r: 2Lv4,i,, tilt,l,-c't.,afteC:1 r ideillot ce kr• •oit eiirl IL'a '} rift!" S e S.. ae •t l �l r i 7 r v i r i 6 tG) 3i c , t L rca! c I A � CrC I t t n� w' I t I- >i Ali e .ir �. N n , t ! t t a u, a r t t+ r , W r t t a r Clty c ,.t, Pale Pro J a . F.r7 t. 7 :6 ut<, of r rttl t n iig F, 89 i}cu :u y 0 J U. c nrpt i f' 1rn f a n t Rhie�rt u 3 J Y r + h t, �,uF.nte f �, v. t E1,161 .: I„u £� ?" C y u...,,1 Yarn !.c{,,._s 33 d r`a:,ft, .., i il4 f't tr c ? ,ursa „t r„tn S yitsne at;o uc. L .4�h .lri!,Ijal ih..i;l. rf tlld4 F7:ril;C!nl.,.p.cltL aj y,l �af,.ti.,. Inc. All dahts reserved ThS, RA and 0 Product war ands, satety Information and additional Installation FF,��;_,� HAiidle .E ksofJamesNardeTechnologyUmied, irdomat36nareavalableatjaFnetidepro,:cam.����