HomeMy WebLinkAboutLETTER OF EXEMPTION'SOUTH:.'FLORIDI�:WATER. MANAGEMENT- DISTRICTM. :. .............. ... ... .- ..-- ... . . -. ....- .. ... .. May 24, 201.8 r ... * "Deiiueri d via email :. : l`om Juliano * :. .... - (��9� ... .... ... _ ... . 3917. Shoreside 'Dr - ::. ::: Aff :. _ : . : Fort Pierce,-FL34949. . .... ::... . Subject:.: Exemption, for Juliano Dock - Application. No.:.180503=547. . Exemption, N6:'.56-1.00301-P St.Lucie County: Dear Mr: Juliano::. The- South' Florida.Water .Management District (District):. reviewed -,the :information -submitted: for. Construction of .a 344. square ,foot pile=supported-:dock -,and' a 156. square .foot boat:- lift, iri, accordance with.the.attached.exhibits,: at,39:17.Shoreside-.Drive,.Fort.Pierce,. in.St:'Lucie.Cou'nty,,:- Withinthe .Indian .Rivera Vero.Beach.t6 Fort' Pidree.Aquatic -Preserve, .Outstanding : Florida; Waters::The District.has determined -that: the: proposed 'project�is :exempt from'the. requirerrienfito .obtain...an- Environmental .:Resource Permit, � :pursuant -to. - rule: 62-330.051(5)(b), Florida, .:Administrative Code (F:A:G.). This.exemption-.ve.rification- also: constitutes a- Letter- of Consent for use of- sovereignty submerged:lands- io-accordance: with: section 18=24.0.05(1)(c)4,:F.A.C:.: Activities that qualify for this exemption_ must. -be conducted .and -operated_ using'appro ' i , qe best - management practices arid: in a, manner which:does`not.cause'or-:contribute to a -water quality _ violation. Pursuant to: Chapters 62-302 or 624; Florida Administrative .Code.: • ::: :. : . This letter. does -not relieve you from'the responsibility: of obtain ing:othergermits (federal,. state. or :local):which. may be required:for the project.: . :..The: determination that. this. - project. qualifies as. an,- exempt: activity : may.:be.:revoked': �if ' the :- M. iristallation: is :substantially modified, . if the basis of -the. -exemption -is. determined. to: be materially :. incorrect;of if the 'installation :results: in: violation`.to:state water quality .staridards:.Any changes made in: the 'coristruction :plans or location :of the :project: may, necessitate :a permit'.from the: :District. Therefore you -are advised to contact.the.District,before beginning any work in. wetlands . .. . which is not:specifically.describe'd: n the submittal.. ::The. notice- of: deferminafion: that: the project qualifes as .ari :exempt :activity:.constitutes .final agency. by the District-ariless-a petition for. administrative. hearing is.filed. Upon timely flibg of Petition , this. Notice will not*be effective until further.Order-of the :District: . If you have any questions concerning 'this -matter; please contact.Caroline Hanes, Envirorirrlental . Analyst Senior .at (561) 682=6856 or chanes@sfWmd.gov,, and' Gary R:. Priest;. P.E.; Section. Leader�at.(863)-462-5260,x301.6 or gpriest@sfwmd:gov.: -. Sincerely; . ......, . �.. .:... Y Wayne.Biythe . ... ... 3301 Gun Cliib Road, Mst-Palm Beach'Florida 33406 • (561) 686 8800 • M00=432-2045- wwwsfwind.gov - TcM Juliano Ju iano Dock, Application No.180503-547 M y 24, 2018 P �ae 2 N�tural Resources Administrator Bruce Jerner, Jerner & Associates * General Conditions for Authorizations for Use of Sovereign Submerged Lands, Rule 18-21.004(7), F.A.C. authorizations granted by rule or in writing under Rule 18-21.005, F.A.C., except those for iaculture activities and geophysical testing, shall be subject to the general conditions as set h in paragraphs (a) through (i) below. The general conditions shall be part of all authorizations ler this chapter, shall be binding upon the grantee, and shall be enforceable under Chapter or Chapter 258, Part II, F.S. (a Authorizations are valid only for the specified activity or use. Any unauthorized deviation from ti, 9 specified activity or use and the conditions for undertaking that activity or use shall constitute a violation. Violation of the authorization shall result in suspension or revocation of the grantee's use of the sovereignty submerged land unless cured to the satisfaction of the Board. Authorizations convey no title to sovereignty submerged land or water column, nor do they stitute recognition or acknowledgment of any other person's title to such land or water. () Authorizations may be modified, suspended or revoked in accordance with their terms or the r edies provided in Sections 253.04 and 258.46, F.S., or Chapter 18-14, F.A.C. 4( Structures or activities shall be constructed and used to avoid or minimize adverse impacts to s vereignty submerged lands and resources. Construction, use, or operation of the structure or activity shall not adversely affect any cies which is endangered, threatened or of special concern, as listed in Rules 68A-27.003, 27.004, and 68A-27.005, F.A.C. Structures or activities shall not unreasonably interfere with riparian rights. When a court of mpetent jurisdiction determines that riparian rights have been unlawfully affected, the structure activity shall be modified in accordance with the court's decision. Structures or activities shall not create a navigational hazard. (F�i Structures shall be maintained in a functional condition and shall be repaired or removed if th y become dilapidated to such an extent that they are no longer functional. This shall not be c nstrued to prohibit the repair or replacement subject to the provisions of Rule 18-21.005, F .C., within one year, of a structure damaged in a discrete event such as a storm, flood, ad cident, or fire. Structures .or activities shall be constructed, operated, and maintained solely for water iendent purposes, or. for non -water dependent activities authorized under paragraph 21.004(1)(g), F.A.C., or any other applicable law. . . . ..... ..... . . . :-NOTICE OF RIGHTS' :: " _ _• .. ' A required iiy Sections .120:569 and :120.60(3), :Fla. Stat.; the:' following is :notice : of :the: op ortunities-.which : may -be available for. administrative •hearing or judicial review when ttie su stantial .interests of .a -_part}/ :are. determined. ,by an _agency: .Please. note, Ghat. this . Notice of . `Ri ,fits- is not intended: to .provide legal -advice. N.bf.all of thelegal:. proceedings ' detailed below. m be. an applicable'orappropriate-remedy:.- You -•may.Wish .to: -consult. an • attorney regarding . . yo r.legaLrights.:. RI ,,HT.TO.REQUEST''ADMINISTRATIVE-HEARING A erson:. whose substantial interests" "are. -"or . may -:.be" affected., by. :fhe"South Florida Water :. ".. Mai agement.District's .(SFWMD•.or.'District) -action .'hasthe -right to. request- a '-administrative he ring on 'that _action : pursuant ao Sections-120:5.69, and 120:57; Fla'. Stat:. 'Rersons seeking: a' - he. ring: on a SFWMD decision -which affects or may -affect -their-substantial. interests shall. file a- :pet ion -for .hearing iith- the •.Office: of":the :District: Clerk.-of-the..SFWMD,": in accordance with. the :" film , .instructions: set :forth'• herein; -within- 21: days: of receipt : of written _notice_ of the' decision,: T. unl 'Ss-" one: of :the following. -shorter: time periods :apply::(:1-) .within :1.4':days of:the:-notice:,of,: . i ..ton olidated :intent :to 'grant- "or deny COI1CurCently: reviewed: applications for. enVironmental i res, urce-permits and .use. of'sovereign" submerged.land•pursuant:to Section.373:427, Fla. Stat. .. s or:( within-14 days.of service: of,an Administrative .Order pursuant"to Section.373.1.19(1:),. ' - Fla. Sta "Receipt of written notice of agency decision" means receipt of written -notice* through mail; ele. ronic:" mail, ' -or. ' posting that. the'. 'SFWMD:. h-as- or '"intends - to. take. -final-. agency .action;'- or.: . .p n o.nce�that te..WMD-has.or. intends-e' to takfinal a enc a..'An u catiofotihSF.. 9 y- --ctiony person. who ' . rec. Ves -written notice. of a. SFWMD decision "and -:fails to -:file a. written- request for hearing within . .... the meframe described -above waives the right to request a hearing on that decision: If-th-Districttakes"final-agency.action which.materially`differs.from.the noticed intended -agency.. . deci ion, . persons '.who may. be'. substantially :affected- shall;. uniess. otherwise provided . by law, .. ... hav an additional Rule 28=106.111, .Fla.-Admin: Code,..point of entry.. w. 1: Any erson :to whom an'emergency :order. -is :directed pursuant:to :Section 373.119(2)- Fla.-Stat:,::- ' _ . . :shall comply:therewith.immediately,:but-on'petition--to"the"board:shall"be"afforded a.hear.ing:as soon as possible.: .. ... A pe son may:flie a request.for an :extension. of time .for filing a petition,: The: SFINM.D:may,. for. : . good cause, -grant llie request: .Requests for extension -of time must: be filed -with the- SFWMD prior- o;the. deadline for. f ling:_a: petition- for hearing 'Such :requests for. extension. shall contain" a-.:'. :certi ate-thatahe moving.party hasbonsulted with all'ofher-parties concerning.the.extension•and.... . thata e SFWMD:and anyother:parties:agreeto:or:oppose"the'extension.'A:timely-requestfor.ari exten ion of time shall -toll the running of the aime.period for "filing a petition -until the. request.. • :acted upon. :. I. FILIN INST.RUCTIO.NS.. Ape tion for administrative hearing'_must be fled with the Office of. the District Clerk of:the SFW D.:Filings: with. the Officeof-the:-District-Clerk may be made by"mail,-hand-delivery, or: -e- mail.: . ilings .by facsimile will ' not: be accepted.::A petition for administrative :hearing or other docu ent is`deemed filed.upon receipt"during.normal business: hours by the: Office"of"the'District.::' Clerk t :SFWMD- headquarters in "West :Palm- Beach, Florida; -The- District's: normal business. 'hours are 8:00 a.m. 5:00 e p.m., xcluding weekends and' District holidays: Any :document receiv d by ahe' Office of the: District Clerk -after 5:00- p-.m. shall be :deerried:filed as of 8:00 a.rn:on the ext regular business, day: Rev..11l0 16. 1. . . . . . . . . . . . ..... . . . .. . -A itionaffiling-instructions-are.as-follows: :.. Filings by mail must -be =addressed: -to the :Office:of the. District :Clerk,:3301= Gun Club :Road,: : West.Palrn _Beach,=Florida. 33406.. . Filings _by. _hantl=delivery. must be delivered to. the Office of the District:Clerk:. Delivery of a: petition to the SFWMD's security desk .does` hot *constitute- filing::- It :will- be- necessary to - request that'. the. SFWMD's .security; officer. contact. the -Office, .of. the District..Clerk:.: An- . employee of-the-SFWMD's"Clerk.$'ciffice.' 'ill receive.and`fle the. -petition:. Filings. by -,e-mail' must be.transmitted.to:the Office.of the -District Clerk at -clerk .- sfwmd.gov: ... The filing -date for a'.document transmitted by electronic mail-shall_.be'the-.date the Office of the- Diistrict ,Clerk. receives. the complete'- document.:' A'party who file' . a document-by.e=mail shall (1): represent that- the original: physically signed document- will be retained by that party' for the. duration .of:the:proceed-ing..and of..any-subsequent appeal br-subsequent:proceeding'-..:'. in_that cause -and -that the party shall:produce: it upon, the"- request of other parties; and:(2) be: responsible for any delay; -disruption, or interruption of the electronic signals and accepts the = - 011 risk: that Ahe:document may -not. be'properly-filed ... INI IATION: OF. ADMINISTRATIVE HEARING Pur uant to- Sections _1.20.:54(5)(b.)4.: and..120:569(2)(c), Fla:- Stat.; and :Rules. 28,106.201 and::- - 28. 06':301 i FIa:. Admrn.:Code, initiation.bf an: administrative: bearing. shall be made :by written {yeti on: to the.SFWMD in:legible:form: and on :8.1/2:by-1:1 .inch,White-paper..: All*petitions shall i. . con in::: .... 1: dentification of the action:be'irig contested;:including.the-penimit.number,:application number; FWMD file: number: -or. any other- S:FWMD:identification number,:if known. : 2 hhe name, address;- any=email address; any facsimile.:number; and :telephone number. ' the etitioner-and pefitioner's,representative, if any. - n explanation of how the .petitioner's. � substantial interests: will' be`affected by -the agency.. - eterrhination: 4..- statement of when. and-how.the petitioner received notibe.of-the SFWMD's decision. '- 5: , statement -of all. disputed issues of.material- fact.. If. there -.are- none;- the -.petition must. so": .... .. 6 concise.'statement of -.the ultimate facts alleged, including.th0-specifc-facts: the.'petitioner ntends warrant reversal or.modification of the -.SFWMD's.-proposed:action.::. 7: statement of- the :specific -:rules :or. statutes.:the: 'petitioner :contends :require :reversal. or-. odification: of the_ SFWMD's.proposed action 8.I disputed.issues -of material-fact.ex'ist,1.he. statement. must.:also- include ari ezplanatiori-of'. h ... ..... ..... ..... ..... . w the:alleged-facts relate to:th' specific rules.or statutes,:. : - 9. statement of the. relief sought by -the petitioner,- stating precisely the. action .the --petitioner. shes the -SFWMD to take with. Vespect-to.the SFWMD'.s-.prQoosed,adtion.:. i. The ocedures for pursuing mediation 'are set- forth. in- Section'.120.573; . F1a..Stat ' and -Rules I: 28710 .111 and 28-106-401—.405;.FIa:.Admin..Code:..The $EWMD. is -not proposing.medietion . for thi agency action under Section-120.57.3; Fla.'Stat., at -this .time: RICH TO _SEEK �JUDICIAL REVIEW. Pursu nt. to ; Section .:.120.68, Fla. Stat.; and. in -accordance-- with Florida Rule' .of Appellate Proce,ure.9:1:1-0; a,'party.:who is.adversely affected-.by'firial'SFWMD.-action may.... kjudicial. review of the SFWMD's:final .decision_'by:fling 'a- notice -of appeal with: the. Of de-.6f fhb_ District Clerk f the SFWMD:in-accordance:.with- the filing:instructions�setforth he within 30.days.of rendlti n',of: the :order to:be: reviewed, and by! filing ..a :copy- of -_the-. notice..w th the: clerK_ -of the - approp iate district court of:appeal:. Rev. 11l08. 6 ' 2 .