HomeMy WebLinkAboutENERGY EFFICIENCY CODE~*_` FLORIDA ENERGY EFFICIENCY CODE FORM 1000•C•89 FOR BUILDING CONSTRUCTION SMALL DDITIONS SECTION 10 — RESIDENTIAL PRESCRIPTIVE COMPLIANCE METHOD CLIMATE ZONES AND R NOVATIONS DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS CENTRAL 4 5 6 COMPLIANCE WjTH SECTION 10 OF THE FLORIDA ENERGY EFFICIENCY CODE MAY BE DEMONSTRATED BY USE OF FORM 1000C-89 FOR ADDITIONS OF 600 SQUARE FEET OR LESS, AND RENOVATIONS TO SINGLE AND MULTIFAMILY RESIDENCES. ALTERNATIVE METHODS ARE PROVIDED FOR ADDITIONS BY USE OF FORM 1000A-89 OR 900A-89. BUILDER: PROJECT N'1ME AND ADDRESS: PERMITTING OFFICE: CLIMATE 4 5 ❑ 6 ❑ ZONE: .� OWNER: PERMIT NO.: JURISDICTION NO.: RENOVATION ❑ ADDITION IF MULTIFAMILY, NUMBER OF UNITS COVERED BY THIS SUBMITTAL: CONDITIONED J C� SO. FLOOR AREA FT NEW GLASS AREA AND TYPE CLEAR TINT;FILM,SOLAR SCREEN PREDOMINANT. EAVE OVERHANG �.� FT LENGTH SINGLE- r� SO. PANE IlIL J FT SINGLE- �� SO. PANE II_'_I_�l�J FT MULTIFAMIL}� II SINGLE-FAM,LY ATTACHED ❑ DETACHED ❑ PORCH OVERHANG ❑.❑T LENGTH F DOUBLE - PANEFT DOUBLE- PANEFT WALL TYPE AND INSULATION CEILING TYPE AND INSULATION FLOOR TYPE AND INSULATION FOR ADDIT�ONS ONLY: PERCENTAGE OF GLASS TO FLOOR: WOOD FRAME MASONRY UNDER ATTIC: U R _ SINGLE ASSEMBLY: . ❑ COMMON: R= m•� WOOD MASONRY EXTERIOR: R = ADJACENT: COMB = II ! © M. I 1 , W p � EXTERIOR: R = M. ❑ ADJACENT: M. R= COMMON: m•� RAISED: R = COMMON: R _ ❑. �. ❑ ❑ RAISED: R = COMMON: R = ❑0 �❑ GAD : R = ❑. DUCTS 1 LING SYSTEM HEATING SYSTEM HOT WATER SYSTEM IN UNCONDITIONED SPACE: RI M• IN CONDITIOLLLN-��Ellp SPACE: R '_ IIIENEW CENTRAL ElNONE ❑ ROOM ElPTAC ❑ NO NEW SYSTEM SEER/EER = ❑•� ELECTRIC STRIP ❑ HEAT PUMP ❑ NATURAL GAS ❑ ROOM/PTHP El OTHER FUELS [I NONE ❑ NO NEW SYSTEM COPIHSPFIAFUE _❑.❑ LrELECTRIC ❑ NATURAL GAS ❑ OTHER FUELS ❑ SYSTEM EF = .® ❑ SOLAR ❑ HEAT RECOVERY ❑ DIED. HEAT PUMP SF/EF = ❑.❑ NUMBER OF BEDROOMS = m In accordance and specif'cations Florida Energy OWNER/ DATE: with Section 553.907 F.S., I hereby certify that the plans covered by this calculation are in compliance with the Code. I ENT: Review of the plans and specifications covered by this calculation indicates compliance with the Florida Energy Code. Before construction is completed, this building will be inspected for compliance in accordance with Section 553.908 F.S. BUILDING OFFICIAL: DATE: �V" — TABLE 10A H MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS FOR SMALL ADDITIONS AND RENOVATIONS CO PONENTS SECTION REQUIREMENTS CH K WINDOWS LI 904.1 MAXIMUM OF 0.5 CFM PER LINEAR FOOT OF OPERABLE SASH CRACK. EXTERIOR & A JACENT DOORS 904.1 SOLID INCLUDES CORE, WOOD PANEL, INSULATED OR GLASS DOORS ONLY. MAXIMUM OF 0.5 CFM PER SQUARE FOOT OF DOOR AREA. SLIDING GLASS DOORS. EXTERIOR JOINTS/CRACKS 904.1 TO BE CAULKED GASKETED WEATHERSTRIPPED OR OTHERWISE SEALED. SOLE & TOP PLATES 903.2 1 SOLE PLATES AND PENETRATIONS THROUGH TOP PLATES OF EXTERIOR WALLS MUST BE SEALED. INFILTRATION BARRIER 903.2 INFILTRATION BARRIER MUST BE INSTALLED IN EXTERIOR WALLS & RAISED WOOD FLOORS. INTERIOR JOINTS/CRACKS 903.2 ALL OPENINGS IN INTERIOR SURFACES OF CEILINGS AND EXTERIOR WALLS MUST BE SEALED. FIREPLACES 4 903.2 FIREPLACES MUST HAVE FLUE DAMPERS GLASS DOORS AND OUTSIDE COMBUSTION AIR INTAKES. EXHAUST FAN' 903.2 EXHAUST INTEGRAL FANS VENTED TO UNCONDITIONED SPACE SHALL HAVE DAMPERS, EXCEPT FOR COMBUSTION DEVICES WITH EXHAUST DUCTWORK. WATER HEATERS MUST 904.2 LOSS ' `PROVIDO: BEAR LABEL, INDICATING COMPLIANCE WITH ASHRAE STANDARD 90 OR COMPLY WITH EFFICIENCY AND STANDBY REQUIREMENTS- SWITCH OR CLEARLY MARKED CIRCUIT BREAKER (ELECTRIC) OR CUT-OFF (GAS) VALVE MUST BE AN'EXTERNAL OR BUILT-IN HEAT TRAP MUST BE PROVIDED. SPAS AND HEATED SWIMMING POOLS 904.3 3 SPAS PUMP AND HEATED POOLS MUST HAVE COVERS (EXCEPT SOLAR HEATED). NON-COMMERCIAL POOLS MUST HAVE A TIMER. GAS SPA & POOL HEATERS MUST HAVE MINIMUM THERMAL EFFICIENCY OF 7545. HOT WATER PIPES 904.4 INSULATION CASES, IS REQUIRED ONLY FOR RECIRCULATING SYSTEMS INCLUDING HEAT RECOVERY UNITS. IN SUCH PIPING HEAT LOSS SHALL BE LIMITED TO A MAXIMUM OF 17.5 BTUH PER LINEAR FOOT OF PIPE. SHOWER HEADS 904.5 WATER FLOW MUST BE RESTRICTED TO NO MORE THAN 3 GALLONS PER MINUTE AT 80 PSIG. HVAC DUCT 11 C NSTR ION 903.2 CONSTRUCTED 904.6 SPACE IN ACCORDANCE WITH INDUSTRY STANDARDS AND LOCAL MECHNICAL CODE. JOINTS IN UNCONDITIONED SHALL BE SEALED. DUCTS SHALL BE INSULATED TO A MINIMUM OF R-4.2. HVAC CONTROLS 904.7 A SEPARATE READILY ACCESSIBLE MANUAL OR AUTOMATIC THERMOSTAT FOR EACH SYSTEM. RENOVATIONS ONLY GLASS 1003.0 1 MEETS THE REQUIREMENTS OF SEC 1003.0 SEE STEP 3 OF PAGE 2 OF THIS FORM'. TABLE 10B. Prescriptive'Requirements for Small Additions (600 Sq.Ft. and Less) and for Renovations to Existing III s� iLd-,. CLIMATE ZONES 4 5 6--,14,-- Ili, Buildings,91 COMPONENT \ MINIMUM \ INSULATION INSULATION INSTALLED EQUIPMENT MlN4Mh UM EFFICIENCY EFFICIENCY INSTALLED J a 3 Concrete Wood frame; 2' x 4 Wood frame, 2' x 6' Common, Wood frame* Common, Masonry \R-5' R-11 R-19 R-11 R-3 c 0 Central A/C Room unit or PTAC SEER = 9.0 EER = 8.5 SEER =a EER =Ilil L)•D z w w a CO)h Electric resistance Heat pump Room unit or PTHP Gas, naturator propane Fuel oil ANY COP = 2.7or r HSPF = 6.4 COP = 2:6 or HSPF = 6.1 AFUE = .70 AFUE = .70 COPIHSPF = COP/HSPF AFUE AFUE _ Nl� z �u', Under attic Single assembly Common, Wood frame* R-30 R-19 R-11 7 -3 D c " Slab -on 9 rade Raised wood Raised concrete Common, Wood frame* No Minimum R-11 R-5 R-11 �I _< 3 Electrio resistance Gas, natural or propane Fuel oil EF = BS EF = .54 EF = 54 EF = EF EF c In uncond. space In conditioned space R-4.2 No Minimum �� • Z - *Common components are tnose which separate two conditioned living units in a multifamily building. TABLE 1.0C. Prescriptive Requirements for Glass Areas in ADDITIONS ONLY (Renovations see 3 below) l Maximum Instal Maximum percentage glass to floor area allowed is selected by type, overhang length, and shading coefficient. See below. % = 3y % _ 6led3 GLASS TYPE, OVERHANG, AND SHADING COEFFICIENT (TINTING) REQUIRED FOR GLASS PERCENTAGE ALLOWED IIII UP TO 20% UP TO 30% UP TO 40% UP TO 50% Ilj Single Double Single Double Single Double Single Doulil(e i 'OH - SC OH - SC OH - SC OH - SC OH - SC OH - SC OH - SC OH -CSC 1' - 1.0 0' - - 1.0 1' - 3' - 1.0 2' - 4' - 3, - jj9 h 0' - .86 .90 1' - .86 .90 0' - .70 2' - .86 .90 1' - .70 3'-.860 .86 2' - .65 2' - �1%0 1' h;50 0' - .65 1' - .65 0' - .50 11 _ 45 - 0' - .45 0' - .35 0' 1;40 Shading coefficients (SC) maybe obtained from the manufacturer of the glass. Typical shading coefficients are: single -paned clear I� SC =1.0, double -paned clear SC = .90, and single -paned tint SC = .86. I Form 1 OOOC may be used to comply the following types of construction SMALL ADDITIONS TO EXISTING RESIDENCES. Additions which have 600 square feet or less of conditioned area may comply with the Energy Code using this form. The requirements in Tables 10A,10B and 10C apply only to the components of the addition, not to the existing building. Space heating, cooling, and water heating equipment efficiencl. be met only when equipment is installed specifically to serve the addition or is being installed in conjunction with the addition construction. Components separating unconditioned conditioned spaces must meet the prescribed minimum insulation levels. RENOVATIONS. Residential buildings undergoing renovations costing more than 30% of the assessed value of the building must comply with the Energy Code using th prescriptive requirements in Tables 10A and 10B apply only to the components and equipment being renovated or replaced. GENERAL DIRECTIONS: 1, On the left side of Table 10B in the column titled "INSULATION INSTALLED", indicate the R-value of the insulation being added to eachcomponent.. On the right side of Table 10E efficiency levels of the equipment being installed in the column titled "EFFICIENCY INSTALLED". All R-values and efficiencies installed must meet or exceed the minimum value in the preceding column for that component. Components and equipment neither being added nor renovated may be left blank. 2. ADDITIONS ONLY. Determine the percentage of newglass to conditioned floorarea in the addition as follows. Total the areas of all glass windows, sliding glass doors and gl: doors which are more than 1/3 of the area of the door. Double the area of all non -vertical roof glass and add it to the previous total. When glass in existing exterior walls is beinc enclosed by the addition, an amount equal to the total area of this glass may be subtracted from the total glass area. Divide the adjusted glass area total by the conditioned floc addition. Multiply by 100 to get the percent. Find the largest glass percentage under which your calculated percentage falls on Table 10C. For example, 29% glass would qualify. 30%" column. Prescriptives are given by the type of glass (Single or Double pane) and the overhang (OH) paired with a shading coefficient (SC)..Anypair within the selected"UI category is acceptable. For a given glass type and overhang, themaximumshading coefficient allowed is specified. Indicate the category into which the percentage falls in the t titled "Maximum% = ". In the next column titled "Installed", indicate the calculated percentage of glass in the addition.. Actual glass windows and doors previously in the i of the house and being reinstalled in the addition, do not have to comply with the overhang and shading coefficient requirements on Table 1 OC, All new glass in the addition m requirements for one of the options in the glass percentage category you indicated. The overhang (OH) distance is measured perpendicularly from the face of the glass to a under the outermost edge of the overhang. 3. RENOVATIONS ONLY. Only glass areas which are being replaced as part of the renovations need to meet the following requirements, Any glass type and shading coefficient for glass areas which are under at least a two foot overhang and whose lowest edge does not extend further than 8 feet from the overhang. Glass areas being renovated that do criteria must be either single -pane tinted, double -pane clear, or double -pane tinted. 4. Complete the information requested on the top half of page 1„ 5. Read "Minimum Requirements for Small Additions and Renovations'; Table 1 OA on page 1, and check to indicate your intention to comply with all applicable items. 6. Read, sign and date the "Owner/Agent" certification statement on page 1. ;eels must aces from form. The dicate the irescribed panels in °moved or irea of the the"Up to o " : at the top erior walls meet�the mt directly ry be used t meet this