HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0778 II ,I 178 I: I L . .-~~~~~~ ~~~.~ '--1 ! - . -~ - -~.- - .~~ ....-. ll<<oI 11...,01 N.. U. SI. ....... l'.UIr. ,........ ,.. ~.~- -- ..._- -- - ~-::;. ...~...-- '''''{ . -:-~ TillS INOF.NTURF.. 1lade Ihlsd._____..____23rt.___._..___.da)' of. -._..______..JUU.. .----.----.---.---Go-o.rgtJ.Llio~Jlolla....a.nd_~llhflllll1J:ra._387nolda.----- --.-.-.______.A. D. 192.6 _... bet.<<n II !' 0' list ("4lUtI1y 0'- --..-..... St.._.Lua.1.t.____.____.....an<t Stale 01.._____.._ __.'lorlda _..._ .........-__.__._..__._..parl _ 01 lhe lirsl pari, and ~I ~:.~:~.I:..:,-:..-..~..--.--...--..:e.~~...:11-.....Z~~~.~-_..~~~~~:~: ~~~~e.._.~.~.....~~..~~~.~e__..~~.~~~..~:.~..~.~.~-~rl.J.e~.:~..I:~-.==.:.rl: " I. WITSE~SF.TtI. llul .he '.lid ".ul 1e801 lhe 1i,,1 part, Iv, and in con.id~nlion ..I the sum ..I. ..-Tell tIol1&r...aQ4..o ther .. H"__ n _.._____....__..l'aluable ...Qon81dlrat1.onB._ ___...______.Dolla.., 10. tballl...._.ia hand \'lid. tM rtcdpl .hertof is hem.)' ack""..I..Ij(<d, ha 'I.t... granltd, b&rKai....t, sold and lran.ltfTt<!. and by thes. "..senls do. tll. granl ba..ain, s<ll &lid lunsf.. onto tlst said ~rt_.1.'.' 01 the -.l pa<t &lid _____\.he1r_ ._Mirs and aUQms 'orn'.r. &II tNI <<rlain par<<1 01 land IJing and heine in Ib~ (""""I, ol.___.__.3t...l.1101&___.._..___......_.. __.._._ and ~I,I. ur ..... m I'l,orlda mo>rt I'&rlicubrl)' dtscrilotd u loll"..: ..._._._. "'_'_'''_''_''''.'.'''___......_..... _._..n'._n... .... Lo~ 121 _Bloot...I.7.of. L.lnQ.oln. fDU.I.l-IIlQrI__par.1;1Qularly__de 8or1ho.d___. __..__.___.__._.___..a }).~ ~ ~.~~J:1-~.-.m..!tt...lh~.JJ.Ji-.9;r~O'~_lQ.!Lj.- T.2.~JlqJU.P. atL~.I..J~IlK!.__._u.__.___n__... .__.__.4.O'ukn.".______._ I I ! ----...--..--.- -...------------.- ----.---.-.-- -.-------------------.-.--- - __.__..".____H___._____. .___._._._____._._....________..._.._. _ _.__h______.______.__._. TOGI-:TUEK .ilh all the' tnM'1JM"nt'. MrrllitJln!n1h and ~ppurtcf"'ar.c('"". with 1'\"("1'}" ,.ri,-ilrl(,. I';.:ht. tillr. llltrn',,' ar.-! CJ.!atr. .1"."(f .:lnt! ritcht Iii d.;'"tr. ft"1,.t'r"iou. "m&i",ltr and tastmtnl Ihrf<'.. hrlonKinl/ or in anp.i.... 'f>ptrl,ininl/: TO IL\\'\-: ,\SII TO JlOI.U lhe 1&_ in ff" _implt lorntr. And lb. ..id \'lrt ole 8,~1 Ih. Ii". I>&rl d.. '.. _ ""vCSl3nl ..ilh I~ ..~I 1"'1 1e 8..1 ,10. <<<ond porI tlLd they hay, __. la..-I"IIy ..-iV''' 01 II... uid ~ " I pr~mist.. tht lbty af< Ir.., from aU incuml"UKt. and thu.tbe Y ...h.~V1t. .n _Itoocl ri;zh. all.1 la....lul authorilY 10 ...11 tM ume; an,l Ih. .aid part 1 e8 oilhi' 1i,,1 ~rt do___.. hertb, lally ,.arranl Iht lille to> said land, and .ill d.-ftnd Ih.. '.&C.'" aKoin'l .ht la..lul claims 01 alll'<'r_'n. ..hom....nr. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said part i,f.~ 01 It... lirsl part han!~._ btr....nl.. ...t their hand 8 . and ...a18 . . I~... day and ytU abo,'. ..rill<n. Sijtned. snkd and ddiurtd in our 1'''Stnce: K. L. Soott Rober' Terry - -- ~ -- j Wilhelmina ~eYDQ1d8 George J. Reynold. ISF..-\I.1 (SE,\1.1 -------_..~_._._-~--- -"'---- -------.,------.- .-.-- . -----.----- ------- -----.- - ------- --- -_.-.- - ----- --- - .- .. -------.-----. _.- - _. -- STATE OF.. .rl~rlda 'f. . St. L.uo1e Cpunty i" COUST\' OF I HERF.RY CER1IF\'. Th'l .,., lhi. '. ~3rd oh)' of . _._. __..Juua.____nn. __. __, .._n___-^. D. 192 6., ""iort roe "....onally a",...r"'\ .n. qeorge _ .1, _R~yJ1()1!ll:th.1Uil:i.....!.UhtlllaJ:la..31.vJ1Old. _________.__._..._ ___ __. _"n'_' . .n_._.____ 10 me known I.. I", I~ I'<'"..n 8 drscrihtd in and who u<<uttd Ih" lorqoing (OlIn,''''''' I" __ n . HarJIBD. ~.ll X .1ul1a.1!aJ.l.-.------n ,- _alld .tHully a(kno.kd';<11 the ."nul;"fi Ihtrc,.i I.. I.... the1r Irtt a.t and dttd Inr lhe U~ and I.Uf}N'.... Ilstr.in tunlliontd; and I"" <aid . _ ___.____.!~~.!~~J,IIl_~~ ~ },!l()J~.' _,_____"'_.__..___ _.....n_. ____n... list wil. 01 Iht said ... . .'__n_. . _. n. _. __..., n. Ge or ge J . ..~ yo.o J,~ . ____.n___.~___..._.._... . __.. on a s.-pautc and printc tumi\l~li"n lakm and mad.. loy and Ixle..t rot. :and ,eparal<ly and a~rl from her s..id h...bond, d.1 ulmowlcdce llul u.. made herKIf a part). to the said lktd 01 l"on'!J'alKt.. lor list pu~ 01 rcnouzxinll, rdinq,,;.hiq aM COI1nylnll an Istr righI, lid. &II,! i'lI"u!. wbrther "I duwu <II' 01 StpOratc propcrt" sUltllGt'y or <<iu'Uhk, ID and 10 lbt lands thertin dnc,ibcd, and t1u1 sbt uecUltd said dttd I r.".ly an" 1"olunluil, and willK"'l any consuair.1. itar. apprthtnsioa or compuhion 01 or frvm ber saidbll$b&nd. WITNF.SS r;"I:~" w. ..,1'. no .1' 1<r9L. _... .__....... .. .,. F.~"" "' and Slole 01. .. 'r,,'''--? ?Ll'lO r1a . .=-0 _-_-Ihe day and ,..U last ~Iortsaid. K. L. S()~ t~ ".. .'.Hd' ... . __ I SF_-\ I.) -~ _ _.H~~a..!7~Ho tOr-_ ~.~ ~tate. O!_lol"1da I~,t J.HY'gsa ~ o01llfJi18aion exp1rea ..eptember Us 192'1. STATE OF Fl.Okll>4._l // C...unly 0' St. l.oci~_ r'- .it. LU018. ..._____ ___.__.... On this__. ..__.._ .l~ta . _ .d.ll)" HI ~\y'y .-\. U. 19! 6 .. at 11; 6ti,,'cloc:k H.' .1J~ this inslrumml ..;as fJ lilm 'or record. and Ixin. lul)' ad:oo.lcdxed and prottn. I ha.... recorded list same ..n~. _1'18. .._ 01 il<ook 68._._ _.. in II.. public: records 01 sairJ c-DIy. to .1 m, baad and a~~ KaI 01 .... Cirnait Court 01 .... FII~Judicial Circail 01 said SIa.... in aM lor wd O~~~~~' kQlJtd~c-- <r- ~ C; a..k I). C. .. ;..':~~ ~~.<~. ~:j..~:i<:~~. /;:~.(. ~;::~~:f,:~~:\: "I'